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Vindicator ago

Well, well, well. Isn't this interesting...

Here, @EsotericShade claims he's so ignorant of technology (a "retard") he had to make all these alts because passwords are too hard to remember.

But eight months ago, here he is having a conversation about how to use VPNs to game the voting system. Doesn't sound too tech ignorant here, now does he?

@Crensch, you might want to add this to the OP.

Incidentally, that thread shows him using multiple alts to try to take over a rule discussion, voting multiple times via different accounts and even bitching when Crensch missed votes that weren't made as top level comments that would be seen in his notifications. Lots of brigading, too. Here are three of them talking to each other, pushing the idea the mod team is run by intelligence operatives.

There are multiple comments by him in that thread as ES, rarepeeks, twistedmac11, dragonkiller and others concern trolling the idea that the rule discussion is some kind of trap created by Crensch to get people's names on a hit list -- he simultaneously votes multiple times and tries to scare other people away from letting their voice be heard. It's rather appalling how glaring it is in this thread, actually.

@think- @EricKaliberhall @kevdude

ESOTERICshade ago

I won't read all this. Goddamn. Get a life. I so do not give a fuck.

Vindicator ago

LOL. Don't like the cold endoscope, eh? Too late...we're all the way to your gall bladder now.

I didn't spend hours on it at all, ES. I found it in about fifteen minutes. I've got pages and pages of shit I've collected on you these many months. I've warned you about it in the past, and you didn't listen. Too bad for you. I can keep doing this every day for the foreseeable future. Your comment history is a goldmine, especially with all the alts you thought we didn't know about.

ESOTERICshade ago

Amazing. You comment minutes after me. Shows that....something....or ON TOP of the game. I don't give a fuck about you gaslighting mother fucker fuckers. Look at the names of the regular posters in pizzagate? Most of the old regulars gone right? Damn straight. We left. Guess where we went? We will never tell you. Take your new sheep herd into the abyss because we left. And have a happy life. I wish you the best. Somebody got gamed, but it was not us. We left.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @EricKaliberhall @kevdude @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior. Here I am intimidating a woman I previously threatened and harassed by confronting her when she very obviously wants nothing to do with me."

"Here I am, pretending I don't think about a user much after threatening him to "be careful before you shoot your mouth off", basically proving that I am capable of the harassment mentioned above, but incapable of sticking with one narrative or manipulation tactic. Like this one where I weave a story where I allude to Voat being a CIA honeypot out to get me because of the TRUTH my meth-addled mind speaks!"

"Just like above, I like to tell users exercising their FREE SPEECH things like this:"

Easy now....Saying shit like that is the best way I know to get into some serious shit. I don't mean the law knocking on your door, or that could happen too. I mean them making your life miserable in ways that you never knew where it came from. You could get pulled over on the side of the road, drugs planted in your car, and end up jail or alllll sorts of shit. Those people do not play. You need to be careful. There is thousands of ways they can cause you grief. Be careful. Don't be careless. You might be on their radar simply by being the owner of these subs. Don't say anything they can use against you because they will use it.

"But it's totally NOT a credible threat from me, goyim! TOTALLY USE YOUR FREE SPEECH just nothing offensive, cuz someone will get you, K? I have my meth heads and water heaters to deal with, so I, myself, am too busy to be a threat to you! See? I'll even tell you myself that I'm no threat to you, which makes it believable, right?"

"This comment employs tactics such as LYING about not understanding what comment another user is referencing, despite an archive being provided, the brown-nosing of ONE mod while attempting to gaslight another, and the 'u mad bro?' coupled with my telling the user to "take a break" in order to cool off, because they are TOTALLY mad, just because I said so!"

"I like to LARP as grampa ESOTERIC and warn you of things any sane person would already be aware of, but I'm TOTALLY doing it for your own good because you totally mean well, but you're also totally a meth head that SNORTS meth and needs to go to rehab!"

"I will spit-wad my accusations and talk about "how long it took" for him to write out the above comment and how I'm TOTALLY not going to read it. I want desperately to find out what sticks, but my mind doesn't work well enough to do so because I snort meth; sadly, my friends and family also snort meth, so they cannot help me beat this guy, either."

"Hey guise, I totally did a thing that was totally good for PG and you NEED me because reasons and it TOTALLY excuses my use of alts to brigade and manufacture consensus and groom users, all of which I have never apologized for because I am not sorry."

"I'm not going to read your comment - too busy snorting meth. I love meth. Meth should be legalized. Meth heads are awesome. But somehow I'm worried about CRENSCH'S state of mind."

"I like to blow smoke up users' asses, like this, where I say nice things about Crensch, but 8 months ago and even 1 hour ago I show that that I think Crensch is a fuckwit."

"When I, ESOTERIC, get caught in a lie, I claim it was a 'weak moment'. I somehow KNOW other 'users' will show up... oh, sorry, 'WELL KNOWN USERS' that mostly happened to be my alts. Did I mention I'm a Jew that loves meth heads?"

"As a meth-addled Jew, it's very difficult for me to see patterns that goyim can easily see, therefore, my words often don't make any sense; I'm also lazy, and like to pretend I have a real life, despite meth being a huge part of that life."

"As a Jew, I make lots of mistakes when I'm emotionally compromised; also, as a a meth head, I use my JewJitsu to try and lie my way out of my mistakes. It used to work long ago, but the goyim are waking up!"

"Ignore all of those times I mocked you while brown-nosing others, and all those times I've flip-flopped back and forth - YOU are the one cool guy in the room! ... for now.."

"I LOVE accusing others of things I, myself have done. Like gaslighting, and botting, and running off good users of PG, and including myself by saying "we left" when I never actually left... I say that multiple times because I am insecure, and need to repeat myself to calm my meth-addled nerves."

think- ago

Amazing. You comment minutes after me.

LOL - yes, during @Vindicator's regular modding shift. looks amused

Most of the old regulars gone right?

You mean users like migratorypatterns that you chased off the board?

Or other posters who have left because they were afraid of you?

We left.

Obviously, you didn't. LOL

@Crensch @kevdude @EricKaliberhall @srayzie

Shizy ago

Did you know you're a "mother fucker fucker"?! 😂 At least he's good for a laugh.

The cracks are forming so I'll just enjoy this shit show while it lasts!

ESOTERICshade ago

I will say this real that you can get it.

Okee dokee? I only have ONE damn goal left in my life. My goal is to save our children. I will use any means necessary to get that job done. You copy?

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @EricKaliberhall @kevdude @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior. Here I am intimidating a woman I previously threatened and harassed by confronting her when she very obviously wants nothing to do with me."

"Here I am, pretending I don't think about a user much after threatening him to "be careful before you shoot your mouth off", basically proving that I am capable of the harassment mentioned above, but incapable of sticking with one narrative or manipulation tactic. Like this one where I weave a story where I allude to Voat being a CIA honeypot out to get me because of the TRUTH my meth-addled mind speaks!"

"Just like above, I like to tell users exercising their FREE SPEECH things like this:"

Easy now....Saying shit like that is the best way I know to get into some serious shit. I don't mean the law knocking on your door, or that could happen too. I mean them making your life miserable in ways that you never knew where it came from. You could get pulled over on the side of the road, drugs planted in your car, and end up jail or alllll sorts of shit. Those people do not play. You need to be careful. There is thousands of ways they can cause you grief. Be careful. Don't be careless. You might be on their radar simply by being the owner of these subs. Don't say anything they can use against you because they will use it.

"But it's totally NOT a credible threat from me, goyim! TOTALLY USE YOUR FREE SPEECH just nothing offensive, cuz someone will get you, K? I have my meth heads and water heaters to deal with, so I, myself, am too busy to be a threat to you! See? I'll even tell you myself that I'm no threat to you, which makes it believable, right?"

"This comment employs tactics such as LYING about not understanding what comment another user is referencing, despite an archive being provided, the brown-nosing of ONE mod while attempting to gaslight another, and the 'u mad bro?' coupled with my telling the user to "take a break" in order to cool off, because they are TOTALLY mad, just because I said so!"

"I like to LARP as grampa ESOTERIC and warn you of things any sane person would already be aware of, but I'm TOTALLY doing it for your own good because you totally mean well, but you're also totally a meth head that SNORTS meth and needs to go to rehab!"

"I will spit-wad my accusations and talk about "how long it took" for him to write out the above comment and how I'm TOTALLY not going to read it. I want desperately to find out what sticks, but my mind doesn't work well enough to do so because I snort meth; sadly, my friends and family also snort meth, so they cannot help me beat this guy, either."

"Hey guise, I totally did a thing that was totally good for PG and you NEED me because reasons and it TOTALLY excuses my use of alts to brigade and manufacture consensus and groom users, all of which I have never apologized for because I am not sorry."

"I'm not going to read your comment - too busy snorting meth. I love meth. Meth should be legalized. Meth heads are awesome. But somehow I'm worried about CRENSCH'S state of mind."

"I like to blow smoke up users' asses, like this, where I say nice things about Crensch, but 8 months ago and even 1 hour ago I show that that I think Crensch is a fuckwit."

"When I, ESOTERIC, get caught in a lie, I claim it was a 'weak moment'. I somehow KNOW other 'users' will show up... oh, sorry, 'WELL KNOWN USERS' that mostly happened to be my alts. Did I mention I'm a Jew that loves meth heads?"

"As a meth-addled Jew, it's very difficult for me to see patterns that goyim can easily see, therefore, my words often don't make any sense; I'm also lazy, and like to pretend I have a real life, despite meth being a huge part of that life."

"As a Jew, I make lots of mistakes when I'm emotionally compromised; also, as a a meth head, I use my JewJitsu to try and lie my way out of my mistakes. It used to work long ago, but the goyim are waking up!"

"Ignore all of those times I mocked you while brown-nosing others, and all those times I've flip-flopped back and forth - YOU, kevdude, are the one cool guy in the room! ... for now.."

"I LOVE accusing others of things I, myself have done. Like gaslighting, and botting, and running off good users of PG, and including myself by saying "we left" when I never actually left... I say that multiple times because I am insecure, and need to repeat myself to calm my meth-addled nerves."

"(((We're on the same side, GOYIM!))) Also, I have NO TIME for this because of a trailer and a truck, because my IRL is better than yours - also I TOTALLY don't get shekels for being here. You believe me, right?"

"Forget three paragraphs above where I was brown-nosing kevdude and disparaging you, Vindicator, because you totally do a good job and I have no problem with what you do. No, wait, it's think- I like now! Please don't make me withhold my approval from you for disagreeing with me, think-!"

"I was TOTALLY out of my mind 7 paragraphs ago where I said nice things about Crensch, he needs to be gone yesterday because I can't see anything but words that hurt my feelings."

"I have ONE goal in life, and that is to claim I don't care and won't read your comments because it's been proven that I not only do not care to save children, but that I want them to suffer and be raped and murdered."

Vindicator ago

"I have ONE goal in life, and that is to claim I don't care and won't read your comments because it's been proven that I not only do not care to save children, but that I want them to suffer and be raped and murdered."

Wait, can't talk to him like this!!! Don't you know @Esotericshade is a (((victim)))?

He’s seen kids cut open without anesthetic and their organs removed, then their bodies "stacked like firewood"!!!

He was tortured for seven years with microwaves by the deep state!!!

He was targeted by a coven!!!

In fact, he's a real life Pizzagate victim who “got fucked in the ass as a kid”!!!!!!!!!

Crensch ago

At this point, I'd wager he gave up his anal virginity for some meth.

I'll add those in as he continues commenting. Thanks for the links! (I figure if he deletes, the links can be put into and people can still read them... I can edit later too, but for the purposes of not cluttering the story, just the direct links)

Shizy ago

What did you do to chase off @migratorypatterns??? If you really care about "saving kids" why would you scare off one of the best researchers that was here?

think- ago

Because she was a Trump supporter.

Shizy ago

Seriously? Guess he doesn't really care about saving kids.

You know who else hates Trumo more than they hate pedophiles? Looney Libs!

EricKaliberhall ago

Good, then you won't mind when we flair your sorry ass... I am still advocating a 'confirmed shill' flair, in the color pink. It will be absolutely beautiful... Not tacky, more classy.

Crensch ago

Not opposed, here.

Vindicator ago

I'm for it...all of his proven alts that don't delete their accounts ought to have to wear one, as well.

think- ago

Yes, you keep repeating this every time we show that you have lied again, Esoteric. :-)

And now we know that it was indeed you who has been responsible for chasing Migratorypatterns off the board. Oh my. Poor woman.

No word about why you have been constantly saying you would leave, but then didn't, and are still here?

@Crensch @Vindicator @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

think- ago

@kevdude @EricKaliberhall: Please see parent.

ESOTERICshade ago

Give it a rest. We have the same goals. I have to hook up a trailer to a truck and I don't have time for this right now. You do all this as a labor of love. I do it for the same reason. None of us get paid to do this. We are here because we choose it upon ourselves.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @EricKaliberhall @kevdude @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior. Here I am intimidating a woman I previously threatened and harassed by confronting her when she very obviously wants nothing to do with me."

"Here I am, pretending I don't think about a user much after threatening him to "be careful before you shoot your mouth off", basically proving that I am capable of the harassment mentioned above, but incapable of sticking with one narrative or manipulation tactic. Like this one where I weave a story where I allude to Voat being a CIA honeypot out to get me because of the TRUTH my meth-addled mind speaks!"

"Just like above, I like to tell users exercising their FREE SPEECH things like this:"

Easy now....Saying shit like that is the best way I know to get into some serious shit. I don't mean the law knocking on your door, or that could happen too. I mean them making your life miserable in ways that you never knew where it came from. You could get pulled over on the side of the road, drugs planted in your car, and end up jail or alllll sorts of shit. Those people do not play. You need to be careful. There is thousands of ways they can cause you grief. Be careful. Don't be careless. You might be on their radar simply by being the owner of these subs. Don't say anything they can use against you because they will use it.

"But it's totally NOT a credible threat from me, goyim! TOTALLY USE YOUR FREE SPEECH just nothing offensive, cuz someone will get you, K? I have my meth heads and water heaters to deal with, so I, myself, am too busy to be a threat to you! See? I'll even tell you myself that I'm no threat to you, which makes it believable, right?"

"This comment employs tactics such as LYING about not understanding what comment another user is referencing, despite an archive being provided, the brown-nosing of ONE mod while attempting to gaslight another, and the 'u mad bro?' coupled with my telling the user to "take a break" in order to cool off, because they are TOTALLY mad, just because I said so!"

"I like to LARP as grampa ESOTERIC and warn you of things any sane person would already be aware of, but I'm TOTALLY doing it for your own good because you totally mean well, but you're also totally a meth head that SNORTS meth and needs to go to rehab!"

"I will spit-wad my accusations and talk about "how long it took" for him to write out the above comment and how I'm TOTALLY not going to read it. I want desperately to find out what sticks, but my mind doesn't work well enough to do so because I snort meth; sadly, my friends and family also snort meth, so they cannot help me beat this guy, either."

"Hey guise, I totally did a thing that was totally good for PG and you NEED me because reasons and it TOTALLY excuses my use of alts to brigade and manufacture consensus and groom users, all of which I have never apologized for because I am not sorry."

"I'm not going to read your comment - too busy snorting meth. I love meth. Meth should be legalized. Meth heads are awesome. But somehow I'm worried about CRENSCH'S state of mind."

"I like to blow smoke up users' asses, like this, where I say nice things about Crensch, but 8 months ago and even 1 hour ago I show that that I think Crensch is a fuckwit."

"When I, ESOTERIC, get caught in a lie, I claim it was a 'weak moment'. I somehow KNOW other 'users' will show up... oh, sorry, 'WELL KNOWN USERS' that mostly happened to be my alts. Did I mention I'm a Jew that loves meth heads?"

"As a meth-addled Jew, it's very difficult for me to see patterns that goyim can easily see, therefore, my words often don't make any sense; I'm also lazy, and like to pretend I have a real life, despite meth being a huge part of that life."

"As a Jew, I make lots of mistakes when I'm emotionally compromised; also, as a a meth head, I use my JewJitsu to try and lie my way out of my mistakes. It used to work long ago, but the goyim are waking up!"

"Ignore all of those times I mocked you while brown-nosing others, and all those times I've flip-flopped back and forth - YOU are the one cool guy in the room! ... for now.."

"I LOVE accusing others of things I, myself have done. Like gaslighting, and botting, and running off good users of PG, and including myself by saying "we left" when I never actually left... I say that multiple times because I am insecure, and need to repeat myself to calm my meth-addled nerves."

"(((We're on the same side, GOYIM!))) Also, I have NO TIME for this because of a trailer and a truck, because my IRL is better than yours - also I TOTALLY don't get shekels for being here. You believe me, right?"

think- ago

@Shizy @MolochHunter: Apologies again. Please see my comment above.