TheMystic ago

This thread is blowing my mind, I am not sure how I missed it until now. I was listening to The Greenbaum speech today, which led me to Process Church-Best Friends-here.

I took a vacation through Southern Utah a few years ago and we visited Best Friends. It is up a Angel Canyon, they own the whole canyon and it is very private. The first thing that came to mind was the amphitheater they have. It is further up the canyon from where the main facility is. We thought it was weird that it was away from everything else. It has electrical ran to it, plumbing, outside lights, a little kitchen area. Here's a pic Yes it could be used for weddings and other special events. But as soon as I found out they are Satanist's this place came to mind because it felt creepy to me when I was there. quotes from this article.

Soon after, Bob and Mary Ann each acquired a large Alsatian (German Shepherd) Dog. Acolytes followed suit. As one member of the Church explained, "Dogs are much more high-level beings than we are...They're pure.... Animals don't have conflicts of choice. They do as they're supposed to. They're not conflicted."

Sanders alluded to serial “weird ritual mutilations and animal sacrifices” apparently committed in the Santa Cruz Mountains by a Process incarnation called the Four Pi. (Remember, the Process symbol cleverly incorporates four of the stylized letter “P”) I’m envisioning a whole new definition of the term no-kill movement. Beginning in June 1968,authorities in San Jose, Santa Cruz, and Los Gatos began recording discovery of canines, skinned and drained of blood without apparent motive. As the director of the Santa Cruz animal shelter told Sanders, "Whoever is doing this is a real expert with a knife. The skin is cut away without even marking the flesh. The really strange thing is that these dogs have been drained of blood."

What better front for people who sacrifice animals, then to open a "animal sanctuary" just like all those child charities, orphanages etc. that are actually trafficking, abusing and killing children. People are paying these sickos millions to sacrifice animals too. And I am sure they have it even easier, as they don't need to keep records of how many animals they take in versus what are adopted out, there is no trail.

Anyways, great work on all this...even though it is another heartbreaking and sickening revelation to me.

letsdothis2 ago

Very interesting and thought provoking comment. Thank you.

letsdothis2 ago

Latest on the Ed Buck story:

New video from May 5, 2018, just now released shows the prominent Democratic donor was still engaging in illegal activities with young, Black gay men while under investigation for the meth overdose death of Gemmel Moore. On Thursday, July 26, 2018, the L.A. District Attorney's office rejected all criminal charges against Ed Buck.

letsdothis2 ago

This story is now taking a bizarre turn:

I have been researching the connections between zodiac, ear/ons and Ted Kaczynski. Over the last 6 months I have looked into the topic of MK Ultra and its connection with Ted Kaczynski (TJK) and the Zodiac case. The literature review shows that TJK was part of a conical MK Ultra interrogation experiment with one of the OSS's heavy hitters, Dr. Henry Murray, when he was a student at Harvard. My initial thoughts after doing the literature review was TJK was a Manchurian candidate and a CIA assasin, and he does not remember being the Zodiac because he was under hypnosis at the time. In addition, I thought I would find some information that showed that the CIA used Ted, as a sleeper agent, and did so because the fear of the Zodiac Killer and then later the EAR/ONS scared the bay area into submission so that they would not protest the Vietnam War or decide to become communist in any way.

What I found was that the agents of the federal government including from the CIA and DEA were heavily entrenched in San Francisco and were committing crimes in the name of national security....

However, I did not make any real connections to Kaczynski, Zodiac or EAR/ONS until I came across an article on The Process Church and their connection with German Shepherds and Norse Mythology. In 1979, right before a series of ONS murders in Santa Barbara and Ventura, which have been connected by DNA, there was a number of dog incidents, dog stabbings, and spotting of people with German Shepherds. This relates to the Process Church in that the german shepherd was a sort of mascot.

In addition, the Process Church was committed to SS Occultism which included worship of Norse God Wodin (Odin). There are connections between Zodiac, EAR and TJK through their interest in Norse Mythology and Runes. I previously posted the "Punishment" page from the EAR investigation, this page seems to show Runes in the doodling that spell out Theo.

I found a connection to Montana and The Process in the research, as well. In 1970, James Schlosser was murdered around Roundup Montana by members of the process church who were later picked up in Big Sur, CA in the murder victim's car. Also, Wayne Nathan Nance, was a serial killer from Montana and was a satan worshiper. ...

Four P rituals were conducted "on the basis of a stellar timetable, including the sacrifice of Doberman and German shepherd dogs"

Baker talked about a "blood drinking cult" that he belonged to in Wyoming called the "Four P Movement" (or Pi), which was headquartered in the Santa Cruz Mountains, and led by a man designated the "Grand Chingon."

Organized in Northern California during 1967, the Four Pi movement held its secret gatherings in the Santa Cruz mountains, south of San Francisco. Rituals were conducted on the basis of a stellar timetable, including the sacrifice of Doberman and German shepherd dogs. Beginning in June 1968, authorities in San Jose, Santa Cruz, and Los Gatos began recording discovery of canines, skinned and drained of blood without apparent motive. ...

Attending the Process recruiting meeting was a former dental student, Victor Wild, a twenty-seven-year-old dropout from Los Angeles. Wild had been attending dental school in Chicago and had experienced a vision on LSD that involved a Christ-figure telling Wild to gather up a group of followers and go to California. Later he associated this vision-wraith of Christ with Robert DeGrimston. He went to San Francisco in 1967 where he found employment servicing artificial kidney machines. He had been graduated in 1964 from UCLA with a degree in zoology.

Victor Wild turned over his followers and his possessions including almost a thousand dollars to the Process. In due time, after proper instruction, Wild was renamed Brother Ely.

letsdothis2 ago

The founder of Granada TV, Sydney Bernstein, is the father of Hugh Mountain a.k.a. Michael Mountain and known by his religious name Father Aaron.,_Baron_Bernstein

Sidney Lewis Bernstein, Baron Bernstein (30 January 1899 – 5 February 1993) was a British businessman and media executive who was the founding chairman of the London-based Granada Group and the founder of the Manchester-based Granada Television in 1954. Granada was one of the original four ITA franchisees. He believed the North's media industry had potential to be cultivated.

Bernstein was a co-founder of the London Film Society[5] in 1925, where he met and befriended the young Alfred Hitchcock, who became a lifelong friend and, briefly, a producing partner. He was the first to bring October: Ten Days That Shook the World and other works from the Russian filmmaker Eisenstein, as well as the films of Pudovkin, to London, and sponsored Eisenstein's trip to Hollywood in the early 1930s.

Night Will Fall (2014)- Researchers discover film footage from World War II that turns out to be a lost documentary shot by Alfred Hitchcock and Sidney Bernstein in 1945 about German concentration camps.

Night Will Fall (trailer) (Holocaust imagery - NSFW)

Sidney Bernstein, Chief of the Film Section at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF)

letsdothis2 ago

More about the Process Church!topic/alt.true-crime/MC5I0BQMZ7A (archived:

The founder of Granada TV, Sydney Bernstein, is the father of Hugh Mountain a.k.a. Michael Mountain and known by his religious name Father Aaron.

he Process Church established by the original founders no longer exists, but the "malignant entity" they created sure does. And what better cover than a sweet animal sanctuary. According to their accountant, John Fripp aka Father John and one of the two members to visit Manson in prison, they received $18,000,000 in donations last year alone and all from unsuspecting, animal loving people. Could the figure be higher? Well, John, a founder, has been their accountant since 1968. Their board of directors consists solely of original "founders" and NEVER has an outsider been on their board.

Are they still involved in criminal activities? The inner-circle still maintains complete control over the information that goes in and out of the organization. Their forum is moderated, their radio talk show is prerecorded, microphones and video cameras are throughout the sanctuary, a large compound called "The Lake House", is guarded and off-limits to anyone other than the founders. Companies that public records show as FOR-profit and owned privately by founders, are funded by donations and grants to their NON-profit corporation, Best Friends Animal Society. Their secrecy and extensive, highly believable cover indicate something is still going on, doesn't it?

People who knew the controlling Mary Anne MacLean find it hard to believe that she would start an benign animal sanctuary and not have something else up-her-sleeve.

letsdothis2 ago!topic/alt.true-crime/MC5I0BQMZ7A

Angela, Like I said to you in another post, if you were "part" of the "inner-circle" you wouldn't be posting. You may have talked with them as I would presume other members also had, but you don't know the real secrets. My intention is not to destroy your theology or your desire to restart The Process, but to expose those that had a different agenda than the innocent members, such as yourself. Perhaps by doing this it would clear the name of your group from the many rumors that have been directed at those not involved for so many years. Whether or not the scriptures are part of the original corporation isn't a concern to me and you should discuss this with an attorney.

Did you know that William Sims Bainbridge, once with Scientology, then The Process Church, then The Family-Children of God works for the government as Deputy Director of the Division of Information and Intelligent Systems for the National Science Foundation? Take a look at what he's involved with then tell me you don't find it curious that a sociologist of religion would be Deputy Director for the NSF and a well-known apologist for these cults.

Here is a quote from Bainbridge's book "The Sociology of Religious Movements", about The Family-Children of God; "... finds it to be a remarkably creative, humane, and spiritual alternative to the ordinary denominations."

And here is a quote from his book "Satan's Power", about The Process Church; "...I found a remarkably aesthetic and intelligent alternative to conventional religion"

Read some of Bainbridge's research on Galactic Religion, Cloning, Converging Technologies and Nanotechnology. Cults are nothing more than part of his government research project for a new world global order.

The Process Church was/is heavily into astral projection now called remote viewing, a clear connection to Bainbridge and converging technologies.

Converging Technologies Can Improve Human Performance, Report Says The convergence of nanoscale research with other sciences and technologies has created a vast opportunity to enhance human performance, scientists say in a report released today titled "Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance." The report, issued by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Department of Commerce, examines the integrated role of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science in improving mental and physical performance.

The recommendations outlined in the executive summary are "far-reaching and fundamental, urging the transformation of science, engineering and technology at its very roots. The new developments will be revolutionary and must be governed by respect for human welfare and dignity."

In the report, scientists recommend the United States designate as a national priority the research and development of technologies that enhance human abilities and efficiencies. Examples include machines, devices and materials to optimize human interaction and enhance work efficiency, learning, and sensory and cognitive capabilities. Such technologies could revolutionize health care, ease the consequences of disabilities and aging, and enable novel communication techniques.

The document also suggests strategies to prepare key organizations and sectors of society for the envisioned changes. The findings and recommendations are the result of a December 2001 workshop at NSF.

Nanotechnology: Tiny Science, Huge Threat Nanotech is a field in which industrial, medical and military scientists manipulate single molecules or atoms at the scale of one-billionth of a meter. The two primary results are super-tiny super-computers and a vastly enhanced ability to mesh living and non-living material. The US government predicts that nanotech will be a trillion dollar industry within ten years.

Nanopatriarch Richard Smalley calls it "the ultimate level of control." Mihail Roco, chairman of the now $800 million National Initiative on Nanotechnology (thanks to OR Sen. Ron Wyden) envisions using nanotech to ramp up the integration of humans and machines to create a "global hive-consciousness" as the next step towards "conquest of nature." (National Science Foundation/US Dept. of Commerce Report, "Converging Technologies to Improve Human Performance" June

Religious Opposition to Cloning by William Sims Bainbridge, Ph.D. "... dogmatic religious opposition is not rooted in technical or humanitarian concerns, but in a view of existence that is incompatible with scientific progress. There is no peaceful way to overcome such opposition, short of converting believers away from their strongly-held, literalistic faith. We must therefore anticipate a long period of overt conflict between secular advocates and religious opponents of cloning. If the opponents succeed in establishing strict anti-cloning laws world-wide, then the conflict may become especially harsh with the real (and unfortunate) possibility of violence. Those who believe that human reproductive cloning violates God's laws are unlikely to show tolerance for scientists who defy the supposedly sacred prohibition".

Let me know if you want more information, Angela.

T.P. McKinney

letsdothis2 ago

Following on from preceding comment:

Repackaging Death as Life – The Third Path to Imposed Death

A major transformation of traditional medical ethics is taking place. What was once unthinkable has become acceptable, and no one really knows why. In the last half of the 20th century a multi-million dollar social engineering and marketing project financed by foundations and directed by bioethics think tanks has normalized the withdrawal of ordinary care

Have you noticed that people in this more nuanced wing of the euthanasia movement seem to be working from the same set of talking points?

Everyone should have an advance directive to protect himself from unnecessary medical treatment at the end of life.

Withholding/withdrawing food and water is a natural – and even pleasant – way to die, and is a perfectly ethical means of controlling the time of death.

“The principle of double effect” can be used to justify terminal sedation.

The people who are talking these points are financed by powerful foundations.

Among the major foundations spearheading this effort are 1) the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which funded the research, and infrastructure, and 2) George Soros’ Open Society Institute/Project on Death in America, which funded a cadre of professionals. In the last 10-15 years these two foundations provided well over $300 million to advance the integration of their version of palliative care into the American health care system.

letsdothis2 ago


I rest my case.

letsdothis2 ago

Best Friends of Utah: The Process Church of the Final Judgment to Animal Society

But another perspective of Best Friends also appears on their website--that it actually originated in Arizona in the 1970’s as The Foundation Faith, formerly known as the Process Church and considered a “cult” by some.

Michael Mountain is one of the founders and the Past President of Best Friends Animal Society, which runs the nation’s largest sanctuary for abused and abandoned animals, along with rescue and adoption programs for homeless companion animals. Over the past 30 years, the situation for dogs and cats has improved dramatically, but for other animals things have gotten much worse, and Michael stepped down from Best Friends to explore the reasons why. This led him to Terror Management Theory and an understanding of how our fear of our own animal nature leads us to seek dominance over other kinds of animals. Michael assists in the work of several animal protection groups and maintains a blog at

Terror Management Theory (TMT) was developed in 1986 by social psychologists Jeff Greenberg, Tom Pyszczynski, and Sheldon Solomon based upon Ernest Becker’s ideas.

Ernest Becker -

Ernest Becker (September 27, 1924 – March 6, 1974) was a Jewish-American cultural anthropologist and writer. He is noted for his 1974 Pulitzer Prize-winning book, The Denial of Death.

The Project on Death in America: twenty years on

To paraphrase the Beatles, it was 20 years ago this summer that a remarkable group of clinicians, academics and activists got together under the patronage of the billionaire philanthropist, George Soros, to create an initiative with the disarming goal of transforming the culture of dying – in a society that is perhaps more death denying than any other the world has known. Two women in particular – Dr Kathy Foley and Mary Callaway (pictured r. and l. here) – had a monumental role in driving this work forward over its nine years’ duration. From 1994-2003 the Project on Death in America (PDIA) played a prominent part in end of life care innovations in the United States.

The Project on Death in America was a program of the Open Society Institute

An interesting blog with even more interesting comments on Michael Mountain:

BECAUSE WINOGRAD AND MOUNTAIN ARE WORKING FOR RICK BERMAN, who is a lobbyist for BREEDERS, puppy mill breeders, dog fighters, lab animal dealers, factory farm runners, and every other psycho animal torturer profiteer.

They have always lobbied AGAINST humane education.

Yes, that includes the AKC (and its legislative dept of which Barnette Barnette was part of) because the AKC is a puppy mill business!

Of course they don't want the younger generation learning about the animal abuse these profiteers commit! It might mean more laws and less money for the animal torturers.

How long is it going to take the rescue community to understand that Winograd and friends are FRAUDS. They are working for the profiteers, NOT the pets.

This has been known for some time now. I can't believe how gullible some people are. But I suppose this is how con artists keep going. Some people don't do their homework, and believe the con artists' lies. And the con artists keep cashing in.>

letsdothis2 ago

So it seems that it is this psychobabble of Terror Management Theory that is being used to convince progressives to abandon religion:

A terror management analysis of the psychological functions of religion by Kenneth E. Vail, Zachary K. Rothschild, Dave R. Weise, Sheldon Solomon, Tom Pyszczynski, Jeff Greenberg; University of Arizona

From a terror management theory (TMT) perspective, religion serves to manage the potential terror engendered by the uniquely human awareness of death by affording a sense of psychological security and hope of immortality.

letsdothis2 ago

Terror Management Theory (TMT) was developed in 1986 by social psychologists Jeff Greenberg, Tom Pyszczynski, and Sheldon Solomon

Review of their book which I agree with:

Freudian psychoanalytical over-obsession with childhood pee, poo and sexuality.

There are significant flaws in the arguments presented by the authors of this book for me: I will list them in order to be clear as possible.

1) The invention of the catchy Terror Management Theory or TMT is a bogus attempt at creating an entirely new psychological field of understanding regarding the terror of death but in actual fact the theory of the terror of death has been around for thousands of years. The authors are merely trying to re-invent the wheel and are almost succeeding in convincing people that TMT is bona fide psychological branch of science in its own right. That would be acceptable if they were actually correct in their understanding of the fear of death themselves but I do not believe they are, despite their obvious dedication to the subject. I do not doubt their integrity or sincerity as people but I do doubt their understanding of the very theory they present.

2) I strongly doubt that the argument they put forward regarding the fear of death is wholly learned behaviour - Learned behaviour is obviously a factor but not the sole factor. I don't think they have taken into account other possibilities within our genes and so on. They assume because we have no memory between 0-5yrs then the fear wasn't present. I have no memory whatsoever of filling my nappy or feeding several times a day but am positive I did it. So memory or no memory of the fear of death doesn't mean that it wasn't there. They do strangely accept the understanding that we have an instinctual fear of death via freeze, flight or fight response - which is obviously not learned behaviour because it is operated outside of conscious control by the autonomic nervous system but the terror of death they say is not already inherent or passed on via our genes or pre-existing within our brains prior to the age of five. I find that a gross contradiction and serious misjudgement of the evidence and facts that they themselves present.

3) This book is based originally on the The Denial of Death by Dr Ernest Becker. That book won a 1974 Pulitzer Prize but it is very difficult to fathom the reason why. The book is not as groundbreaking or relevant as some would have us believe. It is actually quite mad in that it is too interested in re-writing, re-interpreting, re-imagining, re-inventing i.e offering a completely different version of Freudian psychoanalytical concepts that were never intended by Freud or his colleagues. Dr Becker's skewed psychoanalytical ramblings differ significantly from the mad ramblings of the original Freudian concepts but still he keeps a morbidly keen eye on the human anus and its excretions as well as Freud's sickness for falling in lust with his mother and seeing his father as a sexual rival (Oedipus complex). Becker's book (like this one) offers a seriously warped understanding of the subject of the terror of death and should really never have been published. Though Freud and his wildly mad as a hatter theories was probably still respected by the general public and professional bodies in both science and psychology at that time in the early 1970's. It might be a religious and cultural decision by the authors to focus on Becker's and Freud by proxy as well as William James (consulting friend of Freud) as there is a seemingly religious background connection to all of them. Which is not really important to anything at all unless it skews their understanding of the truth of the terror of death and I believe in this instance that it has damaged their perspective.

3) The arguments relating to the awful treatment of Romanian children in the 1980's and 1990's actually proves we are born with the fear of death rather than disproves it as is their intention! The fear of death is clearly a natural motivating force that we are born with. Put a child of one, two or three in front of a barking and snarling dog and watch the fear arise instantly!

Stating that the fear of death is natural is not the same as saying that it cannot become troublesome or a pathological problem because indeed it can. Little is actually understood about how the fear of death truly affects us and that is quite a mystery as to the reason why that should be. Unfortunately I think that this book adds to the confusion rather than helps clear matters up.

4) I think what we are really seeing in this book is the Freudian psychoanalytical over-obsession with childhood pee, poo and sexuality. Literally too much interest in the anus. These guys actually believe that pee and poo in childhood has some relevance to the terror of death: 'When you pee or poop, the wetness disappears into soft dryness.' That is a direct quote from one of their many weird sentences and utterances on the subject of death and your terror of it. We are not seeing a genuine attempt to look at the facts of the terror of death but rather look through their bias towards it as if before they began their research on the subject they had already decided Freud's work and Becker's updated neo-psychoanalysis would fit the theory if they forced it enough but it is really the application of outdated and quite mad Freudian concepts from a bygone era.

5) Even if they were looking at it from the perspective of psychoanalysis then the likes of Alfred Adler (former Freudian psychoanalyst) could have helped them to understand the terror of death far better than Freud, Otto Rank or Ernest Becker ever could. Adler understood far more than all of them put together and at least had some grasp of motivation and the linear and cyclic movements of opposites that affect choices, decisions and how things change generally.

6) Their ultimate master-theory is to strengthen your ego, build up your self-esteem - but the terror is actually caused by the ego and the ego needs to be dissolved i.e through spirituality i.e. Vedanta.

So my review is fairly scathing - in summary it is Freudian psychobabble and it is a bona fide subject ruined and misinterpreted based on bias and misunderstanding. Science and understanding has moved on since the days of Freud and answers and facts are to be found in all areas, and in all cultures, across professional disciplines and that this book would have been richer for those influences to have crept in. So it is not in the least bit objective, professional or scientific. I really do not think the authors understand what they are talking about ultimately.

letsdothis2 ago

Michael Mountain, born Hugh Mountain, was part heir to Great Britain's largest television empire when he dropped out of Oxford at age 17 to begin navigating the vast smorgasbord of counterculture offerings then available.

William Bainbridge, who is now deputy director of Information and Intelligent Systems at the National Science Foundation, joined the group in the early 1970s to study it. He chronicled the group in a 1978 book, Satan's Power: A Deviant Psychotherapy Cult.

William Sims Bainbridge -

William Sims Bainbridge (born October 12, 1940) is an American sociologist who currently resides in Virginia. He is co-director of Cyber-Human Systems at the National Science Foundation (NSF).[1] He is the first Senior Fellow to be appointed by the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. Bainbridge is most well known for his work on the sociology of religion. Recently he has published work studying the sociology of video gaming.

During the late 1970s and 1980s Bainbridge worked with Rodney Stark on the Stark-Bainbridge theory of religion,[2] and co-wrote the books The Future of Religion (1985) and A Theory of Religion (1987) with Stark. As of 2013 their theory, which aims to explain religious involvement in terms of rewards and compensators, is seen as a precursor of more explicitly recourse to economic principles in the study of religion, as later developed by Laurence Iannaccone and others.[3][4]

From this period until the 2000s Bainbridge published more books dealing with space, religion, and psychology. These included a text entitled Experiments in Psychology (1986) which included psychology experimentation software coded by Bainbridge.[1] He also studied the religious cult The Children of God, also known as the Family International, in his 2002 book The Endtime Family: Children of God.

Children of God cult: Julian Assange

The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET) -

The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET) is a "technoprogressive think tank" that seeks to contribute to understanding of the likely impact of emerging technologies on individuals and societies by "promoting and publicizing the work of thinkers who examine the social implications of scientific and technological advance".[2][4][5] It was incorporated in the United States in 2004, as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, by philosopher Nick Bostrom and bioethicist James Hughes.

In 1998, Bostrom co-founded (with David Pearce) the World Transhumanist Association[39] (which has since changed its name to Humanity+).

Voat posts :

Pirates of the Caribbean: Jeffrey Epstein, British Virgin Islands cocaine runs, and an initiative involving children, of course.

The scope of Epstein’s various science projects spans research into genetics, neuroscience, robotics, computer science, and artificial intelligence (AI). Altogether, the convergence of these science subfields comprises an interdisciplinary science known as “transhumanism”: the artificial “perfection” of human evolution through humankind’s merger with technology. In fact, Epstein partners with Humanity+, a major transhumanism interest group.

But before these sex scandals were the highlight of Epstein’s celebrity, he was better known not just for his financial prowess, but also for his extensive funding of biotechnological and evolutionary science. With his bankster riches, he founded the Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation which established Harvard University’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics.

Epstein, a former CFR and Trilateral Commission Member, also sat on the board of Harvard’s Mind, Brain, and Behavior Committee. He has furthermore been “actively involved in . . . the Theoretical Biology Initiative at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, the Quantum Gravity Program at the University of Pennsylvania,” and the Santa Fe Institute, which “is a transdisciplinary research community that expands the boundaries of scientific understanding . . . to discover, comprehend, and communicate the common fundamental principles in complex physical, computational, biological, and social systems.”

letsdothis2 ago

The Process Church is mentioned in the Greenbaum Speech:

Factfinder2 ago

Very interesting research--still working through it, but here's something on William Grey aka William Grey Maliawco. He's now living in Massachusetts if this info is current:

William Grey Grey:

William Grey Maliawco:

You can click on associate names and addresses to see more.


Grey owns a company called Citizen Science America, Inc:

Haven't found anything else on the company.

letsdothis2 ago

Thanks for that. I couldn't find anything further on that company either apart from the fact that it was set up as a charity.

Podge512 ago

I recall Manson saying in an interview (referring to the victims of the Tate/LaBianca killings), "Don't you think they deserved to die? They were involved in kiddie porn." An enterprise Manson himself was also said to be involved in.

carmencita ago

LOOK at those Shoes. Painted Red Soles and lined in Red Leather. Where did the leather come from? Why is it Red and the Soles Too? We know many Satanists wear Red Shoes. We have seen pics of the pope and Tony P and Alex Soros son of George wearing them too. We also have had posts on here about shoes made from human leather. Think Heather O'Rourke as the posts of @darkknight111 has posted. Video of the actual funeral service. Note that is an open casket service. This is very importany as it relates to a deduction on both the time line of the skinning and the howdunnit. The most likely timeline is sometime shortly AFTER the funeral. The howdunnit being the body was stolen from the casket overnight, skinned, then returned to the casket. Meaning the grave was either dug up or not fully buried yet (possibly the night immediately after the funeral).

This is all so sick. What makes these Satanist Shoes? Hmmmmm?

Also notice this is featured in CHAPS Mag. Chaps are worn by Cowboys as we know throughout history. But I also looked them up and found this

Chaps are also popular in fetish fashion and the leather subculture, where they often are tightly fitted and worn without jeans or other garments layered beneath them other than a codpiece. They can be made of leather, patent leather, rubber, or vinyl and are worn for decoration serving no protective purpose. Worn in this manner, they are colloquially referred to as "assless" chaps, despite the redundancy of the term.[citation needed]

Believe me there are such things. Think Brokeback Mt. I am not posting a picture. Yikes! You will have to look them up. Another Hmmmm.

madhatter67 ago

A Chap in England is a gentleman, which I would guess is where the name for a gentleman's magazine came from rather than cowboy legwear.

I'm not sure about those shoes either, men's shoes will often have tan/orange interior and a tan sole, as they are "bela lugosi" shoes it kind of makes sense they might make them red. I do believe the red shoes thing is a thing, just don't get that vibe from that pair

The Process church on the other hand is shady as hell, and well worth digging into

carmencita ago

Oh, yes, the red shoes that become a thing, but they are also a very sick thing among certain people. It has been discussed on here before.
I posed the chaps subject for discussion, since that is what we now post under. Their secrecy and twisting of words knows no bounds. Plus the people wearing these shoes are in question as well. Roger Moore has been discussed her as well many times. All celebrities are tainted. Make no mistake.

darkknight111 ago

For the record, Heather was interred in an above ground Mausoleium. I'd say the crime in terms of "grave robbing" would only of taken about 5-10 minutes to pull off.

IIRC, proper cowboys wore chaps over pants in a way similar to talberds in medieval armor.

carmencita ago

True, yes, they did a long time ago wear them for protection out in the Wild West. But unfortunately sickos have thought of other ways to wear them.
So Sad. They Must Pay. Heather and Judith - As Always - RIP. Thank you for your response.

letsdothis2 ago

The Process Church, Genesis P. Orridge and the Hampstead case

From British Transgender Rock Star – Genesis P. Orridge,

“Timothy Wyllie’s name for some time during his MANY years in The Process was “Father Jesse“. They’d move around various chapter houses. Timothy did most of the layout of The Process magazine ( all by hand and typeset, letterpress, NO computers then). George [Clinton] used to hang out in the coffee bar and got into a lot of the ideas. It was a radical system of persona(ity) change that was not racial in any way. George is a VERY smart guy. So he got involved intellectually and asked for permission to use some De Grimston text on the album back cover. It suited both parties. Process got to huge new, more black, market and George got some radically hip writing. It was the era of Black Panthers, Weatherpeople and so on. Cross fertilising of antiestablishment concepts and collectives.”

Timothy Wyllie’s mother, Diana Wyllie, was a spy for British Intelligence, both in England and Germany before the war and later at Bletchley Park with the Enigma Code-breakers.[19] In British Intelligence during WWII, Diana Wyllie was classified “ULTRA“. She worked directly under Major General Menzies in the British War Department’s most ultimate top secret compartment.

Sir (British Knight) Stewart Graham Menzies was Winston Churchill’s half brother and his top spymaster. Menzies was Chief of MI6 (SIS) British Intelligence Service. ULTRA was Britain and MI6’s highest secrecy designation and classification adopted in June 1941 for wartime signals intelligence obtained by breaking high-level encrypted enemy radio and teleprinter communications at Government Code (GC&CS) at Bletchley Park. ULTRA eventually became the standard designation among the western Allies for all such intelligence. The name arose because the intelligence thus obtained was considered more important than that designated by the highest British security classification then used (Most Secret) and so was regarded as being ULTRA SECRET.[20]

Diana Wyllie’s compartment had to remain ULTRA SECRET for decades, because British Intelligence had sold former WWII Allied encrypting machines to particularly African nations. The British maintained a secret backdoor to all of their classified and secret intelligence information. In England, bloodlines and peerage runs very deep from the medieval period. Undoubtedly, Timothy Wyllie was a top secret British intelligence agent working with MI6, CIA, NSA and NSC. You can’t believe very much that comes out of Wyllie’s mouth about the Process Church, Charles Manson, Mass Murder a/nd Laurel Canyon.

I think that a lot of people are now willing to conclude that Charles Manson was a CIA MK ULTRA mind control Manchurian Candidate with “Helter-Skelter” programming. In addition to being a member of the Scientology, Manson was also a member of the Process Church of the Final Judgment along with George Clinton.

“Helter-Skelter” they got to make it part of our lives. WHY? “Helter-Skelter” was alleged to have been a product of John McCartney’s attempt to create a sound as loud and dirty as possible. The Beatles’ recording has been noted for its “proto-metal roar” and is considered by music historians to be a key influence in the early development of heavy metal.

Researcher Jim Keith says of the Process ” Manson’s reported plan to unleash the apocalyptic ‘Helter Skelter’ revolution also seems to have been copped straight from Process theology, but there is a familiar ring. The ‘process’ of The Process is identical to that of Tavistock, the return of the blank slate, the tabula rasa, through violence.”

The Tavistock Institute as you know is a well-known British global MK ULTRA/MONARCH programming center. According to Dr. John Coleman, the British rock band the Beatles was put together and then brought to America by the Tavistock Institute as a step in creating a cultural revolution in the United States. The Tavistock was also responsible for inserting “trigger words” into their “cult lyrics” through a man out of Nazi Germany, THEO ADORNO.

madhatter67 ago

Okay, I feel a bit better now.....this article explains the George Clinton connection to the Process.....

Looks like it was a short term dalliance....the Funkadelic crew may be many things....and I guess when you burn through ideas at the rate they did you might pick up some sketchy ones....I hope I called it right, but I still see George as the only Clinton not up to his neck in this shit!

Don't forget, this is the man who proclaimed "think, think, it ain't illegal yet!"

letsdothis2 ago

I had similar sentiments about

madhatter67 ago

Oh damn,

This whole thing has seen many artists I respected implicated, as well as plenty I always got a bad vibe from

But the idea George Clinton is one of them is going to take me some time to get my head around

Truthseeker3000 ago

As I see in the comments Sharon Tate I wanted to mention that I saw an upcoming auction featuring Sharon Tate’s personal items they were playing it up with advertising and whatnot. I found it really odd to say the least.

bestfriendsforever ago

Extremely relevant:

carmencita ago

Hurricane Katrina Work - Best Friends Animal Society (aka Sanctuary)

Best Friends’ teams entered the hurricane disaster area on September 2, 2005, and stayed eight months in and around New Orleans.[21] Best Friends did not have a significant presence doing animal disaster rescue or recovery work until Katrina.

The organization's official role post-Hurricane Katrina was that of a primary animal rescue organization.[22][23]

carmencita ago

Just wanted to park this here Am still reading there is so much... Are there not a lot of people just on One Recording? This is from the Magical Mystery Tour Wiki: And Look at Those Names!

"All You Need Is Love" – George Martin on piano; Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Marianne Faithfull, Keith Moon, Eric Clapton, Pattie Boyd Harrison, Jane Asher, Mike McCartney, Maureen Starkey, Graham Nash and wife Rose Eccles Nash, Gary Leeds and Hunter Davies on backing vocals; Sidney Sax, Patrick Halling, Eric Bowie and Jack Holmes on violins; Rex Morris and Don Honeywill on sax, David Mason and Stanley Woods on trumpets; Evan Watkins and Henry Spain on horns; Jack Emblow on accordion, Brian Martin and Peter Halling on cello

madhatter67 ago

I don't think this is too unusual....

The Beatles recording sessions at that time were basically a drop in centre for rock royalty, plus you got a bunch of classical musiicans on that list too...Remember this is when the recording studio was first being used as an instrument, all sorts of stuff would find it's way unto recordings, and they wouldn't have all been in the studio at the same time <-- great book that details the Beatles recording sessions

carmencita ago

Everything these celebrities do is should be under the microscope, imo. We all know that they are under close surveillance by moguls and under their control. The people mentioned in my comment are highly suspect. There was something odd between Jagger and Faithful as well. They would never have gotten to where they are if not under their thumb since the very beginning. Excuses may be made for their actions but will not fly here on voat.

letsdothis2 ago


John Lydon 'I'd like to kill Jimmy Savile' [1978]

“I’d like to kill Jimmy Savile. He’s a hypocrite. I’ve heard he’s into all kinds of seediness which we all know about but aren’t allowed to talk about. I know some rumours. Aren’t I a bitch,” sneers Johnny Rotten in his sullen whisper.

“I’ve seen how supposed antichrists turned into bourgeoisie, Bond Street shops, the McLarens have opened a new shop in Bond Street. Yes I find that really strange.”

The Chap Magazine - Shoes for Swinging Satanists

Jeffery-West is constantly introducing new and innovative lines to their range of satanic, decadent but excellently made footwear. They are one of the few new shoemakers to have successfully established themselves in Northampton, among the cream of British brands such as Church's, Cheaney and Crockett & Jones.

To show the cloven hoof, is as the Dictionary of Phrase and Fable states, "to show a knavish intention" and all Jeffery-West shoes and boots bear a cleft heel, as well as red leather linings, to evoke pomp and circumstance but equally revolution, decadence and darker ritual and ceremony.

Founded in 1829 by Joseph Tricker, our reputation for outstanding quality and durability soon established Tricker’s as the maker of choice for heavy country boots and shoes for farm and estate owners and the landed gentry.

Tricker’s is also one of the few remaining English shoemakers who provides a full in-house bespoke and made to order service.

Granted a Royal Warrant to HRH The Prince of Wales in 1989, this honour sealed our reputation for English-made footwear.

However, those chaps who might have considered Jeffery West a little too racy might want to think again. The less satanic end of the spectrum included some perfectly respectable classically designed shoes, with just enough of a touch of flair and dandyism.

Jeffery West is the perfect way to end one’s trip to Northampton. Apart from the fact that they close at 5.30, later than all the other factory outlets, the elegance of the room decompresses you back into the real (or fantasy) world of daily life, providing a light satanic boudoir after those dark satanic mills.

They seem to like the word 'satanic'.

Jefferey-West House of Intrigue

Catering to a particular clientele?:

pixiesbitch ago

Savile’s connection to the Kray Twins who procured children for the elite (Edward heath)

Kray Twins ties to Brian Epstein Beatles manager

Very strange to say the least

sore_ass_losers ago

+1 for bringing in Aangirfan and the Sgt. Pepper Code guy. Good resources for speculative material on the sixties pop culture and organized pedophilia. So many connections.

pixiesbitch ago

Yes I’ve read aangirfan a few years now great information about the British elite too

sore_ass_losers ago

Here's a lengthy article on Process, details some of Ed Sanders allegations that Manson was influenced by them. Despite the URL the article is originally from Fortean Times:

sore_ass_losers ago

Good article, I would quibble with this part:

"Process Church...membership incl. David Berkowitz, Charlie Manson, Michael Vail Carr III, actor Bobby Beausoleil, millionaire (& sex. slave owner) Andrew Crispo, Dorris Day’s son, Beach Boy’s drummer Dennis Wilson, John Philips (of the Mamas & Papas) & Jimmy Savile."

You may be able to tie these people to Process (don't recognize all the names) but it's a stretch to say they were officially members, just like that, w/o any support. Kind of an inflammatory, throw-away comment. Perhaps Springmeier has covered these individuals elsewhere?

Manson and Savile did interviews with the Process magazine, so did Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, and groupie Marianne Faithful. Does that make them all members? To be members they would have to undergo Scientology-like auditing('/brainwashing').

Dennis Wilson got involved with the Manson family for the girls, music, and ideas, and famously ditched them by abandoning his rented house to them. (Most detailed account I've read . Dennis Wilson was the only Beach Boy to surf!)

sore_ass_losers ago

Here's an Aangirfan that also claims Faithful was a Process member and that according to Maury Terry Process specifically "sought to recruit the Rolling Stones".

Also there's this about Keith Richard:

'In 1980, Scott Cantrell, the seventeen-year-old caretaker of Keith Richard's New England estate, was found shot dead in Anita Pallenberg's bed.

Keith Richard's house was located near the East Coast headquarters of the Process Church.

According to an article in the English newspaper Midnite, a Connecticut police officer, Michael Passaro, who had responed to the "suicide'' reported "strange singing" from the woods a quarter mile from the Richard's mansion.

According to the newspaper, "There have been several bizarre satanic rituals in the area over the past five years."'

votesarestolen ago

More accurate would be to say that the Manson Family and Berkowitz plus his Son of Sam accomplices were members of cults that branched off from the Process Church and took their ideology. Defenders of the Process Church get upset when these people are called members of the official church itself, and they're technically correct, but it's not a highly relevant distinction. The Process Church is most likely an intelligence front designed to draw in people who will congregate into Satanic cults that are inspired by the Process but technically not affiliated with the organization. As a piece of suggestive evidence, consider the fact that the Process Church was incorporated by New Orleans intelligence asset Tommy Baumler.

sore_ass_losers ago

"Baumbler [sic] was an attorney based out of New Orleans. He helped the Process incorporate as a church with tax exempt status in 1966. Processean Timothy Wylie remembered him fondly in 'Love Sex Fear Death.'

Baumbler would later on become ordained in a very strange church known as the American Orthodox Catholic Church (AOCC). Several individuals linked to the JFK assassination seem to have been involved with this church, which has led some to believe it was an intelligence front. I've written a bit on the AOCC before here.

['here' links to]

What's more, the AOCC seems to have shared membership overlap with an even more mysterious and intelligence connected organization known as the Sovereign Order of Saint John (SOSJ). Its membership included over a dozen former US generals and admirals and a few CIA assets by the 1960s. I've written more on the SOSJ before here.

['here' links to] " in comments

sore_ass_losers ago

Here's an interview with Kerry Thornley, who was pals with Oswald in the military:

K.T.: The guy I talked to in New Orleans always said that they were going to get Martin Luther King. As for Bobby Kennedy, I don’t know. There’s one common thread that runs through all this stuff and that’s an organization that was organized shortly after Kennedy’s death and that was the PROCESS CHURCH. W.C.H.: I’m familiar with that. K.T.: They had tried to frame me in New Orleans for something I didn’t do, which had been my actual participation in the assassination, which I didn’t realize until later. They were involved in Kennedy’s death somehow, I believe. That might be the link right there. W.C.H.: They seemed to almost be a Manson like cult. K.T.: Some of them were. Some of them were with Papa Doc Devallier, some were with Trudeau, (laughs) I forget the other name…but there were three questions to find out whether you were a Satanist, a Luciferian, and a Jehovist. The Satanist answer was Papa Doc; the Luciferian answer was Trudeau. So their politics were quite varied.

sore_ass_losers ago

That would be Papa Doc of Haiti, and, I think, Pierre Trudeau.

sore_ass_losers ago

I'd agree with ideological descendants of Process.

Whoa, so Baumler operated out of Guy Bannister's office address, the popular 544 Camp St. Very tangled up indeed, with this tie to the JFK assassination.

votesarestolen ago

Yeah, the JFK assassination link is pretty creepy. And that's not the only place where it shows up. David Ferrie was, according to Daniel Hopsicker in Barry and 'the Boys', a pedophile who had "books on the occult and hypnotism" in his house. Harry Connick, Jim Garrison's successor as DA who tried to destroy a lot of his files, helped cover up child abuse by a Catholic priest.

pixiesbitch ago

Interesting that Terry Melcher is mentioned (Doris Day’s son) it was at his house that Sharon Tate was murdered IIRC. George Harrison talks about partying in Laurel Canyon and going to Doris Day’s house. Manson and the Beatles have too many links. It’s just so obvious at this point the beatles were a complete fabrication. :((((

sore_ass_losers ago

AFAIK the official version is Manson was pissed at Melcher because of some issue with his failed recording career, so Tate, et. al., weren't targeted.

Once however Manson claimed Tate & Polanski were making child porn, distributing on early, very expensive video recorders.

Miles Mathis has an interesting Manson article, claims, predictably, that much/all was faked.

pixiesbitch ago

you know what, pizzagaters? why don't you fuck off.

pixiesbitch ago

Well they probably were members.

sore_ass_losers ago

I would say likeminded individuals, who believed in the equivalence of Jehovah, Lucifer, and Satan. Hence Luciferans and Satanists.

pixiesbitch ago

Why would I be downvoted when I’m trying to help

sore_ass_losers ago

Hit a nerve, or maybe people don't like Springmeier? All this information comes from a spectrum of sources from mainstream to deep conspiracy theory. I think Fritz Springmeier falls towards the latter to most. I'll check out the article.

pixiesbitch ago

Springmeier though? He has written those very informative books about MK Ultra and mind control. I think it’s just someone who has seen my comments where I was upset about my favourite band being smeared by all of this.

letsdothis2 ago

It wasn't done by me, just so you know. And ignore stuff like that. One hardly ever knows the reason for down votes.

pixiesbitch ago

Paul McCartney and his girlfriend Jane Asher (her father was Doctor Richard Asher of TAVISTOCK) were interviewed for the process church magazine. Here is the front cover

Satanic as fuck but not surprising considering Paul McCartney’s replacement is a Freemason.

The process church is highly satanic with links to the Son of Sam killings and Charles Manson. Who as we all know is part of the Laurel Canyon military intelligence group and is linked to Lennon.

sore_ass_losers ago

The retired NYC vice cop James Rothstein is one who links Process to Son of Sam. There are interview videos I can't find at the moment.

letsdothis2 ago

Thank you. That's interesting.

letsdothis2 ago


Mayfair London origins, Canada and beyond…

The first issue of The Process magazine, called “The Common Market” was effectively just a broadsheet. A copy was distributed to each member of The Houses of Parliament at the time (early 1967). Have not seen a copy for sale but a copy exists in the Bodleian.


1968 36pp A4 stapled magazine. Printed in duo colours throughout. Sl. scuffing to covers else VG. Contains several articles inc. Sex, The Gods and The Grey Forces, The Rape Game and most disconcertingly, a brief interview with Jimmy Saville; “Are you moral? I would say that I am highly moral during the day, and even highly moral during the evening, but of course we won’t say anything about night-time, because that is when all real wolves like myself rise from the darkness and leap about causing mayhem left and right…” £195.00

sore_ass_losers ago

Here's the famous 'children's entertainer':

letsdothis2 ago

Great find. Thanks.

pixiesbitch ago

By the way, the Beatles were joined by Mal Evans and Neil Aspinall on 99% of their tours, especially in the early days. Those are the names of their tour managers, not Jimmy Savile.

letsdothis2 ago

Jimmy Savile accompanied them in Manchester where he co-owned a club.

pixiesbitch ago

So how’s that make him their tour manager?

letsdothis2 ago

We've dropped that bit, okay? Notice the thread has been deleted? If it makes you feel better about the Beatles.... it's really just semantics in the end.

pixiesbitch ago

irs Not semantics I’m sure if you were being accused of being a pedophile you would feel quite strongly too. Listen you’re the one who is saying he accompanied them and I’m saying it does not mean anything in the way you’re trying to make it. And of course it makes me feel better. It would make a lot of people feel very bad if that was the case (which it is not)

letsdothis2 ago

Let me REPEAT: I did NOT say that they are PEDOS. Try to see the big picture. Lol..sigh...

pixiesbitch ago

Sigh what world does linking the Beatles to a notorious pedo not say they are involved to some degree? Come on! It’s quite obvious that’s what you were getting at. Why else was it posted on here where we discuss Children. But fine...agree to disagree or whatever.

pixiesbitch ago

Yes I’m reading about it now, crying my eyes out tbf