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jangles ago

respectfully, you are promoting crensch's baseless attacks against users here, I am fucking sick of his unsubstantiated claims, maybe logic bested ya and you better enjoy his egotistical presumptions as users leave you will have to listen to his bs more

think- ago

@Crensch proved that EsotericShade runs the 'rarepeeks', he also has other alts like 'IPointOutTrolls' and 'DontTouchThePizza', and he obviously uses them for upvoat and downvoat brigading, which is not allowed on Voat.

@Cc1914 said they upvoated systematically, although they were not aware that this is not allowed (and I believe them). The same applies to user 3141......... .

So what exactly are @Crensch's 'baseless attacks'?

@Vindicator @kevdude @EricKaliberhall

jangles ago

has he called you a jew yet?

Crensch ago

There is a very specific set of behaviours that causes me to call someone by that label. People are free to disagree with me, and I'll be polite and respectful of them holding their position. What I won't do is allow fallacies and unsupported claims go without addressing them in whatever way I choose to address them.

jangles ago

Honestly your responses here are respectful and I was wrong in saying hordes have left voat because of you. sorry

think- ago

No, he hasn't. He never insulted me, even when I was still a normal user and had rows with the Os (lol).

He has always been a gentleman when interacting with me since I've become a mod, and has had my back. He always has been kind and emphatic and fair towards us mods, although I don't even share all or even many of his political views.

@kevdude @Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall