9957687? ago

they sure did. and it's true, those words aren't necessarily required to make our case here .. but i can't imagine how invalidating it is to SRA survivors that they cannot "call it what it is."

9954217? ago

"I think the Pizzagate community, while well meaning, is making a mistake by hanging on the flashy bells and whistles of Pizzagate such as Instagram accounts with crazy pictures, pointing out every business they find with swirls and triangles in their logos, jewelry and trinkets associated with these networks, etc...

These are tools used for recognition, not talking points for normies."

my thoughts exactly. they were useful in opening our eyes, but they are not what we all need to hang onto now that our eyes are Open. i'm suspicious of anyone trying to drag us back to the mentality of the outset when we've evolved way way past that in our understanding.

i'm also really disappointed that it's so harmful to refer to SRA as, well, SRA, because i know that not only is ritual abuse real, satanic-influenced ritual abuse is real. i know because my family came really close to being involved. but with the deepest misfortune the term has been polluted beyond any salvation by the early detractors in the 80's and 90's.

Are_we_sure ago

Having trouble coming up with that example aren't you?

I'll wait.

Are you still trying to pretend it pays for fake flags?

Are_we_sure ago

You having trouble coming up with that example aren't you?

I'll wait until you admit you can't find one.

carmencita ago

I am not some Stock Tycoon, but I can understand Reason 2 and think it makes a lot of sense, but as you say anything is possible. Knowing the media and those that wish to spread propaganda and false flags, I believe there is something in the works. We have to be ready. I have a feeling they are going to take advantage of the Smith Mundt Act. Could be wrong but they are not ones to miss an opportunity. And the opportunity will not be in our favor.

Factfinder2 ago

If we start making decisions for people about what they can handle and what they should be told, we will be doing EXACTLY what the "elite" are doing to us. The key is to present just the facts and potential leads and cut out the hyperbole and wildly speculative tangents.

Trust people. Yes, the unfamiliar will likely be very shocked, but if known truths are presented as well-researched evidence, many will be drawn to look deeper. Those who need their news heavily filtered will likely never be willing to face facts anyway until they hear it on The View.

SturdyGal ago

Good point, but I like the idea of having separate factual presentations from fringe posts. Mixing the factual with the (for norms) fringe material makes them dismiss the factual presentation.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

I think well intentioned people who want us to limit what we say to the easily believable, (not a bad idea) need to learn to edit their ideas so they can be grasped more quickly. In a short attention span world like today, the only answer is better editing.

Unfortunately this SRA stuff was made unbelievable on purpose. This makes the big lie (I'm totally innocent) easier to sell. We need to focus on the sizzle not the steak. Is this activity illegal, is it a crime?

Sticking with the facts of child rape, rather than probable satanic motivations, leads us forward in ways new folks can grasp. That's very important. It's a matter of respect. Meet people where they are.

That the real motivation may be that....... the fresh blood of traumatized children is necessary on a regular schedule for these elites lives to continue, I don't know how to break it to them. It's a tough sell.

DarkMath ago

"the Pizzagate community, while well meaning"

Thanks for the input ESOTERICshade. I agree something's got to change because as of today /v/pizzagate is pretty much dead as a door nail. It's important everyone agree on that and I think most would. We're stalled out for sure.

I've been here almost 9 months and from where I sit there's one and only one event that stopped /v/pizzagate in its tracks: Edgar Allen Welch and the Smith-Mundt 2012 enabled road show he and the DC Metro Police put on down at Comet Ping Pong.

But fear not fellow Deplorable Shit Lords! Yes we lost the battle but we're going to win this war.

Keep Hope Alive The war is far from over.

So what do we do? Easy. They went after our credibility so we'll go after theirs. And the way to do that is to explain to people the Smith-Mundth "Modernization" Act of 2012 permits the U.S. Government to lie.

Nobody knows this. I only learned about it a couple of months ago. It floored me. Then I tried red pilling people with it and got even more floored. I was amazed how easy it was for people to accept the U.S. Government could do such a thing. It pissed people off when I told them. It's hard to convince someone the U.S. Government is trafficking children but it's trivial to convince them the Smith-Mundt "Modernization" Act of 2012 allows them to lie to us.

Broadcasting the truth about Smith-Mundt 2012 can destroy the U.S. Government's credibility very quickly. I'm 100% convinced of that right now. Why?

1) There are no sordid sex crimes to explain and hence the natural reflex for any non-psychotic to puke their guts out. Nobody likes being nauseous.

2) People already suspect the U.S. Government is up to no good but nobody can put their finger on it. Smith-Mundt 2012 changes that.

3) There's no defense of Smith-Mundt 2012. Even @AreWeSure, @RweSure, @are_we_sure and @are_we__sure can't defend "Public Diplomacy Broadcasting". Believe me he tried but failed after trying to argue it was limited to the State Department and only to counter foreign propaganda. It's not. I looked it up. All that's needed is for the State Department to say the propaganda will be broadcast internationally as well as domestically.

What do people think?

Are_we__sure ago

The gunman is not named after the Gothic Author. Edgar Maddison Welch is his name.

What I tried to do is get some facts through your thick skull. You were claiming that Smith Mundt 2012 allowed the government to pay people to post on internet forums.

You still haven't been able to point to a single piece of Smith Mundt work.

DarkMath ago

Oh then you agree Smith-Mundt 2012 allows the U.S. Government to produce propaganda and broadcast it domestically.

Great! I'm glad we finally agree about something.


P.S. Regarding Edgar Allen vs Edgar Maddison, you lose credibility when you get vindictive. I thought we went over this before.

Are_we__sure ago

Feel free to cite one example of this domestic propaganda that you blame for our ills.

A single one

DarkMath ago

AreWeSure you don't get to punt here. Sorry, I don't make the rules. Let's try again.

I just want to make sure, are you agreeing that the Smith-Mundt "Modernization" Act of 2012 authorizes the production of hoax videos domestic propaganda?

Yes or No

SturdyGal ago

Everything from CNN

DarkMath ago

I just want to make sure, are you agreeing that the Smith-Mundt "Modernization" Act of 2012 authorizes the production of hoax videos domestic propaganda?

Yes or No

Are_we__sure ago


I am rejecting every ounce of your claim. I am saying you have made an absolutely evidence free claim and I am asking you to point to a single example of a hoax video. You have already walked away from a more ridiculous aspect of your claim and now I am asking for any evidence of what you claim.

DarkMath ago

Again no punting. Let's try again.

So it's officially, you don't think the Smith-Mundt "Modernization" Act of 2012 allows the U.S. Government to engage in domestic propaganda.

I have just one question then. What does Smith-Mundt 2012 actually do? Why was it passed?


Are_we__sure ago

I answered that weeks ago and you went off on your nonsense festival.

You are the one who is punting. Find a single example of what you are claiming. You seemed to claim this was the cause of so many of ills just the other day. So show your evidence.

DarkMath ago

And I explained you were correct about Smith-Mundt 2012 not allowing the payment of internet shills. Remember? I'm a rational human being and will freely admit when I'm wrong unlike you.

After admitting my error I then explained YOUR error which was believing Smith-Mundt 2012 was limited to the State Department. While true the State Dept has to be involved in the "Public Diplomacy Broadcasting" it doesn't LIMIT participation to just them. Nor does it limit the message to only countering foreign propaganda. Domestic "Diplomacy Broadcasting" is allowed if related to an international State Department effort. For example a campaign against gun violence in the Americas is enough to justify the State Department hiring crisis actors and staging a hoax shooting event and passing it off as real. If that hoax mass shooting was reported on internationally and helped convey an anti-gun violence message then that's enough to qualify it as "Domestic Propaganda" and therefor make it legal to intentionally lie to the American People. The point being the crisis actors, television crews, law enforcement and rescue personal don't have to work for the State Department in order for their participation to be used in "Public Diplomacy Broadcasting".

That seems wrong doesn't it AreWeSure? Our government shouldn't be able to lie to us like that right?


Are_we__sure ago

And I explained you were correct about Smith-Mundt 2012 not allowing the payment of internet shills. Remember? I'm a rational human being and will freely admit when I'm wrong unlike you.

I don't remember this at all. Though, sometimes I skip your replies.

Your example is ludicrous and completely false. So it doesn't allow for internet shills, but you can pay for hoax shootings? What are you talking about. You paint yourself into ridiculous corners trying to hang on to fake theories.

Why don't you actually read the text of bills and read genuine legal commentary about them. Smith Mundt 2012 needs to read in conjunction with the all other Smith Mundt laws. You should try to do that without using non-nonsense sources. Because your understanding of this bill is pitiful.

As for your hoax shooting event. You think the State Department could pull that off? Without using magical thinking (I know this is a big ask, isn't it.) how does that happen? How do you get an entire community in on a the hoax?

DarkMath ago

".......hoax shootings? What are you talking about."

The Smith-Mundt "Modernization" Act of 2012 allows the U.S. Government to broadcast domestic propaganda. And there's overwhelming evidence that many of the mass "shooting's" since 2012 have been hoaxes. The most damming evidence is the number of "mass shootings" miraculously skyrocketed immediately after Smith-Mundt 2012 was passed: https://thesocietypages.org/feminist/files/2015/07/Mass-Shootings-Frequency.png

Then there are the countless inconsistencies surrounding the more well known "mass shootings". For example Sandy Hook:

1) On the day of the shooting the first police to arrive parked a quarter of a mile away, no ambulances drive up to the school itself and actually arrived AFTER a truck carrying Port-o-Potties dropped of 5 portable toilets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEfW9FvLyAg

2) Sandy Hook Elementary school wasn't even an operating school at the time of the "mass shooting":

a) No activity of the web site: https://fellowshipofminds.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/shes-on-wayback-machine.jpg

b) No maintenance records and was in deplorable condition. One bathroom had toxic mold and dried up algae as if it had been entirely flooded to the depth of 1 foot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXeRPtj-tEU

3) The state of Connecticut and the FBI had no record of anyone dying there: http://www.reformation.org/NobodyDiedAtSandyHook.pdf

There are hundreds of these inconsistencies and that's just one "mass shooting".

But I've seen this movie before AreWeSure. You will dismiss all this evidence. You have never been wrong about anything in the past 9 months ever even just for a second. You are incapable of misinterpreting evidence and anyone who disagrees with you is "lying".


Are_we__sure ago

And, of course, you reply with 6 kinds of crazy.

And not a single example still.

DarkMath ago

So it's officially, you don't think the Smith-Mundt "Modernization" Act of 2012 allows the U.S. Government to engage in domestic propaganda.

I have just one question then. What does Smith-Mundt 2012 actually do? Why was it passed?


9907233? ago


carmencita ago

Thank you for your well written plan to help further educate our Newcomers to the site. I think you bring up some really valid points. YES I think that so many SRA posts and videos really scares the B-Geezus out of people. The more we focus on the Corruption aspect of what they are doing, the better. Most people know and suspect that there is a lot of Corruption in our state and federal govt. So the stretch to believe is not that far. Gory stuff is not going to convince people, it will only scare them away, and they may not return. I also think the focusing on so many symbols gets a little tiring and I suggest that we post the FBI logos/symbols on here often, but not so much someone's necklace or toe ring. When someone posted Theresa May with a pedo pin I thought, Who will believe that but us? Money laundering and the Art in Embassies should be focused on and how it plays into their hiding their acts and how it can lead to a RICO case. This gives them hope as well. Again I thank you for your wonderful post and the time you spent. It Shows. Upvoat4U

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The focus should be on the weak link of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption which is Racine, Wisconsin.

Racine is Paul Ryan's district and the real key to exposing the true agenda of Total Global Enslavement. That is what Sustainability is based on.

Art in Embassies began with SC Johnson and other corporate partners in Racine. Sustainability began in Racine. Community Policing began in Racine. Racine is a model for the real agenda, and the sooner the world understands this, the better chance we have to reverse the system. We cannot hope for slow justice. We need Immediate Global Enlightenment. Nothing will happen until the world see the real truth and rises up. Our time is running out with the advancement of AI. The root is Racine, Wisconsin.

DonKeyhote ago

"Normies need normal motives like money from organ trafficking, slave labor in cane fields, children kidnapped from warzones for organ harvesting"

Let us know when you find good evidence of that.

If WE ALL got into it from Instagram why would others be different. REAL BAD ADVICE.

Start with where the elite pedophile scandals are proven to have ALREADY HAPPENED and WHY (blackmail): Saville, Hastert, Hollywood.

PG isnt about human trafficking farm labor or prostitution, idiot!

Commoner ago

"PG isnt about human trafficking farm labor or prostitution, idiot!"

I don't think that is what they are saying pizzagate is. They are saying that is how normies will be able to understand child trafficking. People understand slavery and prostitution. They would not believe a vast complex system of elite pedophilia/satatic sacrifice. That is not what they accept as history. The concept would be totally new to them and they would shut you out.