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Chiken-lover_Hater ago

Yes, he should remain a mod in my opinion - even though I was the one who made the post two months later appealing the ban (obviously on the other account.) Whilst I feel like the ban was unnecessary, Jem still had another account to post on and was not prohibited from posting on v/pizzagatewhatever or v/whatever at any time.

Potentially she could have been reinstated after the 24 hour policy, which seemed to be tailored perfectly to Jem's style of post and would have prevented her ban entirely in the first place.

In any case, whatever her findings are, I can guarantee they are posted here when they get released, and I can guarantee they won't be deleted. From now on, her investigative work and legacy should be undisputable and never be forgotten.

Z14 ago

Thanks for the awareness you raised back then, I see there were numerous pleas from community members to get the ban overturned. Here is a post from Jem777 explaining herself after the ban:

I am not a regular here but wonder how it would have been possible for Jem to get herself unbanned? It does not matter that she could use ALT, the principal question is what more she/community could have done to get the decision overturned? It seems that MOD exercised highest power as soon as he could excuse it (RULES!) and there is no mechanism to get it overturned no matter what? Perhaps we should suggest some sort of ban appeal process to Voat?

The effect of a permanent ban to Jem777 has been a GREAT loss of shared/documented reaserch to /v/pizzagate no doubt.

Vindicator ago

The effect of a permanent ban to Jem777 has been a GREAT loss of shared/documented reaserch to /v/pizzagate no doubt.

Please cite evidence of this. The reason first Falcon and then I banned Jem was because she adamantly refused to post her research. She made numerous claims, but would provide nothing to back them up. Falcon banned her first. I unbanned her and tried to help her make posts that would satisfy the submission rules because the community requested we do so. She still refused to present links to sources supporting her claims, or desist from making the claims in the first place on the main board. I had no choice but to reban her. Even one of our O's at the time, @VictorSteinerDavion tried to get her to post appropriately. No one wanted to ban her.

Here is the final post that led to the ban:

Instead of taking responsibility for her own behavior, Jem played the victim card and proceeded to stir up numerous other users claiming mods were corrupt and censoring her. She organized a complaint campaign involving multiple users in an effort to get herself reinstated, even though she knew we were more than happy to reinstate her account if she willingly respected the submission rules. That right there should be a clue she was not completely on the up and up. She wanted to be able to post without having the rules apply to her. Totally unfair to serious researchers who give evidence for their claims, the whole purpose of the board. Wasn't going to happen. Why other users couldn't see they were being manipulated, I still don't understand.

Interestingly, as far as I know, none of the users she recruited to get her account reinstated complained to v/pizzagate owners at the time @Crensch and @VictorSteinerDavion or to @kevdude mod at v/ProtectVoat to overrule mods for overstepping or misadministering the rules.

The_Savant ago

Okay, Vindicator I'd like to correct you a little here.

She organized a complaint campaign involving multiple users

Jem didn't ask me to make a post requesting that she be unbanned. I knew very little of her at the time, but she seemed knowledgeable, so when she shared with me in a Twitter DM that she was in Washington and poking around Comet Pizza, I concluded that it was only right that she have a platform to share her findings on. I can show you my DM with her - she never asked me to do anything. I just trusted her. Maybe I was wrong to do so, but even to this day her research seems fairly valuable.

At this time, I am less sure how genuine of a researcher Jem was when she turns out to be a friend of Sarah. My mind is entirely open - unlike other users who seem to be an ally of Jem until the grave, despite providing little evidence.

Vindicator ago

Thank you for clarifying that, TS. I didn't cite your post as evidence of being part of a crowd of shills. I did not intend to communicate that. The folks commenting, and I think the majority concerned about her banning then and now, were legit PG contributors. I did not take a issue with anyone -- and there were at least six different posts, maybe more -- questioning the ban and asking for reinstatement. Mods WANT people doing this -- misunderstandings and mistakes happen, both on the part of mods and submitters. Tempers flare. You should see the vile stuff people used to reply to modmail before we had the 24 Hour Grace flair.

What I had a problem with was just about every time Jem talked about it with anyone, it was dishonestly -- as if she had been maliciously banned for no reason, to silence her. Here she is recruiting in a post claiming I silenced her to prevent her from posting about the Las Vegas masacre. She claims to have been assaulted in her home by four men who got her IP address from "high ups at Voat".

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The_Savant ago

I didn't cite your post as evidence of being part of a crowd of shills.

It's fine as long as you can see the difference between things said by users like Dressage and things said by myself. I have been trying to steer multiple users away from RIPJem and I believe RIPJem to be involved with Jem's death. They certainly seemed to be giving Jem a hard time on Twitter and do not represent any beliefs Jem held.

She claims to have been assaulted in her home by four men who got her IP address from "high ups at Voat"

I can understand her being suspicious. I don't think she realises how easy it is for people to find her IP - I reckon her opsec would have been fairly sloppy. There are many ways people could have found out, I'm not sure why she didn't consider her ISP giving her information away...

Other than that, Jem didn't seem to resemble a shill at all, really. This RIPJem character (Sarah) and all the other accounts and bots trying to give her praise are the really shady ones involved here. I think Srayzie's posts about Sarah and George Webb are the ones the really illuminate the truth in the situation.