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I suspect an attempt at trickle in upvoats will occur to try counter the -16 votes received in the first 2 days.

Currently @ 5 upvoats.


20 down, 8 up


21 down, 10 up

still not a single comment in support of the new rule.


22 down 12 up


22 down 13 up

3 users have commented in favor of the rule


22 down 15 clockwork


10 days later 27 down 18 up

*as long as we are login only, it is worthwhile to track vote counts as they display to individual users

Vindicator ago

Interestingly, almost everyone who has bothered to comment on this post is either not a pizzagate contributor or has a past history of undermining the community. The downvotes are not surprising. As of now, it's not looking like our active users are against this rule.

I've learned a lot about you from making this sticky.

"I suspect" an "attempt" at "trickle in upvoats" will occur <<< You want to paint all users who notice it and support going forward as somehow illegitimate or nefarious. More disrespect for your fellow pizzagate researchers, eh? Can't say I'm sad that you are too arrogant and self-righteous to get yourself unbanned.

You also don't realize that unlike on Reddit, where "Karma" is king, submission points don't matter for squat here. They literally count for nothing. They get you more eyeballs on v/all. That's it. As this is an internal matter to this subverse, having this in the negatives is a good thing.

If pizzagaters think this is a bad idea, they will comment and let me know. And they know I will listen to them.

ESOTERICshade ago

Interestingly, almost everyone who has bothered to comment on this post is either not a pizzagate contributor or has a past history of undermining the community.

Well no shit sherlock. Your fearless leader @crensch, and you and your Qanon bullshit, ran off most of our regular contributors.

a past history of undermining the community.

Some of us simply refuse to take bullshit from power mods. How does that suit you?


active users

you have 6 upvoats. Who has commented in support of it? I see no vocal support

....or are "multiple users" PMing you?......

Piscina ago

They change the goalposts as they see fit. There is neither rhyme nor reason to their 'rules'. They are drunk on what little power in life they have. Notice that you're responding to someone who labels anyone who doesn't agree with him as 'undermining the community', which is laughable.