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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

How they came to the conclusion that you're DeathtoMasonsASAP is beyond me. This seems like it's all about their cult allegiance to Q. I give up. I've already got way more documentation of some stuff I needed from this board regarding the Q psy op that disturbs me highly and it has absolutely nothing to do with being anyone's sock puppet. This is just pathetic. They're really freaking butthurt any time someone says anything bad about the Q psy op, and that's about it. If you go over to Great Awakening you see srazyie tag EVERY MOD in this forum on nearly every new Q post. There are other sock puppets to be exposed but I'm not going to be the one to do it. I already suffered enough for talking to them. I'll just continue gathering my evidence and keeping it to myself. If anyone is interested in it, feel free to PM me.

Deprogram yourselves before it's too late for you, Q followers. Or as they told me at the dawn of Q, "Wake up Alice"

ESOTERICshade ago

I always take up for @srayzie and I support her, because I KNOW she is a genuine good person. I don't believe in the Q thing psyop but @srayzie is solid.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

My point is that every mod here on this forum is pro-Q, nothing personal about srayzie. I've witnessed personal friends of mine go nuts over Q and attack people who disagreed with their opinion about who the best journalists are etc. Then later they come to their own conclusion about that person that they previously attacked people about criticizing. Nothing does it quite like Q. I just can't believe anyone is still following it after everything that's come out regarding that whole psy op, not to mention the 666 Nemos character with the heroin / opium trafficking charge and the pilot's license. You'd have to be completely unaware of all of it not to think something is wrong with the picture. And I'm sick and tired of reading about it and hate to see this board descend into Qtardia.

ESOTERICshade ago

My point is that every mod here on this forum is pro-Q

We still have one mod that does not believe in the Q phenom. That mod is @think- and is also the best mod we have. I praise @think- regularly and get attacked by think for praising her. She seems to think that she is so powerful that I am praising her because she is all powerful.

I don't praise @think- because I think she is powerful and my fate somehow rests in her hands. I praise her because I respect her mind and her judgement.

think- ago

I don't praise @think- because I think she is powerful and my fate somehow rests in her hands. I praise her because I respect her mind and her judgement.

I don't give a shit what you think about me. Your game is over, Esoteric.

I praise @think- regularly and get attacked by think for praising her.

No, you don't. I have called you out for being a liar and a manipulator, and I will continue to do so as long as I am a user here.

FUCK OFF, and do it ASAP. Don't forget to take all your alts with you.

You are a digusting piece of shit, @EsotericShade. It should tell everybody here something that I forget that I'm a lady when replying to you, frickin asshole troll.

@Vinidcator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @Shizy @KatHarzso

ESOTERICshade ago

I sent Amy a few hundred dollars when she got attacked by the pedo criminals. I'm a terrible person.

think- ago

I sent Amy a few hundred dollars when she got attacked by the pedo criminals.

Look everybody, Esoteric admits to have groomed @EffYouJohnPodesta. I almost feel sorry for her.

You just acted like any bad actor would, Esoteric. You befriended people here in order to use them later, trying to influence the actions of other users on this sub.

You created alts for vote brigading, and then you went on to vote brigade.

This must have cost a lot of time. And would explain why you never really posted that much, wouldn't it?

You did 8 submissions on v/pizzagate in the last 8 months. Mostly just copypasting news stories.

And you didn't even had to mod like @Vindicator, @EricKaliberhall or me.

You pretended organ trafficking was a terrible important topic for you. But when I asked you why you didn't seem to be eager to post anything about it, I never got a reply.

You just built a profile for plausible deniability. Just like you pretended to support the v/greatawakening sub and @srayzie, and since you hate Q, it was obvious that you only voiced that 'support' for plausibe deniability.

TL;DR: You have acted like any ShareBlue shill or CIA black hat would have acted.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @MolochHunter

ESOTERICshade ago

You just acted like any bad actor would, Esoteric.

Yep. I sent somebody some money. I am indeed a nasty actor.

You did 8 submissions on v/pizzagate in the last 8 months. Mostly just copypasting news stories.

That is true. I am burned out. I'm baked. I'm done. I just don't have much left in me. That is true. I know more about all this shit than I would ever admit to knowing. I have been doing this for 23 years and i'm damn tired of it. I wish I didn't know all that I know. I would be a lot happier if I didn't know it.

You pretended organ trafficking was a terrible important topic for you. But when I asked you why you didn't seem to be eager to post anything about it, I never got a reply.

I have seen a kid get cut up on a table like a piece of meat and thrown into a pile with other kids. They do not even sedate them before they cut them open and whack out the organs. One kid can equal 1.5 million dollars. That is how much money is in this depraved racket. What have you seen? I bet you have not seen what I saw. Have you ever seen little kids stacked in a pile like firewod? I doubt it.

You just built a profile for plausible deniability.

I am myself. I blame me for being what I am. I feel fairly good about myself. Its not fault that people don't understand some of the things I undersand. I wish I didn't know some of the things I know because I would be a lot happier.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

Look at that emotional bullshit he's trying to playoff as legitimate response.

"Oh poor me I saw a kid getting cut up on a table. You should believe me because I saw a kid getting cut up on a table. I know more about this than you because 23 years and I'm totally not talking about the 23 years being how long I've been shilling."

Vindicator ago

Look at that emotional bullshit he's trying to playoff as legitimate response.

Yep, that would be taking a page from his own playbook, as expressed in one of his early submissions where he was first setting himself up as Grandpa Truther, the Sage of Pizzagate. Esoteric explains effective manipulation tactics:

“Most people don't act on logic primarily, they react to the emotional environment within themselves. It is a lot easier to trigger people using emotional appeal than logic. Pretty much every mob or mass action was not catapulted into action by appealing to their logic. They took action because they got swept up in their emotions.”

@think- @srayzie @Shizy @kevdude

Shizy ago

How nice of him to let us all know how he operates.

think- ago

Yep. I sent somebody some money. I am indeed a nasty actor.

Go and look up the meaning of 'grooming'. Since you pretend to be a genuine PG researcher you should know what the term means. /s

That is true. I am burned out.

Rubbish. You spend your time here vote brigading and grooming people. You only did a certain number of posts for plausible deniability.

I'm done.

That's a valid self-assessment.

I have seen...

Not a valid reply to my statement.

I am myself.

Not interested in any of your stories. But since you claim to be so terribly burned out, give yourself a rest. And don't forget to delete all your alt accounts before you leave. FOR GOOD.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @kevdude @srayzie