Digital-Patriot ago

You are connected to stupidity in every conceivable way.

ESOTERICshade ago

"My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authoritie s, [and] is very particular and very horrible. Their [the Jesuit Order’s] restoration [in 1814 by Pope Pius VII] is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, despotism, [and] death. ... I do not like the appearance of the Jesuits. If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of [Ignatius de] Loyola."

John Adams (1735-1826; 2nd President of the United States)

"The Jesuits...are a secret society – a sort of Masonic order – with superadded features of revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous." –

Samuel Morse (1791-1872; American inventor of the telegraph; author of the book Foreign Against the Liberties of the United States)

“Above all I have learned from the Jesuits. And so did Lenin too, as far as I recall. The world has never known anything quite so splendid as the hierarchical structure of the [Roman] Catholic Church. There were quite a few things I simply appropriated from the Jesuits for the use of the [Nazi] Party.

Adolph Hitler (1889-1945; Nazi leader and chancellor of Germany from 1933-1945) ((Ed. Comment: What follows is a similar quotation of Hitler taken from Edmond Paris’ book The VaticanAgainst Europe.))

"I have learnt most of all from the Jesuit Order. So far, there has been nothing more imposing on earth than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. A good part of that organization I have transported direct to my own party. The Catholic Church must be held up as an example. I will tell you a secret. I am founding an order. In Himmler (who would become head of the Nazi party) I see our Ignatius de Loyola (Jesuit founder)."
– Adolph Hitler

"The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses." – Napoleon I (i.e., Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821; emperor of the French)

"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed , it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe." – Marquis de LaFayette (1757-1834; French statesman and general. He served in the American Continental Army under the command of General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War.)

“Alas, I knew they [i.e., the Jesuits] would poison me; but I did not expect to die in so slow and cru

el a manner.” (1774)

Pope Clement XIV (Who had “forever” abolished the Jesuit Order in 1773)

"The war [i.e., the American Civil War of 1861-1865] would never have been possible without the

sinister influence of the Jesuits."

Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865; 16th President of the United States)

The History of the Jesuits by James Arrabito 97 min Documentary on the fascinating history of the Jesuit Order. Launched by Ignatius Loyola in the 16th century to wage war against the Reformation, the Society of Jesus rapidly spread to every corner of the globe. The Jesuits in situated themselves into the affairs of governments and churches, eventually earning expulsion from almost every nation in this world, including the Vatican itself!

There are many more quotes here about the Jesuits:

ESOTERICshade ago

The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the start of the two world wars—a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict.

In fact, the part they took in those tragic events has hardly been mentioned until the present time, except by apologists eager to disguise it. It is with the aim of rectifying this and establishing the true facts that we present in this and other books the political activity of the Vatican during the contemporary epoch—activity which mutually concerns the Jesuits.

This study is based on irrefutable archive documents, publications from well-known political personalities, diplomats, ambassadors and eminent writers, most of whom are Catholics, even attested by the imprimatur.

These documents bring to light the secret actions of the Vatican and its perfidious actions in creating conflicts between nations when it served its interests. With the help of conclusive articles, we show the part played by the "church" in the rise of totalitarian regimes in Europe.

These testimonies and documents constitute a crushing indictment and, so far, no apologist has tried to disprove them.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Finally a post that has some substance. Surprised it is still up.

THANK YOU and thanks to comments that flesh out details even more. never cease to amaze me...hugs

ESOTERICshade ago

The main difficulty of my subject, as will be readily understood, lies in "discovering and delineating the true character of the Jesuits : for, take the Jesuit for -what he ought or appears to be, and you commit the greatest of blunders. Draw the character after what the Jesuit seems to be in London, and you will not recognise your portrait in the Jesuit of Rome. The Jesuit is the man of circumstances.

Despotic in Spain, constitutional in England, republican in Paraguay, bigot in Rome, idolater in India, he shall assume and act out in his own person, with admirable flexibility, all those different features by which men are usually to be distinguished from each other. He will accom- pany the gay woman of the world to the theatre, and will share in the excesses of the debauchee.

With solemn countenance, he will take his place by the side of the religious man at church, and he will revel in the tavern with the glutton and the sot. He dresses, in all garbs, speaks all languages, knows all customs, is present everywhere though nowhere recognised — and all this, it should seem (O monstrous blasphemy!), for the greater glory of God — ad majorem Dei gloriam.

ESOTERICshade ago

In regards to Jesuits and their "medical care" of the children of India:

The German Steinmetz, alluding to this, says: "They insinuate themselves as physicians into the houses of the Indians; draw a wet cloth over the head and forehead of the sick person,

2 Steinmetz, Vol. Ill, p. 474. Citing.the Jesuit Fathers De Bourges and Martin. 3 Ibid., p. 489.

even when at the point of death; mutter privately to themselves the baptism service; and think they have made one Christian more, who is immediately added to the list." The Jesuit De Bourges is represented by him as saying: "When the children are in danger of death, our practice is to baptize them without asking the permission of their parents, which would certainly be refused.

The Catechists and the private Christians are well acquainted with the formula of baptism, and they confer it on these dying children, under the pretext of giving them medicine ;" that is, by that kind of "pious fraud" which, according to the Jesuits, promotes "the greater glory of God." Another Jesuit father, whose experience in India enabled him to speak advisedly, mentions one woman " whose knowledge of the pulse and of the symptoms of approaching death was so unerring, that of more than ten thousand children whom she had herself baptized, not more than two escaped death."

The number of such baptisms during a famine in 1737 are alleged by still another Jesuit to have been " upwards of 12,000." And he supplements this statement by saying that "it was rare, in any place where there were neophytes, for a single heathen child to die unbaptized." Looking over this whole field of Jesuit operations, and contemplating the demoralizing influences of the Jesuits in India, this same German historian feels himself warranted in saying that "every Jesuit who entered within these unholy bounds, bid adieu to principle and truth—all became perjured impostors, and the lives of all ever afterwards were but one long, persevering, toilsome LIE.

ESOTERICshade ago

Former Mason and Secretary Of Keystone Lodge: Edward Ronayne

What a singular commentary on the in-difference, the subserviency, or the cowardice of society, that an institution, professedly organized by such cunning knaves, [the Jesuits] and for such base purposes, and which has been sustained by fraud, falsehood and deception, from the commencement of its career to the present time, should be permitted to day to dictate to, if not virtually to rule the nation, and to create such a dread in communities that even some of the ministers of Christian de- nominations who detest its vile philosophy, and who would like to see it swept from the face of the earth, are absolutely afraid to mention its name, either in the pulpit, the prayer meeting or the Sabbath school, lest its secret vendetta vengeance might, in some concealed manner, be wreaked upon them.

The master's carpet, or, Masonry and Baal-worship identical ; reviewing the similarity between Masonry, Romanism and "the mysteries" and comparing the whole with the Bible"

ESOTERICshade ago

Jesuitism inspired its followers with a fanaticism.....There was no crime too great for them to commit, no deception too base for them to practise, no disguise too difficult for them to assume. It was a fundamental principle of the order that the end justifies the means. By this code, lying, theft, peijury, assassination, were not only pardonable but commendable, when they served the interests of the church. Under various disguises the Jesuits worked their way into offices of state, climbing up to be the counselors of kings, and shaping the policy of nations.

From Part 2:

The Great Controversy - Between Christ and Satan - The Conflict of the Ages in the Christian Dispensation

full text: parts one and two

ESOTERICshade ago

Due to the severe backlash about studying jesuits it made me curious. So I studied and what if find is far nastier than anything I imagined.

Who Are The NWO Jesuits?

These are some of the books from the video.

The_Jesuit_conspiracy_The_secret_plan_of (1).pdf (PDFy mirror)

ESOTERICshade ago

In regards to the Jesuit General

Whatsoever either of these shall require, if commanded by the general, "shall be done," if the command shall be given "in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!" Nothing can be allowed to stand in the way of this. " No constitution, declaration, or any order of living"—not even the law of God—can be set up against the general! He occupies the place of God, and must be obeyed, howsoever the peace and welfare of the multitude may be imperiled, or the nations be convulsed from center to circumference. The society of Jesuits must obtain the mastery, even if general anarchy shall prevail, or all the world besides be covered with the fragments of a universal wreck!

ESOTERICshade ago

The Catholic church is proven, practically every week by a new priest busted for pedophilia, that the Catholic Church is full of pedophiles. It is very "cherry picking" selective to ignore the Jesuit role in pedophilia. This sub protects Catholic pedophiles because Trump has a Jesuit background. Everytime someone posts the documentary of survivors who were raped and tortured by the Catholic Church when they were children it gets immediately and swiftly deleted. Interesting how that is not relevant to pizzagate innit?

U.S. Jesuits to pay $50 million in Alaska abuse cases | Reuters

Jesuits to pay $166M to settle sex abuse claims - CBS News

SixStringer1000 ago

You should seek mental health help. Do you really believe the retarded drivel that you spewed here? Or are you another in the long line of idiots, who just spout off insane bullshit for attention? The only storm will be when our POTUS finally gives the order to proceed against all of the traitorous & slimy cocksuckers who are trying to bring down our country. But their main goal, is to stop POTUS from proceeding, cuz they know they WILL be arrested and outed for their crimes. All of the commies, nazis, progressives, pisslamists, & pedophiles are shaking in fear that their crimes will be outed for the world to see. We the People WILL MAGA. And We the People WILL make sure that this kind of evil will NEVER gain a foothold in America ever again. Gorge Soros WILL fall, and his minions will rot away, and fall into the trash bin of history.

Piscina ago

Thank you for this post.

What I see happening is a polarising of opposites. When that happens people cannot open their eyes to the truth. I see Trump-ers attacking only Democrat sex offenders, but championing anyone on the Right who has an allegation made against him. I see Democrat supporters continuously repeat that Trump is a sex offender, but they can't clean up their own backyards because they refuse to admit the Left also has a problem.

This pedophilia issue straddles both side of politics. It's not only Left men who abuse children. There is NO way Trump would have made it to the White House without the support of some Satanist pedophiles. Absolutely no way. I am not saying that Trump is a pedo (in fact, I don't think he is). But I am saying that he's not going to go after the pedophiles because some of the people who got him to where he is now are pedophiles. If he were to go after all the pedos, many Republicans would fall. He can't afford to do that.

The fact that you have many more downvotes than upvotes shows how polarising this issue is. Most people here cannot countenance the fact that Trump might be protecting the pedos because his political life depends on it. Unfortunately, I don't think Trump is our saviour. All we can hope for is that a light is shone on these cockroaches in the dark so that ordinary people decide their justice.

think- ago

There is NO way Trump would have made it to the White House without the support of some Satanist pedophiles. Absolutely no way.

I am not saying that Trump is a pedo (in fact, I don't think he is). But I am saying that he's not going to go after the pedophiles because some of the people who got him to where he is now are pedophiles.

If he were to go after all the pedos, many Republicans would fall. He can't afford to do that.

Thank you so much for pointing this out, @Piscina!

Narcissism ago

Trump may not be perfect but he is the best we've got. Sure certain Jewish groups helped put him in power and for now our interests align. If anyone is expecting a Mother Therasa moment in all this they better look elsewhere.

fogdryer ago

yes, I know----knew this

ESOTERICshade ago

Alberto Rivera about Black Pope and Jesuit Oath

ESOTERICshade ago

Do Jews run the Federal Reserve?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The bankers own it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Georgetown University, SMOM & 9/11

Published by Veritas__Aequitas on Mon, 29 May 2017 19:09:24 GMT

Jesuits Have Seized The White House - Walter Veith

Wake-up, listen, Leuren Moret, (evil) jesuits world history

Jesuits Secret War Manual by Walter Veith 1/3

Jesuits Secret War Manual - Walter Veith 2/3

Jesuits Secret War Manual - Walter Veith 3/3

The Jesuit Order Part 1 - By: Professor Walter Julius...

The Jesuit Order Part 2 - By: Professor Walter Julius

IHS Jesuit "Exposing" The Order

Walter Veith - How the Jesuit order is deceiving the...

Walter Veith: Roman Catholicism, The Jesuits and Jesus...


Jesuit Theater, Ocultism and Hollywood WALTER VEITH


ESOTERICshade ago

ESOTERICshade ago

Check this out. Some of these people rooting for Trump are Jewish Supremecists because they know Trump is pro israel. Trump supporters need to let that sink in. This fucker is making up falsehoods to lead people to believe that Jews were always there and are being kicked out. That is a lie.

They see Trump as their Trojan Horse and its true, he is.

[–] @Hortance 0 points (+0|-0) 51 minutes ago

How old is the Temple in Jerusalem? The first one. A thousand years before Christ. That'd be 1,600 years before Islam was even INVENTED. And somehow, the Muslims MUST have that 1 little scrap of land that the Jews built their first Temple on? Small world, I guess....What a coincidence!

The ONLY reason the Islam scum act like Jerusalem is important to them is they like to construct their mosques atop the religious centers of what they think are their "vanquished" enemies. Like when they attempted to build a mosque @ the World Trade Center. Plus they hate Israel, so the Arab Muslims want the constant state of war ....That tiny piece of land is Israel's, the Arab Muslims have territory all around it that is many hundreds of times as large. And the Arabs that live there are almost all Jordanian. There IS no Palestinian people.

Go ahead, tell us how da Joos murdered Jesus before you go check your account at StormFront.

Vindicator ago

This fucker is making up falsehoods to lead people to believe that Jews were always there and are being kicked out. That is a lie.


Palestinians deny Jewish roots at the holy site, but a newly unearthed artifact confirms historical truths

ESOTERICshade ago

Vindicator jumping on the support Israel train, my my...."newly unearthed artifact", sweet....bullshit

Vindicator ago

It isn't bullshit, Esoteric. You are dishonestly calling Voaters liars with no evidence, when there IS evidence they are telling the truth. You expect me to let that pass?

ESOTERICshade ago

First of all, its not your business to decide whether or not I think another poster is right or wrong, full of shit, a liar, or anything else.

Second of all, if you were worried about "venom spewing" there is a resident donkey that would have been gone long ago.

Third, I don't consider your "bead that could have been a necklace" any sort of scientific evidence. I do consider thousands of years of culture and buildings of the people that have been living there evidence of their existence for thousands of years before the Balfour declaration was cooked up.

Fourth, I don't consider that poster's opinion "carefully researched and written sourced information" because its not. Its his opinion and I don't have to agree with it.

I'm impressed.

Fifth, I am not impressed by your motivations for hounding me.

The rich multi generational heritage of "the jews" in Palestine is a bead as big as thimble, buried among the ruins of THOUSANDS OF YEARS of buildings and irrefutable proof of the people that have obviously been living there and have true right to be there. Dude, you would have been better off with that one....

You have no right to bother me and accuse me of "shitting up well researched written and sourced information" because I don't agree with another poster's unscientific opinion.

And I don't give a damn what someone else considers "science" because if I don't have the same opinion then I just don't.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are dishonestly calling Voaters liars with no evidence, when there IS evidence they are telling the truth. You expect me to let that pass?

You can do whatever you want. Its complete bullshit. Those people lived over there peacefully before the British concocted the Balfour declaration and then started bombing them out of their homes in the 1940's. So yes, its all bullshit and "Israel" has no right to be there. End of story.

Vindicator ago

I see. So you are willing to spew venom on fellow Voaters to defend a pet narrative, discarding scientific evidence that supports them, and are only willing to consider information that is recent and supports your own bias?

Looks to me like you just want to intimidate people from commenting, and shit up people's carefully written and sourced research posts here trying to expose those who hurt kids with your lame off-topic harping about Jews and Catholics.

I'm impressed.

Hortance ago

I think Esoteric's visceral reaction was to your use of the word "artifact". After all, it contains "fact".

ESOTERICshade ago

I think Esoteric's visceral reaction was to your use of the word "artifact". After all, it contains "fact".

It also contains "art" which is all it is. The only reason you are glomming on to president Trump is because he is pro israel. You don't give a fuck about America because you are from Israel.

Vindicator ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Looks to me like you just want to intimidate people from commenting, and shit up people's carefully written and sourced research posts here trying to expose those who hurt kids with your lame off-topic harping about Jews and Catholics.

I'm impressed.


"LOL" hmmm...they shot a man in a wheel chair last week too. LOL right?


A three-year-old Palestinian was shot in the head during an Israeli “military training” session in the northern occupied West Bank city of Tubas.

ESOTERICshade ago


Right, "lol", it really isn't when you consider the reason for Israelis to be pro Trump because Trump is pro Israel.

Op-ed calls on Israel to nuke Germany, Iran

In the opinion article published Tuesday, the author claims that only through nuclear annihilation of Iran and Germany, with 20 or 30 nuclear bombs each, can Israelis prevent the state’s destruction.

“If Israel does not walk in the ways of God’s Bible,” author Chen Ben-Eliyahu wrote in Hebrew, “it will receive a heavy punishment of near complete destruction and doom and only a few will be saved.”

Hortance ago

German extraction, and Baptist, genius. The obsessive and illogical Jew-hate simply offends my sense of fairness. I can put Jews on that spot 3,000 years ago. PLUS they have nowhere else to go. The Jordanian "Palestinians" sit amid a land mass that is hundreds of times larger than Israel, surrounded by hundreds of times as many allied Muslims. But the postage stamp Israel needs to survive? "Too much", Arab goat-fuckers must be catered to.....BTW, ARAB MUSLIMS have been fucking us way worse than Israel.

ESOTERICshade ago

liar you already outed yourself

Hortance ago

Stomp your feet harder, I'm not convinced yet.

ESOTERICshade ago

Stomp your feet harder, I'm not convinced yet.

You don't bother me a bit. I just know your motives, thats all.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is more like what I consider researched and well written, and sourced:

BY R. W. THOMPSON, Ex-Secretary of the Navy, and Author of " The Papacy and the Civil Power."

"It was very difficult, not to say impossible, that the Church could recover a firm or durable peace so long as the said society existed." — Pope Clement XIV.

" The Jesuits, by their very calling', by the very essence of their institution, are bound to seek, by every means, right or wrong, the destruction of Protestantism. This is the condition of their existence, the duty they must fulfill, or cease to be Jesuits." — Nicolini, of Rome.

Are_we__sure ago

Jesuits control the Catholic Church? News to me.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

That is your job. For it to be "news to you".

ESOTERICshade ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Christian Zionism is a trick on real Christians that want to follow the true peaceful teachings of Jesus. Zionists are anti Christian. Zionist are trying to convert Christianity into a sheep herd of Zionist followers. Zionism is the religion of war and domination.


ESOTERICshade ago

Kushner Foundation Gives $342K to Chabad — Still Surprised About Jared and Ivanka’s Synagogue?

It might seem odd for a Modern Orthodox Jewish family to join a Chabad synagogue. But Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner are already quite invested in the ultra-Orthodox outreach movement – or to be more precise, their parents are.

A Haaretz examination has revealed that Charles and Seryl Kushner have been major benefactors of Chabad over the years. Between 2003 and 2013, their family foundation donated a total of $342,500 to various institutions and projects associated with the movement, their tax records show.

Chabad has benefited not only from Kushner’s side of the family. It turns out that President-elect Donald Trump has also contributed to the movement – even before his daughter, who converted to Judaism, was married. Altogether, the Donald J. Trump Foundation has donated $11,550 to three Chabad institutions.

ESOTERICshade ago

Jared Kushner’s college rabbi recalls a snow-shoveling student mega-donor

When at Harvard, Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser attended services and Shabbat dinner at Chabad house, performed workaday tasks, gave generously, and was 'like a part of the family' for Rabbi Hirschy Zarchi

Jared Kushner was already a regular at the Harvard Chabad when he walked in one day, took a crumpled piece of paper out of his jacket pocket, put it down on the table and walked away.

It was a personal check for $18,000.

“’I have some deals that really went well, so I want to give something back to Chabad,’” Harvard Chabad Rabbi Hirschy Zarchi recalls Kushner, then a sophomore or junior, saying. Zarchi calls it “one of the largest checks we ever received, not just from a student, but even from a parent.”

Kushner, now son-in-law and senior adviser to President Donald Trump, established a constant, outsize presence at the Harvard Chabad during his time as a student there, Zarchi and other students recall. Beyond the surprise donation, Kushner attended prayers and Shabbat dinner regularly, recruited students to Chabad’s programs, performed workaday tasks for the house and served as the emcee when Chabad dedicated a new building in 2003.

On a personal level, Kushner was a “like a part of the family” to Zarchi and his wife, Elkie, the rabbi says. From his earliest days at Harvard through his senior year, Kushner attended the Zarchi children’s birthday parties, sent flowers to the family and received chicken soup from Elkie Zarchi at his dorm when he came down with the flu.



Remember everyone James Alefantis said to that @isthisthegameofthrones dude to keep on using VOAT so they must have us all plugged in to some PIZZAGATE watch computer data server analyzing everything!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Expand on your thoughts please.

FICTIONLREALITY ago link to yt video of the guy Ryan claiming JA threatened him!

remember that! Now I dont know what the consensus was here at Voat regarding the validity of the claim but if true I was just referencing the part at the end of the video were JA in a tongue in cheek way says "keep your VOAT profile" Now the context or the intent of statements is hard to discern in those text, so it could mean anything but it was strange to me that he wanted all vids and threads deleted but then says to keep using VOAT which is where most PG digging is done on the web

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Maybe he knew they had control of Goat, I mean Voat.

ESOTERICshade ago

I think this is the best 31 minutes a person can spend in order to understand what we see happening in the world right now. No matter who won the election, Trump or Hillary, THEY still win because we are not in their club.

This is Professor Walter Veith. I know of no better 31 minutes of condensed information about this subject:

Jesuits Have Seized The White House - Walter Veith

think- ago

I still give Trump the benefit of the doubt - I will draw my final conclusions at the end of his Presidency.


no time to wait for the end of presidency!!! if kids and well all humanity keep getting fucked by the cult expose at at all moments any time !

think- ago

My emphasis is on final.... ;-)

And I do speak up, although I know that this will pi** off some people here.

AdmirableNelson ago

If Trump is "one of them", why the anti-Trump media frenzy? Clinton is one of them-- but there was no anti-Clinton media frenzy.

ESOTERICshade ago

If Trump is "one of them", why the anti-Trump media frenzy?

All mainstream media is 100% CIA controlled psyop.

AdmirableNelson ago

Nothing is 100% controlled. The style of control is very "soft" as well.

ESOTERICshade ago

Nothing is 100% controlled. The style of control is very "soft" as well.

Wrong. The mainstream media is a CIA front.

AdmirableNelson ago

How does your response address or contradict anything I said? Why do you keep posting responses that lack clear logical connection to what they otherwise present themselves as refutations of? It is strangely like disruptive propaganda tactics. I am just saying.

Catsfive ago

But they are losing power. They do not benefit from this exposure, even if it is manufactured.

ESOTERICshade ago

But they are losing power. They do not benefit from this exposure, even if it is manufactured.

Nothing has been exposed by mainstream media. Its just the same fake left vs right game. There is only one political party in Washington pretending to be two.

DankKeyhote ago

So an intelligence organization formed the same year as Mossad simply pays off the MSM which is COMPLETELY JEWISH-OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE BEFORE THE WAR. But Jews aren't behind it, perish the thought! LOL!

Who started Mockingbird? The Jew Bill Paley of CBS. Who has run the WaPo since 1933? The Jewish Graham family. But apparently unless theyre named Seth Bernsteinkike you couldn't spot one if he was sacrificing your child to Moloch before your eyes.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The anti Trump media frenzy is intended to show that he is not one of them and is their enemy. Anything he does must be good, like the newest executive order he just did.

Catsfive ago


AdmirableNelson ago

But is that the most plausible explanation?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

It is not plausable that they allowed somebody on the ballot that is not their asset. It is not plausable that they allowed somebody to the debates that is not their asset. It is not plausable that he was one of them his entire privldged life, but once he became potus, he doesn't want to play the power game anymore and wants to fight for the little people. It isn't plausbable that he has been a secret society rich entitled brat his entire life, now he wants to take them down. This is theater. You MUST belive he is fighting them, or their next move wont work.

AdmirableNelson ago

It's not plausible that they would necessarily have ABSOLUTE control over anything. It is not plausible that they would always control every ballot, or even most (necessarily, we don't know). You have no solid basis for claiming he was "one of them", beyond the cherry picking, as we've seen. The fact that you are using insulting epithets in lieu of reasoning further diminishes the impression that you have a single valid thought here. Are you okay?

You can certainly paint a picture that fits the conclusion you wish to draw, but you take it much further with this overwrought and unreasonable rhetoric. It happens to be a fact that there is huge volume of propaganda in the MSM that does this same thing. It might be entirely coincidental that your unbiased and sensitive investigation into child trafficking has led you to the same anti-Trumpism that the pedo-trafficking-covering-up MSM also promotes. It could be, I don't know. But you certainly have no case for your urgent anti-Trumpism as being good for anti-trafficking hopes, and I don't think anyone with any big-picture awareness would find you credible in that connection whatsoever.

think- ago

Different Deep State and elite factions fighting each other?

I'm non-partisan, I agree that of course there is a lot of anti-Trump propaganda by ShareBlue and the likes, but I'd appreciate it if people could take a step back and see issues from a distance.

I once was an ardent HRC supporter blush blush, so I know how great it feels to have a 'hero' and utterly believe that she/he will be The White Knight.

And I do respect the Trump supporters here, they are doing great work, although I agree to disagree with them to a certain extent.

AdmirableNelson ago

But the thing is, there is every appearance of a fairly unified cabal of players on top, that never expected Trump to win. Thus, on the level of actual global power, there is 1) them, 2) Trump, 3) jack shit. As far as I know. That, to me, is reality. So I am not weighing every item of Trump's being to decide if he passes some stringent test. This is a war, and it is extremely serious. If Trump loses, there is nothing but the stranglehold of the cabal.

pby1000 ago

A lot of us are anti-New World Order. We were hoping that Trump would be useful in this regard. I have seen no connection between Trump and the Bilderberg Group or Council on Foreign Relations, but I am still trying to get through the posts in this thread. Maybe someone found some connections I am not aware of.

My understanding is that there are two factions. If Hillary would have won, then the U.S. would have had an influx of immigrants from African and the Middle East, just like what is happening in Europe. The U.S. would have been destroyed.

Instead, Trump won, and I am hoping it means that a certain faction wants to rebuild the U.S.

As others have pointed out before, we won't know for sure that Trump is real until we start seeing the big players go down. Soros, the Rothschilds, Jesuits, Vatican, the Federal Reserve, etc. If only the minor players are going down, then we are being played.

The question I have is how long do we wait for something to happen? I mean, at a certain point, we have to decide that nothing is going to change, and then move forward to make the changes that need to be made.

think- ago

Instead, Trump won, and I am hoping it means that a certain faction wants to rebuild the U.S.

As others have pointed out before, we won't know for sure that Trump is real until we start seeing the big players go down. Soros, the Rothschilds, Jesuits, Vatican, the Federal Reserve, etc. If only the minor players are going down, then we are being played.

Totally agree.

All this investigation and spreading info about pedophilia needs patience. Think decades, not one or two years. As others have been pointing out, Trump is not out last hope, we are.

Re MAGA - the tax reform will be good for the economy in the next couple of years, but it will increase debt. Sacking TTP was a good thing. Controlling immigration, if done properly, is a good thing too. It remains to be seen what Trump will have achieved after 4 years in office.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have experience in politics, so his leadership isn't as strong as it could be. He's not savy re the political routine stuff his predecessors handled with ease. This makes him act clumsily and less successful.

carmencita ago

You don't have to blush. All of us have fallen one time or another. I fell for the Hopium, so there is that. I totally get now how it happened. I also will never ever believe in a White Knight again. Although mine was not completely White for the record. No more Saviors. We are the person we have been waiting for.

pby1000 ago

Haha! I am such a dumbass I was thinking Obama would be different. Next thing you know, he is eating "hot dogs" in the White House.

carmencita ago

We have been fed a line of Hooey about Presidents for Decades. We now have Popularity Contests not Presidential Elections.

think- ago

TY, Carmencita. :-)

carmencita ago


Cc1914 ago

No , what we have is one side of satans system taking down the other side of his system . It's ALL his system for now .. but not for long . 1 John 5:19 We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Different Deep State and elite factions fighting each other? Not impossible I suppose. But I don't feel that is the case.

think- ago

Don't see 'Deep State' as a unilateral union. Same applies to 'Illuminati' (I don't like the term, but can't think of a better one at the moment).

Look at mob structures - there are always factions fighting each other, struggling to gain more power, sometimes they cooperate players and new partners will turn up from time to time - it's more like an entangled web than a unilateral block.

Think about the power struggle at the Vatican, which resulted in axing Benedict XVI.

DonKeydich ago

Super lame when people post a photograph of a meet-and-greet to prove a deep connection.

It's also super convenient that everyone uses "Zionist" and "Mossad" but never "Jew." Like Israel isn't a state colonized FOR AND BY ETHNIC JEWS. Not even religious Jews let alone occultist Jews. Ethnic Jews. Who debunks PG? Jews in Jewish-controlled media outlets. Who controls Hollywood top to bottom? Jews. Who dominate higher education in wildly disproportionate numbers? Jews. Who are the top political donors to both parties? Jews. Where do most Jewish charity dollars go? Directly to Israel. Who do we fight wars for despite zero American interests there? Israel.

You all have internalized your own oppression and as a white man it shames me deeply.

Top poster carmencita literally says Jews are great folks because one gave her a sandwich once:


okay then fuck the jews at the top as well and fuck trump to if hes a diversion of the truth and one of their trump cards! the nwo always had to revealm themselves ...and they do by subliminal messages hand signs, and not so subliminal ways...maybe this trump mania is the next step in their playbook jews Jesuits whatever the fuck expose them all

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Meet and greet? Epsetein is a freind and partner in crime. Rothschild is a business associate. Clitons are long time friends. Trump is a Jesuit. Address the evidence. He is directly involved in all of this. Nothing on this thread is a meet and greet. You seem to be struggling with the reality pointed out. And didn't you hate the Jooos? Had to throw that out the window didn't you. Gotta sell the psyop.

DonKeydich ago

Another LARPFAGGOT "shill spotter" embarrasses himself.

I was against Trump before anyone:

100% because of his JEW connections. IDGAF if he's crypto-Jew Jesuit or just a greedy dickhead. It is acknolwedged both that the first Jesuits were crypto Jews and masonry is a Jewish front ANYWAY. And a picture is WEAK PROOF regardless of the proposition it forwards. That was my point.

Seriously why the temptation to be a faggot and say "aha! I spotted you with my Keen eye for 'shills'!" It's gross.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I didn't just post pictures. I explained connections. Or the articles did. Keep up.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You are a piece of work. Don't ever change. Some day we wil drink.

think- ago

[–] DanteKeyhoe -1 points (+1|-2) 2 months ago

'Actually there's a vast amount of evidence to prove that being molested is FAR LESS HARMFUL than being raised with no father.'

The comment was made on this thread:

DomKeyhote ago

That's a fact, not least of all cuz single mommed kids are a whopping 900% more likely to be abused since their IRRESPONSIBLE SLUT MOTHERS have a constant parade of strange men in their homes. How is that hard to understand? Cuz it hurts your delicate sensibilities? GTFO the internet bitch.

think- ago

You want to have a drink with a pedophile?

AdmirableNelson ago

I find this thread highly dubious. I think anyone that observes events can clearly see Trump is our best hope. It is very easy to see that narratives to the contrary are calculated attempts to "blackpill", demoralize, and divide. There is VAST evidence of propaganda operations aimed at such demoralizing and dividing all over the internet. It world be absurd to think that propagandists would NOT try to infiltrate and demoralize an online community like this-- therefore, it is prima facie plausible that any thread that is congruent with anti-Trump propaganda originates from a common source as that with which it is congruent.

pby1000 ago

I have told people I know that Trump can do good or he can make his own rope. I knew we would have been screwed with Hillary. That's for sure. Bernie was not an option...


dont be a cheerleader ! the best hope is YOU ! everyonye needs to start wuth themselves ! set YOUR GOALS! hopefully their of high standing morals that everyone can agree on and then live by them act it out! fuck all the noise

AdmirableNelson ago

It is important and necessary that any high-level power possible be enlisted in this fight. This hippy dippy style talk is NOT realistic if it is given as a reason NOT to seek connections to allies in places of real power.


hippy talk ? it takes a brave human being to look themselves in the mirror and judge themselves in an honest way ...some cant ...its a tough thing to do. Im speaking moreso to the newer people who are just joining this forum or for the first time looking into conspiracy theories in a different light due to pizzagate!

there is so much disinfo "noise" out in the public domain well, since forever. one must look at the facts, follow your own intuition and not get sucked up into the drama! it helps to talk to people you trust and love as well. Its alot to take in when you jump in the rabbit hole and sometimes you need to stop and clear the mind and soul. Theres nothinh wrong with that!

And finally FFS we dont know if Trump...a 1%... is for the lil guy ...history has shown they (the 1%) have their own agenda . Now in that 1% you have all kinds of different cults or cliques whatever you want to call them, but they all seem to adhere to an esoteric secret knowledge that only they know! Hopefully their are people in their cult that are exposing that secret knowledge so humanity can have the positive advancement we all hunger for BUT the horrors and atrocities commited by them need to revealed or exposed as well so humanity can have an example of what we shouldnt allow ever again or to keep a better check upon it.Dont be decieved by a false prophet is all im saying i guess! beware ....

AdmirableNelson ago

Don't take the phrase to be an absolute judgement. There must be balance between personal and public elements-- in this case, there is already a huge well of people striving to do THEIR best.

You can keep repeating rhetoric about false prophets, and I don't disagree, but I have yet to see an argument that comes close to convincing me to not support Trump in every way possible, as all my instincts, observation, reasoning, and every other mode of awareness, tells me that it is the way to go. Again: it is either Trump wins and stops the cabal, or there is absolutely nothing standing between the cabal and absolute power.

ESOTERICshade ago

I find this thread highly dubious. I think anyone that observes events can clearly see Trump is our best hope.

I find you dubious or incredibly naive. The swamp is not a self draining mechanism. The Neocon Zionist Republicans nor their fake opponents, the Hillary style Marxists Communists are the friend of the people.

They may argue between themselves like gangsters at a poker table but they both hate the common people. The reason this sub can't have real and genuine threads and conversations is because this sub has been turned into an AIPAC Israeli Zionist Neocon ass kissing festival.

AdmirableNelson ago

You beg the question by implicitly assuming Trump is "one of them". This renders the rest of the post moot ranting.

ESOTERICshade ago

You beg the question by implicitly assuming Trump is "one of them". This renders the rest of the post moot ranting.

Wrong. Its not about Trump. Its about the people on the Republican side of the aisle that he might overlook due to political loyalty.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Your best hope is not in Washington. You have to do it yourself. There is nothing "dubious" that I have pointed out. When Hillarys connections are pointed out, people register it. You guys refuse to use common sense when analyzing the reality of the situation. Trump is nor one of us. Stop waiting for a savior. Your attitude is the problem.

AdmirableNelson ago

That is silly, for reasons I mentioned in another post

It is important and necessary that any high-level power possible be enlisted in this fight. This hippy dippy style talk is NOT realistic if it is given as a reason NOT to seek connections to allies in places of real power.

carmencita ago

I highly agree. Some are hoping and waiting. But We are the Person we have been waiting for. We must be The One. We must turn this Ship of Horrors around and stop thinking any of these elected elites are going to save us. Remember that while we are waiting for the swamp to be drained there are also many bills and laws that will be the undoing of this country. Oh, yes there will be bills and law that we think are great while others are undoing us. I don't trust any of them to Bail Us Out. They will never give any of us the chance to achieve their wealth or even get close. Never.



Hortance ago

Agreed. And the other thing that makes YOUR points congruent: Trump's enemies. Why do the NeverTrumpers in the GOP all seem to be the elite Globalists in the Party? When else have members of EITHER Parties' leadership worked to throw a Presidential campaign to the other side, as the GOPe did to Trump?
If Trump belongs to any "cabal", it starts with those military Generals who are anti-Globalist, patriotic and opposed to both the Globalist, open borders agenda and the uglier stuff this board focuses on...

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Hey, I like the fantasy. I almost made a rock of my fast and high fived you. I like your fire. But the Trump hate started on queue. When it was show time, they all acted hysterical like he ran over their child. He isn't doing anything to them. He is one of them. And he is going to deliver the agenda he was selected to deliver. They need a divided nation. Trump vs the world has divided the country and kept the citizens at each other throats. Mission accomplished.

think- ago

If Trump belongs to any "cabal", it starts with those military Generals who are anti-Globalist, patriotic and opposed to both the Globalist, open borders agenda and the uglier stuff this board focuses on...

Are there any Generals that spoke up against pedophilia?

Did the (((Military Industrial Complex))) get less money => (((Dyncorp)))?

Isn't there dark stuff going on in the Military as well? => Aquino/Satanism?

Didn't Trump surround himself with (((ex-Goldman-Sachs staff)))? Billionaires and millionaires? => Mercer, Koch brothers anyone?

Isn't there a strong Israel connection and didn't Trump just say he accepts Jerusalem as Israel's capital?

(((Military Industrial Complex))) - (((Goldman-Sachs))) (((Israel))) are Deep State.

carmencita ago

Oh boy. So True about the Military. There have been arrests on here of soldiers filming the rape of girls at basses and other Military Pedo arrests. There are many Military Higher Ups that are involved up to their necks in this Morass. Make no mistake about it.

Hortance ago

Well, there's Mike Flynn, who was reportedly fired by the WH after Pence insisted on it.....because he didn't tell Pence about a pedo list he is keeping about government yeah, the Generals Trump is in with seem to be opposed to Globalism and pedophilia. Obama GUTTED our military. We need to be strong, there are real reasons to rebuild our military..especially as China and Russia both become more adventurous.
More $$ into military systems (and the VA) does NOT = muh Military Industrial Complex, muh Dynacorp. Robert Mercer worked AGAINST Trump throughout the primaries, the Koch Brothers are sworn enemies that continue to try to advance open borders. And the vast majority of the CONGRESS has voted numerous times to make Jerusalem our recognized Israeli capitol. Trump simply quit extending the annual delay every President has been doing for the last 3-4 Administrations. So what in the hell does THAT prove? Given that the REASON Obama and Bush kept delaying implementation was the anticipated reaction of the so-called "Palestinians", all Trump did was show that a strong US President could name our own capitol without Kowtowing to filthy terrorist potentates and prove that Obarry and GW Bush are huge pussies.

Are_we_sure ago

because he didn't tell Pence about a pedo list he is keeping about government officials.

Where did this idea start?

think- ago

the Koch Brothers are sworn enemies

'The Koch brothers launch campaign to pass President Trump's tax cuts

WASHINGTON — In a major jolt of support for President Trump, the powerful political network overseen by conservative billionaire Charles Koch is launching a multimillion-dollar campaign to drive Trump's tax plan through Congress.''

ESOTERICshade ago

And the vast majority of the CONGRESS has voted numerous times to make Jerusalem our recognized Israeli capitol.

WTF? What do you mean OUR RECOGNIZED CAPITOL? Are you an Israeli?

So you support Israel's genocide of people who have been living in Palestine for 2000 years? You support giving Jerusalem to a bunch of Zionist Talmud thumpers who hate and despise Jesus, and will make a mockery of Jerusalem?

Hortance ago

How old is the Temple in Jerusalem? The first one. A thousand years before Christ. That'd be 1,600 years before Islam was even INVENTED. And somehow, the Muslims MUST have that 1 little scrap of land that the Jews built their first Temple on? Small world, I guess....What a coincidence!

The ONLY reason the Islam scum act like Jerusalem is important to them is they like to construct their mosques atop the religious centers of what they think are their "vanquished" enemies. Like when they attempted to build a mosque @ the World Trade Center. Plus they hate Israel, so the Arab Muslims want the constant state of war ....That tiny piece of land is Israel's, the Arab Muslims have territory all around it that is many hundreds of times as large. And the Arabs that live there are almost all Jordanian. There IS no Palestinian people.

Go ahead, tell us how da Joos murdered Jesus before you go check your account at StormFront.

ESOTERICshade ago

Plus they hate Israel

Everybody that is sane hates Israel

ESOTERICshade ago

That tiny piece of land is Israel's, the Arab Muslims have territory all around it that is many hundreds of times as large. And the Arabs that live there are almost all Jordanian. There IS no Palestinian people.

The hateful Jewish supremecist reveals itself! "we are Gods chosen people! God gave that land to us!"

No asshole, you are not god's chosen people, you are just an asshole.

ESOTERICshade ago

We need to be strong, there are real reasons to rebuild our military..especially as China and Russia both become more adventurous.

China and Russia are simply playing along as the Silk Road trading route is extended through the Middle East and Yemen is taking an ass kicking in the process. The whole 'Russiagate" is an absurd theatre to keep the public amused.

We need to be strong, there are real reasons to rebuild our military

I lost count of the deep state military ops running in Africa right now but I think its close to a hundred. The Military Industrial Complex is literally FEASTING right now thanks to the Republicans.

What we see is a huge weapons industry ramp up and new military toys for the NWO to keep right on plugging. Millions of children in Yemen are literally rolling around on the ground in Yemen, in horrible pain, dying from cholera because of this.

The Silk Road is going through the Nile Delta in Egypt, Suez Canal, and into the Gulf Of Aden and Yemen is being destroyed because Yemen is a crucial piece of land in this process.

think- ago

Mike Flynn, who was reportedly fired by the WH after Pence insisted on it.....because he didn't tell Pence about a pedo list he is keeping about government officials.

Well, yes, 'reportedly'....what is Flynn going to do with this list should it exist?

the Generals Trump is in with seem to be opposed to Globalism and pedophilia.

Globalism: remains to be seen. The sacked EU trade agreement could be a beginning. Pedophilia? Not that I heard of. Never heard any General speak up about pedophilia.

Trump simply quite extending the annual delay every President has been doing for the last 3-4 Administrations.

Well, if it could be delayed for so long, why not delay it further?

,,,,,I will look up the Koch brothers again. ;-)

ESOTERICshade ago

If Trump belongs to any "cabal", it starts with those military Generals who are anti-Globalist, patriotic and opposed to both the Globalist

Trump sold 110 BILLION DOLLARS of weapons to Saudia Arabia so that Saudia Arabia can finish off the Middle East. Rothschild founded Israel and built a Supreme Court Building there with an illumaniti pyramid and the all seeing eye. Trump is helping Rothschld take down Iran.

His tax plan is a windfall for Goldman Sachs bankers and the richest 1% of the people on planet earth. I hardly call that "anti globalist."

This sort of naive hope is what keeps humanity enslaved.

Hortance ago

He REWARDED the new Saudi Prince who has been--if you failed to notice---jailing Saudis who have been so involved in US politics (like al-Waleed)...big Clinton Foundation contributor whose top financial guy reportedly wrote letters of recommendation and helped fund Obama Harvard.....Ugly. As. Hell. al Waleed's wife has been quoted as admitting to their participation in human trafficking, white slavery, the whole 9 yards.

The tax plan STRENGTHENS the US economy. Which the globalists have been trying to level down over the past 25 years to make Americans more amenable to global governance. Goldmans and the Soros types make money anyway, up or down markets.

Trump is helping the new Saudi leadership (fighting a proxy war with Iran in Yemen) and the ENTIRE world by opposing Iran. OBAMA helped Iran, refusing to support their freedom movements, etc....and giving them $$ and time to get a nuke.

You want "naive"? Reflexively regurgitating Goldman's/da Joos and aiming it at Trump whenever possible.

InnocentAngels ago

One thing I do like about the new Saudi prince is he is giving women more civil rights. That is a step in the right direction.

think- ago

The tax plan STRENGTHENS the US economy. Which the globalists have been trying to level down over the past 25 years to make Americans more amenable to global governance.

Yes, for a couple of years - but it will increase the debt => more profit for the usual suspects...

ESOTERICshade ago

He REWARDED the new Saudi Prince who has been--if you failed to notice

He sure did. The told them he would not consfiscate their assets and leave them holding the bag alone for 911 if they played their role in destroying the Middle East as Israel's proxy.

Saudi Arabia is elbow deep in debt to the western banking oligarchs. Nixon set up a deal in the 1970's for Saudia Arabia to funnel their surplus oil revenue into U.S. Treasury bonds. Biggest mistake the Saudis ever made too. Now they are trapped in Rothschild debt.

A couple of years ago the western oligarchs rattled the sabers in Saudia Arabia,s direction by "finding" the "missing" 28 pages of 911 documentation that showed Saudi complicity in 911. House Of Saud helped U.S./British intel and Mossad pull off 911. That was a threat that Saudi would be left holding the bag alone, and bombed into the stone age, if they did not fulfill their role in destabilizing the middle east.

Trump is helping the new Saudi leadership (fighting a proxy war with Iran in Yemen) and the ENTIRE world by opposing Iran.

Yep. The plan to destabilize the Middle East and steal resources from other nations is rolling right along. Innocent men, women, and children are being bombed out of their homes and killed for greedy western oligarchs and Trump is leading the charge by selling Saudia Arabia 110 Billion dollars worth of weapons to do it with.

The Saudis are a bunch of murdering savages just like they always were. The part of the Saudi family that got arrested didn't want Salman to be King because they did not believe he was the rightful heir to the throne. They were afraid he would seize power, throw them under the bus, and take all their money, and take Saudia Arabia to war with Yemen and Iran and that is exactly what is happening.

North Korea, Iran, and possibly Cuba are the only countries left of any size that don't have a Rothschild bank and the western banking system intends to take them down. You can spin it any way you want to but this is the truth.

The Saudia Arabia take down was explained by "Q" as the third leg of the evil global triangle being taken down for the first time in history. That is laughable beyond all proportions.

Spin like yours, or gullible naive notions, is what keeps humanity bouncing between the fake left/right paradigm.

Hortance ago

Propping up the IRANIANS was what was destabilizing to the Middle East. BTW the Saudis aren't trapped in Rothschild debt....they just made an agreement to sell their state oil production via the stock market (IPO) and they signal their intent to INVEST in US oil other words, quit funding the Earth-worshippers anti-fracking lies and start ....

RE: You are spewing your pre-prepared boiler plate at me when I've already demonstrated that I understand how the "Left/Right paradigm" doesn't exist...the Right establishment GOP IS Globalist. I've been real clear on that. Save the claptrap, I know you're dying to use it, but its misapplied on me. "The Plan to destabilize the mideast" was Obama's plan. Yemen is launching rockets INTO Saudi Arabia, as agent for Iran. Thats on Iran.

There is a handful of you here that has very regularly introduced accusations that "Trump is the swamp/Trump is deep state" THATS whats laughable. The truth is that neither of us is naive or gullible...but YOU have an agenda. Nobody believes it. Nobody is being influenced. Why not give it a rest?

ESOTERICshade ago

Propping up the IRANIANS was what was destabilizing to the Middle East.

Middle East destabilization started right after the 911 psyop and has nothing to do with Iran. It started with Iraq's fake "weapons of mass destruction" which never existed. They destroyed Iraq and have not stopped because they are not finished yet.

they just made an agreement to sell their state oil production via the stock market (IPO) and they signal their intent to INVEST in US oil production

They are up to their eyeballs in debt and have almost a 100 billion dollar budget deficit. Look it up. In order to survive they are cannabilizing Aramco which is the Saud family jewel. Before it is all over, as decades pass, western oligarchs will end up fucking the Saud family out of most of it.

You are spewing your pre-prepared boiler plate at me when I've already demonstrated that I understand how the "Left/Right paradigm" doesn't exist

Why keep marching to that drum then?

Yemen is launching rockets INTO Saudi Arabia, as agent for Iran. Thats on Iran.

Same sort of disinfo that was used right after 911 to start bombing the middle east. Same shit, different day.

There is a handful of you here that has very regularly introduced accusations that "Trump is the swamp/Trump is deep state" THATS whats laughable.

Its called reality and some of us are looking at it instead of ignoring it. The entire notion that Trump is fighting the globalists is laughable for anybody that reads world news.

think- ago

al Waleed's wife has been quoted as admitting to their participation in human trafficking, white slavery, the whole 9 yards.

That was fake, unfortunately. The post about it some days ago has been flared 'debunked'. Salman isn't the good guy in this game. This has not been about freeing innocent children from child sex slavery. It's just a struggle for power.

Trump is helping the new Saudi leadership (fighting a proxy war with Iran in Yemen

Yes, unfortunately. There are great numbers of people who are killed or are starving to death at present, including women and children.

There shouldn't be war with Iran. Look what happened in Syria. A desaster.

Obama agreed to support Hezbollah and enriched them, which was absolutely wrong, too.

There must be some middleway in between. A new war will mean more innocent people killed, more refugees, more human trafficking, more child sex slavery.

DonKeydich ago

WTF would anyone's morale do to affect Trump's decisions you DIPSHIT. LMAO!! Gonna March on Washington and force their hand? Oh wait the guy who did organize that WAS a shill. Fuck, off KIKE, NOW.

vahelper ago

Glad you put this together. There really is too much evidence if anyone looks at it objectively. The reality is just too painful for many people. I am optimistic that at least the deep state is loosing credibility daily.

ASolo ago

I wanted to get on here last night and show some support DTM but sat back to see this thread get a pummeling. It's unfortunate that these people won't do the research themselves so they can see who trump really is and there is every indication in the world that he is simply an interim ruse being used to polarize the population, until they find the opportunity to install pence.

His dad was a lubavitcher who built the Chabad Lubavitch center in the Bronx from money he stole from hud and poor black people.

His mentor was Roy cohn.

Really, everything you need to work from is contained in those two sentences, people are too conditioned to step back from the partisanship to see the reality that it's ALL WRAPPED UP.

Sad sad fact but it is.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

They need to lose power, not cred. The sheeple will never join in. They will never arrest themselves. He is one of them, always was. Rothschild don't bail out you and I. I don't know what more can be done for those waiting for a hero. Start with ourselves. Stop banking. That is step one.

DonKeydich ago

There is no deep state. It is in fact quite on the surface. EVERY CANDIDATE MUST KISS AIPAC'S RING this is by far the most basic and known fact about American presidential politics.


o I see what you did there !!! you state hard facts TRUTH then in other posts (most posts) you go to the other end of the psychological spectrum and rant bout racist shiate and push peoples buttons to make them turn away from you and make this whole forum look like racist NWO conspiracy retards ! the thing is tho ! truth mixed with a bag of tricks

DankKeyhote ago

How is naming the JEWISH lobby not racist if identifying pedophiles as Jews is. LMAO fucking kill yourself, retard


hey you yeah you donkey im saying i agree that jews are at the heart of this! plus jesuits the crown etc etc what? im also saying you use inflammatory langauage like "kill yourself retard" to turn people away or trigger an emotional response and confuse the narrative ! its a psychological play that you use to fuck with people !

DankKeyhote ago

Nice try but you said "racist" and there's no such thing as that either. Accepting PG is Jews means redpilling on the WHOLE JEWISH QUESTION which is impossible with so many naive women involved which is why they invented racism and indeed why they pushed universal suffrage. Absolutely nothing can change until women can't vote anymore and since cucked men won't enforce that there will be a race war. CLEAR AS DAY which is why I'm not paying my student loans -- credit scores won't mean shit soon enough.

Shizy ago

Hey donkey boy, since you brought up " clear as day" how's your massive acne problem these days??? Try improving your hygiene. It will help the zits and stop chasing the ladies away

DankKeyhote ago

^cruelty comes so naturally to modern women even tho they know they ain't shit lol

Do people with acne not deserve marriage and children?

srayzie ago

No. Especially not ones that are Muslim pedophiles. 👳🏽‍♂️


But isn't your jewish professor paying you to shill on these forums? arghahahha now you rolling out the women / men cucked angle...again their is Truth in that but you mix it with your bag of tricks !

DankKeyhote ago

No tricks. You're just a stupid faggot is all. If you want to scoff and walk away go debate someone in real life. Here you either dispute facts or shut the fuck up


lol okay okay ...theres going to be a race war because women can vote! and cucked men or some shit...and you dont pay bills ! now answer this ....what is your stance regarding Trump MAGA mania and his perceived battle against the controllers of this world? he for the lil people or has he always been the string puller! choose one ! ill wait for your deflection ....i

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Sad state when shills make more sense then the average PG poster.

Shizy ago

If you used than instead of then your comment would make more sense

AdmirableNelson ago

What is cherry picking? Is the evidence cherry picked in this thread, or not? Is there evidence of Trump being AGAINST pedophilia? Is THAT evidence cherry picked, our not? Which evidence is MORE cherry picked, if you try to select two sets of evidence? Look at ALL possible evidence, and put it in a big picture context.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Well, there is no PG ivnestigation. He has never even uttered a word about it. The alternative media is selling that he is SECRETLEY fighting them, and secretley arresting them, and secretley making plans against them. The reality is he has been in cahoots with them his entire life. My friends didn't do 9/11. My friends don't have islands where they indulge under age girls and I wasn't invited. My friends don't get bailed out by Rothschild INC. How bout any of you? He wouldn't walk across the street to piss on any of you if you were on fire. He lives in a palace for Christ sake. Wake up.

AdmirableNelson ago

The "alternative media" has proven much better at predicting and explaining events than the obviously corrupt and significantly controlled MSM is. The fact that you are on this board, which fundamentally is "alternative media", denouncing alternative media, is a suggestive one indeed.

And again you repeat your as-yet-entirely-unsupported claim that he is "one of them" with more emotional rhetoric. You ought to make arguments rather than speeches.

Cc1914 ago

Your right about never uttering the word PG

DonKeydich ago

Even when you're right you're wrong.

What a fucking loser.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Hahaha. Oh Donkeydich, you card...


either or maybe the cia / string pullers knew the pizzagate scandal was going to be unleashed on the public in the years to come and tgey wanted to muddy the waters! these secret cult plan shit way ahead of time 100 of years plans! of course the free will of humanity makes them tinker with their plans but its all laid out


yet people who have been here since day one knows he was referencing the gasp scandal of himself when photographed eating pizza with a fork

AdmirableNelson ago

Is the evidence you provided concerning Trump's allegiances and motivations cherry picked or not? Answer the question directly if you could.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Yes. I cherry picked every time he was involved with people that it is a red flag for him to be involved with. I did not show his harmless connections. I cherry picked every time he was involved or at least accused of child traficking, rape, or his good friends being guilty of these things. I cherry picked his secret society connections and didn't bring up his non secret society connections. So?

AdmirableNelson ago

Cherry picking leads to an inaccurate picture. You should try to account for all evidence. For example, Trump spoke out against Epstein when others didn't. That puts all other interactions with shady characters in a different light. This is one example that shows how misleading cherry picking is.

ESOTERICshade ago

Is the evidence you provided concerning Trump's allegiances and motivations cherry picked or not? Answer the question directly if you could.

Red herring. Trying to dismiss it all with one phrase "cherry picking", does not make it go away.

AdmirableNelson ago

We don't want to make evidence go away-- we want to use it without imposing biased discursive methods, such as cherry picking.

ESOTERICshade ago

We don't want to make evidence go away-- we want to use it without imposing biased discursive methods, such as cherry picking. Some people only want the truth they choose to see, I want it ALL and I don't care where it leads.

The Catholic church is proven, practically every week by a new priest busted for pedophilia, that the Catholic Church is full of pedophiles. It is very "cherry picking" selective to ignore the Jesuit role in pedophilia. This sub protects Catholic pedophiles because Trump has a Jesuit background. Everytime someone posts the documentary of survivors who were raped and tortured by the Catholic Church when they were children it gets immediately and swiftly deleted. Interesting how that is not relevant to pizzagate innit?

U.S. Jesuits to pay $50 million in Alaska abuse cases | Reuters

Jesuits to pay $166M to settle sex abuse claims - CBS News

AdmirableNelson ago

Pedophilia in the church is a separate subject. Injecting it only CONFUSES the discussion by diffusing its focus. And it is also a nearly universal tactic used by those that seek to disrupt discussion and create an atmosphere of dispute where cooperation is far more productive.

ESOTERICshade ago

Pedophilia in the church is a separate subject. Injecting it only CONFUSES the discussion by diffusing its focus. And it is also a nearly universal tactic used by those that seek to disrupt discussion and create an atmosphere of dispute where cooperation is far more productive.

Lying Israeli bullshitter.

AdmirableNelson ago


Have you considered that the approach you are using is counterproductive? When you carry on this way, who can take your perspective seriously?

ESOTERICshade ago

Have you considered that the approach you are using is counterproductive? When you carry on this way, who can take your perspective seriously?

Actually that reply wasn't supposed to be for you. I made a mistake. It was meant for the Israeli shill.

vahelper ago

You make a good point in general but that isn't how posts typically work. People share their own perspective. I believe the data pointing to Trump cleaning the swamp and taking down pedos is primarily hype. I'm glad Trump is president instead of Hillary at least they are putting on a good show of it.

derram ago :

Tim Kaine, Donald Trump, Pope Francis and Jesuit Educations | Time :

Donald Trump in 2008: Hillary's "A Wonderful Woman" - YouTube :

Donald Trump in 2008: "I support Hillary" - YouTube :

Donald Trump: "Hillary is a great friend of mine" (2008) - YouTube : :

A Brief History of Donald Trump and Bill Clinton’s Friendship :

Trump lawyers given court date over lawsuit alleging rape of 13-year-old | US news | The Guardian :

TRUMP IS THE SWAMP Trump's Jewish Elite MAFIA and The 5 Dancing Israelis 2017 TMR - YouTube

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