Jefftommy ago

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Ps4Freedom ago

Fucking Shit!!!! So much makes sense!

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EyeOfHorus ago

@crensch @kevdude @zyklon_b are all faggots. Your shit is so minuscule, unimportant. All vying to be king (or queen cause you're fags) of an ant colony in the middle of fucking Palmerston island.

zyklon - Trump is a kike cock sucker. You want zionist masters or NWO masters? You're still a fucking slave either way.

kevdud - i thought i wasted too much time on voat. WOW I know u.

crench - fuck is wrong with you? you're not autistic you're an addict. I dare you to stay off all forums or comment sections etc for 3 months cold turkey. bet you can't. prove me wrong pussy.

Keep making entries in the eDiary while life passes you by.

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sguevar ago

Took me some time to read all this. Quite tiring to say the least but my position is also similar to @PeaceSeeker.

I don't support the doctrine of the "end justifies the means" and though I may understand why people kept this information until they saw it fit to put it out in what seems to be a personal vendetta, I find it to be hard to trust even if I am familiar with how you work.

You may think my ideals are pure shit, and that you had to change to ways to approach things (your axioms and principles as you stated before) but I didn't disagree with your notion that something was wrong here at Voat and that it needs to be worked at. I disagreed with your approach. Why? Because you know there are fairly reasonable and trustworthy users here at Voat that you could have consulted with and initiated the dialogue. Probably not me, and I honestly don't care if I wasn't, but you know there are a bunch of them you do.

Right now, I think that v/PV needs to take a different approach. It not only needs more mods that can assist on the vigilance but also a more informative role to the community. For we can't take the sole responsibility to protect Voat as it is a community effort.

This is why even though I agree to a certain extent with the limitations that the moderators should have, the users are the ones to be informed about the dangers of using a public internet forum. And the ways they can defend themselves from them.

The posts that PeaceSeeker did about Voat's rules were a very interesting read and I think is a good starting point for us to achieve what we all want: Closing the voids from which some users may take advantage to attack others, but keeping in mind the limitations we have and remaining objective to address them.

This may be some good ole "philosophical vomiting" as you have expressed yourself to my comments but in the end these are my beliefs. Like them or not, they remain what they are.

So as stated on my past posts about Protect yourself, I will be using a more informative approach on PV so Voat's users can be more vigilant and proactive themselves.

kestrel9 ago

@zyklon_b says @kevdude begged 'us' to troll rPV

[–] zyklon_b 2 points (+5|-3) 16 days ago

lmao. cry cry cry bitch.

@trigglypuff look how this cuck begs us to brigade rPV but then cried for halp halp halp halp safe space

[–] kevdude -2 points (+1|-3) 16 days ago

begs us to brigade rPV

Trolling and brigading are two different things. Besides that sub already has Reddit moderation. You need to provoke subs that don't, right?

[–] zyklon_b -1 points (+2|-3) 16 days ago

i am only provokin GA cause of trump support for Israel. zero other motive. you should have stayed out cause was only gonna last a couple days...NOW it ends when the new @she suicides

from OP -

BuilderAnon says kevdude "saved" Voat"JPEG, that he was a hardcore troll/shitposter, and that @she was targeted because she was an easy mark -

[–] kevdude 3 points (+3|-0) 16 days ago

you should have stayed out cause was only gonna last a couple days

We do not negotiate with terrorists. no negotiating, just cue the team with a silly power rangers video

@kevdude will ask @zyklon_b and friends to troll a sub he doesn't like, because reasons

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 5 days ago

Zyklon was harassing the fuck out of @srayzie. So I said "Why don't you go troll rPV instead?" trying to encourage him not to keep hitting @srayzie.

Probably not the best approach, but rPV is a group of users who regularly attack Putt so I figured better them than srayzie. I never said I was perfect. I was just running out of ideas to get them to stop and she kept not blocking them.

Kevdude and SBBH just lulz

[–] zyklon_b 2 points (+2|-0) 1 month ago

1990 > rPV

So that was just more lulz on the way for rPV courtesy of PV asking SBBH to troll rPV. And that's just one way PV works /s but wait.. what about " you should have stayed out cause was only gonna last a couple days...NOW it ends when the new @she suicides"?

oh right, no negotiating with the people you playfully send to troll other subs. @crensch @peaceseeker @puttitout

Now zyklon_b has lulz with pics of murdered little girls so he can continue to taunt @srayzie about killing her kids, even after she stepped down from v/GreatAwakening She isn't doing the work of building up a great subverse for the benefit of her nearly 14,000 subscribers (see the sidebar of contributions she made), but Voat, under the protection of PV, still ensures that zyklon_b continues to get his lulz. Ain't free speech grand?! That's what we're fighting for!! /s


Crensch ago

Fucking stellar. Stole it and posted to PV.

GOnna make that subverse a stage for its own mockery.

SandHog ago

Yeah, that makes sense. I've been revisiting some of those old posts about BA that were made in v/GA. Interesting that BA deleted with his alts when that connection was made here. It also seems pretty clear that thisistotallynotme is the same person behind BA and associated accounts. After poking around a little more I just discovered that thisistotallynotme removed some comments in ProtectQRV 19 days ago. Which was right around the time this entire shitstorm kicked off.

I find it very telling that thisistotallynotme has not posted in 5 months yet suddenly decided to remove comments in ProtectQRV out of the blue. All three comments are referencing either srayzie or Putt in a positive light.

Lol yeah right. Has putt actually confirmed if that shit is real? 8chan is a honeytrap you morons

At least have a presence for your subscribers, you owe them that. Perhaps @srayzie was correct.

Don't fuck with the bull. Putt said nothing wrong.

Thisistotallynotme is the only mod and the owner of that sub. Which means he never left and is still operating under yet more alts. The timing also coincides with the mods of QRV publishing Puttt's private DMs and making a backup sub on Poal (18 days ago). That was posted one day after the removal of the comments from ProtectQRV.

I don't think it is a huge stretch to conclude that the same person who is modding ProtectQRV is also a mod of QRV.

@PeaceSeeker @Dismember @Vindicator @argosciv @Crensch

Vindicator ago

Great digging, Sandhog. I've been wondering why the sudden trolling of srayzie erupted a couple of weeks ago. It had been pretty calm for awhile, until she started trying to prevent QRV from being shit-bombed. Makes you wonder if the new mod over there wants to drive normies off the site.

MadWorld ago


Notice how ThisIsTotallyNotMe is talking about the Internet Bill Of Rights, just like BuilderAnon did. Also, the subverse is called ProtectQRV. After v/ProtectFreedom fell thru, he posted that Srayzie should hand the keys over to trusted Q partners. That is on Page 21 on BuilderAnon’s comment history archive. It was posted here.

These 2 sound alike.

SandHog ago

It seems to me that the goal this entire time has been to gain control of v/GreatAwakening by either getting srayzie to go along with him/them or getting mods in place that would. Given the way Builderanon operates it seems like the best way for him/them to accomplish those goals would be to stir up chaos and pit everyone against each other. Which is what happened. It makes a lot of sense given the timeline and the intent to steer GA towards their goals, whatever those might be, if not directly control it.

MadWorld ago

So someone was supposed to take over the GA subverse amid the chaos. Perhaps, the outcome was unexpected.

Vindicator ago

LOL. I'd be willing to bet a cool grand that they didn't expect Crensch and what has since occurred.

SandHog ago

That's quite a read. Some serious gaslighting going on there. One thing that I am confused by is that in this message on 9/14/2018 @kevdude confirms that it was Electrolumus who was behind the Builderanon account. Then a month later in this message on 10/19/2018, after srayzie decided that she didn't want anything to do with Builderanon and started exposing him, kev starts suggesting that it might be someone else and urges her to remove her posts. Ten minutes later he says he is 50/50 on the identity of this person. Which doesn't make any sense given that in the prior message on 9/14/2018 Electrolumus confirmed his identity via a document they had worked on together and past interactions they had. That doesn't seem like something anyone could fake to me given that all of that stuff was 3+ years ago. So why start doubting his identity when srayzie decides it seems shady and starts to expose the manipulation?

Am I missing something here?

@PeaceSeeker @Dismember @Vindicator @argosciv


You have stated several times that you don’t like the “Boomers” when Q is brought up.

HollaKost ago

Ok srayzie

Not Srayzie,

A lot of people are disturbed by that modlog.

The only one I've seen is you!

I must be over the target.

What target? What's your target this time kevdude? You don't care about Q, you're using that movement to try and gain more control here. But please, tell me I'm wrong in your own words. Go....

kneo24 ago

I saw one of your other comment replies wondering the exact same thing, whether or not BA was full of shit. It's context that matters. That's important because it changes the narrative. It goes from you having always worked with BA to you maybe having worked with them in the past to now being unsure of who or what they are now.

I'm convinced you're guilty of the same things the majority of us are guilty of, for engaging in brigading tactics over the years which is known as the "immune system" here on Voat. I see no point in raking anyone over the coals for that.

argosciv ago

Nobody really did anything.

Correction: You didn't really do anything. Well, other than try to exploit the situation and contribute to the smear against Srayzie.

no one went and jumped in or really got involved

Most people were probably under the impression, and rightly so, that if they spoke out they would become the next target by Zyklon and co. Lo and behold, they've been trying to take jabs at me since I started speaking my mind too.

I've been involved in the background more than the foreground but have been quite clear about where I stand regardless.

I am not disparaging it. I thought it was a good post. One of the upvotes was mine.

That may be so, but this doesn't line up with your other behaviors regarding this matter.

NotHereForPizza ago

No way... I'm not builderanon or electroguy anymore?

But, yeah, we got told about kev quite some time ago. He's not much different than you faggot poser kids though. At least kev doesn't fall for obvious shill narratives.

Even if this isn't some manufactured division bullshit, you children are annoying as hell. Gothamgirl tried to pull me in to this shit too, but I've never cared about any of you enough to seriously apply anything.

Regardless, who the hell cares? We all know kev is a giagantic faggot, that he's desperate for attention and power. It's no surprise he and other reddit faggots conspired to pull some strings like a bunch of subversive faggots.

argosciv ago


Goddamn scavenger. Shoo.

NotHereForPizza ago

What are you talking about? I'm a bird? What am I scavenging?

Crensch ago

Something to vomit into everyone else's faces.

NotHereForPizza ago

Huh? Is this some faggot reddit inside joke or something?

HollaKost ago

Whatever dude. You are so desperate to distract from your modlog that you'll spend all this time.

Here's what you don't seem to understand, no one cares about his modlog! Only you because you use fear mongering of "muh reddit power mods" as a means to enable you to maintain status as king power mod! It's brilliant really, except people can read voats TOS and know the rules of using voat without having to tolerate a bully like you forcing your will upon them!

argosciv ago

Like that zyklon post you made that no one seemed to care about.

Look at the 2 posts that @Crensch made.

Let's do a bit of arbitrary, but I think fair, math on the votes -- based on value at the time of this comment. (Part 1) (Part 2)

Considering they're 2 parts to the one "post", let's combine the values for a fair overlook.


  • 214 + 173 = 387
  • 387 - 2 = 385 (1 vote taken from each, as these are applied by default and implied to be from the submission author)
  • 385 / 2 = 192.5 (divided by 2 because two parts to one post)
  • Rounded down to be fair = 192 upvotes


  • 33 + 24 = 57
  • 57 / 2 = 28.5 (divided by 2 because two parts to one post)
  • Rounded up to be fair = 29 downvotes


Part 1 & 2 combined = 29 is 15.104166666667% of 192; Approximately 85% upvoted and approximately 15% downvoted.

Part 1 specifically = 33 is 15.420560747664% of 214; Approximately 85% upvoted and approximately 15% downvoted.

Part 2 specifically = 24 is 13.872832369942% of 173; Approximately 86% upvoted and approximately 14% downvoted.

But yes, "nobody seemed to care". Of course.

Crensch ago

Like that zyklon post you made that no one seemed to care about.

Like the zero zyklon posts you've made? Why did everyone care about your srayzie post, kevdude? Because she was chosen? You think it doesn't look like you have an agreement at the very least with the SBBH folks?

Whatever dude. You are so desperate to distract from your modlog that you'll spend all this time.

When have I given a shit about you talking about my modlog? Distract from it? I'd make a PV post on it myself if your reputation hadn't been ruined.

You know all those admissions you're claiming are basically me answering her questions or speculating about what someone else might mean.

He's an ally. He manipulates votes. He's a good guy. He helped me before.


What srayzie didn't tell you is that when she started hammering him he came to me and gave me his password to the account he was using so I could "see he was telling thd truth". I didn't give a shit about that- I wanted to see who else he was talking to so I asked her to back off. She kept on and he deleted before I could get anything.

And everything about that was so much horseshit. You could have mentioned that specifically to her; why didn't you? You trusted her to mod PV, right?

You are just so incredibly full of shit dude.

Crensch ago

argosciv ago

Jah, already saw. See my response which I pinged you to.

@Vindicator @PeaceSeeker

kneo24 ago

I'm not going to harp on a few things here, as Peaceseeker's words adequately surmise how I feel.

Voat today is engineered consensus. Think I'm lying?

I noticed this a few months after being here, and I think anyone with their eyes open see it too. It doesn't even have to be stuff pertaining to this. The front page is full of it. The manufactured consensus is what I believe is Voat's biggest issue. There's too many untrustworthy accounts that clearly admit to not giving any fucks about the facts they post, because it appears Voat will upvote anything as long as it conforms to a narrative. How much of that is sock puppet activity?

Who being a hypocrite over what is small potatoes and hardly worth the time investment anymore. This post however speaks to a much larger issue.

The burning question, how much of this real (in regards to BA) and not just some dipwad making themselves seem more important than they already are?

Crensch ago

The burning question, how much of this real (in regards to BA) and not just some dipwad making themselves seem more important than they already are?

I don't really think more than kev confirming he knew about BA manipulating a bug for votes is needed as far as kevdude is concerned. The rest of it?

Kevdude seemed convinced of BA's abilities.

argosciv ago

Any questions?

Maybe later when I'm not so hungover >_<

Crensch ago

Given the information above, maybe @kevdude has the answer to his question finally. She was chosen. She wasn't the worst, she was an example.

zyklon_b ago

she was the worst and a vote was taken

Maggotbait88 ago

i have a headache rn but ill try to read it later thx for post

CerealBrain ago

Why the Zyklon faggot deleted a muh free speech comment, what the hell?

I swear that flaming retard is jealous.

v/SoapboxBanhammer (zyklon_b) > CerealBrain | Sent: 42 seconds ago on 6/9/2019 1:25:36 AM Comment /v/SoapboxBanhammer/3267186/19083542 deleted Your comment /v/SoapboxBanhammer/3267186/19083542 has been deleted by: @zyklon_b on: 6/9/2019 1:25:36 AM

Description given: Rule Violation: Illegal; Description: cp

Original Comment Sheeeeit I can only dream..

you could say she got it all

Crensch ago

Maybe you could ask kevdude to make a PV post over it?

Or maybe he'll just ask nicely in a comment for him to stop.

CerealBrain ago

Seen enough of his shit now.

I know, seen that.

WordCorrector ago

This is information overload.


The ones they recruited are flocking in. Good to note.


Gothamgirl ago

So you are also @Vibratron?

HollaKost ago

Are you aloud to make such accusations!?

All is satire

Vibratron ago

also what?


Is your vibrator on?

All is satire!

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

1438 TRUFE

Crensch ago

Fucking stellar.

gabara ago


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This submission was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @zyklon_b.

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JackHoff ago

This had nothing to do with the Q movement, or v/GreatAwakening, and instead had everything to do with what they thought was an opportunity to weasle in and seize more control of voat.

kevdude is a bottom feeder.

Crensch ago

Yeah. It does suggest that Srayzie/shizy were targeted specifically, though. By multiple parties.

If Neon wasn't part of BA, then kev makes 3. Then there's the qmap people that BA influenced, so 4.

And kev's hit crew of shitposters here went full-on against them, too. I doubt that was a coincidence. Especially with BA describing kev as some megashitposter. It's obvious that /v/kevdude is an alt of the real shitposting username in those subs.

gabara ago


zyklon_b ago


RockmanRaiden ago


gabara ago

░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ .

zyklon_b ago

u win

gabara ago

putt made it so all my text is bold now

zyklon_b ago

u is the next me??

gabara ago


zyklon_b ago


gabara ago


zyklon_b ago

neva leave SBBH again bro.

HollaKost ago

Neva leave gothamhoe, she buys da drugz!

Diggernicks ago

For fucks sake

Get a hobby besides crying oceans on the internet

thelma ago

3 1/2 yrs ago ?

Thats that 100,000,000 yrs ago in internet time.

Crensch ago

You see that, @kevdude? I can use flairs, too, only I don't use them to hide my shame when people call me out for legitimate bullshit.

"Possible disinfo" "metadrama"


Crensch ago

"But why didn't you come forward with this long ago?"

Why didn't I tell anyone before? Truth is, I'm lazy. I didn't want to have to work. I'm an ends-justify-the-means kind of guy, and I agree with @scandinavian that free speech only works on even playing ground. At the time, I believed PV at a disadvantage and thought "fuck it", "gotta defend this place, if that's how it started, I don't care, it's right, and I'll just not rock this boat."

I'm lazy. I'm so fucking lazy it's stupid. I don't like getting riled up, but I love it when I'm there, and can work tirelessly on minutiae others would ignore. I like just attacking the random faggot that would choke to death if he presented any logos. I do NOT like getting riled up to put tons of work in like I've had to the past couple weeks.

Kev finally fucked up so badly that I woke up and started wondering what the fuck I was protecting. I realized I was on the wrong side, and it took me over a week to finally calm my fucking mind down and see where this was all headed. I saw plenty of paths for me to be destroyed along with him and PV. If this is one of them, so be it. I'll happily get thrown into a pit of hell if I can drag his ass, and PV, with me.

ExpertShitposter ago


zyklon_b ago


CerealBrain ago


Where is your babe @Gothamgirl?

HollaKost ago

She busy buyin da druhgz

CerealBrain ago

make me jelly sheeeeit


HollaKost ago

CerealBrain ago

pretty much says it all

when she sit around the house, she sit AROUND the house

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Srayzie's here too? Everybody showing up for this party.

CerealBrain ago

Who the hell are you calling Srayzie?

ExpertShitposter ago

1 600000000000 990


zyklon_b ago

just like the old days when beatle and expie was voat police

HollaKost ago

Now use jus a degenerate addic n sheitt!

ExpertShitposter ago


zyklon_b ago

die anyways

mind blown

CerealBrain ago

muh pitbulls, muh nazi tats, muh chub girl

CerealBrain ago

Try not to be so gay mkay?

ExpertShitposter ago


↑↑↑ gay ↑↑↑

thelma ago

Second !

2nd is always better than first, contrary to popular belief.

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PuttitoutIsGone ago

How come you never ping me?

HollaKost ago

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Thx man

HollaKost ago

No problemo! I'll ping you everyday so we can stay in touch.

PuttitoutIsGone ago


Crensch ago

Who are you?

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Who the fuck are you?

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

I just got back from a 30 hour road trip, and am too befuddled to follow all this - but will read it on the morrow