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sore_ass_losers ago

Good article, I would quibble with this part:

"Process Church...membership incl. David Berkowitz, Charlie Manson, Michael Vail Carr III, actor Bobby Beausoleil, millionaire (& sex. slave owner) Andrew Crispo, Dorris Day’s son, Beach Boy’s drummer Dennis Wilson, John Philips (of the Mamas & Papas) & Jimmy Savile."

You may be able to tie these people to Process (don't recognize all the names) but it's a stretch to say they were officially members, just like that, w/o any support. Kind of an inflammatory, throw-away comment. Perhaps Springmeier has covered these individuals elsewhere?

Manson and Savile did interviews with the Process magazine, so did Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, and groupie Marianne Faithful. Does that make them all members? To be members they would have to undergo Scientology-like auditing('/brainwashing').

Dennis Wilson got involved with the Manson family for the girls, music, and ideas, and famously ditched them by abandoning his rented house to them. (Most detailed account I've read . Dennis Wilson was the only Beach Boy to surf!)

votesarestolen ago

More accurate would be to say that the Manson Family and Berkowitz plus his Son of Sam accomplices were members of cults that branched off from the Process Church and took their ideology. Defenders of the Process Church get upset when these people are called members of the official church itself, and they're technically correct, but it's not a highly relevant distinction. The Process Church is most likely an intelligence front designed to draw in people who will congregate into Satanic cults that are inspired by the Process but technically not affiliated with the organization. As a piece of suggestive evidence, consider the fact that the Process Church was incorporated by New Orleans intelligence asset Tommy Baumler.

sore_ass_losers ago

Here's an interview with Kerry Thornley, who was pals with Oswald in the military:

K.T.: The guy I talked to in New Orleans always said that they were going to get Martin Luther King. As for Bobby Kennedy, I don’t know. There’s one common thread that runs through all this stuff and that’s an organization that was organized shortly after Kennedy’s death and that was the PROCESS CHURCH. W.C.H.: I’m familiar with that. K.T.: They had tried to frame me in New Orleans for something I didn’t do, which had been my actual participation in the assassination, which I didn’t realize until later. They were involved in Kennedy’s death somehow, I believe. That might be the link right there. W.C.H.: They seemed to almost be a Manson like cult. K.T.: Some of them were. Some of them were with Papa Doc Devallier, some were with Trudeau, (laughs) I forget the other name…but there were three questions to find out whether you were a Satanist, a Luciferian, and a Jehovist. The Satanist answer was Papa Doc; the Luciferian answer was Trudeau. So their politics were quite varied.

sore_ass_losers ago

That would be Papa Doc of Haiti, and, I think, Pierre Trudeau.