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Crensch ago

Also, for all the mods here now, and in the future:

You're all here because you see that this is a worthwhile cause to help facilitate. That's awesome, and you're awesome for volunteering to help.

You, and everyone on this list are very likely to be attacked from every side. Modding on Voat is not a glamorous job. It's not a privilege in any sense of the word. It is hard work - a constant tightrope walk.

I'll do what I can to help smooth things over should there be some upheaval targeting you, so please, please ping me there and I'll address it asap. Familiarize yourself with @kevdude and what he thinks about how things need to be, because he rarely makes mistakes about where the line should be. No matter how much it seems like he's attacking you, he's this sub's best friend, and one of the main reasons we can operate here relatively (seriously) unmolested by older PV goats with downvotes and pitchforks aplenty.

Don't take the attacks from older Voaters personally. We don't mince words, and it may sound unreasonably harsh to your (relatively) virgin sensibilities. Voaters have ground to protect, and if old goats see what we're doing as a threat to that, they're likely to attack us whether their position seems reasonable to us or not.

This will likely be the closest thing to a forum war from a defensive and seemingly unwinnable position you ever encounter. Every one of us is in danger of being destroyed. My 10k ccp won't save me if the natives get restless, it'll just take a day or two more to force this username into the negatives. Our position reminds me somewhat of this. (Just the first 10s)

The only payoff we're likely to get is when these fucking pedo elites are behind bars, and we can look back and see that some of those developments that helped put them there were brought to light thanks to our hard work. I, for one, don't think I could ever say the prize isn't worth the Cracker Jacks.