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Crensch ago

Oh, and @3141592653 is in on it, too.

3141592653 ago

No clue what you're talking about

Crensch ago

The upvote Brigade linked above, you mathematically illiterate faggot.

3141592653 ago

I know nothing about this conflict. You have a great day too, thanks

think- ago


In the archive @Crensch posted above ( you say in a comment that you would systematically upvoat all comments by EffYouJohnPodesta. This counts as 'upvoat brigading', and isn't allowed on Voat - users are meant to upvoat comments and submissions they actually like due to their content, not because they want to give the user in question more CCP / SCP.

Since EsotericShade was called out for running several alts and systematically upvoat and downvoat brigading with them, @Crensch took the liberty to point out that your behaviour also does not comply with the Voat rules.

Crensch ago

Do you not know how archives work? I see that you deleted your comment. But my Archive of that link which is also posted above shows exactly that you shows that you know exactly what's going on and that you absolutely do have comments on the subject.

@vindicator @think-

3141592653 ago

I know nothing about this conflict. I am supportive of my colleagues here

Crensch ago

Looks like esoteric trying for some damage control

think- ago

She certainly isn't Esoteric, @Crensch. I guess she wasn't aware that constantly upvoating someone systematically isn't allowed here. I'm guessing further that she was pi**ed off that EYJP (= a female user) was called 'cunt' and that that was the reason she upvoated her.

(Trying to translate between you guys.)


3141592653 ago

Thanks Think. I'm not a she but you are right about the verbal abuse thing. I don't systematically upvote but I try to support my peers here. That being said, I know nothing about this issue here. Appreciate you thx

think- ago

I'm not a she

Sorry, thought you were a woman when you recently complained about women being called 'whores' and 'cunts'.

I don't systematically upvote but I try to support my peers here.

It's fine when you upvoat a bunch of comments a buddy wrote, and you do it because you liked the comments. But as I said, systematically upvoating someone in order to give them more CCP is not allowed. So don't make it a habit. Ok? ;-)


think- ago

@Vindicator: please see parent above.

3141592653 ago

  1. I am one of those (sadly rare) guys who does not support abuse of kids OR women. Or anyone for that matter .
  2. Its not a habit of mine at all. I understand. Thx and best to you

think- ago

Ok, that's great. Much appreciated (both 1 and 2).

All the best to you too, @3141592653. Please keep up the good work.

@Crensch: Please see parent.

3141592653 ago

Thank you much. FTR, I have always appreciated you and Vindicator

think- ago

Welcome, @3141592653, and thank you. :-)

Looking forward to new contributions to v/pizzagate by you. :-)


Crensch ago


Vindicator ago

I think she means "for the record".

Crensch ago

That's a new one on me. Entirely plausible explanation. Accepted.

think- ago

That's how I read it as well. ;-)

Crensch ago

I'll go to Splash my face with some cold water For now. My issue with this user has gone from admitting to being part of a brigade to lying about admitting it and lying about knowing what's going on.

think- ago

I'll go to Splash my face with some cold water For now.

Thank you, @Crensch. Much appreciated. User is a longtime Pizzagater, a good researcher, and never struck me as being shillish before.

think- ago

@Vindicator: Please see parent.

Crensch ago

Explain this.

3141592653 ago

Just did. I'm busy saving kids and burying loved ones. I support my peers. No clue what this whole debate is about . I'm not part of it

Crensch ago

Lying about not knowing what's going on here. Not a good look.

Vindicator ago

I agree that deleting the comment and then saying they made no comments is sketchy. I'd like to hear the true explanation for that.

However, I tend to agree with @think- in this case, Crensch. @3141592653 has always been a pretty decent contributor and doesn't generally do anything harmful that I've seen. They post a lot on v/pizzagatewhatever when stuff isn't about "elite" pedos, even though it gets fewer eyeballs. I don't recall ever seeing them join in mod bashing.

A lot of the folks here don't have an old goat understanding of the problem with brigading and vote manipulation. Many came from Reddit, where it was practically essential to do that shit to get any visibility at all for posts, because of all the nefarious suppression that goes on over there. They came here, but many of them never assimilated to the Voat culture, and hardly go outside of v/pizzagate because it's the only thing they are here for (and they got hazed pretty badly when they first arrived).

I also think that we should be careful about nuking legit users who got caught up in Esoteric's puppet brigade. The whole point of his operation was to frame himself as a v/pizzagate defender. He groomed a lot of people individually in private and in public to establish that image. If we assume they are all his alts, we will simply fulfill his goal of destroying trust in the community and all our efforts to document his malicious work will be for nothing.

Crensch ago

I'll trust my mods and back off of this user for now.

Crensch ago

jangles ago

@kevdude @putitout @Atko @srayzie

Crensch encouraging open forum

Kind Regards --- Jangles

p.s. my intention here is to help enable the open platform here. I understand crensch has contributed and done hard work, has good intentions, yet crensch causes hoards of goats to disengage from voat all together.

srayzie ago

What do you mean? People leaving pizzagate because of @Crensch?

I think he’s very well liked. Maybe not on this subverse. That’s because you would not believe the bullshit he has to deal with.

Crensch ago

You Jews are so low IQ it's hilarious. There's no chance of any of you blending in here.

Way to out yourself as NOT one of us.

jangles ago

NOT one of us

Obviously I am not advocating to be like you. Your link is dead, kindly repost your allegations. I will state my position and defend my honor.

Crensch ago

Obviously I am not advocating to be like you.

You're trying to act like you belong here.

Your link is dead, kindly repost your allegations.

My link is just fine.

I will state my position and defend my honor.

Jews have no honor.

jangles ago

You're trying to act like you belong here.

Stupid prick. This is a place where opinions can be shared even if authoritarian cucks think you don't belong.

My link is just fine.

You are correct, apparently wasn't available in my region, changed locations and POW- I was proven wrong. You are so brilliant....

Jews have no honor.

None of my family is Jewish or was Jewish. You are a race baiting divisive cuck. I think your a Democrat.

Crensch ago

Stupid prick. This is a place where opinions can be shared even if authoritarian cucks think you don't belong.

Notice how you're active just as ESOTERICshade gets destroyed. You don't belong, because you're either of his group, or you are him. Either way, nobody believes your narrative anymore.

You are correct, apparently wasn't available in my region, changed locations and POW- I was proven wrong. You are so brilliant....

Eat a dick.

None of my family is Jewish or was Jewish. You are a race baiting divisive cuck. I think your a Democrat.


And you act like your family has Jew in it, so maybe if you're really not, you should do some soul searching and try to act like a human.

jangles ago

nobody believes your narrative anymore.

Was this your intention, you fucking shill forum manipulator? sounds like you have an agenda. I will stand my ground, and attempt to shine l light on this festering wound here in voat known as Crensch.

jangles ago

Beep bop er op

;get request (act like a human)


No need to be full of hate.

Crensch ago

think- ago

Thank you.


Vindicator ago

Thanks, Crensch

3141592653 ago

Please see my explanation just posted. Thx

Vindicator ago

Thanks. Didn't intend to hand out left-handed insults, LOL. Crensch, think-, Eric and I have been in serious watchdog mode since it became clear EsotericShade was running a malicious operation using a bunch of alts to astroturf v/pizzagate and keep users from discussing certain topics. You can lurk my recent comment history for a few comments giving a brief rundown, if you care.

Sorry to hear about the deaths in your family. :-( Been through really sucks.

3141592653 ago

Much appreciated

think- ago

Thank you, Vin.

think- ago

Lying about not knowing what's going on here. Not a good look.

Ok, I can see where you are coming from. Please see his comment below, he says that he indeed deleted the comment.

I think I have made it clear to him that he can't systematically upvoat buddies (like EYJP).


3141592653 ago

When I went to that first link, I did not see any comment from me. Thus my statement. Now with more explanation and going to the archive link, I remember my original comment. Which was pretty harmless and certainly not part of some organised brigade.

think- ago

It's ok, @ 3141592653, I believe you. Stray strong.

3141592653 ago

You're The best

think- ago


3141592653 ago

Now I see. Yes I did delete that comment a few days ago once I realised there is some bigger issue/argument going on here. That being said, I am dealing with two sudden close deaths in the family and have no knowledge of and honestly no interest in whatever this whole deal is about

think- ago

Sorry about that, @3141592653. My sympathies.

You think you could confirm that you got what I said about systematically giving people CCP is not allowed on Voat? That would be terrific. :-) Thanks.


3141592653 ago

Yes, I understand and will not do that. And thank you. Its been extremely difficult

think- ago

Yes, I can imagine. To loose two people at the same time must be terrible.