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ESOTERICshade ago

I will also dump this since I am in the spotlight. Thanks crensch :) I'm gonna do an info dump tonight maybe. Need to check the thumb drives. It took me decades to even learn to find all this stuff. I have not read all of this but I have read a lot of it. I have a lot more this is only a partial list. It took me decades to get guided to all this info. Narrow it down, get through the confusion, distill it, and all that.

Secret history of the Cabal

My Irrelevant Defence

Hat tip to @2impendingdoom

Justin Davis Files. This one is really bizarre and sad. Justin Davis was on the run from the cult. He posted on facebook while homeless. About the only pleasure he had in life was going to public places he could play chess for free. He was a good chess player. While on the run and homeless Justin posted what he could on facebook in an effort to out the people he knew that were murdering and torturing. They did weird things to Justin such as sneak up on him while he was asleep, drug him, sew threads into his chest coated with poisons or some substance, and clipped the ends flush with the skin so that they were not visible. I rescued this information and uploaded it to

Morals and dogma of the ancient and accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry

The Rite Of Sodomy In the Catholic Church vol one and two

Sabbatai Zevi [microform] : a tragedy in three acts and six scenes with a prologue and an epilogue

This is a text.

Bill Cooper FOIA fbi files release

Crensch ago

For anyone wondering how this turns out.

ESOTERICshade ago

probably because they were informed by horseshit links like above.

Those links indict your hated Jews more than almost any other links could do. It proves their crimes, their origins, and details their most grisly crimes. Good job, bro, you proved once again, that you ain't got a clue what in the hell you are talking about. This is a good place for me to exit this thread and leave it like that.

Crensch ago

Those links indict your hated Jews more than almost any other links could do. It proves their crimes, their origins, and details their most grisly crimes. Good job, bro, you proved once again, that you ain't got a clue what in the hell you are talking about. This is a good place for me to exit this thread and leave it like that.

After crimes deserving of their extinction, who gives a shit what else they did? You're kinda pragmatically stupid, aren't you? Stuck in your ivory tower of books, but unable to effect change without subterfuge. It must eat at you to know that I effect change honestly, and without knowing such irrelevant details that you find so important.

ESOTERICshade ago

and without knowing such irrelevant details that you find so important.

There is an old saying that goes "history repeats itself."

Mark Twain said it better. Twain said "history does not repeat, but it sure does rhyme." Mark Twain got it right. It does not "exactly" repeat but it damn sure rhyme. There is a mathematical repeat that has been going on for thousands of years. It follows this cycle and attenuates itself according to the technology of the day. Its like that corny movie "Groundhog Day" and i'm not joking. The same thing happens over, and over, and over, and over, and over. using the same formulas. "there is nothing new under the Sun" is a real deal.

Crensch ago

There is an old saying that goes "history repeats itself."

Then I'll add to that dusty old saying:

"Unless you exterminate the lesser peoples you've conquered."

Mark Twain said it better. Twain said "history does not repeat, but it sure does rhyme." Mark Twain got it right. It does not "exactly" repeat but it damn sure rhyme. There is a mathematical repeat that has been going on for thousands of years. It follows this cycle and attenuates itself according to the technology of the day. Its like that corny movie "Groundhog Day" and i'm not joking. The same thing happens over, and over, and over, and over, and over. using the same formulas. "there is nothing new under the Sun" is a real deal. Mathematical constants, time using money, variation for the change in technology, etc...but, it rhymes with shit that happened five hundred years ago, or two thousand years ago. Value in knowing rhymes...just sayin...

The more you talk, the more delicious this is. Do you even read what you're writing? You're LARPing some Mr Miyagi shit here, and with your own words, showing that there is no hope to change, no matter what we know or don't know. For someone pretending to be so smart, you can't even keep an internal logic for your position.

How does it feel to be bested, again, by a 19 year old?

ESOTERICshade ago

The more you talk, the more delicious this is. Do you even read what you're writing? You're LARPing some Mr Miyagi shit here, and with your own words, showing that there is no hope to change, no matter what we know or don't know. For someone pretending to be so smart, you can't even keep an internal logic for your position.


How does it feel to be bested, again, by a 19 year old?

Our goals are different. Your goal is to be seen as the smartest person in the room, to be seen as THE intellectual giant, and to "win" at all costs. My goal is to never stop learning, try to pass on anything I learn, keep learning from others, and try to have happy life.

You have made it very clear that your goal is to type "nigger kike faggot" all day, DESTROY AND WRECK, so that it you feel superior, and that you will attempt to "wreck" all those you do not agree with. You ain't wrecked shit in my neighborhood. I'm pretty content.

I attempted to pass on some good books to you and some concepts about money and monetary cycles that dictate how this will all go down in the future. You didn't like it. You don't care. I get it.

You "wrecked" yourself again. No skin off my nose. I will wake up in the morning just the same. I will take care of of the family properties, and you will look for somebody on the internet to "wreck" so that you can feel superior. I get it. Knock yourself out. Have a ball.

Crensch ago

Our goals are different. Your goal is to be seen as the smartest person in the room, to be seen as THE intellectual giant, and to "win" at all costs. My goal is to never stop learning, try to pass on anything I learn, keep learning from others, and try to have happy life.

Kek. Like I said, you have no desire to change anything at all.

You have made it very clear that your goal is to type "nigger kike faggot" all day, DESTROY AND WRECK, so that it you feel superior, and that you will attempt to "wreck" all those you do not agree with. You ain't wrecked shit in my neighborhood. I'm pretty content.

It's not even my goal; it's what I DO. And your shit got wrecked so hard here you can't even look cool or sage or wise around what you believe to be a 19 year old. "I'm not here to win" is the go-to for sore losers. Pretend you didn't REALLY want to win, and that's why you haven't. It's pathetic, and obvious, to anyone reading this.

I attempted to pass on some good books to you and some concepts about money and monetary cycles that dictate how this will all go down in the future. You didn't like it. You don't care. I get it.

I caused you to lose your cool and out yourself as the subversive, lying, sniveling prick you are. Given your lack of shame about it, I'd wager you're Jewish. Are you Jewish, ESOTERIC?

You "wrecked" yourself again. No skin off my nose. I will wake up in the morning just the same. I will take care of of the family properties, and you will look for somebody on the internet to "wreck" so that you can feel superior. I get it. Knock yourself out. Have a ball. The rest of us will have a "Crystolbal Vila".....a glass house.

You really want to pretend that it's not about winning for you, yet this is your rhetoric? More kek.

Another try at "muh IRL better than u" and also trying to make it seem like I somehow did myself a disservice here. Do I need to link that comment again?

I would be more than happy to be mostly dormant. My activity is proportional to the activity of fuckheads like you causing problems. Then again, I also LOVE toying with the lesser minds I find online. Little dancing puppets that cannot help but make mistakes because they're unprepared to deal with even a 19 year old on the internet.

You think your knowledge will change anything? You think that you learning things will make any more difference than a sentient, omniscient AI floating through space that cannot do or change anything at all?

I'm not here to masturbate myself over how many books I've read, I'm here to change things, and I have. Far more than you have, and in far better ways.

The most delicious part of all of this, though, is your continued insistence that I am here just to type "nigger kike faggot" all day, when my words clearly contain far more useful content in one comment than your entire username's history. It's called tone fallacy, snowflake. I know it's tough to deal with, a 19 year old that doesn't censor his words besting you at every turn, but that's just how it is. You'll never be any smarter than you are, and you'll never recover from being outed.

ESOTERICshade ago

Kek. Like I said, you have no desire to change anything at all.

Stop speaking for me you meth head. Stop snorting meth. Only a meth head could write a wall of text like that, that means nothing. Go to rehab. Stop being a cancer on Voat. I won't read that crazy bullshit. Not gonna do it. Click................

Crensch ago

Stop speaking for me you meth head. Stop snorting meth.

WHOAH, struck a nerve, did I? Who said anything about drugs?

Only a meth head could write a wall of text like that, that means nothing.

So... I wouldn't know that, but I'm guessing you would. Wow. Way to give away your weak points to the enemy. Are you sure you're not just a little bit touched in the head?

Stop being a cancer on Voat.

I'm the guy that follows the rules and forum etiquette, you must be the other guy.

I won't read that crazy bullshit. Not gonna do it.

We both know you already did - LOOK AT THAT RAGE AND SALT. HAHAHAHAHA!

Click................I'm gonna screenshot this lunacy.

Enjoy this surviving; JFC this is glorious!

This is one for the "books" because you are a fucking meth head or something.

Remember what I keep saying about you projecting your faults and insecurities onto me? YOU KEEP DOING IT BECAUSE YOU ARE AN OVEREMOTIONAL JEW.

And I bet my question ASKING you that made your vision red-shift because you know it's true.

You have officially become pizzagate cancer, and possibly a voat wide cancer.

The dregs of the human DNA that one of your ancestors raped out of a child that still swims in your veins knows that the above-quoted applies to you, and the JEW in you thinks that attacking ME with it makes it less likely anyone will think that about YOU.

You Jews and your ONE carnival trick of misdirection are starting to get outed - the goyim are waking up to your trick, and none of you will be prepared for it.

If your caliber of discourse is what we can expect, I won't put my energy into it.

You just can't help yourself, you overemotinal JEW. KEK KEK KEK

"Meth head". Really? It's like playing poker with someone that turns his cards to face me. It's almost too easy to be fun anymore.

If your caliber of discourse is what we can expect, I won't put my energy into it.

ESOTERICshade ago

There are a bunch of us that you won't have to worry about anymore. According to my mailbox this morning, its a hand full of us. You need a sheep herd to maintain your sense of self. You just lost a bunch of sheep. Take care. I have to go work on a rent house.

Crensch ago

There are a bunch of us that you won't have to worry about anymore.

Aww, you're leaving? Where will I get my info on meth heads now?

According to my mailbox this morning, its a hand full of us.

You and your 8+ alts?

You need a sheep herd to maintain your sense of self.

Right. Find someone that does what I do, or does it to the degree I do it, and then show me how I blend in. I'm sure we'll all have a good laugh over it.

You just lost a bunch of sheep.

Never wanted sheep, anyway. What the fuck - you JUST said I need a sheep herd, but now I lost sheep and it's a bad thing? Again, do you read what you write, Jew?

Take care.

Don't tell me what to do.

Eat a dick.

I have to go work on a rent house.

You mean the house you rent that you pretend you own? You're so transparent it's retarded. I read you like a book, and you hate it, yet you keep inviting me to destroy your world.