BIGLY17 ago

Wasn't it already established this guy, at a minimum, has many ties with CIA programs? Thought I read a post to this effect in regards to his involvement in a CIA-sponsored school program among other correlations.

quantokitty ago

Yes. This is the post you're talking about.

The thing is how many people just go along with everything. Like you're at a party and someone shows you a video of prostitutes smoking meth in your apartment and it's like, "Oh, okay ... sure ... nothing wrong there."

DerivaUK ago

Good find QK. Quality post as always. Upvoat. Surely this warrants a warrant for Buck?

quantokitty ago

Thanks so much. Appreciate it.

At least a thorough investigation. If this guy was known to supply drugs, one would hope the LAPD would take action. And now there's a witness to him filming so it's not just friends of Gemmel stating this. That blogger is putting herself out there in talking about this and including a picture to show she knew Buck.

DerivaUK ago

His phone needs to be seized before it's cleaned. Respect to the lady revealing this. Prayers for her safety.

quantokitty ago

Yes! Absolutely. As for the lady's safety, yes, please stay safe. It was an act of incredible bravery to come forward. She sounds very astute and I'm sure is aware of the risks.

sunajAeon ago

What the HELL does this have to do with Pizzagate???

Snailracer ago

It seems like Buck is a drug dealer who takes payment in sexual service. Seems like this would be quite a sensational case if someone got him to court, wrongful death, intent to distribute, etc.

quantokitty ago

Oh, this is a HUGE story. If one follows Buck's connections, it will lead to the heart of #pizzagate. This selection of certain individuals who are then showered with money is an aspect not looked into. How the hell did he make all that money? Was it through business? Or through personal connections? Then he, in turn, bestows the magic money touch on chosen politicians who advance the agenda and narrative? Yes, it's a pattern.

carmencita ago

This woman was smart enough to speak out and know there was something sick and weird about what he showed her. Thank You for finding THIS! Your tenacity should be rewarded with many Upvoats! I had a sick feeling about this guy from the get go after the first article was featured on here. People high up in the Dem Party have and are covering up for this jerk. There is much more to be found, I believe on his background and why they are letting him run free. He is possibly doing something for them. Is it just his donations, I don't think so, and where is he getting his money from? From that bicycle shop, that is a really money making machine, Right? Nah. Something stinks like 3 day old fish. Eek.

quantokitty ago

Completely agree. The money came overnight. Supposedly from a company launched from a bedroom.

Nothing adds up. That time he spent in Amsterdam ... what did he do there?

Definitely an "agent" of some kind. Or a foot soldier? Something. And the casual nature of him showing the video on his cellphone. His cellphone! Aren't people hacked all the time, and yet there is the film on the cellphone. No worries. No one will do anything about it. Why was he so confident? Why did he feel he could whip that video out and show it to a fellow democratic without them screaming that they were calling the police?

Lots to discover. Tip of the iceberg.

carmencita ago

I agree. Way to Confident.