11-11 ago

great job on this kestrel9

kestrel9 ago

Thank you.

Joe10jo ago

I’d love to know the absolute truth about everything involved in the Tate murder. One of the things that got my attention is how “W” spoke of the “1000 Lights” during a ceremony that honored Doris Tate, so could it be possible that the Tate’s were in to some evil shit themselves and therefore in on the sacrificial killing of Sharon, their first born?? And was Sharon complicit in anything involving child sex trafficking/porn/snuff?

kestrel9 ago

Found this today: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5v0gnl/til_charles_manson_was_in_prison_at_the_time_they/ http://archive.is/5gkye

Mafia/MKULTRA/Satanic Sadistic Orgies/Hit Squads...

The killings perpetrated by the Manson Family were a part of the deep political landscape. The victims in all three instances were not randomly-selected.

They were targeted for assassination and killed in a military-style operation. The caretaker in the guest cottage heard nothing and none of the dogs on the grounds reacted. The telephone lines around the home were cut. The scene was completely destroyed and staged. In her book I'm with the Band: Confessions of a Groupie, Pamela Des Barres wrote:

"We went to a bash at Roman Polanski's pad once, and I gave him my phone number. He was definitely not normal. He called several times and I finally told him he scared the shit out of me. He laughed like a hyena and never called again." (p. 297) He was of course later convicted of child molestation.

There is evidence that Polanski was hosting sadomasochistic orgies at 10050 Cielo Drive and that these were well-attended by celebrities. A number of films were reportedly recovered by police. The victims were virtually all believed to be involved in drug trafficking operations and were all involved in the wide network of occult groups (usually with intelligence ties) as their killers. Victim Abigail Folger's friends included Charles Manson and William Mentzer, who is suspected in the ritual slayings of Arlis Perry and Roy Radin, and [who the LAPD described as] (http://murderpedia.org/male.M/m/mentzer-william.htm) a member of "some kind of hit squad." She was helping to finance both the Esalen Institute and the Magick Powerhouse of Oz, both groups hosting performances by the Manson Family.

In his autobiography, Sammy Davis, Jr. wrote that everyone at the house had been involved in Satanism. Family member Bobby Beausoleil, who murdered Gary Hinman, was a member of the Church of Satan, as was Susan Atkins. Atkins had belonged to an occult-themed strip dance performance called "the Topless Witches Review" and managed by Anton LaVey that performed at various mob-linked clubs in Las Vegas. She played a seductive vampire who would lick fake blood from her fingers before beckoning to the audience. On August 9, 1969, she would reportedly lick the blood from her fingers after viciously stabbing to death Sharon Tate, whose father was an Army Intelligence officer and who had been initiated into witchcraft two years earlier by "King of the Witches" Alexander Saunders.

Gary Hinman was a meth dealer with extensive ties to the Manson Family and some of the biker gangs - all largely composed of former military and police personnel - it was connected with. It is reported that one of these gangs may have given the order for his elimination. Leno LaBianca owed considerable gambling debts to the Mafia, including figures such as Frankie Carbo (The Shadow over Santa Susana by Adam Gorightly, p. 113), Manson had befriended at Terminal Island. His wife Rosemary was deeply immersed in the hallucinogen trade. Their phone lines were tapped.

Leno Labianca and gambling debt:

Leno LaBianca was obsessed with horce racing and owned nine thoroughbreds. He owed large racetrack debts (Helter Skelter, p. 75) - reportedly up to $230,000 (The Ultimate Evil, p. 590), including $30,000 to Manson's prison friend, Frankie Carbo. Manson later told Geraldo Rivera: "I knew Frankie Carbo. Frankie Carbo knew Leno LaBianca." (The Shadow Over Santa Susana, p. 113) Carbo was [a professional killer employed by the Lucchese family.] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankie_Carbo) Furthermore, LaBianca was president of the Gateway markets chain (which his father founded), which was missing $200,000 (The Family, p. 248), and was chief stockholder of its parent, the State Wholesale Grocery Company. (The Family, p. 234) He also sat on the board of the Hollywood National Bank (ibid), which was believed to have mob ties, alongside several men who had been convicted of fraud. (The Ultimate Evil, p. 590)

Rosemary LaBianca was reported to be involved in underground LSD traffic. (The Ultimate Evil, p. 592) She was by far the wealthiest of all the victims, leaving her children an estate valued at $2.6 million..

Her daughter from a previous relationship appeared at the scene of the crime after receiving a call from her brother. As [the New York Post reported in February 2012] (http://nypost.com/2012/02/26/flirt-with-danger/): "Suzan LaBerge, Rosemary’s daughter, has been one of Watson’s closest friends behind bars after allegedly bonding over their shared beliefs as born-again Christians. She visits, writes and has even advocated for his release ... Suzan and Tex [Watson] lived an estimated 200 feet apart in nearby apartments in Los Angeles for six months prior to Watson’s move into Manson’s home base, Spahn Ranch. Suzan’s then-boyfriend was a member of the motorcycle gang Straight Satans that often frequented Spahn Ranch." The article later states: "Maybe the "random" targeting of the LaBianca house wasn't so random."

much more in link

kestrel9 ago

I've been reading about this and that... haven't consolidated everything but learned some notable bits of info … I'm leaning towards international intrigue, murder for hire cults perhaps, and CIA related endeavors.

This is a worthwhile read: https://www.charlesmanson.com/victims/abigail-folger/ Definitely see also http://www.shahrokhhatami.com/?page_id=54 and https://www.charlesmanson.com/related/terry-melcher/

I found this interesting: Sharon Tate was in Eye of the Devil directed by J. Lee Thompson. A wiccan by the name of Alex Sanders was a consultant regarding the pagan scenes . In this clipTate uses her evil eye necklace to hypnotize a woman in an attempt to kill her.

Director J. Lee Thompson had also done a movie called I Aim at the Stars about Wernher von Braun, who was part of Operation Paperclip, (he'd worked in Nazi Germany's rocket development program)

Von Braun was among those scientists for whom the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) arguably falsified employment histories and expunged NSDAP memberships.

Braun also spent hours on the phone with Jack Parsons back in the day, talking rocket propulsion shop. Parsons was a socialist/communist and a Thelemite (Crowley) who practiced sex magick and took loads of drugs. He believed in the coming Aeon of Horus, which was controlled by the child god, symbolised by Horus. In this new aeon, Thelemites believe that humanity will enter a time of self-realization and self-actualization.

Braun met President Eisenhower in 1960 , only a year after Lynette 'squeaky' Fromme had been introduced to Pres. Eisenhower as part of the Westchester Lariats 1959 dance tour group on Lawrence Welk.

kestrel9 ago

^Nice ty

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You're welcome, always.

sore_ass_losers ago

Here's an old Process-related post by @letsdothis2 of 7 months ago:

Archived Jimmy Savile > the Process Church of the Final Judgement > the House of Rothschild > Alefantis and David Brock's ex boyfriend William Grey > Ed Buck


sore_ass_losers ago

From that wideranging discussion, here's an interview with Kerry Thornely, friend of Lee Harvey Oswald:

K.T.: The guy I talked to in New Orleans always said that they were going to get Martin Luther King. As for Bobby Kennedy, I don’t know. There’s one common thread that runs through all this stuff and that’s an organization that was organized shortly after Kennedy’s death and that was the PROCESS CHURCH.

W.C.H.: I’m familiar with that.

K.T.: They had tried to frame me in New Orleans for something I didn’t do, which had been my actual participation in the assassination, which I didn’t realize until later. They were involved in Kennedy’s death somehow, I believe. That might be the link right there.

W.C.H.: They seemed to almost be a Manson like cult.

K.T.: Some of them were. Some of them were with Papa Doc Devallier, some were with Trudeau, (laughs) I forget the other name…but there were three questions to find out whether you were a Satanist, a Luciferian, and a Jehovist. The Satanist answer was Papa Doc; the Luciferian answer was Trudeau. So their politics were quite varied.


sore_ass_losers ago

Also in that old Process discussion, @votesarestolen supplied this link:


According to ex-cult member Timothy Wyllie in his book Love Sex Fear Death New Orleans attorney Thomas Baumler who worked out of Guy Bannister's office drew up articles of incorporation for the Process Church. This ties into Thornley's story.

Podge512 ago

"Don't you think they deserved to die? They were involved in kiddie porn."

Manson on the victims of the Tate-LaBianca killings

judentube ago

Can you upvote me so I can make posts? Thanks :)

kestrel9 ago

Great link thank you! Another person mentioned was also in military intelligence and MKULTRA was William Joseph Bryan Jr.

Harry Conover, whose wife was the infamous Candy Jones, who was 'treated' by CIA-linked hypnotist William Jennings Bryan, who also 'treated' the purported Boston Strangler, Albert DeSalvo, whose name was written repetitively throughout the diaries of Sirhan Sirhan, who was also 'treated' by Bryan, who served as the technical director on The Manchurian Candidate...

William Joseph Bryan, Jr. (1926–1977) was an American physician and a pioneering hypnotist. He was one of the founders of the modern hypnotherapy and his work notably found use in psychological warfare during the Cold War.[1] He was a great grandson of United States Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan.  

He started his career as a military psychiatrist, and was involved in research for the CIA, including the Project ARTICHOKE and its successor, the Project MKUltra (popularly known as the CIA's mind control program), a research project into behavioral engineering of humans. As part of his work for the CIA, he developed techniques of what he called "hypno-conditioning." His published research from the era focused on the forensic and military range of psychological research. He would later focus on legal hypnosis.


Bryan bragged to prostitutes that he had performed "special projects" for the CIA, and that "he had programmed Sirhan"...

(when questioned he denied that he'd ever hypnotized Sirhan)

In 1969 the California Board of Medical Examiners found him guilty of unprofessional conduct for sexually molesting four women patients who submitted under hypnosis.

kestrel9 ago


failed assassin John Hinckley, Jr., who stalked actress Jodie Foster, who is working on a film biography of Leni Riefenstahl, who was met by - and admired by - fellow filmmaker Kenneth Anger, who laced his film Scorpio Rising with Nazi imagery, including the prominent use of swastikas, not unlike the one carved into the forehead of Charlie Manson,

who - at the Cielo Drive home of Polanski and Tate - had a chance meeting with Nancy Sinatra, the daughter of Frank Sinatra, who was married to actress Mia Farrow, who starred in the Polanski-directed Rosemary's Baby, which was produced by Robert Evans, a friend of Henry Kissinger, who was the righthand man of President Richard Nixon,

whose election was ensured by the assassination of Robert Kennedy by Sirhan Sirhan, who was yet another client of Melvin Belli, as were the Hell's Angels and Nazi-collaborator Errol Flynn, who made two films with Ronald Reagan, who was an occasional visitor to the childhood home of Candace Bergen, who - as a photojournalist - chronicled the short-lived administration of Gerald Ford, who married one of his friend Harry Conover's 'Covergirls,' who later opened the Betty Ford Center, where various celebrities in and out of this web routinely check in for tune-ups.

Hope everyone remembered to breath while trying to read this post. http://archive.is/YC9dV

I made it a bit better by using paragraphs, and other editing to help with the wall of text. This demonstrates however, how interconnections are woven over a period of time. This post ties in with research I'm doing and others are doing, such as:

AUG 2016 Murdered Bodies on Royal Estates/Prince Philip and Jimmy Savile/Records Sealed for 100 years

AUG 2012 The Four Pi Movement

Vindicator ago

Could you maybe add a TL;DR line at the very top, summarizing the highlights? I'm now drowning in data, what with everything else that has come up on this board in the past 48 hours, LOL.

kestrel9 ago

Well I had hoped my follow up 'con't post described it, and I was planning to add more streamlined info. I was just amazed that someone on a blog could lay out that much info which PG researchers will know right away much of the back story. It's the exercise of pulling a thread out of the hairball from hell so to speak. To add anything to the original, I'll have to cut out some and move it to the second part. Which I can do if you really really want me to :)

Vindicator ago

It would make it more readable and inspire people to wade in. :-) You don't have to, though.

kestrel9 ago

It would make it more readable and inspire people to wade in.

HAH! I had wanted to leave that element of surprise for the brave ones... but I'll think about it. :)

Vindicator ago

Inverted pyramid structure. News writing 101

Never bury the lede ;-)

kestrel9 ago

Okay, appeal to logic why don't you? ;)

Vindicator ago

kestrel9 ago

I have added the advice for navigation in an intro! It may not entice everyone into taking on the challenge but it explains it.

Vindicator ago

Good man!

carmencita ago

http://archive.is/DzqVx WOW. Amazing. Never saw this, Thanks.

kestrel9 ago

Your welcome :)