Dressage2 ago

I looked into this place about 9 months ago and when you start down this rabbit hole looking at what is affiliated there were a bunch in CA that were for poor kids in LA, etc. Also one place for pregnant teens that they give free pagers to to notify them when they go into labor. Convenient, huh? Twisted fucks.

ESOTERICshade ago

I like to post this every now and then for people that have not seen it in case they wonder why we talk about "chickens."




A second theme reflected in the everyday language and figures of speech of the homosexual collective is its absolute fixation on youth and its extensive lexicon connected to the seduction and molestation of young boys by adult male homosexuals. One example should suffice.

Under the heading chicken , defined by Rodgers as "ayoung recruit; any boy under the age of consent,” we find:

• chicken freak— elderly man with huge appetite for young roosters. 40

• chicken house— coffeehouse catering to young homosexuals too young for taverns. 41

• chicken plucker— man who enjoys "deflowering" young boys. 42

• chicken pox— urge to have sex with younger men, a mid 60's term. 43

• chicken dinner— sex with a teenager. 44

• butchered chicken — boy who recently lost his anal virginity. 45

• gay chicken — a homosexual teenager. 46

There are many other similar references I could cite, but videtur quod non/ 47

Some readers may object to my inclusion of this reference to pederasty in a book on adult male homosexuality and judge the commingling of these issues to be prejudicial at worse, or an unnecessary and unwarranted distraction at best. I disagree.

Adult homosexuality and pederasty are not mutually exclusive — either in terms of individual behaviors or the homosexual movement. 48



Boy band PRETTYMUCH does #IWASACHICKENCHALLENGE (singing "I was a chickin in my past life")


Chicken crying over Justin Bieber (3year old crying over justin bieber parody)2:39


Narcissism ago

Chicken as a Gay slang term was originally used when the Age of Concent was much higher. As high as 21 in some countries, so anyone under that age was chicken or jail bait. The use by Pedos is almost an expropriation / joke. Like when Alfantis refers to a very young boy as Chicken.

DomKeyhote ago

How many times more likely would you guess Catholic priests are to die of AIDS than anyone else? 1.5-2? Some hero at the Kansas City Star back in 2000 did a meticulous study and found it was FOUR TIMES AS LIKELY!

But Muslim imams are the sickos because they are permitted to have two wives IF rich and horny enough, as that's preferable to adultery/childlessness AMIRITE YOU GOYZ? THEIR PROPHET TOOK A CHILD BRIDE 1400 YEARS AGO YOU GOYZ! IT'S RUMORED HE DRY-HUMPED HER THIGHS CAN WE PLEASE TALK ABOUT MUSLIMS FOR JUST A MINUTE YOU GOYZ



Shizy ago

You're such a sick piece of shit. I want to puke in your face except getting in close enough proximity to do that would only cause me to vomit more! 🖕🏻

DonKeydich ago

Such a retarded childish thing to say. So I'm gonna guess you're a 35 year old woman.

Syndicalism ago

Excellent post. Lots of room to expand the research here, so I'll see what I can find.

letsdothis1 ago

Excellent research

IetsdothisI ago

planned to imitate you but insufficient comment points to post

letsdothis1 ago

Why would you want to imitate me ?

DonKeydich ago


ESOTERICshade ago

planned to imitate you but insufficient comment points to post

you just got two.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/apbOJ :

Paid Notice - Deaths HATKOFF, DORIS - Paid Death Notice - NYTimes.com

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=aYD3gLCXXuU | https://hooktube.com/embed/aYD3gLCXXuU :

Warren G ft. Nate Dogg | Regulate | Sesame Street Version - YouTube

https://files.catbox.moe/0nqg7y.jpg :

https://archive.fo/PZasQ :

Tiger Beat Turns 50, But Teen Idols Stay The Same Age

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