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ESOTERICshade ago

This forum is getting up vote brigaded. The shills have changed tactics.

SoberSecondThought ago

The shills have changed tactics. We agree on that.

ESOTERICshade ago

The shills have changed tactics. We agree on that.

You are on my radar. You cannot defeat me in a debate. See ya around....

SoberSecondThought ago

There's nothing important left to debate, but you will see me around.

ESOTERICshade ago

Tell Ryan we said Hi.

SoberSecondThought ago

Sigh. Despite all the free lessons I've given, you're still not understanding how this works, or what I actually came here to do. Quit running the entry-level social media playbook Brock gave you, and try thinking for a change. Put on your HighLevelInsider hat for a minute. Imagine if you really were a part of a secret society that cured cancer and ran the world, instead of a pathetically dysfunctional gang of thugs facing 4,000 sealed indictments. Consider the term "asymmetric warfare".

You're here 24/7, I show up for a few hours per week. You have a dozen sockpuppets, I just have this account. So what weapon do I have that you can't slide or shill away? I'm not just baiting you to make you miserable. I'm curious to see if you're capable of figuring this out. We're past the point where you can do anything about me or my project, but you could still stop digging the hole deeper.

ESOTERICshade ago

Despite all the free lessons I've given,

I could learn more from Captain Kangaroo.

You have a dozen sockpuppets, I just have this account.

Nice try. Tell Paul Ryan we said hi.

We're past the point where you can do anything about me or my project, but you could still stop digging the hole deeper.

Fuck you.