srayzie ago

I haven’t had a problem with you so this isn’t directed at you... but that faggot @Are_we__sure is a shill. I would never upvote anything of his. There’s a reason he can’t post his own stuff and why people downvote him.

MolochHunter ago

and that was precisely the attitude I had towards him. But on this one he got me - the evidence he provided is independent and credible, there's an innocuous explanation that seriously weakens the $65k Obama argument

Again, it doesnt rule out Obama as one of the pedomafia, it just means the sum total of evidence we have that we can unequivocably pin on him is lesser

MC_Ren ago

what a terrible, and extremely gay, attempt at an April Fools "joke", smh. the only Fool made here was the OP, whadda fag he is

MolochHunter ago

Congratulations. You're the tenth poster to shit on this thread without mentioning, examining or discussing the EVIDENCE

am I the only cunt left in this forum who remembers what it is to be Objective?

Dickface808 ago

How about "Fresh tortillas flown in from Mexico"? Seriously...

MolochHunter ago

that in and of itself remains suspicious.

But what bearing does that have on this apparently plausibly innocent alibi for the $65k email

seriously, all you guys coming at me talking up OTHER evidence and OTHER incidences. Not one of you yet has commented specifically on the evidence at hand. Can you not shoot the messengers for one moment and be clinical fucking investigators. Are you all that locked into a railroad thought pattern that you cant even say 'Are We Sure talks shit 99% of the time but on this 1% he might have a point'

is that really beyond you people?

Dickface808 ago

Tbh I didn't dig too deep into it after I heard Are_we_sure hipped you to it. I will but can't right now.

Dickface808 ago

Are_we_sure also "debunked" the Tamera Luzzatto blog, claiming it was totally innocent and a witch hunt and that we were crazy for thinking otherwise. I'll never forget it, don't waste your energy on that fucker.

MolochHunter ago

'Are we sure' sure had it wrong on the Luzatto blog. Thats absolute bona fide prima facie evidence of trafficking children

How does that discount the EVIDENCE of the Daily Mail article saying Obama was flying a pizza chef in for a big party?

srayzie ago

Just because a news article says that doesn’t make it so. I’ve always heard that all meals there have to be prepared by the White House. Who knows. I won’t spend hours researching trying to debunk posts like he does. I don’t do that for a living.

Besides, Obama was the president. Not a celebrity. Why would he be paying all that money to fly a pizza chef there for a party? AWS always has an excuse for everything.

MolochHunter ago

The contention is it was prepared in the whitehouse, he just shipped a celeb chef in to the WH for the cook-up (expenses of which contribute to the ridick figure of $65k)

srayzie ago

Ok thank you. :)

Dickface808 ago

Because AWS's only contribution here is to discourage people it seems. This was only a month or two ago AT MOST that AWS claimed that about the blog, after being here for 2 years or however long. That's pizzagate 101, one of the best pieces of evidence we have and AWS "apparently" thinks it's literally nothing.

Matt_Helm ago

No because the guys emailing about this have prior emails where they are clearly talking about paying for sex with kids.

Go to Wikileaks and find the actual emails they also joke about splitting a pizza meaning sharing a young girl for sex.

Are_we_sure ago

Go to Wikileaks and find the actual emails they also joke about splitting a pizza meaning sharing a young girl for sex.

Actually, the joke is that their company is being so cheap, getting pizza for the office means getting a single slice and splitting it.

srayzie ago

Oh you were there to hear the joke? 🙄 Nice try. We’re supposed to think “ohhhh AWS is the only one who got the joke. I’m so glad he cleared that up!” You’re the joke.

Are_we_sure ago

The fact that you think you need to "hear" jokes within emais explains a lot.

Here, I highlighted the various jokes for you. This might make it easier to understand.


Who all is in the Austin office today who is going to want pizza? We only have one slice and we need to know how thinly to slice it...

Simply send a single response, filed, color-coded, double-sided and appropriately labeled, signed in triplicate and set on fire.


Does the pizza offer include those of us who can't make the meeting because we're out here editing? 'Cos if so, count me in.

This e-mail is color-coded in black and white and will combust in 30 seconds.


Are you sure this might not be a Jim Jones Kool-Aid event? Teekell, pls eat my slice.


There's apparently been some confusion: we're not reserving slices here. Everybody gets one slice, according to their needs, just as the glorious tenets of Marxism would tell us.


"strategic forecasting" = "strict george fanatics" some kind of conspiracy in the works for sure

srayzie ago

You know what I mean dick breath.

What they are saying is that they have one kid. Who wants to come join in.

Simply send a single response, filed, color-coded, double-sided and appropriately labeled, signed in triplicate and set on fire.

Nice try. That’s why they have to talk in code. Lame.

Are_we_sure ago

You know what I mean dick breath.

I know that you don't actually like to engage on the level of argument and evidence and I know that when your evidence falls apart, you act like a third-grader.

I know that this is conspiratorial nonsense

What they are saying is that they have one kid. Who wants to come join in.

I don't know if the nonsense is based on the inability to recognize humor or the belief in the nonsense comes first and the obvious humor is just ignored.

I know that the evidence for this "code" is extraordinarily weak and comes from the 4chan meme "Post CP" or post "Child Porn." (Yeah, it comes from the same website where QAnon started.) From this people starting joking and posting other CP items like chocolate pudding, copy paper, Captain Picard, compter processors and the one that became most popular, "Cheese Pizza." In this case Pizza would equal Porn. I also know that there's scant if any evidence of pizza by itself being some pedophile code. I know that "Cheese Pizza" is never used in the Podesta emails which contain zero code. I also know that the pizzagate code list was faked, because there's no evidence of existing on the web prior to the Podesta emails being leaked.

Post CP is an acronym in which CP can have a variety of meanings. #Initially used as an acronym for 4chan posters to indirectly mention or request a child pornography thread, in later years the acronym became commonly associated with the posting of other subjects with the same first letters (C & P, most notably “Cheese Pizza”) to parody prohibited request threads or to troll those who hope to find child pornography.

srayzie ago

Aaaand that’s why you are a known shill and everyone downvotes you. That speaks for itself.

srayzie ago

What is that supposed to mean? 🤔

MolochHunter ago

that's a Stratfor email. It certainly is a suspicious email, as are a whole bunch of Stratfor connections. But that doesnt implicate Obama. This evidence appears to credibly provide an alibi for the $65k pizza/dogs email that we once assumed implicated Obama. Maybe Obama is implicated, but in light of this, the $65k email is no longer a smoking gun.

darkknight111 ago

That shill is NOT on our side. Why are you defending that leftist garbage? and needs to be treated like the filth he his just because of it (ie downvoat just for being a known shill).

The more you downvoat shills, the more you silence them.

Besides, I hate that commie fucker Obama PERSONALLY given how Obama care RUINED my life by crashing job hiring in my field shortly after graduating from college (in addition to the economic crash doing the same). Of course I have reason to want him to hang high from a tree.

MolochHunter ago

Lets recap the rules of evidence, shall we.

Do not assess this post by what you think of Obama

Do not assess this post by what you think of Are We Sure

Do not assess this post by what you think of me

Do not assess this post by who you think may or may not be a shill or a leftist

assess the evidence on its independent merits

darkknight111 ago

It's not you that I don't trust?

Do you trust his motives? Given what is known about his motives, how do you know he's not bull shitting you with fake news?

In all fairness, I'm in a VERY bad mood tonight, so I'm not gonna bother with that shill's "MSM is the truth bullshit".

Well since that jackass donkey is back, I decided to lift my mood up a bit by sharing one of his posts in which he defends Mohammad's pedophila with donkey's belief that "women are legal for sex when they have their first period" (ie donkey himself is a pedo or a pedo defender) with a cyber group that seeks out and punishes pedophiles. They also have his post in which he threatened a female poster with being kidnapped and repeatedly raped (remember that donkey is on record believeing that rape is morally acceptable).

MolochHunter ago

dude. Once again.

The EVIDENCE. I've been persuaded by EVIDENCE, not by Are We Sure

Clear as day, a Daily Mail article talking about a famous pizza chef being invited to the Whitehouse to do a cook up there. A secondary minor local news outlet article also talking about it, both a month before the infamous $65k email

ignore everything else. I can be unhinged sometimes, that doesnt mean everything i submit is without merit. So too with everyone here. Fuck me even that Wisconsin is Corrupt guy , he only talked cryptic shit for 6 months. Turned out he was RIGHT, he just had some perverse aversion to supplying EVIDENCE

address the evidence. In what capacity does this not provide a potentially innocuous explanation for the $65k email ?

auralsects ago

lol cant you see they are incapable of that? women especially depend on groupthink -- just look at how important they see keeping up with changing fashion trends. countless studies show their intellectual insecurity.

he said it: "(ie downvoat just for being a known shill)." "known shill" because that faggot and a group of women think so. of course the "shill" can simply use alts or ask someone else to post their shit, as I have done, and it's pretty funny how differently they react to the same information depending on messenger.

another reply to you from a woman is highly familiar: "When you call everyone "bitches" in your first sentence you have a weak shit argument."

not only the messenger's reputation but his word choice will influence a woman's evaluation of the factual content

Shizy ago

You dumb mother fucker, you already know I'm a woman, so you're impressing no one by claiming to know my comment was from a woman based on what I said. What a joke!!

You're a weak, cowardly little ass who got chased off this board because you can't handle being called out on your shit! By your own admission here you create alts to hide behind. The meanie women are just too much for your to handle so you run away like a bitch. Unfortunately you're so easy to spot because of YOUR style of writing and idiotic logic that you SUCK at hiding who you are! 🖕🏻

srayzie ago

Uh oh. That little faggot replied to you and pinged me. Somebodies triggered! 🤣😂🤣😂 I love it because no woman triggers him more than I do, That’s why he’s so obsessed with me. Why? Because I put the little bitch in his place. Opposite of how he thinks the woman’s role should be. 🙄

So... it cracks me up because you came along and tear into him like I do. Together, you and I are his worst nightmare!! 😂😂😂😂😂 I swear... You’re my kind of woman friend HAHA.

If you really want to trigger the insecure little excuse for a man, bring up a big tall alpha male. 🤣 It drives him nuts because he wishes he was masculine and manly like that. He’s only macho behind his keyboard. In real life, he wouldn’t dare treat people the way he treats them here. A real man would lay him flat! He’s so intimidated by REAL men. He hates women because nobody wants the little piece of shit. Hmmm I wonder why. 🙄

My first time meeting Donkey was because I had made a comment saying that George Webb used his charm and personality to make women fall for him. It was during a time when he was supposedly harassing this woman named Wendy. Well Donkey, who I had never even caught my attention yet, lost his shit!

He’s so triggered by George Webb, that I was forced to to take precautions and give him this...

So whatever you do, don’t talk about big tall strong sexy strapping men with deep voices and a full head of hair!! 😂 Especially not George Webb. 🙄 He will just talk about how American women are whores and superficial. 😁 Then he’ll get triggered when we aren’t bothered by it and put the little wannabe in his place. In real life, he knows we would bitch slap his ass and bruise his bruise his ego even more.

Feel free to ping me anytime you have to deal with the scrawny little queer.
2 babes are better than 1. Especially since in real life he can’t get ANY!

Shizy ago

I really can't get over how he slithers back here with his new stupid name pretending to be someone else! 😂. It just shows how young and stupid he is that he acts so impulsively by telling everyone repeatedly he was "done with this place" but doesn't have the balls to keep to what he says! His utter hatred of women (and everything jewey) along with his inability to refrain from telling everyone to do something nasty with his pee pee makes him easy to spot.

Why is it always the fat nasties who love to throw around the hostile sex invitations that they know damn well NO ONE would ever take them up on 😂😂😂😂? It's so sad

srayzie ago

You’re right! He loves to tell us how he’s uncircumcised too. I don’t care to know anything about his little noodle. LMAO

Shizy ago

He's probably lying. I'm sure mommy got him circumcised but he's so overly concerned someone might accuse him of being Jewish he has to always put that out there

srayzie ago

You know he’s part Jew right? He’s straight up told us. So, he hates himself. That’s what’s even more crazy.

Shizy ago

I didn't know that! His self hate is pretty obvious. I just didn't make the connection that it was due to his jewness. I just thought it was because his moms a crack ho and he's pasty and obese! He reminds me of those guys who continually have to tell you how not gay they are because they really have sex with dudes 😂

auralsects ago

How did I spot ANY of you dumb bitches in the first place, bitch? You don't just come out and declare it randomly. It is just OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE.

For example, since discussing ideas on forums is a male thing, clearly it must be a woman like you who doesn't understand how they work: user names get BANNED or disabled due to downvote bots. So I simply make new ones with zero attempt to hide. It is impossible to "chase" anyone off without a full IP ban.

I generally ignore your retarded screeds but here I choose to correct your misunderstandings of basic things only to point out that they prove you want to ride my dick just like @srayzie.

Don't forget why I came back: to laugh at another Q "lead" that I had posted six months prior, and to rub it all over your faces like my hot loads you so clearly crave. Cunts!

Shizy ago

Thanks for the laugh you fat little slob!😂😂😂😂😂 only on your DREAMS does any woman want to "ride" anything remotely near you let alone your tiny ass little dick that stinks like funyons from your two favorite past times- shoving your face full of food and jerking your teeny weenie to anime.

You're a really pathetic excuse for a person let along a so called man. And what's worst is you're a cowardly little liar! We could all believe that you were changing your name to avoid your deserved downvoats (by humans, not by bots!) then you were making slight changes to the donkey moniker, but then it's just by confidence after your "srayzie is mean to me" tantrum you come back with this pathetic new identity 😂😂😂😂. Fuck off!

srayzie ago

In this same thread, you said this to @Shizy...

another reply to you from a woman is highly familiar: "When you call everyone "bitches" in your first sentence you have a weak shit argument."

Then in your first triggered reply, you ping me and say this in your first sentence...

How did I spot ANY of you dumb bitches in the first place, bitch?

You called us a bitch TWICE! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Donkey, anyone who isn’t a shill, KNOWS that you are a shill. You don’t make the rules around here. Even if your little fantasy were true, you don’t qualify as a man. Having a little noodle may make you a male. But doesn’t make you a man. 🙄

You’re blaming downvote bots? 😂 Are you a full blown liberal now? 🙄 Are they Russian bots? 🤔 They just randomly choose YOU and your alts to downvote? LMAO. No, it can’t possibly be because you have nothing of value to add to a conversation and you treat everyone like shit. 🤨

I think I can speak for Shizy here. We wouldn’t touch that flappy skinned uncircumcised little diseased dick. Much less ride it. 🤢 IN YOUR DREAMS! 🖕🏻

Shizy ago

Ha ha! I told little fat ass practically the same thing about his nasty little flap of flaccid skin! As if he could even get it to work with a human! He's so use to his greasy sausage fingered hand!

And he sounds like Hillary "the Russian bots ruined everything for me"! 😂

srayzie ago

I didn’t know you told him that too! 😂🤣 Wow. Too funny. I could never block him. He’s too entertaining. If I’m in a bad mood, I know who I can take it out on. 😁

auralsects ago

You called us a bitch TWICE! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

every sentence to a woman should begin and end with bitch until you get in line. saying a particular word doesn't affect a message, bitch. here you are admitting you think it does LOL. "2+2=4, cunt." see? logic is about causality. it's a scientific fact that women don't think logically as much as it is a scientific fact that they have smaller brains than men regardless of body size.

You’re blaming downvote bots? 😂 Are you a full blown liberal now? 🙄 Are they Russian bots? 🤔 They just randomly choose YOU and your alts to downvote? LMAO.

obviously its not random you stupid bitch; it is quite clear why I am singled out. you know there are publicly known groups of Jews who patrol the internet to run cover for The Tribe don't u? I think you've heard of one called "Q"

of course there are a lot of bandwagon retard human users who downvote me as well.

We wouldn’t touch that flappy skinned uncircumcised little diseased dick.

it is the deepest fantasy of every woman to have a strong fascist man ravage her. that's another fact it is useless to deny. so of course you wouldn't ride it because no woman ever wants to be above a man, not in sex or job position or anything else.

srayzie ago

saying a particular word doesn't affect a message, bitch.

That’s not what you said to @Shizy 🖕🏻

Keep changing usernames then since the Jews are after you 🤣 Its not Russian bots for donkey. It’s Jew bots. LMAO!

Are you saying you’re a fascist? 🤔 There is nothing about you that would make me desire having you ravage me. Dream on cupcake.

auralsects ago

That’s not what you said to @Shizy 🖕🏻

she quoted his word bitch and said "why would anyone believe what you say after that" as if there were any logicality there and you cant even follow such a simple chain of events LMAO

yeah Jews have bot armies and shill armies and train jews to scour and edit Wikipedia. basic facts in the "truth community." they even make the top programs for hacking major infrastructure and cars, which they recently bragged and demonstrated for Vice news.

of course real men are fascists. what's RIGHT doesn't depend on how many retards and cunts will vote for. why do you think Jews love 'democracy' so much. cuz they can 'inform' the most people thru their media monopolies. btw it is a proven fact that women are far less informed on even basic political matters (like who's secretary of state etc) than men, Pew just came out with yet another set of quiz results showing this. women shouldn't be anywhere near a voting booth, ever.

Shizy ago

So what if some women would prefer to follow what celebrities are into over politics?!? Your comment just shows your ignorance and rigidity by thinking ALL women are a certain way because of a PEW study! It makes you look stupid!

In reality though you just can't hide your utter hatred of all women! I'm not sure what happened to you to make you this way, nor do I even care because it doesn't effect me. You're the one who has to live the shitty life you have created. I hope I never encounter you in real life! You're a sick disgusting person!

auralsects ago

ALL women are a certain way because of a PEW study! It makes you look stupid!

actually that's the entire purpose of a poll: to extrapolate generalities by taking a representative sample.

your reply consists of "not all women!! youre a hater!!" which is a perfect display of emotional, irrational female thinking. thank you for providing it.

srayzie ago

You are not THAT important cock sucker. You don’t have Jew bots after you anymore than anyone else, and you especially don’t have women after you. Get over yourself 🤣

auralsects ago

"all you do is blame the jews in every thread"

"you dont have Jew bots after you more than anyone else"

LOL how could the same person say both these. Oh right it's a bitch and no one even expects them to be consistent

MolochHunter ago

I mean, does this conclude 100% that Obama is not part of the Pedostocracy? No Does it mean pizza is discredited as a code word? No.

All it means is that the sum total of evidence in the public domain pointing to his participation in the same sick shit as Epstein, Hastert, Silsby, Saville is thinner than we in this community would often like to assert. It means anyone who is yet to be convinced of Pizzagate who knows about this Missouri pizza chef gig who hears us bang on about the $65k is gonna roll their eyes at us with good cause in the light of plausibility the Daily Mail article seems to provide

Shizy ago

When you call everyone "bitches" in your first sentence you have a weak shit argument. You write that Obama paid 65k for pizza/hot dogs from Chicago, but the daily mail article you use as your proof states the chef was from St. Louis! And it only discusses pizza. Zero mention of hot dogs in either article. This whole post is garbage.

And you seriously tell us to upvoat that dick bag are we sure? I know it's Saturday night an all but damn, don't make posts when you're drunk!

MolochHunter ago

i, too told Are We Sure that the st Louis / Chicago discrepancy weakens the argument a little. But come on. Read the link. Daily Mail - large online media, mid April 2009, explicitly bangs on about Obama bringing in a pizza chef.

Read my previous voat link where I challenged Are We Sure on it and I cant hand on my heart say my prior bias trumps his provided EVIDENCE

Are_we_sure ago

One powerful tool to research an item like this is to limit your google search to just the dates when the event happened. If you google Obama and $65,000 pizza all you will get is references to the false story that was built up around this email.

But if you just search for item from around the original time, you will see this story about obama and pizza was written about in tons of different MSM articles.,cd_min:3/1/2009,cd_max:6/1/2009&ei=MGbAWrHIFK2k_QbN4qaIDQ&start=10&sa=N&biw=1163&bih=536

And you could find articles like this that were determined to attack Obama for this story.

You can also do time specific searches on twitter is is particularly good for something like this which is a faken interpretation of the news.

linda=Deplorable@pinnie99 29 Jun 2009 AIR OBAMA: I think ill fly in a chicago pizza. yum.

Jasper Drake@jaspernv 29 May 2009 How much CO2 does gets released flying a chef to DC to make a pizza ? Oh wait, it's ok when Obama pollutes the environment

You really start to see it when you add the conservative hashtag TCOT to your twitter search.

Adam Piper@adampiper 10 Apr 2009 Obama wastes taxdollars to fly pizza chef 860 miles to the White House... What about Dominoes? #tcot

Kelly William Cobb ‏

@kellywcobb 11 Apr 2009 So...I wonder much did Obama's pizza delivery cost us. #transparency #tcot

Cari2008@Cari2008 10 Apr 2009 Obama wastes taxdollars 2 fly pizza chef 860 miles 2 the White House.. What about Dominoes? #tcot #teaparty

sunajAeon ago

Your first line calling people bitches is all I need to hear-DOWNVOTE

MolochHunter ago

lol how come you bitches suddenly got thinner skins than SJWs

sunajAeon ago

How is it you talk like a nigger? Is that supposed to impress the scholars here?

MolochHunter ago

ur picking a fight over nothing more substantial than gossammer.

How about you assess the evidence, discuss its merits, and if you have counterevidentiary material, submit it.

sunajAeon ago

(You see how much you get done when you talk intelligently?) :)

sunajAeon ago


Are_we_sure ago

This information was on reddit shortly after pizzagate broke, I believe. I know I saw a reddit post about it.

But here's some more evidence that right wing commenters were critizing Obama for having a pizza party in the White House. They got their facts wrong and claimed he was spending taxpayer money "flying pizza chefs in." From a comment I made a while back



(Also note how nobody lost their mind and started claiming pizza = pedophilia. That had to wait for the psyops on social media to mature.

In fact, read this article about the St Louis pizza guy all the way to end to blow your mind.
It will blow your mind.

Also because MH, posted this, here's another debunking. A video of John Podesta making pasta with walnut sauce or pasta con salsa di noci in Italian

MolochHunter ago

and now we wait for folks to downvoat you, without contributing anything to challenge the veracity of your evidence

(ps the fact that he calls it pizzagate back in 2009 doesnt do it for me - the sexual perversion/pizza graphics on Alefantis' instagram and the FBI pedo logos on the strip of shops Comet is on are well enough to warrant a new unrelated 'gate' in its own right)

Are_we_sure ago

there have been 4 instances of Pizzagate that I know of.

As you may or may not know, I think the evidence of Alefantis is pretty darn thin as well.

derram ago :

Obamas fly chef 860 miles to the White House... just to make pizza | Daily Mail Online

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