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Cc1914 ago

After trying to actually process all this I’m going to take @EsotericShade s advice that he always gave me and , “ Speak my mind “ or was it really donkey ? This thought disgusts me ! I’m not going to go on and chastise you because that’s not my style. I will say you hurt a lot of people who actually developed friendships with you and that’s just wrong on so many levels . Call me over emotional or whatever ..

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm not Donkey. The Donkey hates me. The Donkey tears me apart every time I open my mouth. The Donkey is the Donkey and he don't like me. Actually, I don't think the Donkey likes anybody.

think- ago

I will say you hurt a lot of people who actually developed friendships with you and that’s just wrong on so many levels .

Interesting that you haven't replied to that part of @Cc1914's comment, Esoteric.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

ESOTERICshade ago

Interesting that you haven't replied to that part of @Cc1914's comment, Esoteric.

I am not the Donkey. What else can I say about it? The Donkey hates me as much as he hates everybody else.

think- ago

Her comment that you hurt people was directed directly at your EsotericShade screenname, as you perfectly well know.

So, what do you have to say to @Cc1914's comment:

I will say you hurt a lot of people who actually developed friendships with you and that’s just wrong on so many levels

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie

srayzie ago

What do you mean by that @Cc1914?

Cc1914 ago

What do I mean by what ?

srayzie ago

Because you said...

you hurt a lot of people who actually developed friendships with you and that’s just wrong on so many levels.

I was wondering if I missed something or if you’re referring to Esoteric being accused of being Donkey.

Cc1914 ago

I was telling ES he hurt a lot of people by lying and acting like he cared basically is what I meant . Did you read my whole comment ? This is mind boggling, how long have you known about ES being donkey ?

srayzie ago

I don’t think he is Donkey. I’m not disagreeing about everything, but the Donkey part I disagree. I was close to Esoteric at one time. I think I read it all. I was in a rush.

Cc1914 ago

I considered him a friend . It’s hard to believe he could play such completely different characters as donkey and ES because I didn’t think the ES I knew , could stoop to donkey levels . Why did he answer as “ donkey” to a comment made to “ES “?

ESOTERICshade ago

I can assure you that I am not Donkey and that should be pretty obvious. Our personalities are nothing alike.

Crensch ago

... says the vote manipulator and consensus manufacturer.


ESOTERICshade ago

Says the person that rigged the v/pizzagate mod sub so that nobody but him and his alts could down vote, and hid the sub from v/all so that the rest of voat would not notice how he was handling things in the v/pizzagatemods sub.

think- ago

him and his alts

Him and his alts? Which alts?

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Shizy

ESOTERICshade ago

Alts or people he selected or knew could down vote, because, somebody was damn sure down voting and we know who is ultimately in control of the v/pizzagatemods sub.

Everybody that was paying attention knows it happened. It left a comment trail too. I won't argue with you or anybody else about it. I don't care. I have ignored this sub mostly because I so don't care. Now, i'm gonna go do some stuff I want to do that does not include any of this bullshit. You have a good day.

Crensch ago

Alts or people he selected or knew could down vote, because, somebody was damn sure down voting and we know who is ultimately in control of the v/pizzagatemods sub.

Everybody that was paying attention knows it happened. It left a comment trail too. I won't argue with you or anybody else about it. I don't care. I have ignored this thread mostly because I so don't care. Now, i'm gonna go do some stuff I want to do that does not include any of this bullshit. You have a good day.

I'm sure @think- remembers this comment that describes the tactics you're using here. "muh better than you and all of this IRL" crap, along with low-effort since you provide no proof of anything.

ESOTERICshade ago

"muh better than you and all of this IRL" crap, along with low-effort since you provide no proof of anything.

There will be effort, it won't be low, it will be high effort, but it won't be here at this webiste. Before the winter freeze hits we have a lot to do in my family. I have to help my nephew put a hot water heater in one of our rent houses in the morning and i'm getting my tools together. It weights about 400 pounds, we can't drain it because the valves are rusted shut, its been in the house for about 30 years, the plumbing will suck and have to be redone too, then install a new one. I know you don't care but that is what is on my plate right now. Its my real life.

I want you to understand that I don't intend to invest my time trying to wrestle control of the v/pizzagate sub. I don't have the desire, the time, nor the inclination. Nor do I want to cause trouble for the v/pizzagate sub.

I had an opinion that I still have and it is this........The v/pizzagate sub is supposed to operate on facts as best as possible. The Qanon community deals pretty much strictly in speculation and guesses, with a big dose of hope added in.

I didn't want the v/pizzagate sub to turn into wild guesses and speculation and I firmly believe that is what would have happened if pizzagate and Qanon became some sort of Unicorn hybrid. I think that mix would dilute and discredit pizzagate and all our efforts might go down the drain. I would hate for that to happen. I have a lot of years invested in this project.

I hold no animosity for any of you guys. We all have our own perspectives depending on what we all have been individually been exposed to. We all have our own mental skill sets.

I just want pizzagate to remain focused on its mission and not get caught up in the theatre of Washington D.C. drama and mainstream fake news narrative. If it happens, it just happens. I hope it does not happen. Pizzagate became huge because it followed NOBODY. Pizzagate blazed it's own trail. It led and did not follow. I hope that continues.

I have to get my tools ready for morning. I wish you well. I have a damn good feeling you will get your wish and see less of me around here for a lonnggggg time. Adios......

Crensch ago

There will be effort, it won't be low, it will be high effort, but it won't be here at this webiste. Before the winter freeze hits we have a lot to do in my family. I have to help my nephew put a hot water heater in one of our rent houses in the morning and i'm getting my tools together. It weights about 400 pounds, we can't drain it because the valves are rusted shut, its been in the house for about 30 years, the plumbing will suck and have to be redone too, then install a new one. I know you don't care but that is what is on my plate right now. Its my real life.

Telling us a story about how he will be gone for a long time because of a water heater. Kek.

@think- @Vindicator @kevdude @srayzie @EricKaliberhall

ESOTERICshade ago

Telling us a story about how he will be gone for a long time because of a water heater. Kek.

Nope. Just an example of real life. The reason I will be gone for a long time is because I don't want to deal with the likes of you, the abyss of ignorance and intellectual bankruptcy. I know people that have read a lot of the following. Why would I hang out with you instead? You want to learn about your "jews" you hate so much. Read all this and stop flapping your gums. Silence is a virtue, sometimes....

It took me a lot of years to search all this out and find it. I'm giving it to you in a nutshell, even though I don't really like you. But you are young and maybe you can't help it. Take a look. Plenty of good "jew" books in here. You can find some seriously good quotes to support your cause, I PROMISE YOU THAT.

You want to sit on the internet and type "nigger kike faggot jew" over and over all day or you want me to guide you to the good shit?

Secret history of the Cabal

My Irrelevant Defence

Hat tip to @2impendingdoom

Justin Davis Files. This one is really bizarre and sad. Justin Davis was on the run from the cult. He posted on facebook while homeless. About the only pleasure he had in life was going to public places he could play chess for free. He was a good chess player. While on the run and homeless Justin posted what he could on facebook in an effort to out the people he knew that were murdering and torturing. They did weird things to Justin such as sneak up on him while he was asleep, drug him, sew threads into his chest coated with poisons or some substance, and clipped the ends flush with the skin so that they were not visible. I rescued this information and uploaded it to

Morals and dogma of the ancient and accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry

The Rite Of Sodomy In the Catholic Church vol one and two

Sabbatai Zevi [microform] : a tragedy in three acts and six scenes with a prologue and an epilogue

This is a text.

Bill Cooper FOIA fbi files release

Crensch ago

Nope. Just an example of real life. The reason I will be gone for a long time is because I don't want to deal with the likes of you, the abyss of ignorance and intellectual bankruptcy. I know people that have read a lot of the following. Why would I hang out with you instead? You want to learn about your "jews" you hate so much. Read all this and stop flapping your gums. Silence is a virtue, sometimes....

No, it's not. It's exactly what I said it was - a ploy by you to pretend to have more important things to do than comment.

Also, why would I want to read through the links of someone that needs to manipulate votes and manufacture consensus? Obviously your words and knowledge don't resonate with anyone organically, which means either your information is bad, or you're too stupid to present it in a way that anyone will give a damn about.

It took me a lot of years to search all this out and find it. I'm giving it to you in a nutshell, even though I don't really like you. But you are young and maybe you can't help it. Take a look. Plenty of good "jew" books in here. You can find some seriously good quotes to support your cause, I PROMISE YOU THAT.

I don't really need any more. After a certain point, the information becomes needlessly esoteric in nature. Nobody cares about how well-read you are, or how many pieces of uselessly specific information you have.


The cabals and masons and JEWS and cult members and whatever else - NONE of that information matters if we hunt them to extinction.

You want to sit on the internet and type "nigger kike faggot jew" over and over all day or you want me to guide you to the good shit?

Apparently, all of your links guided you to manipulating this website with alts and vote brigades.

It guided you to fashion your own Hegelian dialectic when you attacked new and vulnerable users with your alts, while swooping in to save the day as ESOTERICshade.

And you thought I didn't know what the fuck Hegelian dialectic was! God, that must sting, knowing that your own talking point can be used against you now, as a certainty of you using it to manipulate others for your own advancement.

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie @kevdude @EricKaliberhall

ESOTERICshade ago

Also, why would I want to read through the links of someone that needs to manipulate votes and manufacture consensus? Obviously your words and knowledge don't resonate with anyone organically, which means either your information is bad, or you're too stupid to present it in a way that anyone will give a damn about.

These are books. Since you are Voat's Genius you should be able to sort all that out.

Some of them written before I was even born, some not. Some good stuff in there for a person with the time to look. What I did was use a book browser and search by keyword for stuff I was interested in, like your passion, the Jews. There are some good works in the pile and this is not all I have.

You shoud be able to recognize, just at eye level sight, about four of these books. Actually more, but i'm cutting you some slack. Are we here to insult each other or are we here to swap information and learn? You tell me?

Crensch ago

These are books. Since you are Voat's Genius you should be able to sort all that out.

Books that led you to needing to manipulate people, apparently.

Some of them written before I was even born, some not. Some good stuff in there for a person with the time to look. What I did was use a book browser and search by keyword for stuff I was interested in, like your passion, the Jews. There are some good works in the pile and this is not all I have.

I know what I need to know, and I dig for what I want to know. YOU manipulate people, votes, and consensus to force your will upon others.

You shoud be able to recognize, just at eye level sight, about four of these books. Actually more, but i'm cutting you some slack. Are we here to insult each other or are we here to swap information and learn? You tell me?

You're here to be mocked, apparently; I'm here to mock you, obviously.

ESOTERICshade ago

Books that led you to needing to manipulate people, apparently.

It is books proving the history of your premise that people of Jewish origin are often behind the ills of mankind. Try these. Use a book reader and use the search function. This is just off the top of my head.

This is a history of where the bastards came in from ancient ages. The people we are dealing with are the Pharisees from days of old.

Seriously dirty deeds from the bastards.

This is where the bastards originate from.

Eustace Mullins more updated version of his thoughts about it.

This one ain't bad. Been years since I read it.

I know what I need to know, and I dig for what I want to know.

Pretty amazing at 19 years old, but, somehow, I doubt that a little bit :) I saved Gigabytes of stuff you can't even find anymore. I saw the info purge coming and I grabbed Gigabytes, and Gygabytes, and Gybatyes, and Gybates of it....I still got it.

You're here to be mocked, apparently; I'm here to mock you, obviously.

That is too bad for everybody.

Crensch ago

Still going at this? Nobody cares, faggot. You're like a convict trying to tell an upstanding citizen how to live well.

ESOTERICshade ago

Still going at this? Nobody cares, faggot.

Incorrect. Myself and people far above your knowledge level swap intellectual info (not about you) all the time. We swap info UP ON THE LEVEL I just tried to give you. We discuss it. People that understand it do indeed care. Getting close to bedtime for me. Sorry you found no value in the books I gave you. I wish you well. Good night and I hope you have a good life.

Crensch ago

Incorrect. Myself and people far above your knowledge level swap intellectual info (not about you) all the time. We swap info UP ON THE LEVEL I just tried to give you. We discuss it. People that understand it do indeed care. Getting close to bedtime for me. Sorry you found no value in the books I gave you. I wish you well. Good night and I hope you have a good life.

What's hilarious is I didn't need some knowledge level to destroy you. I didn't need knowledge to constantly outplay you. I'm more intelligent than you'll ever be, and no amount of books you read can cause you to best me.

Anyone that DID care now sees what you are, if they're here on Voat. Though I doubt you had any, I do hope you lost friends over it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Actually I gained some friends. I wish you well.

think- ago

Actually I gained some friends.

No. You have groomed people in order to use them later. This isn't friendship.

Like you thought you could groom me as a buddy, and later use me as your pawn and tell me how to mod.

Remember there was a reason why I blocked you on my second day as a mod here. And I have blocked only five users so far.

You have actually HURT people. Read @Cc1914's comments again. Oh, but you already said you gave a 'frickin shit' that you hurt other users.

Btw., did you groom migratorypatterns as well? She suddenly got a fit of rage when I referred to her as a woman, then said she wasn't a woman, and would never be one, and on the next day she deleted her account.

At the end of last year, you wrote a PM saying that you had pissed off everybody in your real life. NOW I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND HOW THIS COULD HAVE HAPPENED.

Oh, and btw., talking about your rl, you really shouldn't drink that much.

Your private email handle is quite interesting too for someone that pretends to fight satanism.

You seek to destroy, I do not.

And this is probably your biggest lie.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @kevdude

ESOTERICshade ago

I will tell you something else. My private mailbox fired out a bunch of messages. It literally created accounts from the first letters in the subject line of a message. It sent a message out to those accounts. This place is fucked and I don't trust it. You stay and fight these spooks. I go. Later.

Vindicator ago

My private mailbox fired out a bunch of messages. It literally created accounts from the first letters in the subject line of a message.

LMAO. Check in with the guys at Langley you share your account with. They're probably fucking with you.

If this were a real bug, you would have reported it to @Peaceseeker and @PuttItOut in v/voatdev like any honest goat here would do for the sake of Voat.

@Crensch @think-

PeaceSeeker ago


Example: /u/dghjgthbvvc640vcb does not exist, yet it is hyperlinked automatically nonetheless. Likewise, messages can be sent to it, but that will not stop anyone from making such an account. If I send a message to the above user, and you create an account with that username a month from now, the record of my message will then be sent to that user. That's all.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for explaining that, Peace. The King of the Weasels here is claiming his account sent messages by itself, not just that it "created usernames". He is implying Voat is compromised:

"This place is fucked and I don't trust it. You stay and fight these spooks."

Trying to scare away those investigating elite corruption by raising doubt in their minds that Voat is a honeypot, and probably create plausible deniability in case any of the users he has groomed privately decide to out him by sharing PM's sent from his main account or any of the alts we have uncovered that he has used to try to manufacture consensus and game Voat's voting system.

ESOTERICshade ago

I sent screen shots of it to people you know very well. Be careful before you shoot your mouth off.

think- ago

Be careful before you shoot your mouth off.

Is this a threat, EsotericShade? And if so, with what are you threatening @Vindicator?

Speaking of screenshots, I did screenshots of all of your comments, and also archived the threads.

@MadWorld has also been so kind to archive your comment history.

@Crensch @srayzie @kevdude

ESOTERICshade ago

Is this a threat, EsotericShade? And if so, with what are you threatening @Vindicator?

Absolutely not a threat. That was a comment to Amy, and you KNOW that. It simply meant be careful what you joke around about because somebody might try to twist it into something that it isn't. Just like you are doing now. You are taking a comment I made to Amy, trying to make it seem as if it was a threat to Vindicator, and spinning it all out of context. I don't hate Vindicator. I just didn't want the v/pizzagate sub to get so deeply meshed with Qanon that it dissolved the main mission. This is very simple. It's not complicated.

You are taking a comment I made to Amy, telling her to be careful about joking around because somebody might spin it into something it's not, and attempting to weaponize it. Amy has had enough grief. She outed one of the worst pedo Youtube channels in existence. She paid a heavy price for doing that.

The mod team here has turned into a mob mentality. You leading the lynch mob now or what?

Shizy ago

Are you serious with that bullshit? Everyone can see that you made that comment to @vindicator and not Amy! And for shits and giggles, why would you have any reason to make a threat to Amy at all?

This doesn't add up @think-

ESOTERICshade ago

Are you serious with that bullshit? Everyone can see that you made that comment to @vindicator and not Amy! And for shits and giggles, why would you have any reason to make a threat to Amy at all?

This doesn't add up @think-

You are correct Shizy. I thought this was about me trying to help Amy, which I did. Our little community went from being our little community to a toxic waste dump.Last I heard from a wise man was to use the "fuck it" string on the ejection system. I have a "fuck it" string.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @EricKaliberhall @kevdude @shizy

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior. Here I am intimidating a woman I previously threatened and harassed by confronting her when she very obviously wants nothing to do with me."

"Here I am, pretending I don't think about a user much after threatening him to "be careful before you shoot your mouth off", basically proving that I am capable of the harassment mentioned above, but incapable of sticking with one narrative or manipulation tactic. Like this one where I weave a story where I allude to Voat being a CIA honeypot out to get me because of the TRUTH my meth-addled mind speaks!"

"Just like above, I like to tell users exercising their FREE SPEECH things like this:"

Easy now....Saying shit like that is the best way I know to get into some serious shit. I don't mean the law knocking on your door, or that could happen too. I mean them making your life miserable in ways that you never knew where it came from. You could get pulled over on the side of the road, drugs planted in your car, and end up jail or alllll sorts of shit. Those people do not play. You need to be careful. There is thousands of ways they can cause you grief. Be careful. Don't be careless. You might be on their radar simply by being the owner of these subs. Don't say anything they can use against you because they will use it.

"But it's totally NOT a credible threat from me, goyim! TOTALLY USE YOUR FREE SPEECH just nothing offensive, cuz someone will get you, K? I have my meth heads and water heaters to deal with, so I, myself, am too busy to be a threat to you! See? I'll even tell you myself that I'm no threat to you, which makes it believable, right?"

"This comment employs tactics such as LYING about not understanding what comment another user is referencing, despite an archive being provided, the brown-nosing of ONE mod while attempting to gaslight another, and the 'u mad bro?' coupled with my telling the user to "take a break" in order to cool off, because they are TOTALLY mad, just because I said so!"

"I like to LARP as grampa ESOTERIC and warn you of things any sane person would already be aware of, but I'm TOTALLY doing it for your own good because you totally mean well, but you're also totally a meth head that SNORTS meth and needs to go to rehab!"

"I will spit-wad my accusations and talk about "how long it took" for him to write out the above comment and how I'm TOTALLY not going to read it. I want desperately to find out what sticks, but my mind doesn't work well enough to do so because I snort meth; sadly, my friends and family also snort meth, so they cannot help me beat this guy, either."

"Hey guise, I totally did a thing that was totally good for PG and you NEED me because reasons and it TOTALLY excuses my use of alts to brigade and manufacture consensus and groom users, all of which I have never apologized for because I am not sorry."

"I'm not going to read your comment - too busy snorting meth. I love meth. Meth should be legalized. Meth heads are awesome. But somehow I'm worried about CRENSCH'S state of mind."

"I like to blow smoke up users' asses, like this, where I say nice things about Crensch, but 8 months ago and even 1 hour ago I show that that I think Crensch is a fuckwit."

"When I, ESOTERIC, get caught in a lie, I claim it was a 'weak moment'. I somehow KNOW other 'users' will show up... oh, sorry, 'WELL KNOWN USERS' that mostly happened to be my alts. Did I mention I'm a Jew that loves meth heads?"

"As a meth-addled Jew, it's very difficult for me to see patterns that goyim can easily see, therefore, my words often don't make any sense; I'm also lazy, and like to pretend I have a real life, despite meth being a huge part of that life."

"As a Jew, I make lots of mistakes when I'm emotionally compromised; also, as a a meth head, I use my JewJitsu to try and lie my way out of my mistakes. It used to work long ago, but the goyim are waking up!"

ESOTERICshade ago

Damnnnnnnnn.....impressive. I live in your head to a degree that I did not realize. More. We need more. I won't read all that but write more. Jesus Christ. Smoke more meth, write some more.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#5916) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and this is part 1 of my introduction. The following is part 2:"

"I realize I made a HUGE mistake letting you guys know my weak points, but I'll try my best to make it seem like I really don't care about you bringing up my METH problems again and again."

"While we're at it, I claim to have gotten FUCKED IN THE ASS AS A LITTLE KID, and TORTURED for 7 YEARS with MICROWAVES by the deep state! You believe me, don't you? #believe"

Shizy ago

That doesn't answer why you would have told Amy to watch it before she shoots her mouth off. Why would you say that to her?


Vindicator ago

Our little community went from being our little community to a toxic waste dump.

It's not "your" community, ES. You are a liar and fake. It's the toxic waste produced by you and your many sockpuppets that has piled up around here. Your brazen attempt to ignore the evidence of your foul machinations and proceed merrily along in full entitlement mode is pure Cabal.