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think- ago

Err....@jangles, I agree with @kevdude - what are you trying to say with this archive link? That's @Vindicator talking to Esoteric's alt 'rarepeeks'.

@kevdude @Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

jangles ago

The attacks against Jenny caused me to become corybantic. I probably didn't need to attack @crensch in the manner I did yet stand by the constructs of my argument about his race baiting and the way he groups people into categories and attacks all of them does a disservice to this effort. Hence the bazooka meme and light humor I attempted to use to address this in my original comments. Thanks for the information. I hope we can all get to the bottom of this.

DON'T forget a well meaning and active GOAT died while investigating this sick shit!

Vindicator ago

DON'T forget a well meaning and active GOAT died while investigating this sick shit!

Jangles, do you know this for a fact?

Because @think- and I tried very hard to figure out what was happening there. None of it made sense (which is a telltale sign of disinfo). Even the FBI lady interviewed by OAN admitted she didn't know what info Jem had, had never seen any of her research, and did not know her last name.

One of the narratives pushed by shills on here constantly is that people are being shot or killed or tortured for investigating. For example, ES claims he was tortured with microwave technology and was targeted by a coven. Jem claimed the California wildfires were direct energy weapon attacks, and she claimed that I -- me! -- sent thugs to her house to beat her up. Faking a death falls right into that psyop model.

One reason @Crensch made that inflammatory post about Jem to beat the bushes for information to try to get to the bottom of what was going on, because the people who took Voat offline for three days when we were helping 8chan expose Rachel Chandler cannot be allowed to run their infowar on our boards!

Right now, it looks like you are trying to turn our exposure of EsotericShade and his ring of disinfo manipulators into evidence Crensch is bad for v/pizzagate. That is a very bad idea; you are fighting Esoteric's battle for him.

think- ago

Jem claimed the California wildfires were direct energy weapon attacks, and she claimed that I -- me! -- sent thugs to her house to beat her up.


....evidence Crensch is bad for v/pizzagate. That is a very bad idea.

I would like to point out that when I replied to @jangles, and said that I accept that he doesn't like @Crensch, I meant that I can't force @jangles to like him, I just have to accept it.

I wish @jangles could take my position, and see what @Crensch has actually been doing for the sub, and that he also should weigh in that @Crensch has always treated the mod fairly, has shown sensitivity and graciousness when dealing with us, so that even I, who had rows with the Os before I became a mod, really started to appreciate him once I got to know him better after I began modding.

I apologize if my wording hasn't made this clear enough in my previous comments.

@Crensch @kevdude @EricKaliberhall @srayzie

Vindicator ago

...and she claimed that I -- me! -- sent thugs to her house to beat her up.


Yeah...that's what I said. :-/

I apologize if my wording hasn't made this clear enough in my previous comments.

I thought your wording was clear and a calm assessment.

think- ago

Yeah...that's what I said. :-/

Gosh, somehow I missed that. That's awful. How could she claim this?