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ESOTERICshade ago

You are too simple minded to notice that I was against the Q Larp from the very beginning. You need to find a couple of brain cells to rub together.

SoberSecondThought ago

You'd do better to just ignore me. When you make claims like this, you invite a detailed rebuttal. Let's go back and look first at your defense of @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, as I did in my submission on Day 11.

As I showed in that submission, you accepted some really insane claims from WIC, stuff that was insultingly, absurdly easy to prove false. For example, his claim about perfectly innocent Wisconsin residents with an Italian surname being Mafia bosses. He also claimed to have direct, insider knowledge of a secret FBI RICO investigation of Paul Ryan (something that he refused to prove and that by its nature could not be proved). And when he even claimed to speak directly for God, you didn't flinch, you went right on defending him and claiming that I must be some sort of shill, paid by Paul Ryan to deflect attention from his still totally nonspecific crimes. To this day, neither you nor WIC have produced anything whatever against Ryan. I don't have to love Paul Ryan to recognize that you dishonestly echoed WIC's pompous "we know the TRUTH" smear campaign against him, and evaded every criticism of it, right up to the day he stopped posting.

And why DID your friend WIC stop posting, anyway? I continue to believe that it was because I finally mentioned John Boehner's role in the June 2013 Glenn Beck whistleblower drama. He was willing to accuse me of being a shill, dangerous, deranged, and whatever, and to keep defending his absurd, fact-free charges against Ryan and Racine, Wisconsin, until I mentioned Boehner. Then he vanished, and interestingly enough, you never mentioned WIC, or Ryan, or Racine again.

Well, it could all be coincidence, except that you also did something similar with @HighLevelInsider. Remember when I went through all your posts regarding him, and showed that while you briefly CLAIMED to be opposed to him, and CLAIMED to see through his equally absurd and fact-free posts, you actually agreed with him, or let him agree with you, on every subsequent occasion?

Dude, @Crensch identified this particular sockpuppet as a shill for the pedos long before I ever did. You might succeed in partially rehabilitating this one character by loudly complaining about Q Anon, and by being nonspecific in your rants about Freemasonry. I notice that you never bring up SOBIB or the Jesters anymore. You go on and on about the evil Freemasons, but never talk about those. Could it be because those much more specific and worthwhile leads are an embarrassment to you/HLI/Senate Anon/ababcb? Also, talking about Q's posts making you want to vomit seemed a bit over the top to me, but whatever, you're the brilliant actor with the arts degree, not me.

Sure, you have a few supporters. You seem to have fooled @Vindicator, at least. But this new pose is only going to work as long as nobody corners you and demands that you explain why you're dead set against THIS particular phony insider, when you accepted and indignantly defended bizarre fantasies and lies from all the OTHER phony insiders.

As I said in my submission above, I'm perfectly fine with you running the Q Anon LARP forever -- not that you'll be able to. I'm putting my objections on the record, so that when it all collapses, people will be able to make sense of what happened. But I'm not chasing you around, rebutting every anti-Q post you make. If you have any sense, you won't come after me either, because all that is going to happen is that I will re-post your ridiculous history of licking the boots of past "insiders," and then I will ask: What makes Q any different from those guys? Who would be dumb enough to trust you now?

Crensch ago

Yeah, Esoteric is full of shit, and should be flagged as a disinfo shill here. I'm not opposed to some list going on the sidebar linking to this thread and to my assessment as well.