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angelafogo ago

Hello. I am copying this message i sent to Argosciv one year ago. I received veiled threats from Esotericshade in responde to several investigations i made of which the most important was my investigation on GIDON FEEN.

angelafogo > argosciv | Sent: 1.1 years ago on 8/30/2017 10:21:53 PM pizzagate Hi, this place is truly infested. Can i have your advice. I have received several constant comments which hide a very clear threat menace between the lines from a user called ESOTERICshade I really cannot believe people are actually working so we cannot share this information. Any advice? Should i just close everything and run? I dont want to sound paranoid but these people are all over the place

Thank you for your kind words.

Argosciv replied that Esotericshade was good people and that i should trust him though i never did.


think- ago

I received veiled threats from Esotericshade in responde to several investigations i made of which the most important was my investigation on GIDON FEEN

for your comment, angelafogo. I'm sorry about that, and glad that you stayed! :-)

Did you get the 'veiled threats' in PMs or in comments on the threads? Do you maybe remember what exactly he said?

That might be helpful. Thank you, and please keep up the good work.

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @kevdude @EricKaliberhall

angelafogo ago

It was a comment in one of my first posts. It was very clever and very ambiguous but it made very clear he was one of them. He said he was a Cabbalist and a jew scholar, he clearly did not want me to become an investigator. Many times when i shared some information he showed up and tried to connect my data with something totally out of context, now i know it was 100% intentional.

ESOTERICshade ago

Many times when i shared some information he showed up and tried to connect my data with something totally out of context, now i know it was 100% intentional.

Interesting. What was it?

Crensch ago

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior. Here I am intimidating a woman I previously threatened and harassed by confronting her when she very obviously wants nothing to do with me."