dundundunnnnn ago


Omnicis ago

not to be a dick, but how do I know its not you that sent that message to yourself for attention?

djklbd ago

I wouldn't say you're a "dick", but i'm a little tired of skepticism in a scenario where I'm a little freaked out and all I want is some exposure and support...

Anyway, here's the thread where the comment was posted...


And for the lazy, heres another screenshot with that user's name in it.


Just read the taunting comments....

/u/MAGA_hatter is his name. Very active on TopMindsofReddit.

Omnicis ago

but i'm a little tired of skepticism in a scenario where I'm a little freaked out and all I want is some exposure and support...

false flags are common, whether its a black person placing a noose or a jew spray painting a swastika, or someone trying to get attention claiming to be the victim of something.

What I am saying is that we don't know that you dont own that account and aren't messaging yourself. I don't really know what you could provide to show that you aren't, I'm just trying to point this out.


They planted cp in your house to discredit anything you might discover.

Also, what's with the (((cucucumber))), is it jewish or something? Kosher pickles maybe?

dontmindthemess ago

They make a camera that looks like and iPhone charger. It keeps coming up on Yahoo homepage under “The top 10 gadgets you have to have”. I think you sync it to you phone via a cable and it acts like a live camera. Get one and plug it in facing your computer. Put computer in frigerator and aim camera at cucumber.

ESOTERICshade ago

They make a camera that looks like and iPhone charger. It keeps coming up on Yahoo homepage under “The top 10 gadgets you have to have”. I think you sync it to you phone via a cable and it acts like a live camera

Not me. Sounds like a perfect way to get spied on.

rogueplanet ago

He might just have been implying that you'd enjoy the cucumber as a sex aid. :D

Digital-Patriot ago

I'm the one invited him to the AMA!

21yearsofdigging ago

This is called targeting. Do NOT call the cops. You need to gather evidence and make sure someone you trust sees it. Smart to put it up here. Had this shit for 22 years after trying to find out who threatened my 4 year old son. My ex wife was D.I.D., a prostitute, sex slave child trafficker

DeathTwoMasons ago

I have to come clean. It was me that broke in your house and took a picture of you with your own phone. In your socksTitle Here This was your last warning, STOP MARKETING PIZZAGATE T-SHIRTS or next time I will tell you the size of your bowl movement! You have been warned.

ginx2666 ago

This dude is super fucking good at guessing (he guessed the only thing in the fridge, I'm a bachelor lol)

You store cucumbers in your fridge? Fool. I store them securely up my arse. That wan nobody can break in and check them.

DeathTwoMasons ago

I can!..Hide your stash!

greycloud ago

you sound like a shill if you have that many alts.

DeathTwoMasons ago

Oh bullshit. More David Seman I think i have been poisoned attention ploy. There is nothing Ryan has said or done that is any threat to James Rothschild. His hearsay phone conversation is just that. What would they bother with Pizza gate shirt making nats like you? It may not have occured to your dumb ass that you have given no evidence that anybody broke into your house. Just like Ryan gave no evidence of his conversation with Mr Rothschild. He did however get right to work on the marketing phase and proceeded to make T-shirts. You have been busy the last couple of days trying to get Ryan back in the picture. You got your attention. Now let me remind you of something, nobody gives two shits about you and your fanfiction. We care about the situation with the systematically brutalized children, not Ryan's marketing phase or your refrigerator spying story. Get real or get lost.

vahelper ago

I was gang stalked for about 7 months after helping pizzagaters early on. The point is to intimidate but they really are more afraid of you than you can imagine.

maggiethatcher ago

Ditch the samsung phone - get a windows phone or Jolla, quick!

Shizy ago

Buy a gun if you don't have one, and keep it handy

HugoWeaving ago

  1. It can't be said enough, please be safe.

  2. That includes being mindful about what you share online. I didn't have to spend more than a few minutes reading your posts to figure out how old you are, that you live alone near a college, are probably single, rent your property, have no pets, no security system and no way of protecting yourself. (And I guess that you also wear socks).

  3. Facts matter. Not questioning the legitimacy of your claim at all, but if a cucumber is "literally" all you had in your fridge, why would you be opening it enough times for someone to snap a picture of the contents on your phone? And if you truly believe someone could have been in your apartment and messed with your stuff, why on earth would you EAT IT?

The point is sharing what you have along with a list of all your alternative names and numerous details about your life in several forums across the internet allows people with less than honorable intentions and more than capable resources to identify and threaten you -- seriously or just as a shill.

I recommend you go back through your comment history and remove anything that is identifiable. Good advice for ANYONE working on investigative work.

Again, if you have genuine interest in protecting yourself, be safe, be smart and consider what all your research is really for.

VeryOffended ago

My thought is that you might be Ryan O'Neal

"Alefantis" also spelled your/his name incorrectly in the FB chat.

Wish someone could tell me why they believe this post or that Mr. O'Neal was threatened with such poor evidence. I could create all the same evidence.

Ryan O'Neal, your original Pegasus video was truly fantastic. Thank you. If you are the OP of this here post, please seek therapy. You might have some sort of personality disorder. Perhaps histrionic?

Markb63 ago

If you use a wireless video security camera they can tap it.

djklbd ago

I do not, and it would not face my fridge. Nobody puts a camera in their fridge or facing the fridge.

dundundunnnnn ago

We all have cucumbers in the back of our fridges. Get him to guess more things. See how accurate. Go from there. Report back.

djklbd ago

Yes, Im going to antagonize a potential intelligence agency shill into guessing the placement of more items in my house...c'mon man, I need legit advice here.

2impendingdoom ago

Be sure to get a good smoke detecter, extinguishers and fire insurance. If they are serious they will set your house on fire while you are sleeping. leave the lights on at night, keep your important stuff in the empty fridge and your car in case the house does burn. get a dog if you can. Leave little bits of paper in your doors that will fall out if anyone opens them while you are out. stay safe.

Kcpedogate ago

i know this is an unpopular opin

VeryOffended ago

I agree with you. I think his original Pegasus video is fantastic, but the rest seems off.

djklbd ago

he pretty much dropped off of the face of this sub after he was threatened with his life. That seems pretty genuine to me.

if he was laprping or faking, wouldn't he be riding this wave to try and make more money? And wouldn't TPTB and the shills help get him exposure so as to ruin his credibility on purpose if that were the case?

I believe the guy 100%.

VeryOffended ago

Also, I just re watched the video of him explaining the threats. He spells his name O'Neal. I'm only correcting so you can present him properly for the AMA.

Kcpedogate ago

but then he wanted to sell shirts...i am not fully convinced, i always thought pegasus building was a throw. when there is so much disinfo out there, anything that gives me pause i gotta go with my gut.

SecondAmendment ago

Whoa, sorry to hear this, @djklbd. I hope you can get yourself some protective dogs. Even small ones that just bark are good because they hear a lot better than we do. While the dog is barking, as the intruder breaks in, you'll be grabbing your shotgun and putting your ear protection on your head. . . .I hope you can exercise your rights under the ole Second Amendment by getting a license to carry concealed in your state. Then lock and load, keep your dogs nearby. If you haven't done so yet, install a home security alarm. Then, separately, install a separate video camera system (set up to send motion alerts to various accounts), and put an automatic starter on your car. Aim those cameras on your vehicle and a points of entry, and make sure you have motion-sensitive lights on your property and motion sensors on your home security alarm system. It sounds like a lot but, man, once you live with protection, you'll never know how you ever lived without it. God bless you and stay safe.

djklbd ago

These are all great suggestions, but I don't think people realize I'm just a 25 year old kid, college student, living in a dump apartment while I pursue my degree. I don't necessarily have the means and money to buy all of this. Luckily, my folks know whats up. I'm not gonna call the police, that just seems ridiculous personally, and honestly, this sucks because this jerk off is getting his rocks off for "rustling my jimmies" anyway. But, for my safety, I still felt I needed to post.

I alerted the neighbors and the landlord, and set up a small camera but odds are the battery on that thing will die soon, it's old. Luckily my landlord has one of those dogs that bark incessantly to that helps.

Oh, and I ate the cucumber lol...

DeathTwoMasons ago

You keep giving all the info about your profile you can. You sound really full of shit.

Long_Knife ago

Why would you post here about what precautions you're taking (or not taking) if this person reads your posts?

YogSoggoth ago

They do not do this so much in gunshine states for a good reason. Maybe you set yourself up as a mark. Could happen to anyone if you think about it. If I caught anyone messing around on my property or rental, I can shoot them legally. Can you?

Womb_Raider ago

Also... are all of those usernames yours? If they are, that would be spooky to me as well. Do you use VPN? (If any of my questions make you uncomfortable I'm cool with you responding to me directly)

I would take as many precautions online as possible, if you aren't already. Youre poking a dangerous hornet's nest and I respect you for it. Tell those close to you, say you think it's nothing but if something happens, tell them you think it may have been calculated.

Take all the precautions you can.

djklbd ago

Yes, all of those are my alt accounts I used to help get the word out over the course of the last 11 months. They found them all and linked them to me.

That didn't bother me a whole lot. This though, does.

Womb_Raider ago

I think it's good that you're bothering someone, honestly. Good sign. Just take care of yourself.

Womb_Raider ago

Sounds pretty spoopy. I would call the cops, it'll at least put something in their records. Doing nothing is not particularly safe.

Those warning against calling police are giving bad advice I think. If you know anyone who knows a (local) cop personally, reach out to them first.

DeathTwoMasons ago

Very werry spoopy. I agree on this much. They saw his socks! Buy a T-shirt and don't forget Ryan. I think I am being followed! I think I am starting to like this place BECAUSE of the idiotic shills, repetitious gullible wishful thinkers and opportunistic tall tale telling opportunist scum. This really has evvolved into the Star Wars cantina, and with a drink, you can have fun here. The investigation seems dead. So might as well see the freak show.

Womb_Raider ago

Trust me, my radar went off when this guy posted. His story sounds too far fetched to be real. But assuming it is, he should be cautious.

There's really no harm done in him lying - it affects nothing at all. The investigation will go on regardless of what this fellow does.

DeathTwoMasons ago

Your screen name gets the trophy. I didn't say there was harm, but they should not go without being called out.

Womb_Raider ago

Agreed. Skepticism is almost always good.

VeryOffended ago

Has Ryan O'Neil offered any proof or showed any credibility other than showing a phone screen that says "James Alefantis" on it? Genuinely confused and curious. The whole thing with him seemed pretty questionable, much like this post. Did I miss something that was key?

DeathTwoMasons ago

You are supposed to just go with it. And come on, they saw his socks and know the color!

carmencita ago

Did you ever see the copy of the police report Ryan made about the threat made by Alefantis? I did. I saw it and then it was gone and deleted. Many months ago.

VeryOffended ago

Thank you

bopper ago

Ryan's legit. Have you watched the videos?

VeryOffended ago

Honestly, I haven't other than that one. I should have and I will. I watched the Bombard's Body Language video on that specific post and got the same feeling she did before watching her take, but she's opinionated (without expertise) and no more creditable.

bopper ago

Ryan's a really nice guy. He was as shocked as anyone that he was able to contact Alefantis. It was a candid conversation between the two and Alefantis threatened him, never knowing the whole thing would be made public. Very nasty character, Alefantis.


VeryOffended ago

Oh sorry, yes, I watched that video and the original Pegasus post back when they were originally posted. I thought there were others. I think the original Pegasus video is very well done and informative. I'm just not sure I buy the part about the threats. James Alefantis is 100% a satanic child abuser and psychopath if you ask me, he's also obviously unstable, but I don't think he would be stupid enough to message and call a private citizen without fear of being recorded. O'Neal doesn't show any proof that you or I couldn't spoof/show. I'm just wondering why the community believes him.

Any idea if he ever put up any billboards? Also, I came across this interview posted a month ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24qC9vh9q94

To me he just doesn't seem like he knows too much what he's talking about. He forgets so many names and facts for someone so invested. He seems dodgy.

If he were so afraid I don't believe he would have posted about these threats without better proof. IDK, this community is full of amazing researchers (myself NOT included), and I'm just surprised that people so blindly believe this guy. I was asking if someone maybe knew something I didn't or if I missed another video or post that he made.

Sorry for my unpopular opinion. Again, the original Pegasus video he made was fantastic and I have very much respect for him making it, researching, and getting the info out there. The rest is sketchy.

ESOTERICshade ago

If he were so afraid I don't believe he would have posted about these threats without better proof.

In certain situations it can be the best protection. That way the perp knows that if they do harm a lot of people already know they are tied to the situation.

bopper ago

Well sounds like you've seen more stuff than I have. I never cared to see more of his videos cause I believed him and it was kind of case closed for me. I messaged him quite a bit when it first happened and he was quite shook. I'm from the same town as Ryan so we have that little "bond," he lives near me. I don't know if he ever did the billboards, I don't see any around yet, they were supposed to be local. I'm not much of a researcher either. Thanks for your reply!

VeryOffended ago

Thanks for your civil reply!

mooteensy ago

I believe he's legit.

theoldones ago

do your part for that AMA and let your harassers go fuck themselves

also, update thread if you find out more

Gothamgirl ago

Stay safe.

argosciv ago

Who the fuck downvoated this? (go on, own up you fucking pussilanimous turd)


2impendingdoom ago

upvoat for pusillanimous.

argosciv ago

It's amazing how many people think that calling someone a "pussy", is a vagina reference...

Gothamgirl ago

Lol thank you, I am glad I have made a few friends here.

Voatwontletmesignin ago

Lots of lurkers here that love you too Gothamgirl.

Gothamgirl ago

That is amazing and appreciated,, thank you. It's all about the kids and human rights for me.

Voatwontletmesignin ago

Yes we all want the same thing here. I can't live in a world that harms children. I have so much faith in Trump to do the right thing. He's a good man... The purge will happen soon :-)

Gothamgirl ago

Yes, I believe in him and the military, and others who have put in countless hours, over the years to change this. Bless them all.

argosciv ago

No problem, it's just fucking dumbfounding that people bother to downvoat comments like yours...

What the fuck doo they hope to achieve... do they really think their 1 downvoat won't be answered with 5+ upvoats?

mooteensy ago

Noted! Tell someone close to you, as well. I mean both physically (do you know your neighbors? If not, now would be a great time to introduce yourself lol) and emotionally (any family or friends that you trust will do, even if they think you're crazy). We have your back. Stay vigilant!

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Lock and load.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Get a gun ASAP. I can sleep well at night knowing I have the ability to shoot back.

sunajAeon ago

My guess is these guys are frequently cowardly MFkrs who don't want to get their ass shot off either, you should be prepared and armed and trained to take care of vermin like this if you are gonna get in this fight, its for keeps-when they come, make them PAY

djklbd ago

On it.

Edit: I'll be in contact with neighbors tomorrow. I am on great terms with my neighbors.

mooteensy ago

Dog + Gun = BTFO on steroids. Highly recommend.

ginx2666 ago

Do you strap the gun to your dog with tape, or is there a special harness for that?

think- ago

What about the guy you are teaming up with for the AMA? Did he receive a message as well?

Consider moving in with family or friends for a couple of days. Tell all your friends about the incident.

YogSoggoth ago

Friends and family are the same, but family will be targeted more so,and I know.

mooteensy ago

Who would ever downvoat this comment? Upvoat to you. Shills be shillin...

think- ago

Thanks! I gather somebody doesn't like the OP to move in with friends or family and telling everybody about the weird message....

mooteensy ago

Seems that way to me, too!

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Maybe you should think about buying yourself a security cameras and a carry gun. That is spooky, but I would wager you were hacked. Either way stay armed, stay safe. Grind them in the dirt if you get opportunity.

4_InquiringMinds ago

and the socks I was wearing

Just said nice socks...don't see that as proof of anything.

cucumber...pretty common to have and forgotten they go slimy.

Could be nothing~or something but so far doesn't look like much.

Hall_of_Cost ago

Might be time to get this level of security.

2impendingdoom ago

Oh, you have ex-mossad following you! How exciting. Sounds like they hacked you if they have all your alts. and could have found the grocery receipt for the cuke. On the other hand pretty much everyone has cukes in their fridge. I doubt they've been in your house unless you leave it unlocked. Have you asked your neighbors if they've seen anyone lurking around or asking what you like to eat? Does your fridge face a window?

I had shills here try to intimidate me claiming they knew who I had for my internet provider, but since they were wrong, it was only pathetic.

YogSoggoth ago

Wow, you seem psychic. I bet you don't know what I cooked tonight. The reason you don't know is that I am packing, and they are afraid of me, unless I become too much of a threat. Nov 12, I cooked?

2impendingdoom ago

I don't know, seems like you don't cook much at all. Be sure to get a good smoke detecter, extinguishers and fire insurance. If they are serious they will set your house on fire while you are sleeping. leave the lights on at night, keep your important stuff in the empty fridge. get a dog if you can. stay safe.

YogSoggoth ago

Your not psychic. Keep working on it though. Get a goat and stare.

2impendingdoom ago

never claimed I was, thats all on you.

YogSoggoth ago

OK, I'll bite. There might be a RINO in a sealed indictment. This is the equivalent of me asking my friend in Army Intelligence what he has learned while overseas during Reagan. He said ... China Nuclear. We both had a good laugh, and then I got pissed really quick. FBI was run under Obama as nothing more than accountants working for the IRS per my sources. Does that surprise anyone. Is this what we thought they should be doing? Psychic.

DomKeyhote ago

Isn't that what you faggots do to me on a regular basis? You're a retard bro. "Hey neighbor has anyone been around asking what I eat?" That'll go over well, then explain it's about Pizzagate LMAOOO

Shizy ago

Don't flatter yourself homo, no one gives a shit about you

atimeandplace ago

I honest to God don't understand the point of your existence, either on this sub or in the world.

JohnDStephenson ago

Literally who?

2impendingdoom ago

who the fuck are you?

Blacksmith21 ago

^^^ That's Kevin Spacey's fluffer.

DerivaUK ago


2impendingdoom ago


DomKeyhote ago

DonKeyhote. The guy who rendered O'Neill irrelevant. The Pegasus angle is clear.

2impendingdoom ago

Oh, well geesh, I'm sure there is only oats and hay in your fridge. Maybe a carrot too.

mooteensy ago

Keep telling yourself that...

janet58 ago

Stay safe and maybe don't talk about it until after the fact.

Arrvee ago

Call the cops. The most likely explanations include the commission of a crime.

sunajAeon ago

Yeah-call the cops-we know we can trust them, just ask Kelley Thomas

tarnished_spoons ago

That sounds supremely safe, doesn't it. /s

The cops are not your buddy, depending on the politics of where you live they're more likely to get you into trouble. Get a gun and go lay low at an anonymous buddy's for a bit. Set up some cameras so you can be sure of what's happening.

YogSoggoth ago

Good advise for certain States, but not others.

LionElTrump ago

need papertrails buddy

bopper ago

What's special about the socks that they would mention them? You had everything taped up previous to this happening? Wouldn't you know if your home was broken into?

DeathTwoMasons ago

They saw his socks from his phone . OK. And he wants everybody to know he is 25 and living alone in a dump apartment.This story is one for the ages. They know my sock color! You aren't very good at this.

pipilongstockings ago

Were you filming your feet? Most people wear socks. Now, the cuccumber thats strange. Do you have a smart tv?

pipilongstockings ago

why would you even open your frig if you knew there was only a cuccumber in it? While holding your phone. Did you buy groceries and putting them away? Dont take your phone to the bathroom!

djklbd ago

No smart Tv. ANd there is not a single device pointed or aimed at my fridge.

pipilongstockings ago

Gotta boy/girlfriend?

Dressage2 ago

I think it through phone cam or computer cam and I think he tapped in to your IP address. Stay stay, put info out everywhere.

Blacksmith21 ago

Or there is a camera hardwired in your kitchen/bedroom/bathroom. While he was in, he probably loaded something like XKeyScore or some sort of key logger, assuming you have a PC in your pad.

Or, if your monitor is facing a window or can be seen...lots of ways to do it.

Then again...I'm wearing socks and have a cucumber in my fridge as well.

newworldahead ago

Then again...I'm wearing socks and have a cucumber in my fridge as well.

I had to LOL at this!

YogSoggoth ago

I did too, but it is not so funny when it happens to you and you have no support group.

newworldahead ago

Absolutely, you're right. Didn't want to sound insensitive, sorry bout that.

YogSoggoth ago

No offense taken, as I am leagues more offensive than thou art whilst in normal manner. It is scary to be messed with though, and can truly frazzle your nerves.

mooteensy ago

Is it possible for some sort of key logger to be put on a mac computer? IF so, could it be done remotely?

Omnicis ago

pretty much every computer has a hardware backdoor into it now. As long as there is a wireless network available or ethernet is connected, it can be remotely controller. (Intel Manage Engine)

Blacksmith21 ago

It certainly is if you blackbag your way into someone's apartment.

djklbd ago

Yea, but that's literally the only thing in my fridge. And he "guessed" it.

I have tape all over my monitors and everything else.

Blacksmith21 ago

If that really is the case, there is no telling. You may want to start with a physical sweep. Think of access angles - how would you see what they saw, and start breaking things down from there. Look OVER your keyboard, depending on layout. Start there.

Hopefully you are employing some good physical security measures - locks, entry tells, handgun, dog, alarm, etc.

Or...a friend of yours might not be your friend. Consider your options. Be safe.

derram ago

https://snew.github.io/r/conspiracyundone/comments/7cijh9/important_reminding_everyone_to_tape_your/?st=J9XC5SD2&sh=435d4041 :

IMPORTANT! Reminding everyone to tape your computer cam and your cameras on your phones. I was just a victim of some half ass "intimidation" by a TMOR user and likely shill. "Nice socks your wearing, don't forget about the cucumber in the back of your fridge". Surely enough, there's a cucumber there : conspiracyundone

This has been an automated message.

ESOTERICshade ago

Or somebody listed enough names that he hoped somebody would have a cucumber in the fridge. Its not all that specific considering how many names are listed. If it was one name and there really was a cucumber in the fridge it would highly alarming. That looks more like somebody was taking a scattershot hoping for a hit.

djklbd ago

Dude those are all of my alt accounts. He somehow knew that as wel...

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

They know all your names plus got your phone number? What was the incoming info? Is it blacked out on your screenshot? Crazy stuff man, I'd be nervous too.

djklbd ago

I get random calls all day and night from random numbers, and if I pick up, nobody is there.

And, I've gone through 3 phone chargers in the last month because they keep "dying" even though they are brand new chargers. My battery life on my phone seems as if it's being suppressed. '

ESOTERICshade ago

And, I've gone through 3 phone chargers in the last month because they keep "dying" even though they are brand new chargers. My battery life on my phone seems as if it's being suppressed. '

Spyware running in the background can cause that I think because it is sending data if the phone has been tampered with. Not sure if that sort of software can be installed remotely or if they need physical access to the phone.

2impendingdoom ago

call your phone co. to complain about the battery life and ask if your phone has been hacked or messed with, tell them you have a possible stalker. they should be about to tell you if you've been messed with.

pizzasjw ago

When did the random calls start? Anything actionable to deliver to the cops on that? How is the battery life suppressed?


I'm guessing it's a reddit admin or someone being fed info from admins to work on their behalf.

Who else would have access to a list of accounts logged or created from the same IP?

carmencita ago

Bingo. Reddit has been taken over. Have we not suspected Alefantis here on vote as well. I imagine he can pretty much do what he wants at Reddit. Possibly here too, who knows. I am not very good at this tech stuff, but I think I know JA pretty well after researching a lot on here. He is a strange and evil character, so he could be doing this to really scare him or just for a lark. Yes he is that sick. @djklbd Do not treat this lightly. Think Ryan.

djklbd ago

@djklbd Do not treat this lightly. Think Ryan.

I know, but if I back out i'll never forgive myself.

Yates ago

Can you confirm all of those are reddit accounts? If so then of course it could have been any admin there. IIRC any office level worker can check all alts on an IP, this has been an issue before. Do you use a VPN? It's also possible your laptop mic was hacked and they heard you talking on the phone to someone about having no food in the fridge except the cucumber. Do you recall having a conversation like that? Do you tape over your mic?

djklbd ago

First off thanks for being helpful,

Do you use a VPN?

No, I do not. I'm actually pretty technologically retarded (regarding the IT and computer realm), but I'm aware of it's purpose. To scramble your IP address to another location.

It's also possible your laptop mic was hacked and they heard you talking on the phone to someone about having no food in the fridge except the cucumber. Do you recall having a conversation like that? Do you tape over your mic?

I thought about this too. Maybe they heard me talking about groceries or have been able to analyze a receipt of things I purchased. I am a poor college student so I only buy like 20$ worth of produce/food at a time, wouldn't be TOO difficult for them to do this.

Regardless, I'm still stunned at the accuracy of his statement...It baffles me honestly.

Yates ago

The mic is usually a pinhole on the side of the laptop. Check the specs online. A few years ago there was another mass exodus from reddit because they announced a new policy of keeping IP's of posters for much longer than previously. If you don't use a VPN then it's a cinch for them to gather your many id's. Now if one of those ID's is not from Reddit, then it might be worrisome. I would contact a lawyer (I know, poor student. Try the EFF or a law school, legal aid) have them send a letter to reddit. Try to find out what happened. You feel threatened by it and rghtfully so, if a rogue employee is using IP info to harass or threaten a user then there should be consequences.

There are many tutorials online on how to remotely access someone's camera or mic, check it out. Search remote administration tool (RAT) it's been a thing with kids for many years.

I think you should make a police report, maybe even FBI. Take at least that step to fight back. Don't be too paranoid right now, but also protect yourself and be wary of strangers. Good luck man, and tape up that mic.

djklbd ago

Thanks, Im on it.

carmencita ago

Get protection. Put locks on windows and a dead bolt lock on your door. Not those new fangled things. The old SCHLAGE are the best. Got this from a really good cop. He is to be trusted. Also you can call the Oat Keepers if things get really scary. Tell this to as many people as you can. The more that know, the best your security. Keep in touch here daily and let us know how you are.

djklbd ago

Thank you.

carmencita ago

I mean it, keep in touch :)

mooteensy ago

Don't back out

djklbd ago

Yes, to be able to know all of my alternative accounts means that they have an insider or an admin, or the intelligence agencies are just able to hack my phone and watch me as i scroll through alt accounts.

The fridge thing is another story. I didnt tape the front side of my phone camera, so maybe he saw a peek while i had it in my hand and opened the fridge?

Honestly the break in seems plausible more now...