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argosciv ago

Oh shiet... look, uh, I'm REALLY busy here... 13 and all that...

The vote went the way it did, can't contest majority rules other than to make note of how few people actually voted; it's a very small sample group...

4 - Mods are not doing a good job, we need to talk about removing them

4 being a winner is at least something that remains at discussion-level, rather than hastily removing a mod over the complaints from relatively few bemoaners, some of who aren't even often seen contributing around the subverse - does that make their opinion invalid? Not necessarily, but, it calls into question their motives when they just show up to post garbage submissions which require deletion so they can then rage about MF(or whomever).

Ultimately, whatever happens, happens... do I want to see any mods gone? No. Is there anything I can do if a few users manage to convince enough others, that any particular mod is a problem, resulting in mutiny of sorts? Unfortunately not.

(sorry for double post Crensch, figured better as standalone)

Crensch ago

I'd like to think the users here would like to defend their subverse from obvious sockpuppets voting on these things, but not even 20 people have weighed in yet.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'd like to think the users here would like to defend their subverse from obvious sockpuppets voting on these things, but not even 20 people have weighed in yet.

Just looked. More well known users that have been here longer starting to pile in a little. Not liking that?

Crensch ago

I added maybe 2 that didn't appear to be sockpuppets. And one that almost certainly was.

I don't really like those odds.

ESOTERICshade ago

I added maybe 2 that didn't appear to be sockpuppets. And one that almost certainly was.

I don't really like those odds.

More coming too. I know. Which is why you pulled in here to gain control. I will be a tough adversary so get ready.

Crensch ago

To gain control of what?