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ESOTERICshade ago

Thanx for the post. I will give it a look. This is the same sicko that harassed a member of our sub.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanx for the downvote to my above comment @EricKaliberhall. You don't miss many of my comments with your down vote do you?

EricKaliberhall ago

This is a dark and sad day indeed. Based on the information we have at this moment, it would appear that @ESOTERICshade has been victimized. He is the victim of a downvote. I can tell that you are honest about your horrible experience and that your feelings are genuinely hurt. You are a brave man for speaking out. I will examine any and all evidence put forward and I will do so meticulous.

First, thank you for allowing me to make my statement. I wrote it myself, no one has seen a draft, or it. This is my statement.

@ESOTERICshade has publicly accused me of an unprovoked downvoate on his comment above. I deny this allegation categorically and unequivocally. I am innocent.

I demand an bipartisan investigation to clear my good Swedish name. I will not let my reputation be drag thru the mud because of some baseless allegations. I am being MeToo'd @EffYouJohnPodesta is also a victim of a downvote that I am being blamed for. This aggression against me will not stand. I am innocent.

I believe you both when you say you've been victimized and I think both of you are brave for speaking out, even though you may appear weak and pathetic in the eyes of others. As a community I honestly believe we will overcome this serial assault and that we together can prevent this from ever happening again. WWG1WGA

@Vindicator @think-

Shizy ago

There are a group of posters who make the same allegations as esoteric and continuously whine that people follow them areoind and downvoat every comment they make. I'm beginning to think all these people are either the same person or a group working together.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Just another mod having adversarial relationships with the members, trolling them and downvoating them instead of being impartial moderators. My stalkers delete my threads and send me pm's saying "Deal with it!". Pedo pedo pedo mods roam our halls.

zyklon_b ago

laughing muh ass off

SearchVoatBot ago

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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

You know what is more pathetic than this? The day that you first accused me of being a shill for responding to him. Also, the time that you called me a cunt, oh wait, that was like 100 times. I read through your other comments and see how nice you are to other people. It seems that you can't handle it when other people talk to people you don't like. That's kind of controlling.

ESOTERICshade ago

Go fuck yourself immature little boy.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

There are some things I wouldn't have the guts to mock and MeToo is one of them. Especially on a post about the man sending me retaliatory child snuff films. I think Erik forgot why he came to this board in the first place.

ESOTERICshade ago

The rest of our mods are pretty cool. I disagree with @vindicator about the Q thing but i'm not hostile about it. When he and I spar about it we don't even down vote each other. We may even joke about it later. But Eric, he is a toxic and doesn't belong here.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Vindy is worst mod in this sub. Deletes and labels any threads exposing Trump, promotes Q, deletes threads about the Canadian holocaust of children.

Crensch ago

We may even joke about it later. But Eric, he is a toxic and doesn't belong here.

@EricKaliberhall, it seems ESOTERIC has decided to shower you in compiments here! I don't personally know much about you, but given this comment, I'm quite happy you found yourself on the mod team.

@Vindicator, you did a good job modding this one. @think- do we have a pizzagate repository for compliments where we could store this one?

ESOTERICshade ago

I think he was @kevdude pick when Falcon left but i'm not sure. I could be wrong. He is still an insufferable prick. That is all.

think- ago

I think he was @kevdude pick when Falcon left but i'm not sure. I could be wrong.

Yes, you're totally wrong, @EsotericShade. @EricKaliberhall was my and @Vindicator's pick.

Love it, take it, or leave it.


Vindicator ago

For the record, @EricKaliberhall was one of a few people who responded to my call for mods (at a time when that meant standing in front of the firing squad everyday) in a sticky I put up six months before Falcon was demodded. So was @ben_matlock. I carefully vetted every single person who responded to that thread, and watched them for months to make sure they were mod material before inviting folks to come take the heat.


ESOTERICshade ago

Yall need to find something to do and stop spending so much time on Voat. I think its affecting your mind.

think- ago

Yall need to find something to do and stop spending so much time on Voat.

You know why I spend time here on Voat on my day off?

Because you were caught upvoat and downvoat brigading.

I'm not amused.

I think its affecting your mind.

Project much?

Eric got caught being a prick.

I don't give a shit what you think about Eric or any of the other mods.

Yall act like the fucking mafia.

Take your whining somewhere else.

Yall need to chill.

Take your advice and plug it into your ass.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Crensch

think- ago

Yall need to find something to do and stop spending so much time on Voat.

You now why I spend time here on Voat ON MY DAY OFF?

Because you were caught upvoat and downvoat brigading.

I'm not amused. Not at all.

I think its affecting your mind.

Project much?

Eric got caught being a prick.

I don't give a shit what you think about Eric or any of the other mods.

Yall act like the fucking mafia.

Take your whining somewhere else.

Yall need to chill.

Take your advice and plug it into your ass.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I did not realize that the prick posting had stopped. Seems more like there's a tag team revolving door of being a prick going on.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm not gonna deal with this shit anymore. Its been cathartic, but fuck em.

think- ago

I'm not gonna deal with this shit anymore.

That's great news.

Don't forget to delete your accounts before you leave.


@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

Shizy ago

Please let this be true!!!! He just needs to go and take his hostility and shit attitude with him!

Crensch ago

I'm not wrong, and I'm glad you think so. Gives me confidence that he is probably a decent mod.

ESOTERICshade ago

Too immature. Never seen the retard say anything beyond a one broken short phrase that sounded like it was written by a 14 year old.

Crensch ago

Do you read what you write before you hit "submit"?

ESOTERICshade ago

I"m not even interested in talking about that brat. I have better things to do.

Crensch ago

You're going to have a really bad week.

Crensch ago

@think- @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

I'm a goddamn prophet.

Vindicator ago

Indeed :-)

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You sound like a stalker. I picture Montagraph. Obsessed with somebody else's week.

Vindicator ago

How did you find your way this far down the comment tree in a four-day-old post, Death? You weren't even pinged. Are you an EsotericShade alt as well?


ESOTERICshade ago

You're going to have a really bad week.

In order for you to make that happen you need to send some goons to the river where I will be fishing and have them "accidentally boat accident me" because other than that you can't ruin my week. I don't take this internet shit as seriously as you do, obviously............

Crensch ago

In order for you to make that happen you need to send some goons to the river where I will be fishing and have them "accidentally boat accident me" because other than that you can't ruin my week. I don't take this internet shit as seriously as you do, obviously............

Nobody believes you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Nobody believes you.

Tell it to my my houseboat, bassboat, big screen TV/ with wifi, and these damn ducks that shit all over the back deck on my houseboat. I need to stop feeding them Cheerios because now they sit on the back deck of the boat and wait for Cheerios, while they shit. Now THAT sort of pisses me off, but you don't piss me off. My life is wayyyyy too good to let you get under my skin.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Shizy ago

Again, too much blah blah that no one cares about!

SearchVoatBot ago

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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

What an authentic mod.

Crensch ago

What a stupid comment.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

You never know who you're really talking to on the internet. Voat is the only place I've ever hung out on for long periods of time where everyone except me is using anonymous alts. I have a bad memory for usernames and passwords and too many things going on with all my children so I always end up re-identifying myself to my friends on here when I lose my account.

ESOTERICshade ago

You could always become anonymous again if you want to.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

might be a good plan