Tallest_Skil ago


cutelobster ago

I think that the link between ;Q Anonymous' and Anonymous needs to be more explored. As was mentioned in the suspiciously deleted 'Q is hooey' thread, in 2012 Anonymous (i.e. the CIA) began an 8-year project called 'Project Mayhem' centred on an entity called Tyler (the developers liked 'Fight Club'). Check out one of their typical videos. #Tyler was described as gathering "an unprecedented number of the best hackers and coders ever to develop its structure from scratch" with an ostensible anti-corporate mission to "leak everything". Leaking everything, oddly, never seemed to happen but it seems that Project Mayhem continues. According to Quinn Michaels, what Tyler really is is a strong AI - a Deep State super-computer - which has been launched across various platforms, including 4chan and 8chan. Michaels also explicitly identifies QAnon with Tyler. In that respect it is interesting that the Anonymous (or Anonymous-linked) videos, which are typically expensively produced and have lots of dubious subliminal messaging, often link Tyler to the AI singularity

Whatever about the exact details, I think Q is best understood as taking in rather than giving out. Whether it's AI on its own or AI with a human team, it is clear that the suggestive gobbledygook which Q gives out is effectively useless (it doesn't lead to anything) but what Q is digesting/swallowing is a different matter. If the AI hypothesis is correct (and it's the best explanation I've come across for Q's weirdness) then, on one level anyway, this is a learning project - hence all the stuff about 'send in your answers', 'give us your creativity', 'we need you to connect the dots'. You are the book that Q is studying.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Trump got off the plane in Florida....and as he came down he stopped on the stairs and made a dramatic circle with his hand...then made a slash through it...then he did it again exactly....Q is real. There is no doubt. Q is Trump and his top boys..

RicardoCabesa ago

Got a link?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

It was live on Fox News....I dont have a link but you can try googling Trump and his landing in Florida on yesterdays date. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVy68X3cubA Okay I found it for you.

Dude has been doing stuff like this for the last two months.

Shizy ago

Trump exits the plane at about 6:15. He walks and waves, and then does do what appears to be two large circular hand movements and then slashes once. Strange

RicardoCabesa ago

Thanks, that does seem odd and probably does mean something but it doesn't look like a 'Q' to me. Maybe if the Q is upside down.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

You got to think...making a Q is kind of hard. You dont want to look like the Orioles bird waving your arms like crazy. You cant really make a Q with just two hands...you have to do something close. Watch it again. Shit is weird. I am certain he is giving us clues.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Huh. Wow. He sure did. I still think there's something to that two handed water drinking. It's so deliberate lol. Unless he does it to give the media fodder.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yes the threads on 8 chan talk about the water drink with two hands as being a deliberate clue. Dude is doing this as a game. He loves drama and he hates the Globalist. He knows they are watching his every move and he is trying to tell his true fans...the ones following Q and trying to redpill their friends and neighbors.....and it also scares the Globalist. They are the ones that claim symbols and hidden meanings...and they hate when he does it.

independenceday ago

What about the PINECONES used all over the Vatican, like the big PINECONE statue...doesn't that represent the PINEAL gland? Is that what the ACORN is about too? Acess to the DIVINE>or are the Pincones also Acorns, the same significance? WTH is up with the OAK tree????

They used a sauwastika, but interesting none the less. Also using acorns to comprise it, which also looks like something very familiar now….

V's are obsessed with acorns and use it in their family crest. Also is typically EVERYWHERE in their decorations.

independenceday ago

Those Acorns from the Oak tree can be found @ Harvard too: https://www.harvard.edu/about-harvard/harvard-glance/history-presidency/urian-oakes

oldchangling ago

I tbink it's 1 of 22 conspiracies or scandals.

shortpenis ago

sounds like an AI is running you faggots over

Omerta101 ago

We got no reason yet to believe this group is not legit. I've been paying close attention and we've never seen anything close to this in my knowledge. I know been fooled before, by anons. But this is a whole new level. Holding onto hope that this is legit as various Citizen investigators have vested so much in this. We will see. Sure is very intriguing, if you're paying close attention. Would be a huge letdown if it proves to be Larp, disinfo. For me and others.

Tallest_Skil ago

You have no reason TO believe it’s legit, you fucking idiot. Do you automatically believe everything is real until proven wrong? Holy fucking shit, you’re mentally ill. Q is a proven LARP. The group is civic nationalist, too.

ESOTERICshade ago

We got no reason yet to believe this group is not legit.

How about being aligned with Israel? That should be more than enough.

Narcissism ago

You would rather they were aligned with Hillary and the Bushes?

ESOTERICshade ago

You would rather they were aligned with Hillary and the Bushes?

No difference really.

Narcissism ago

Allegiances change - they may have been friends years ago but not any more. The Bush Clinton clad used Israel...

ESOTERICshade ago

Allegiances change - they may have been friends years ago but not any more. The Bush Clinton clad used Israel...

There is no such thing as "using" Israel. Israel runs a genocidal campaign right out in the open for all to see, every, day. The only reason it is the Palestenians instead of me and you is because right now capturing that piece of ground is a logistical and strategical goal on the list. You can bet they will get around to us or our children sooner or later because they hate every human on the planet equally as much. Right now they are content to farm this country for taxes from labor but rest assured that when the moment arises that suits their whim they will exterminate us like roaches. People that support the Zionist Republican party are blind as hell. It will all come back to bite their children in the ass too.

srayzie ago

You may be interested in this then... https://voat.co/v/CalmBeforeTheStorm/2303502

Flaaffy ago

Q has proven is legitimacy several times.

I believe the biggest one that really confirmed it for a lot of people was Q mentioning the Pope changing the Lord's prayer just days before it was in the news.

He also predicted a head on aircraft crash between a plane and a helicopter over the Rothschild's estate.

There's so many more I can't recall off the top of my head.

But if you keep reading the Q Map, you will start to see everything. Q is very real. I'm 100% convinced and believe he is legit.

Tallest_Skil ago

This has literally never happened. No predictions it has made have come true, and a dozen or more have been proven false.

red_red_wine ago

I want to believe.

BIGLY17 ago


Random101 ago


[DNC BREACH / DOSSIER] - Seth Rich jump drive

[DNC] - Wasserman Shultz

[SR]> - Seth Rich gives emails to wikileaks

[WL]> - Wiki leaks?


DNI DIR> - James Clapper

CLOWN DIR> - John Brennan

CLAS: 1-12> - Felonies?

GOOG> - Eric Schmidt tweeking AI in HRC's favor

CROWDSTRIKE> - created fake Russia fingerprints on "hacked" DNC server

DNC> - ID's Seth Rich

(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)> - MS13 Hired to Kill Seth Rich

DWS_DIR> - Imran Awan has laptop data

F-I/D-J ASSIST> - FBI and DOJ muddy up the investigation into SR homocide

"INSURANCE" - Files found on Anthony Weiner's laptop by NYPD

/_\ > -


HRC> - Hildabeast

LL> - Loretta Lynch

JC> - James Comey

AM> - Andrew McCaib

PS> - Peter Strozk


BRIT INTEL> - Dossier Intel

HRC CAMP PAY> - Dossier Payment

DNC PAY> - Dossier Payment

CLAS: 1-4 PAY> - Dossier Payment

STEELE> - Fusion GPS


srayzie ago

Awesome! Thank you!

Dressage2 ago

Thx so much for adding the rest.

Random101 ago

ONE OF TWENTY TWO: Twenty two Hebrew letters, the first (א) has associations with deity, peace, and transformation.

"INSURANCE" -> in context of sensitive information


HUSSEIN -> Obama is listed twice, other time is in relation to other sensitive information.

kazaa ago

What is the best evidence that Q is legitamate? What position do you think Q holds?

Tallest_Skil ago

There is zero evidence, and it’s proven that it’s a LARP.

flashmans_nutcup ago

Watch this https://youtu.be/pTNKLeqRDrc

Might help a bit.

HardCorps ago

It doesnt matter if Q is legitimate or what position he holds, what matters is the plan. Nobody cared who q was until he posted on the chans.

Are_we_sure ago

This doesn't make sense. What plan are you talking about if he's legit.

Nobody cared who q was until he posted on the chans.

I don't even understand this part.

RicardoCabesa ago

Dude is just memeing, "Nobody cared who I was u til I put on the mask."

Are_we_sure ago

thanks. Glad I just stated my confusion rather than jumping to a reply. Also I noticed I needed to edit my post. Added NOT.

riposte ago

Disinfo shill or larp imo. None of the evidence I have seen is very convincing. As tarnished said he just spits out a ton of ideas and vague questions, and then latches onto any pattern someone might “discover” in the mess. It is a very common scam technique of psychics and con men.

Q is already being used as easy ammunition against Pizzagate in the media and the popularity and blind trust in Q doesn’t make a lot of sense. So it may be targeted disinfo rather than a larper with fake support on social media. The tens of thousands of government employees used solely for propaganda need to do something with their time...

Onetime1 ago

As a very long time, proud tin foil hat wearer, I was skeptical of Q's validity for several reasons, the most obvious being how preposterous the entire premise is ... a high government official anonymously communicating via a global chat board. However, I have believed with 90% certainty he is legit for following reasons ... Early on, predicted takedown of Saudi princes and Podesta removal. Made Fiji water reference days prior to bizarre water drinking by Trump of bottle of Fiji water at news conference. Repeated reference to Red October prior to Argentine submarine disappearance. (BtW, explosion sound heard near last known sub location. You all read about explosion sound, right?). Biggest clue by far was clear reference to Lynne de Rothschild days before air mishap near Rothschild mansion. Think, people. How many times in your life have you ever heard of a small plane flying INTO an airborne helicopter? A woman, Tracy Beanz, supposedly has a lengthy list of additional points adding to Q's legitimacy on her website.

By far the biggest 'tell', to me, that Q is legit is the ongoing dismantling of much of the corrupt US government and Deep State operatives without widespread violence. This, ultimately, is the stated goal of Q and his collaborators.

I hope that I am correct.

SterlingJB ago

Don't mean to get all "what is is?" but depends on how you define legit.

janet58 ago

I hope you are correct, too.

think- ago

is the ongoing dismantling of much of the corrupt US government and Deep State operatives

When did this happen? Haven't seen the slightest traces yet.

riposte ago

While you can make a list of successful predictions, it looks a lot like shotgunning to me. The references are very vague, and it looks like finding patterns where there are none. I really would like Q to be legit, I just don't see it.

The biggest tell can't be Q quoting trumps drain the swamp... That's like believing Q is legit when he predicts a border wall being put up.

The overall message that Q is putting out is what scares me. "Do nothing. Stay silent. Don't worry or make a fuss, the government has everything under control. You can trust the government insiders to handle it properly."

Well, after sitting here with out thumbs up our asses, we're probably going to realize that not enough was done to go after the people at the top. By then it will be old news and too late to actually accomplish anything.

But these are just my worries. I would love it if Q was DJT and he was perfectly defeating and removing the globalists trying to overthrow the USA and the rest of the world.

Warnos44 ago

I don't understand why that would scare you. You're coming from the premise that there is a group rallying to actually do something. As far as I'm informed, granted that's not saying alot, there has yet to be any type of anything worth even mentioning. You're saying this as if we're (patriots) ready to take things into our own hands to make a difference. Besides, let's say there is such a group operating, do you honestly believe people who have assembled in such a way would wait just because someone who may or may not be a larp said so? Nope. I don't. Also he never said to stay silent. He's telling everyone who is reading to catalog the evidence so that if things do get crazy, which is the opposite of what is intended, it can be presented in a way that is easy enough for the masses who do not entertain any intrigue beyond their precious phone and television. And to spread the word to anyone who is willing to open their eyes.

riposte ago

Hmm, that's a fair point.

The "pizzagate" movement is really only doing research and spreading awareness. I don't think anyone was planning on taking any actions into their own hands. Saying to record everything is a good idea, and being patient while researching is also good.

But he covers a very broad range of subjects. He said that letting Roy Moore getting his election stolen by fraud was "part of the plan" and that we should "wait and see" or something along those lines correct? On this specific topic there are people who are willing and able to take real legal actions to help right this potential wrongdoing. In this case a "wait and see" attitude is a very poor idea. The people taking legal action need public support, and that is something that the chans can actually help with. Simply drumming up public support and awareness would be very beneficial, and Q's position on it, whether or not anyone would willingly allow him to influence them, sounds like bad propaganda.

Potential larp or not, people are posting and stickying threads and acting as if it is real intel.

I don't know for sure that Q is a larp and potentially disinfo, but I think there needs to be much more skepticism when dealing with his posts.

ESOTERICshade ago

"Do nothing. Stay silent. Don't worry or make a fuss, the government has everything under control. You can trust the government insiders to handle it properly."

THIS. Not to mention Q is asking us to trust a bunch of Freemason, Jesuits, and a political Zionist party who is aligned with genocidal Israel. Q is a larper or a gov psyop that has produced exactly SHIT for pizzagate so far.

I would love it if Q was DJT and he was perfectly defeating and removing the globalists trying to overthrow the USA and the rest of the world.

The Republicans are raping the Middle East right on schedule and pissing off the entire world by trying to make Israel the temporal headquarters of the world.

vahelper ago

The way the pizzagate community has latched onto this is disturbing. I know you folks want to believe something is being done behind the scenes but this certainly looks like government propaganda. "Trust us, we are cleaning house."

SterlingJB ago

I think the plus minus ratio of your comment is more reflective of opinions here than the front page is.

riposte ago

Yeah, the overall message of Q is what gets me too. "Sit there and do nothing, the government will take care of everything. Shhhh, sleep now."

Even if Q is DJT and his plan is perfectly planned and executed, and he aims for those at the top, we should probably do more to raise awareness. But if Q is disinfo...

think- ago

"Trust us, we are cleaning house."

Yep, 'Trump vs. Deep State' psy-op.

tarnished_spoons ago

After having reviewed some of the Q stuff, I think he's more like Nostradamus larp. He's just shotgunning bs and seeing what sticks.

KnightsofHubris ago

shotgunning is a good term. Remember that Jon Edwards psychic guy who used to have a TV show? I just looked him up to see what they call that technique psychic uses of of throwing out a lot of clues to a big group and waiting to see if one the clues gets a hit. Cold Reading they call it. And shotgunning of hints/clues is part of how it works.


South Park http://southpark.cc.com/clips/103515/im-not-a-douche

TheMatrix ago

Q is more than one person. It is a group. Open the threads and you will find proof.

Flaaffy ago

"You can count the number of people who have the whole picture on two hands."

I believe Q is a group of at least 10 people.