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ESOTERICshade ago

Check this out. Some of these people rooting for Trump are Jewish Supremecists because they know Trump is pro israel. Trump supporters need to let that sink in. This fucker is making up falsehoods to lead people to believe that Jews were always there and are being kicked out. That is a lie.

They see Trump as their Trojan Horse and its true, he is.

[–] @Hortance 0 points (+0|-0) 51 minutes ago

How old is the Temple in Jerusalem? The first one. A thousand years before Christ. That'd be 1,600 years before Islam was even INVENTED. And somehow, the Muslims MUST have that 1 little scrap of land that the Jews built their first Temple on? Small world, I guess....What a coincidence!

The ONLY reason the Islam scum act like Jerusalem is important to them is they like to construct their mosques atop the religious centers of what they think are their "vanquished" enemies. Like when they attempted to build a mosque @ the World Trade Center. Plus they hate Israel, so the Arab Muslims want the constant state of war ....That tiny piece of land is Israel's, the Arab Muslims have territory all around it that is many hundreds of times as large. And the Arabs that live there are almost all Jordanian. There IS no Palestinian people.

Go ahead, tell us how da Joos murdered Jesus before you go check your account at StormFront.

Vindicator ago

This fucker is making up falsehoods to lead people to believe that Jews were always there and are being kicked out. That is a lie.


Palestinians deny Jewish roots at the holy site, but a newly unearthed artifact confirms historical truths

ESOTERICshade ago

Vindicator jumping on the support Israel train, my my...."newly unearthed artifact", sweet....bullshit

Vindicator ago

It isn't bullshit, Esoteric. You are dishonestly calling Voaters liars with no evidence, when there IS evidence they are telling the truth. You expect me to let that pass?

ESOTERICshade ago

First of all, its not your business to decide whether or not I think another poster is right or wrong, full of shit, a liar, or anything else.

Second of all, if you were worried about "venom spewing" there is a resident donkey that would have been gone long ago.

Third, I don't consider your "bead that could have been a necklace" any sort of scientific evidence. I do consider thousands of years of culture and buildings of the people that have been living there evidence of their existence for thousands of years before the Balfour declaration was cooked up.

Fourth, I don't consider that poster's opinion "carefully researched and written sourced information" because its not. Its his opinion and I don't have to agree with it.

I'm impressed.

Fifth, I am not impressed by your motivations for hounding me.

The rich multi generational heritage of "the jews" in Palestine is a bead as big as thimble, buried among the ruins of THOUSANDS OF YEARS of buildings and irrefutable proof of the people that have obviously been living there and have true right to be there. Dude, you would have been better off with that one....

You have no right to bother me and accuse me of "shitting up well researched written and sourced information" because I don't agree with another poster's unscientific opinion.

And I don't give a damn what someone else considers "science" because if I don't have the same opinion then I just don't.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are dishonestly calling Voaters liars with no evidence, when there IS evidence they are telling the truth. You expect me to let that pass?

You can do whatever you want. Its complete bullshit. Those people lived over there peacefully before the British concocted the Balfour declaration and then started bombing them out of their homes in the 1940's. So yes, its all bullshit and "Israel" has no right to be there. End of story.

Vindicator ago

I see. So you are willing to spew venom on fellow Voaters to defend a pet narrative, discarding scientific evidence that supports them, and are only willing to consider information that is recent and supports your own bias?

Looks to me like you just want to intimidate people from commenting, and shit up people's carefully written and sourced research posts here trying to expose those who hurt kids with your lame off-topic harping about Jews and Catholics.

I'm impressed.

Hortance ago

I think Esoteric's visceral reaction was to your use of the word "artifact". After all, it contains "fact".

ESOTERICshade ago

I think Esoteric's visceral reaction was to your use of the word "artifact". After all, it contains "fact".

It also contains "art" which is all it is. The only reason you are glomming on to president Trump is because he is pro israel. You don't give a fuck about America because you are from Israel.

Vindicator ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Looks to me like you just want to intimidate people from commenting, and shit up people's carefully written and sourced research posts here trying to expose those who hurt kids with your lame off-topic harping about Jews and Catholics.

I'm impressed.


"LOL" hmmm...they shot a man in a wheel chair last week too. LOL right?


A three-year-old Palestinian was shot in the head during an Israeli “military training” session in the northern occupied West Bank city of Tubas.

ESOTERICshade ago


Right, "lol", it really isn't when you consider the reason for Israelis to be pro Trump because Trump is pro Israel.

Op-ed calls on Israel to nuke Germany, Iran

In the opinion article published Tuesday, the author claims that only through nuclear annihilation of Iran and Germany, with 20 or 30 nuclear bombs each, can Israelis prevent the state’s destruction.

“If Israel does not walk in the ways of God’s Bible,” author Chen Ben-Eliyahu wrote in Hebrew, “it will receive a heavy punishment of near complete destruction and doom and only a few will be saved.”

Hortance ago

German extraction, and Baptist, genius. The obsessive and illogical Jew-hate simply offends my sense of fairness. I can put Jews on that spot 3,000 years ago. PLUS they have nowhere else to go. The Jordanian "Palestinians" sit amid a land mass that is hundreds of times larger than Israel, surrounded by hundreds of times as many allied Muslims. But the postage stamp Israel needs to survive? "Too much", Arab goat-fuckers must be catered to.....BTW, ARAB MUSLIMS have been fucking us way worse than Israel.

ESOTERICshade ago

liar you already outed yourself

Hortance ago

Stomp your feet harder, I'm not convinced yet.

ESOTERICshade ago

Stomp your feet harder, I'm not convinced yet.

You don't bother me a bit. I just know your motives, thats all.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is more like what I consider researched and well written, and sourced:

BY R. W. THOMPSON, Ex-Secretary of the Navy, and Author of " The Papacy and the Civil Power."

"It was very difficult, not to say impossible, that the Church could recover a firm or durable peace so long as the said society existed." — Pope Clement XIV.

" The Jesuits, by their very calling', by the very essence of their institution, are bound to seek, by every means, right or wrong, the destruction of Protestantism. This is the condition of their existence, the duty they must fulfill, or cease to be Jesuits." — Nicolini, of Rome.