nameof ago

Thanku thanku thanku i laughed really good. Great. No attention paid yet much to be learned. It's kinda cool to be. Put in the category of all these amazing contributors to Voat. I'm actually honored to be misrepresented as being maybe one of them. Cheers.

DomKeyhote ago

So in what universe does a shill sockpuppetting ME indicate I am in fact also a fellow shill. C'mon, let's hear it, LMAO.

All I do is Google Jewish individuals. If they're openly Pizza-loving extended families that's on them.

If even a few of you adopted a similar approach (smoke=fire) we'd be done before New year's. Only jew-guy is also the most conspicuously targeted. Feel free to draw zero conclusions from that fact LOL

SoberSecondThought ago

I think you're leaping to a conclusion here. I didn't say you were one of HLI's sockpuppets, much less that you're a shill. In fact, I'd bet money on the contrary. HLI has always tended to avoid Jew-baiting, whatever alt he was using at the time.

If you look at his replies, you'll see that @Donk_Quixote said he got the name "Donk" from cards. He never claimed to be you, and you have never claimed to have that particular alt. Right?

So let's not get off on the wrong foot here.

DankKeyhote ago

That was addressed to the masses. You are correct: it could easily be a coincidence and there was even a mod of this sub called DonkeyOatey before I even joined. Furthermore my name was chosen because I happened to be in Spain at the time and even went to the McCann village in Portugal.

Q is not a "larper" he is best termed a gatekeeper as he stops short of Naming The Jew and exists only to rally redpilled folks around an obvious lifelong shabbos goy, Donald J Trump.

THUS: as I've always said the biggest obstacle is ACTUAL LARPERS I.E. "shill-spotters" and "we r da resistance" fags, plus philosemitic Christians, old people, and women, all of whom are incurably naive for various reasons. That's why Q can get away with this piecemeal breadcrumb format, ostensibly "so we can redpill the normies" (illogical and also where's the progress on that?).

SoberSecondThought ago

We disagree on Q being a gatekeeper. He doesn't have inside knowledge of what Trump is doing, so he can't very well decide what will or won't get shared with the world. He's pretending to know what Trump is doing, and people are very suggestible.

But so long as we're clear that I'm not calling you out, fine, we disagree on the other thing. Not a problem.

DankKeyhote ago


Q or ANYONE suggesting this can be resolved through arresting the right individuals is a DUPE OR A LIAR.

This is about a RACE sabotaging other races who are too brainwashed to even distinguish the former from themselves.

derram ago :

Hillary Clinton, Pedophilia and Ankle Bracelets; New Trump-Supporter Conspiracy Theory Is Pizzagate on Steroids

This has been an automated message.

Vindicator ago

LOL, Sober -- @ESOTERICshade is going to love this post. It could have been written by him, if you throw in something something Brock is a Jesuit something. ;-)

Just out of curiousity, how closely have you followed QAnon?

Seriously, folks -- as someone who has spent the past year every night on this board trying to discern the shennanigans of shills from the efforts of passionate researchers -- don't put too much energy into it. It mostly just causes unnecessary, unhelpful drama. Focus on the research.

ESOTERICshade ago

LOL, Sober -- @ESOTERICshade is going to love this post. It could have been written by him, if you throw in something something Brock is a Jesuit something. ;-)

Its weird that the Jesuit/Freemason crowd has been run out so many countries through history for being looters, liars, thieves, and con men, but you are against people who are against them. Trump and Q have done EXACTLY SHIT to bring down our pedophile ring. They have turned a lot of people into a Zionist cheer leading squad though. I will continue to live in reality instead of cheering for a political party. @vindicator

Nobody involved in this for a year could fail to see the Freemason and Jesuit role in the world's problems unless they willfully ignore it.

Vindicator ago

you are against people who are against them

Not true. I was simply laughing at the fact that Sober thinks you are Q, given all the recent convos you and I have had on the subject.

My problem with the whole Jesuits/Freemasons/CryptoJews/Zionists meme is

  1. It was flogged heavily by narwhal Amalek shills
  2. It is unsupported by data (i.e. crime statistics, the weight of historical events, etc.)
  3. It smacks of scapegoating
  4. It doesn't help us nail these assholes in any practical way
  5. It makes us look like loons

SoberSecondThought ago

Nobody involved in this for a year could fail to see the Freemason and Jesuit role in the world's problems unless they willfully ignore it.

As this is now a deleted thread, no one is going to see your statement or my answer, but this is pretty lame. I did original SOBIB and Jester research, as you know perfectly well. If you want to get backed into a corner again, just keep posting this kind of response.

Or ignore me altogether and just keep churning out Q traffic. Either way I'm happy.

ESOTERICshade ago

Or ignore me altogether and just keep churning out Q traffic.

If you were not COMPLETELY FUCKING RETARDED you would see that I have spoken against the Q psyop from day one. The only thing you are good for is accusing about twenty unrelated people of being the same person and defending assholes like Ryan.

SoberSecondThought ago

What, one unread reply in a deleted thread wasn't good enough for you? LOL

I know you've spoken against Q since day one. So what? This particular sockpuppet of yours spoke harshly against @HighLevelInsider too, but as I showed in detail, that was all a crock of lies.

Who are you trying to convince here? Do you still not understand? It doesn't matter if you convince every last person on Voat that the moon is made of green cheese. This has ceased to be a cover-up, and has become a frantic exercise in denial.

Go run some more on your Q hamster wheel. Run run run you sorry excuse for a man. I'm going to wrap Christmas presents.

ESOTERICshade ago

Please go moron, think up twenty more unrelated people that are highlevelinsider while you are at it, dipshit.

ESOTERICshade ago

Or ignore me altogether and just keep churning out Q traffic. Either way I'm happy.

I despise Q and think its a larp, and I think you are delusional or a psyop here to divide and conquer. Attacking me in this forum will only further make you look crazy because my street creds will outlast your lunacy by a mile. People already think you are a nut and attacking me will sink you further so have at it.

DomKeyhote ago

LOL why would anyone be behind you, faggot? You've posted NO RESEARCH WHICH IS ALL THAT PROVES CRED OR VALUE.

Guess what dilweed, there aren't enough Freemasons or Jesuits (both of which are Jewish front groups as described in the Protocols) to get Jews kicked out of a Burger King. Jews were kicked out because of what individual Jews did every single day. You might as well speculate African rapegangs in Europe are masons masquerading as black people. Except blacks rape at a ridiculous rate anywhere you find them, OOPS I guess you'll have to just accept that races are different. Go cry about it, pussy!

SoberSecondThought ago

I've followed QAnon closely enough, and I've followed the debate about him as well. I'm aware that you posted just a short time ago that you did a step-by-step comparison of everything QAnon posted to everything FBI Anon posted, and you found QAnon more credible. So your reaction here doesn't surprise me. A lot of people will have a similar reaction, and that's okay.

The thing is, I've been reading this guy's stuff (HLI/Senate Anon/Tory Smith/WIC) for over a year now. He just isn't that inventive. While he might manage to sound fresh for a post or two, he invariably falls back on references to the occult, prayer, ambiguous phrasing that the reader has to interpret, lists of names, condescending arguments from authority, and so on. He has a signature style that survives through his every attempt at re-invention. He never expected to fool me; what threw him off was that I spent four weeks just letting him do as he pleased, rather than fighting him.

I'm seeing a huge amount of skepticism about Q, for example here. I think I'll find some support for my claims.