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CheeseboogerHimself ago

You know why. Because she kept attacking and brigading everybody and would run back to her hive and call on her incel cucks to defend her while playing the victim. She would use alts to attack her targets.

Qtiepie ago

Calm your tits. It was just a question homo.

heygeorge ago

Why are you using the word ‘deserve’? I can’t meaningfully answer that question.

@sandhog, what about this? Has anyone been beating this to death yet?

SandHog ago

Deserve is probably the wrong term. Certainly she shares her portion of the blame in all of this. Point being if a bunch of people decided to seriously fuck with you for a year+ straight don't you think you might get a little jumpy when you recognize similar behavior?

I personally tend to think that user is a troll.

Hellary_Clinton ago

Answer the question @Gothamgirl

InSaneGoatPosse ago

It sai all is satire so it ok!

SandHog ago

I'd really like to know who this was. Top comment was posted in v/Pizzagate and whoever it was pinged @Gothamgirl and signed it @heygeorge. Looks like someone was trying to stir up some drama. That account was also banned for dox and then reverted. Maybe it was for the link to the photo or maybe it was something else, I don't know.

That would have been posted back around the time when all the shit was going down with ESOTERICshade and the Sarah spazzout over Jenny Moore's death iirc.

heygeorge ago

and signed it @heygeorge.

Untrue, it said “Love George” at the bottom

SandHog ago

Right. I was just pinging you. Comment is deleted from pizzagate but still shows up on searchvoat. My point being that if someone was doing that to set people at odds way back then what else were they doing?

heygeorge ago

I just want to be clear for the people following at home.
The pizzagate mods (and some pg users) used to get seriously fucked with. A lot of people would mess with me, too, because they did not understand the different tiers of moderation.

SandHog ago

They still are.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

what @srayzie did to deserve what happened to her?

I want to say "be a woman" as a meme, but tbh I only really talked to srayzie during the QVR influx of Q boomers seemed like a nice girl but, apparently unlike everyone else here, I have a job and pursue an education and try to spend my time productively and sleep so I'm not really up to the minute on the deep lore of contemporary voat drama. My advice for @Crensch as well as yourself kevdude is try hiking, pick up a hobby, take a break for like a week the internet will still be here when you get back and maybe then we can all talk out our problems without so much melodrama.

yurisrevenge ago




kneo24 ago

Look at this way, it was a bunch of different things that bothered people that all converged at one time. She was given opportunities to drop shit with certain people - I know because I remember seeing it. She was warned what the outcome of her actions would be - I know because myself and others warned her - directly and indirectly. If you're going to over zealously poke the bee hive, prepare to get stung.

I'm not going to give you any specific reasons why, as I wasn't directly involved. I will say there was a lot of stuff that gave me pause for consideration. At the end very end where she went full on "le shill" reminded me of Reddit. It's no different than calling any opposition a russian bot. (And based on the whole reaction to all of this, there's a lot more that gave me pause for consideration in regards to other accounts.)

The last bit I'll leave you with is that what happened here is hardly a major concern in my opinion. There's bigger issues to engage in and figure out. Obsessing over what happened to someone who may or may not be a jewess isn't going to help you or Voat fix those problems.

kneo24 ago

I'm curious, did you get the answer you wanted?

Phantom42 ago

A few

Likely from this mystical cave I was speaking of...

Nadeshda ago

Dude!!! just get a darn excel spreadsheet already! Excel is better then word imo.

At this point I am thinking that it doesn’t matter what spreadsheet either...just get one handy... :)

Here random one I found online: don’t say I don’t do nothing around here...

Lol, forgive me for being silly...should get back to work now...

WhiteRonin ago

Quick answer so you have something to read during lunch.

Srayzie has several alts: @shizy and @scrubbinoutoldblue are ones she used last.

You are white cucking for her while trying to destroy @dial_indicator. You aren’t being fair.

You call in your brigade team to assess the situation knowing they will do the needful.

You public opinion about Crensch is pretty funny. Sure ok, yeah yeah, I read you post about him. This post indicates otherwise.

Yes, this post is being used to save Srayzie. I know your technique now. It’s like your alt. Did I get added to your excel sheet?

Vindicator ago

None of the other mods delivered multiple fatal shill-killing blows to people trying to infiltrate and consensus crack.

When I exposed EsotericShade, I deliberately gave all my research to @Crensch and had him make the submission. Basic Sun Tzu: Let your enemies think you are weak.

ESOTERICshade ago

When I exposed EsotericShade,

You just mad because you got your ass stomped. Its pretty simple.

Vindicator ago

Dream on. Never happened.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You just mad because you got your ass stomped.

You're the psychotic cocksucker who would know all about ass stomping. Right, ES?

ExpertShitposter ago

ahhh, i always forget about that song....and yet its such a nice song.

CerealBrain ago

She won't help you she's a hypocrite and a phony.

CerealBrain ago

They are NOT the same people. Coincidences, but not the same.

HollaKost ago

She knows this. She's a liar and a manipulator.

HollaKost ago

Zyklon_b doxed her address and kids name.

sdfgsdf232 ago

reminds me of @kevdude and /v/protetectvoat Just say ya'll

Srayzie once said to me, that it was fun putting all these men in their place. She used to btfo of all the guys. Let’s be honest, she was a cunt. She attacked a lot of people. Anyone who ever questioned her was attacked. She would make massive posts about how she was under attack, and call in a full blown brigade against people. She was very successful at it.

When those enemies came back at her, she couldn’t handle it. She was a typical cry bully.

voat inst a free speech platform, you just confirmed it @puttitout


zyklon_b ago

hahha i will eat kods nom nom

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Maybe we care more about Voat than some used-up thot jewess?

Nadeshda ago

Send it to me, I want to see what you have on them. I will not share it without your expressed permission. You have me uber curious. Not sure why I think I should see this, but I do want to.

CerealBrain ago

She would then mass ping spam her incels. (((She))) was pitting all of )))us((( against each other.

Bullshit, you were the one harassing her and you got rekt and are now super butt hurt.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Pure jewess lies. She attacked me and I defended myself. She ping spammed me and I replied to her ping lies about me defending myself. You cant change history, kike. I destroyed her first. I called her out a week after she arrived and correctly labelled her as a jewess shill along with her group. Its so obvious what they are.

zyklon_b ago

she dead

CerealBrain ago

@CheeseboogerHimself your butt buddy ZykGag never responds to me, why?

HulkJizz ago


CheeseboogerHimself ago

which TBH lends credence to claims of you trolling the place.

AFTER srayzie ping spammed the fuck out of me to come there!!!!!!! YOU KNOW THIS, FUCKER. I was defending myself against their obvious zio psy-op. Holy fuck dude, I hope you aren't an investigator of anything IRL

No, legitimately this is me trying to understand how it built.

lol Srayzie flies out of GA hive and attacks users then runs back into GA hive and awaits THE DRAMA AND PLAYS THE VICTIM. She would then mass ping spam her incels. (((She))) was pitting all of )))us((( against each other. You think I haven't been watching this thot since that day?? She fucked with the wrong bull. I have a lot of interesting stuff that I will sit on for now. It goes deep and could cause a fucking all out war and I don't want that.

HulkJizz ago

Who srayzie?

HulkJizz ago


CheeseboogerHimself ago

Did they have a big office gang bang party with midgets and lots of coak? lol

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You were paying attention back when srayzie first came here and you helped her brigade me. Remember? This fucking "oh what's happening, I dont get it. why do people hate muh srayzie" SHIT IS PATHETIC, BUILDER

zyklon_b ago

and against his hubby???;)

zyklon_b ago

u good

Phantom42 ago

Good explanation.

Thank you.

Downvoted cuz not all women are like that lying, cheating whore.

I don't know what mystical cave you found where all these "nice" women are from, but apparently it is quite far away from me. Definitely not a US citizen.

Polish perhaps? I've heard good things about those women, but I heard good things about ours too. Didn't take long before I saw the truth.

divine_human ago

I don't know what mystical cave you found where all these "nice" women are from, but apparently it is quite far away from me.

everybody lives in the reality they believe in. sad to hear that your reality is so frustrating.

Phantom42 ago

everybody lives in the reality they believe in.

Guy... If that were true, none of us would be here and we'd have an Eternal Reich with beautiful women, strong men, and wonderful children.

Reality is just that. Reality.

zyklon_b ago

1990 komrad3

divine_human ago

nah, if you live in a reality where ALL women are (insert your judgment), its definitely a personal reality that you dont share with everybody else. its not objective. reality is not as it is but as we are. yours seems to be pretty bad, from the pov of my reality.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/BEATLESTROLLARMY comment by @zyklon_b.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/BEATLESTROLLARMY submission by @zyklon_b.

Posted automatically (#45692) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

This should be enough evidence for you that nobody cares about the subs existing. They have that right. The problem was Srayzie's antics. Quit playing stupid because you were right there with her when she brigaded me.

zyklon_b ago

he is attempting bring srayzie back

CheeseboogerHimself ago

This is what I think to, and they're going to get rid of all of her naysayers. Traffic is what matters, goy.

RockmanRaiden ago

Someone wanted her female attention. They didn't get it. A mentally unstable woman got involved. Alts were made. Things accelerated. I believe the short term goal was to distract her subverse around the time DECLAS dropped. This goal changed, because the masterminds are low IQ and emotionally fickle. The target grew to Voat itself, because no matter how much ground they gained, it would never be enough.

The thing about being an absolute fucking loser is that you have now idea what it feels like to win. Even with Srayzie gone, they're still moving against her. They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Well, a man with high estrogen and low self-esteem working with a crazy woman with too much time on her hands, that can be a furious team. I think Zyklon was only here for the keks.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

When ADMIN aligned with Srayzie and Crensch and called them "builders" it really confused me and many of their other victims.

zyklon_b ago

is when i attacked harder

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You turned green and destroyed!! Zyklon smash!

CerealBrain ago

I remember when srayzie rekt your shit and this is why you indulge @zyklon_b..member?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

bahahaha Srazyzi never rekt me. She pinged her incels to attack me, which I fucking destroyed thoroughly like B from KillBill. Scrazie's incels were the crazy 88 and I demolished their shit. She would ping attack from GA sub then play the victim when everyone showed up to oven that jewess. Then crensch, Kevdude and the other incels white knighted for zionism. I had all of this shit correct from the git-go because I am the greatest jew hunter who ever lived. By, scrayzie.

zyklon_b ago

u are the greatest

CheeseboogerHimself ago

no u

zyklon_b ago

1990 is real

zyklon_b ago

smash 1990

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Really? You still haven't figured it out? Hmm

She was shitty and if she attacked someone her incel brigade army attacked. She doxxed someone. She used sex to control her army. Its clear what is.

zyklon_b ago

this post is attempt to get idea of letting srayzie come back into the consiousness of voat.

make posts exposing the psychologu of this post

CheeseboogerHimself ago

She wudnt send me tit pics so I sperged

CerealBrain ago

If I recall correctly, you were asking donkeyhote for dick pics am i right?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Then after I COMPLETELY DEMOLISHED YOU, you changed the sub rules and banned me because you were trying to save face ah ah ah I WON I WON I WON

Bow your ass down at my boot, Jewess thot skank

CerealBrain ago

I've been caught, sheeeeeeeeeit.

CerealBrain ago

Unban me from Beatles Gay Army or you're same as cucked Zyklon (whom you are now earnestly PM'ing) cuz I was banned for flirting with his girlfriend Gotham who is likely Zyklon which makes me feel kind of gayish you feel me?

CheeseboogerHimself ago


CerealBrain ago

No, banned for flirting with @Gothamgirl.

Shit do you guys ever produce anything of worth to society?

Who or what supports you.

And do you ever break for a piss?

Asking for a friend.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Asks a troll

Lemme see dem flappy jew titties or GTFO!! Shitzy Scrayzie, you should go check yourself into a mental facility and the help you so need.

rapedbyanape ago

She died

NiggerVirus ago

She refused to get surround sound

Gothamgirl ago

Me ! Using an alt.

HollaKost ago

It was zyklon_b who doxed you. Why are you lying now?

zyklon_b ago


Gothamgirl ago

None of the other mods doxed peoples names, kids or homes either though.

HollaKost ago

The dox came from your "fiancé". Why are you lashing out at others when it was him? That's not weird or anything!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Nor was any of the other mods running endless brigades against those who simply disagreed with them. Srayzie did, though, and her incel army helped her, including Kevdude. Now they all wanna play fucking stupid and ask "what happened".

These are from when srayzie first came here:

Here's Kevdud back then

Srayzie made many threads about me and her incel army helped her

Here's srayzie banning me @Kevdude

Have you ever heard any female speak like this?

Here's more threats by Srayzie

Here Srayzie calls me a racial slur. but but I thought racism wasn't allowed in the Q movement???? Hmmm

Here, Srayzie speaks as a dominatrix. Did she ever tie you up, @Crensch ?

@Blacksmith21 seemed always be helping Srayzie, too

Back then, I also detected odd behavior by @millennial_vulcan

@Vindicator Here is one of them using a name similar to mine that I spoke about. They brigaded the shit out of me

Here is @millennial_vulcan hinting for @Kevdude to ban me for being an "anti-semite"

Here, you will see @dooob working his magic and mentioning his queen Srayzie

I could go on and on showing these builders @zyklon_b

JackHoff ago

Didn't zyklon_b dox your name and kids and home?

Gothamgirl ago

And Srayzie/Shizy was in on it she even posted copies of PM's herself, it was a home I already moved out of.

HollaKost ago

was in on it then

But it was @zyklon_b who knew your address, and he's the one who doxed according to this

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

How right you are, whaling mate!



CerealBrain ago

Unblock me. You know damn well they are two different people.

bopper ago

I'll boil it down. He hates the Q phenom and thinks the 'followers' are stupid and brainless.

Nadeshda ago

Clearly, she worked hard on her reputation and she was passionate about Trump and the Q Movement.

Her launch into Voat was always linked to seductive gifs and insinuations though. Remember the Nerdy girl with glasses, adjusting her breasts infront of a mirror and that one gif of a woman stroking an open grapefruit in a seductive manner?

She effectively used a lot of different tools to win support. Whether it be research, concise outlines of the Q stuff, music videos, joking, alts, shitposts, dialogue with admin etc.

Often I found myself surprised at her skills to be able to produce schematic overviews, video’s, research etc then to be let down her apparent inability to NOT understand blocking users and focusing on the task at hand. Like she loved you guys in her corner but couldn’t grasp the care and concern many of you put in to helping her, like all of of you were but merely tools for her as she built her Empire here on Voat. Ouch...

Another point as I work through my mind on the matter;

The speech she used often indicated that she was able to handle the sperg outs of those who dissagreed with her but in the end it seemed like a front as several times Zyklon said if you drop it, he’ll drop it but she couldn’t, as if she had to drive her defense to the ground, regardless of ALL the warnings.

You know if you believe something enough, your reputation doesn’t matter. Her fowl mouth often had me wondering about her being a mother and her pictures plastered everywhere often made me cringe at how she is putting her family at risk, but this is just my opinion.

Then the shared titty pics etc that surfaced afterwards and honestly it didn’t even surprise me as her past actions already predicted her tools in her toolbox.

  • Personally, she hasn’t done me no wrong even though I dissagree with her methods and her personality.

Her concern and also other mods here with their reputations always strikes me as a red flag, and always will.

It begs the question: “Are they getting paid for this?”

We all know these organisations exist and if people are able to garner a lot of upvotes they are able to make money from it.

A while back I stumbled on this and took a screengrab of it and shared it with @Rotteuxx.

It's a company that pays for Votes and posts on Voat. whether this is the case, I cannot say but I thought it appropriate to share with you.

Obviously, this was a stumble upon as proof that these things exist and it makes me wonder if this is the case. If this gets thrown back in my face then that will just be further confirmation how some accounts are managed for moolah.

Sorry for the long post, guess I am rambling along with ya today trying to wrap my head around this mess too.

Anyway, have a good day!

PS: @heygeorge may be interested in seeing that screen grab.

followthemoney ago

Every time I share that site on here, the usual cast of characters show up and act like jerks.

RockmanRaiden ago

This was a pretty concise post. Thank you for bringing us to the attention of that "Voat" buying company. I was unaware that was in play.

I don't think Srayzie could have predicted any of this. I believe, as far as internet age goes, she might have been a normie before Voat. That would make sense, since despite the red pill she obviously enjoys, some habits needed to be unlearned. I myself still have a normie FB out there. I figure deleting it doesn't matter and employers look at that shit.

I believe we all need to synchronize power levels so we know where we all stand.

Nadeshda ago

she might have been a normie before Voat. That would make sense, since despite the red pill she obviously enjoys, some habits needed to be unlearned.

Yes, this is highly probable. Being red pilled takes a while for some to bring about the necessary lifestyle changes that come with deep inner conviction.

Yes, the world is nefarious, evil and self seeking. Thankfully, not all is lost as we still have good folk around.

I just pray we are able to descern the times, the people and are wise enough not to trample on that which is innocent in our quest to uncover the truth. Living in the present is possibly our greatest gift and treasure to hold on to as we strive to uncover the secrets of the past and work towards a better future.

I genuinely pray that the leadership here on Voat has the wisdom, the humility and support that is required to drive this ship safely forward.

Yes, humility is key and a deep love for truth in this endeavor.

ksjdfkas878345 ago

srayzie has never been on my radar which is actually weird.... Its probably because I aint into the Q thing, or pizzagate.

It just sucks to see people leave. But from read she ran alts, so my guess shes still here and will rez her strazie account. I dont rat people out on a alt (unless they piss me off).... I cant say, IDK man, I really dont read anything Kevfag writes (because its usually just bullshit) but from I read strazie was getting harassed...I just aint cool with that shit


Nadeshda ago

Pizzagate brought me to Voat and led me to be quite about it too, as I soon realised that I was unable to protect my own to the degree that is required when going after those that pull the strings in this world. I have kept abreast as best possible while continueing to pray and fast regarding the evils of this present world even though I cannot dedicate the time requires to researching as much as I used to, I certainly appreciate and value those that do.

Just so you know, Srayzie provoked people too with her personality. There was a normie degenerate smell all over her online speech but that really should not distract us from the work she has done, which sometimes becomes hard, so I just left her alone to do her thing.

Like I said, she personally never offended me even though her online personality would not mesh well with mine in the real world.

zyklon_b ago


CerealBrain ago

You're a constructive son of a bitch aren't you lol.

dindu-nufffin ago

@srayzie isn't the first one to be targeted on this site.

Stopped right fucking there you piece of shit, fuck your wall of text

Yeah you mean how I'm continually targeted by you and /v/protectvoat?????

here is yur pooooof you hack, mind you these were all sticky here for at a month. <----- this is complete lies <---- 10 comments kinda suck you nignog <----- here is him threatening a user <---- found another one <----remember this guy you organized a downvote brigade upon, I know I do <---- here @kevdude "the builder" trying to bully me off the site (goon squad) <-- here is goon squad member @seanbox attacking me for no reason

also /u/madworld stole a verse from me by mirroring it so they could control it and brigaded my oringal /v/namethejew subverse I was also /u/lowestsetting

Which at the time was really popular, notice they are both dead. "the builders" <---- proof

They do it all the fucking time, they forced the owner off from identitarian , made identitarian"s" brigaded the original and LOOK WHOS name show up in the sidebar @kevdude than other other "the builder"

@NotHereForPizza <------ pinged you because I seen another comment from you. The Jews only give this account 10 comments

there is probably more (and across multiple legit accounts of mine that he has done this too) but see im not a fag, and this fuck kevnog barley deserves my time.

Fuck your wall of text you fucking fag.

Go play on putts account again you fuck

edit 1:kek at the downvotes.

fags only say "kek"


honorable mentions:

@crensch and @gabara and @kevdude both ban people on voat and deletes legit content

just a reminder all....

@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to ORGANIZE to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

just one example from a shit alt @smokenofire

and he fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

just another example, of the " builder" @kevdude lying

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.


hes now even saying I c&p replies as another user... WHEN HE DOES THE SAME THING


and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

Here is more just one example of @kevdude shenanigans "the builder"

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.


[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 19 hours ago

It's Dial. I block all his accounts now. He adds nothing to this place.

here is @kevdude submissions history, fucking amazing work kevnog getting people banned and downvoated to nothing! <---- notice how every thing is upvoat from the PV goonsquad.... FFS all he does post shit motorhead remakes. Im calling voat manip on him... its so jewy

Still Zero on who systematically downted me. "OOOOh no it cant be Protectvoat" can it?"

Hey @crensch, aint you that power mod from /v/GreatAwakening ?

here is "the builder" @kevdude threatening users @puttitout

here is "the builder" @kevdude harassing users in their personal verses

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Voat comment by @sdfgsdf232.

Posted automatically (#45720) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

This is exactly what they did to me.

CerealBrain ago

No, one female wrecked you, I watched it go down. You lost your username. You were tagged as a loser, it followed you everywhere Mr. Invincible lmao.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You live in a fantasy, jewess. You got your shit rekt bad here and will NEVER recover from it. I've always been the same guy here and many like me. I do have a few haters but that's okay. Nobody likes you exceopt for the white knights you sent tit and vagine pics to. ah ah ah PATHETIC THOT DESTROYED AGAIN

@zyklon_b I think this is Scrayzie

CerealBrain ago

Yeah you are brilliant, this is Scrayzie.

You say that because I said I watched it go down, and you just can't imagine that could be no other than Scrayzie.

Do I write like Scrayzie?


She indeed marginalized you, and generally rekt your shit, you were tagged and called out and ruined, had to modify your user name.

Halp Halp I need muh Zyklon butt buddy.

Tell your butt buddy to unban me from Beatles gay army, I got banned cuz I flirted with Gotham and cuck Zykgag got pissed.


CheeseboogerHimself ago

bahahaha I WON I WON I WON

Scrayzie jewess thot got oevened again ah ah

zyklon_b ago

@gabara is abitch

dindu-nufffin ago

Doesn't dial flood subverses like v/whitebeauty with shit when he doesn't like them? Doesn't he make tons of alt accounts to manipulate votes and run around harassing everyone with pings generally making a pants-shitting nuisance of himself? You are correct that Dial has been fucked with. Did srayzie do any of those things?

/v/whitebeauty is a lame verse that is used for alts to gain points. It really offers nothing than value that a image search white people wouldnt offer you.

The fact you constantly bring it up must mean its part of your venture.

Doesn't he make tons of alt accounts to manipulate votes and run around harassing everyone with pings generally making a pants-shitting nuisance of himself?

you see, you dont even know, you just accuse me of shit. "builder" make flairs about me and "sticky" notes in pv calling out a witch hunt on me.

this shit verse is nothing more than an organized brigades


@crensch and @gabara and @kevdude both ban people on voat and deletes legit content-comments

just a reminder all....

@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to ORGANIZE to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

just one example from a shit alt @smokenofire

and he fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

just another example, of the " builder" @kevdude lying

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.


hes now even saying I c&p replies as another user... WHEN HE DOES THE SAME THING


and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

Here is more just one example of @kevdude shenanigans "the builder"

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.


[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 19 hours ago

It's Dial. I block all his accounts now. He adds nothing to this place.

here is @kevdude submissions history, fucking amazing work kevnog getting people banned and downvoated to nothing! <---- notice how every thing is upvoat from the PV goonsquad.... FFS all he does post shit motorhead remakes. Im calling voat manip on him... its so jewy

Still Zero on who systematically downted me. "OOOOh no it cant be Protectvoat" can it?"

Hey @crensch, aint you that power mod from /v/GreatAwakening ?

here is "the builder" @kevdude threatening users @puttitout

here is "the builder" @kevdude harassing users in their personal verses

wwwwww ago

1990 is here to support the cause.

wwwwww ago

Simple rules here in fight Club. Rule 1. 1990 rule 2. 1990 nigger faggot.

SeanBox ago

If this is your first night at voat fight club, 1990.

zyklon_b ago

trufe 1990

CerealBrain ago

You are getting rekt bro lol.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

SHeeeit ol' blue don' noe nuffin bout dat trufes! I report dem to prutektvote 1990

CerealBrain ago

He gut rekt lol.



ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

Sheeit 1985 bruvfer

CerealBrain ago

muh pit bulls REEEEEEEEEEEEE

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

Sheeit Zyklon_b doxxed chidlrenz 2 pedos in 1438

CerealBrain ago



ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

tell yew wut u skretch mi bak i skretch urs u wan dat fatty? i gots me a harpoon. lemme kno when u spot itan I get ur guntpiggy foe u

CerealBrain ago

What the hell is a guntpiggy, am I behind the times?

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

"Bulging area found on large older women between the waist and the genital area. Not quite a gut, not quite a cunt"

i figger u got it frum ther 1438 sw apache ave port st lucie florida

CerealBrain ago

Oh my gosh. I wasn't sitting down lol.

I dunno, to each their own is my thing.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

das way um helpin u gota harpoon em guntpiggies er dey roll awey.

thin u can catch 300lb boulder rolling wey? nah. bitch got donuts 2 catch

harpoon let um roll round like dog chainged in yard gets rolled up close to anchor

CerealBrain ago

Oh. Like a pit bull with mange then.

Old Blue hang in there I gots to go now sheeeeeit bro

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

SHEEETI 1438 bro. like blud bruvfers

Dortex ago

Tl;dr she's a thot. Also her white knights are annoying.

zyklon_b ago

eat kids

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

I had no idea who she was, and didn't give two shits about any of the drama.

I don't like you and the holier-than-thou crowd that follows you around. I don't like the consistent brigades you push.

When I read something you post, it gives me the same sick feeling in my stomach that the thought of living in an HOA does.

Gothamgirl ago

She and her alts and crew attacked many people on subs she was a mod, many times , they even went after a deceased pizzagater. I apologized many times to her, for my part before but her sidekick shitzy kept going after my kids, and that's how I got involved this time.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Shizy was a big part of srayzie's brigading

zyklon_b ago

her alt got kilt

dindu-nufffin ago

you mean these guys?


p.s. hope you and beat doing well

(1) @SeanBox - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 9566

(2) @MadWorld - Member for: 3.3 years / Comment Contribution Points: 9923

(3) @argosciv - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 1334

(4) @LivingRedInBlue - Member for: 1 year / Comment Contribution Points: 651

(5) @Professorballs - Member for: 1.8 years / Comment Contribution Points: 297

(6) @dan_k - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 5377

(7) @VicariousJambi - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 7846

(8) @hungry_mungry - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 2359

(9) @HillBoulder - Member for: 1.8 years / Comment Contribution Points: 8631

(10) @Shekelstein6M - Member for: 2.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 21182

(11) @kevdude - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 74661 (Waited till we hit 10 users before I added myself to the list. I hate this motherfucker)

(12) @BLOODandHONOUR - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 35090

(13) @I_Always_Lie - Member for: 12 months (1 year) / Comment Contribution Points: 2978

(14) @Crensch - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 33318

(15) @Javik2186 - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 4908

at this point he claims everyone on this list is a "Q-tard"

(16) @Rotteuxx - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 25482

(17) @Fetalpig - Member for: 1.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 5569

(18) @carlip - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 16272

At this point he claims that all the people on the list are 3 month old accounts with 200 ccp (I updated the list to include user stats)

(19) @Inaminit - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 6361


(20) @Renatus - Member for: 3 months / Comment Contribution Points: 1084 (EXCELLENT WRITE UP IN HIS SIGNING STATEMENT)

(21) @CameraCode - Member for: 9 days / Comment Contribution Points: 273

(22) @Intrixina - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 1158

(23) @RumpRangerRick - Member for: 2.9 years / Comment Contribution Points: 9003

(24) @shewhomustbeobeyed - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 2660

(25) @FridayJones - Member for: 3.1 years / Comment Contribution Points: 3108

(26) @Hand_of_Node - Member for: 6 months / Comment Contribution Points: 5965

(27) @TheKobold - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 21965

(28) @turbola - Member for: 2.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 329

(29) @blumen4alles - Member for: 1.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 607

(30) @Shes2fat4me5 - Member for: 1.9 years / Comment Contribution Points: 223

(31) @Mumbleberry - Member for: 1.9 years / Comment Contribution Points: 11698

(32) @AaronBuurr - Member for: 2 months / Comment Contribution Points: 188

(33) @Runway22L - Member for: 2.2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 11987

(34) @Splooge - Member for: 9 months / Comment Contribution Points: 4443

(35) @sguevar - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 3445

(36) @draaaak - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 23686

(37) @CognitiveDissident5 - Member for: 1.7 years / Comment Contribution Points: 11697

(38) @King_Leopold_II - Member for: 2 months / Comment Contribution Points: 1483

(39) @drstrangegov - Member for: 2.3 years / Comment Contribution Points: 6613

SeanBox ago

It’s nice to be reminded how many people hate you so often. Thx feggit!

Gothamgirl ago

Are those all their alts? Beats and I are great, thank you 🙂

dindu-nufffin ago

I believe some are, but that is what I call the "goon squad" I trolled kevdud into making me a list of names. One name was removed because he/she was vouched for.

cool, tell him i said hello

heygeorge ago

@drstrangegov is gud boi, but you should keep him on your list anyway just in case.

jkfaksj776 ago

and oh yeah...... IM comming after ever one..... gabara is a shit facebook posting meme bot... you fuck now im strong

drstrangegov ago

is it a "people to kill" list?

heygeorge ago

Ummmmm it’s hard to say. I survived insanegoat’s last list, so probably empty threats.

jkfaksj776 ago

@crensch and @gabara and @kevdude both ban people on voat and deletes legit content

just a reminder all....

@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to ORGANIZE to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

just one example from a shit alt @smokenofire

and he fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

just another example, of the " builder" @kevdude lying

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.


hes now even saying I c&p replies as another user... WHEN HE DOES THE SAME THING


and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

Here is more just one example of @kevdude shenanigans "the builder"

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.


[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 19 hours ago

It's Dial. I block all his accounts now. He adds nothing to this place.

here is @kevdude submissions history, fucking amazing work kevnog getting people banned and downvoated to nothing! <---- notice how every thing is upvoat from the PV goonsquad.... FFS all he does post shit motorhead remakes. Im calling voat manip on him... its so jewy

Still Zero on who systematically downvoated (and at this point close to a hundred accounts) me. "OOOOh no it cant be Protectvoat" can it?"

Hey @crensch, aint you that power mod from /v/GreatAwakening ?

here is "the builder" @kevdude threatening users @puttitout

here is "the builder" @kevdude harassing users in their personal verses

jkfaksj776 ago

you have no idea how much these fucking lie about me

jkfaksj776 ago

cant say much about that can ya "builder"

jkfaksj776 ago

i like you man....

im not sane goat... if you vouch I remove... MIND you @kevdude made this list for me, i had zero to with it


drstrangegov ago

so its a "people to threaten toothlessly" list. that's okay then.

ExpertShitposter ago


She didn't actually piss me off much at all, so i didn't really do anything to to her other than call her "weak" in a post. When i really think about it, she is basically another henrycorp/truthhurts moderator. I don't like them, but i am over them, because what are you gonna do?

@Trigglypuff :

I personally believe that she did it because it didn't seem like a big deal to make a hate sub, even with the pics. Hate subs are a voat pastime, the only thing different now were the pics. Since the the pics have been already out, it just didn't seem like a big deal at to me. So i am assuming triggs felt the same. I honestly didn't expect that triggs would get banned, or that srzy would leave voat. It all seem still on the joke level to me, others understood it as a war.


He e-punched too hard, because.....he is himself. But she was told 100 times to block him. To this day i don't know why didn't she.

Now if you consider that she didn't actually quit when trigs made the sub, but only AFTER triggs got unbanned, practically 2 days later. So the questions is, what got to her?

  1. zyklon pings being anoying?
  2. triggs hate sub?
  3. dozens of other people talking shit to her?
  4. actual fear of things somehow spilling over into her real life?
  5. the feeling of putt and people "being against her"?
  6. all of the above?

People seem to put all the blame on triggs pic posting, but the reality is she didn't quit for almost two days, only did after putt unbanned triggs. In any case, i see her as a truth hurts mod. A basic redditor.

C_Corax ago

I think she was just terrible at internet really.

She didn't start flirting with SBBH because she was a retard that liked to spend time with other retards. She had correctly noticed weaponized shitposters is a real thing. I cannot speak to her deeper motivation for trying to gain our favor, if it was in the hope we'd do something for her down the line or just get her protection from being trolled. Nor does it really matter because everyone in SBBH gets trolled every now and again. You could even call it a sign of affection. She didn't get that.

Then she does the thing with the sticky distancing herself from SBBH over what some of us have been very open about doing with QRV. Again I'm not sure of her motives, but it could be either because she incorrectly thought GA would be our next target or because she saw an opportunity to lucrate on the situation proving GA to be the superior Q related sub. And again it doesn't really matter because all she had to do was stay quiet and we'd have wrecked QRV and send them her way anyway. GA wasn't a target till she made it one(if it even is now?). She didn't get that.

And then of course there's the deal with running multiple online accounts under the same name.. Related to a somewhat controversial movement.. Sharing titty pix online apparently..! Am I the only one seeing the irony in a pizzagate mod doing that btw? I mean if you are into something which purpose is making sure children aren't being taken advantage of, what are your thoughts on little 14 year old Marry sharing her nudes on the internet? When you've worked through why that is a terrible idea, tell me where it becomes a better idea just because you're an adult..

Anyway I didn't sunset her account, she did. And nor did I make any of the choices she made that could only work to escalate things. It's all on her as far as I see it.

Sort of on the topic, @puttitout seems to be taking a few days off presumably because he got tired of our nonsense. That is something I would recommend everyone do every now and again. Especially if you are about to do or say something you might regret.

argosciv ago

I will address this after your previous response to me directly.

kek at the downvotes.

Not me, only just woke up.

I've only given one vote here and it was an upvote.

Battlefat ago

I thought she was an old woman tbh, almost like a grandma, so I treated her like a grandma, which is to say, kindly, but later saw some of her retorts to harassers and thought, this grandma’s seriously crazy so srayzie

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

I've got nothing to do with this stupid nonsense. I even took a voat break during all this shit.

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

I've got nothing to do with this stupid nonsense. I even took a voat break during all this shit.

Dismember ago

Because they target people who they think will crack.

Nosferatjew ago

@hojuruku doxxed himself. He threatened her and other mods with doxxing.

There's only so much I've been able to learn about hojuruku's situation since checking back into this site this past week. Thanks for the additional info.

And me calling her out (which she replied to and addressed and even unbanned some users that had been banned preemptively) happened pretty much right before she deleted. If she had started doing that and dug in that would hold water. But the harassment had been going on for a long time before her and I butted heads over premptive bans.

I recognize that this occurred late in the game, and that people were unbanned. It still happened though, and despite the unbannings, it demonstrates the level of pettiness srayzie was capable of. I'm guessing this was not the first time her pettiness reared it's ugly head. Now, I wasn't using this site for about 3 months, during most of the srayzie bullshit, so I did not see most of it while it was happening. I've tried to catch up on this issue this past week, and definitely haven't seen everything, but from what I have seen, the way that she responded to how she was trolled only provoked and motivated more trolling.

Do you think everyone who targeted @srayzie will be going after him?

Probably not.

Because in my opinion he is far more deserving of everything I listed than she ever was based on his actions, his attitude about it, and what he would like to turn this site into.

I agree that crensch deserves more than he's receiving. More so than srayzie? Maybe, I don't know, that's a tough call to make from where I sit.

Why haven't they hit @crensch yet?

I'm not so sure they haven't.

The differences that I can see though, is that crensch hasn't doxxed himself (as far as I know), so there aren't facepix floating around for people to use against him (as far as I know...). Also, he seems to have a fairly significant following of non-Qoomer goats who like/respect him regardless of what sort of bullshit behavior he engages in (srayzie had that too, so maybe this isn't a factor, I'm not totally sure about this one). And, despite being a absolutely hypocritical cunt, he's not a woman. I don't say that because I think that people are more willing to go after and troll female users, hardly, I say that because, not being a woman, he reacts differently to trolling. He also doesn't have the option of flashing a pussy pass in order to manipulate people. A lot of people here have an extremely low tolerance for pussy pass usage. So, not having a pussy pass to throw around, means there is one less way in which he can make himself a target.

I'm sure there are more reasons than this. Why do you think this is?

mitoriomyt ago

Biggest reason, plain and simple: she was a hypocrite.

I first got here because of Pizzagate, although late to the party. I lurked long enough to notice something interesting: Shizy often would magically appear (even if she wasn’t pinged) when Srazyie was involved in fights.

I observed her patterns for some time off and on in Pizzagate. I began to suspect that she had alts and engaged in DV brigading. Turns out that hunch was correct AFA her having 2 alts. So we have a mod who spends most of her time accusing others of being shills and having alts; meanwhile, she is guilty of the same crimes. Is that acceptable behavior on her behalf in a mod's position?

That reveal led me to question whether or not she was lying about the many individuals she’d claimed to ‘out’ as ’shills’. It made me wonder if she abused her position. It also made me wonder how many truly were shills and how many were hit jobs she did herself for…srayziereasons.

She lost all credibility. And along with it, any sympathy. Once it came out that she did have alts, it was open season for her to get hunted the same way she was hunting 'shills’. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, so the saying goes. Pussy pass denied.

A few other things I noticed that were off-putting:

  • Oscillating between exuberant emojis for fanbois vs. "go suck on a shotgun you cunt" comments to people she disliked.

  • Drama-fagging sticky-posting oooh-look-at-me-look-at-how-much-I-care waving about. She was engaging in pseudo-drama, crying about it, posting about it, then going back to engage in it again. She got off on fighting.

  • Lastly, the pretense behind saying goodbye while still lurking under other alts is asinine. Have some integrity and just leave. Maybe that's too much to ask of someone who lacks it - who knows. She went from being a mod to being a skulky troll. As if she hadn't already killed her credibility thoroughly.

What a legacy. From Builder to Butt-of-all-jokes.

bopper ago

Shizy often would magically appear (even if she wasn’t pinged) when Srazyie was involved in fights.

They are two different people. They are alike in some ways, different in others. They first met in the pizzagate sub. For better or worse, they have basically the same sense of humor. They simply became friends. I could go on but no time.

I observed her patterns for some time off and on in Pizzagate. I began to suspect that she had alts and engaged in DV brigading.

She had one alt for a long time, then towards the end she and Shizy took on a couple more. She didn't use them to brigade, they had them for kicks. She was too busy doing other stuff for the sub to gang up on people, and even if she and Shizy did occasionally, there was nothing nefarious about it, it was all fun and games to them.

It made me wonder if she abused her position.

If screwing around playfully with alts is abusing her position. Sure she could be mean to people when they started it, but overall she's a people person, she's sociable to a fault, that is all she's guilty of. And drawn into drama too easily, yes. And dueling with shills, yes. I do the same, it's fun sometimes.

She lost all credibility. And along with it, any sympathy.

With some yes, others no.

She got off on fighting.

Yes, that she did. So what?

Lastly, the pretense behind saying goodbye while still lurking under other alts is asinine.

Seriously? Lol. You know this is Voat right?

She went from being a mod to being a skulky troll.

And that's a travesty. She's been fighting, at least in her own way, for almost three years here. That's the record she should be judged by.

zyklon_b ago

bullshit they are sme

bopper ago

When and if I get time I will correct several of your comments.

zyklon_b ago

she willl NEVER be welcomed back

bopper ago

By who?

zyklon_b ago


srayzie aint coming back

bopper ago

Yeah I think she is mate..

zyklon_b ago

watch what happens

bopper ago

If I had as much time on my hands as you and your buddies I would lol.

What's the secret?

zyklon_b ago

eatin kids

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectGoats comment by @HollaKost.

Posted automatically (#47533) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@zyklon_b: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @HollaKost)

bopper ago

Cool and thanks for this.

zyklon_b ago

adrenochrome from cali is best

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @HollaKost.

Posted automatically (#47510) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@zyklon_b: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @HollaKost)

RockmanRaiden ago

Why? Their goal isn't to conversate. This discussion has been had ad nauseam. Pissing in the wind at this point.

bopper ago

Totally agree. Probably time to bow out completely.

RockmanRaiden ago

Between you, Vindicator, Crench, and even Kevdude, I think we have a good picture of events.

bopper ago


Dismember ago

If Voat has been infiltrated on that level then, it's the chans all over again.

Dismember ago

It's my belief that Srayzie wasn't the target here, but the target has been v/pizzagate and now v/GreatAwakening.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Do the same people control those subs? If so, how did they get in control of them?

Dismember ago

Pizzagate was handed to Crensch by some no name and it seems he's just had another one handed to him.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha was anutha shoah, I mean take over?

Dismember ago

I'm starting to think both sides of this are proving that they really aren't worth listening to and have just spent way too much wading in the shit to realize just how much they stink.

Gothamgirl ago

The target was me for the last year because I thought she did something horrible, she played alot of mind games, and it has nothing to do with either sub.

CerealBrain ago

Speaking of mind games, you still got me blocked babe? Still got me banned from BeatlesGayArmy?

zyklon_b ago

no it was ONLY srayzie

petevoat ago

I just feel that there's active forces, like Media Matters, a Soros paid left wing entity, that are here deliberately to delay, destroy and misinform Voat's posts. It's no secret people are flocking to Voat for real news after Trump got elected in 2016.

I don't know if srayzie was targeted for having the second most populated Q related pro Trump subverse here but it's very suspect when so called goats doxx or bully (for the lack of a better term) to try and get her out. I've never seen that before here in my 2 years here.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You think Srayzie's victims are "paid media matters trolls"???? Is this the narrative you incels are cooking up? wow

Dismember ago

Its happened here a bit over the last 4 years but it's done in the open now, so more people are seeing it.

Crensch ago

Why haven't they hit @crensch yet?

Possibilities from your perspective:

1) They're working with me

2) They're framing me to look like I work with them

3) They don't see an easy target to take down

4) They are planning something

5) I was not the target, GA was not the target, Srayzie was - either because of something she posted, or because GG's feelings were hurt once upon a time and they held a grudge

Vindicator ago

So seriously, can someone tell me what she did? Because I have given this time to think and I really can't figure it out.

Moderated a subverse exposing globalist corruption -- the same topic that likely got Voat DDoSed and financially deplatformed. Hard to believe this is so mysterious.

heygeorge ago

corruption -- the same topic that likely got Voat DDoSed

Thats great and all (from your link) that Q replied to some anon about why Voat was down, but that was inaccurate and untrue.

So I’m not sure why you are repeating that outside of convenience re: the image you would like to paint.

Vindicator ago

You think Voat got "state level" DDoSed because of FPH and v/niggers?

heygeorge ago

Your link is about the cache outage, which Q seemingly found it advantageous to ‘take credit’ for.


Vindicator ago

At the time I made that submission, on 4/21, "cache outage" had not been named as the reason Voat was down. I believe @Peaceseeker also found @Atko's coyness somewhat curious at the time (see the last link from this excerpt of my submission, below, also made on 4/21):

Voat founder @Atko noticed the problem, encouraged the colony of intrepid goats who had rendezvoused at previewVoat, and then quickly tinkered with the gears to get the site back online. He has coyly offered no details about what went wrong though he "isolated the problem".

That submission was something of a follow up to this one I made four months prior. I stickied a post by Peaceseeker discussing Putt's comments about the extended DDoS attacks Voat endured during the fall of 2017, for the encouragement of those investigating globalist corruption in our subverse.

Looking back, I find it interesting those attacks happened during the same period QAnon first started leaking information and we started covering it on v/pizzagate.

Thats great and all (from your link) that Q replied to some anon about why Voat was down, but that was inaccurate and untrue.

So I’m not sure why you are repeating that outside of convenience re: the image you would like to paint.

Yes, Putt has since said it was a cache overflow. But I'm not positive that make's QAnon's implication untrue. I don't know enough about the technical side of how these things work to confidently say that the heavy traffic involved with the research and Qdrops that occurred immediately prior to the "cache outage" were not part of the cause of the outage itself. It seemed pretty logical to me that it was. If I recall correctly, there were something like a quarter of million people accessing 8chan that night, and I and many others were dropping numerous links to our v/pizzagate research archives and showing people there how to search Voat. We are the #1 source of research for them on anything relating to the pedo elite.

Also, I have to say that it's hard to take Voat "free speech" seriously when every word I say is immediately labeled as "pushing a narrative" "for convenience." I am sharing my perspective in good faith about what I have seen over the past two years. You can agree or disagree; I may well be completely wrong. I don't claim to be right. But trying to make it sound like I have some ulterior agenda is really shitty.

argosciv ago

I hate to be a pain, but can you do me a huge favor and timeline the events in another comment?

Might be helpful either in this conversation or down the track.

heygeorge ago

Thank you for the response. Everyone here with something to say tends to catch a lot of heat. I am very well aware of this.

Tying the demise of srayzie to a technical issue falsely insinuated by Q to be an attack is what I was getting at with my talk with painting an image.

It sucks srayz deleted. It sucks how that came about. Clamping down on subverses with subjective moderation as a result is not a good outcome.

Vindicator ago

Tying the demise of srayzie to a technical issue falsely insinuated by Q to be an attack is what I was getting at with my talk with painting an image.

Srayzie was targeted the minute she started standing up to trolls. Mostly, they just sniped. The serious harassment began when she refused to cooperate with the guy from the Reddit Q board and then when she started to expose the compromised mods there working in conjunction with Neon. That's when the fishing for anyone who could recognize her picture began. She reported that to Twitter and the account was deleted back in January. When she publicized what was happening, everything quieted down -- at least in terms of the fishing expeditions for her identity.

It didn't spring back up -- with new pictures and calls for "Do you know this missing woman?" -- until she exposed the questionable actions of QRV moderators and the trolling of QRV and tried to ask people she thought were her friends to stop. She erroneously assumed most goats would want maximum eyeballs on research exposing ((globalist)) corruption as the FISA declassification unfolds.

Instead, she ended up under 24 hour attack, with more and more pictures posted. Since a few were actually of her, her family became concerned the fishing expedition might eventually turn up someone who knew her RL identity. So, like abortionburger before her who published about the boy who reported being raped by Alefantis' at Comet, she had no choice but to leave. In the case of abortionburger, Putt simply site-banned all the accounts posting about her RL identity, which they had gleaned from her 10 year Reddit history. She lasted about a month after that under a new account, but finally left when she received messages that proved people were monitoring her coming and going from her home with her six year old. They left her alone the minute she left Voat.

The only other case I've heard of on Voat remotely similar to what happened to srayzie and AB is She, which was before my time. But as I understand it, that was a case where a Reddity user who didn't want to assimilate was actually trying to change the culture of Voat, not a case of a brave woman gratefully making full use of Voat free speech to expose elite child rapists connected to Hillary Clinton.

So yeah, from my point of view, having known both abortionburger and srayzie very, very well, I tend to think the attacks against them are part of the larger pattern of interference with Voat.

It has been obvious to me for years that Voat has powerful protectors as well as powerful enemies. Putt is a single point of failure. IMO there's no way we would still be here discussing free speech and documenting the fraud that was perpetrated post WWI and WWII and the disgusting perversion of culture, medicine, religion and everything else that has been forced on us since -- the appalling sins of the most powerful, filthy rich, technologically equipped people in the world -- if Putt and Voat weren't being kept safe by someone. I see the DDoS, the cache overflow, the spam bots that target pizzagate and GA, the consensus crackers and concern trolls and the attacks against srayzie, me and several others as most likely part of the same effort to hinder the spread of our corruption research and the Holocaust fraud evidence compiled by goats before us.

There are people here who want to thwart that. So I am watching the patterns of who does and says what, how that matches up against what I personally know to be true, and I am gathering evidence.

JackHoff ago

I suspect this isn't the answer the kevdude is fishing for. He seems to have some other agenda.

zyklon_b ago

the agenda of @kevdude @crensch is trying bring srayzie back

JackHoff ago

What's your agenda?

zyklon_b ago

110% honestly i have srayzie personal info and copies and screenshots of her pics and adulterous behavior and am goin to torture her online and then break her family apart is what goin to happen.

JackHoff ago

Seems like a lot of energy for someone you don't even really know. Why does it matter to you?

zyklon_b ago

her kids must dye

CerealBrain ago

Oh my gosh say it ain't so bro LMAO. You got jack shit.

Crensch ago

Nah, I don't have the answer, I have questions.

Srayzie told me that zyklon kept offering peace if I'd remove that submission. She told him she couldn't control me or what I did, but she removed her own... I could be wrong on that piece. Memory is a little fuzzy.

Didn't answer the question.

Nah. I don't know the answer. I DO know they had it out for the main targets of this website.

And I also know that srayzie had just linked up with a twitter user called inthematrixx that was going after lots of other namefags, like neonrevolt, on twatter and elsewhere. Lots of research and connections, and that wasn't too long ago.

Greased palms?

zyklon_b ago

i never offered peace i like the writeups it builds my fame

Crensch ago

You know, fame has its perks.

zyklon_b ago

Hell yea u made me famous eniugh kill sraayzie n kidw

CerealBrain ago

True, you ARE the most famous douchebag on Voat.

P33psh04h ago

Nothing like what? Sorry I didn't read all of your text in the thread.

WhiteRonin ago

I read your limp ghetto reason for pinging us. I already addressed that.

Which alts? Lol, do you study with virge on how to sound innocent and apply denial tactics while not addressing the truth. Why not them? Why???? Lol, the great leader of PV decides to address this today. You are a joke.

My point with dial is you used PV to brigade him. Srayzie has a whole sub that she can draw a pity parade and your sub to be protected by. Just like this post. Same shit. I called you out and Trying to deny that won’t work.

Oh so you kick dial for giggles but the hive kicking Srayzie is off limits? Hypocrite!

Hmmm, doxing. Maybe I did but let’s blame your virge style of writing which clearly leaves an impression of dox is being down because you start the paragraph with “the borderline “doxxing “” And end with you claiming Srayzie didn’t fuck with anybody. You are very clear by saying I’m reading you wrong. I’m reading what you wrote and how you wrote it. Why did you intentionally combine those 2 parts while you formatted the rest of your argument very well? Hmm! You are using your PC while I’m on a phone. Your probably proof read too. I don’t. Yeah, maybe I am wrong about you just “linking”’to the dox article but I’m not wrong about how this is a hit piece to smear goats to save Srayzie.

Good job on avoiding the Neon Revolt and how he called Srayzie a cheating slut and how she has been accused of pm’ing tit pics or whatever to goats. Is that a bad topic for a reason?

Or how about I accused you and Crensch for faking a family feud that you accused him of power modding. Didn’t like me addressing a popular opinion goats about you 2?

Please, I was talking about how you pinged people to brigade users for good reasons and your own personal reasons not they way you twisted it.

Fuck, since you did admit users on this site have 10-15 alts. You made it like a common thing. Not a problem at all! Why yes, that does make sense finally. Your writing style is so sly and so twisty that it makes you look clean.

Well, mr I smoke cigars and drink expensive whiskey. The gig is up. Conned me again. Nice! Touché ! You did trick me and many others. Enjoy your excel sheets!

SearchVoatBot ago

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zyklon_b ago

kilt hur kids

Nosferatjew ago

She singled herself out by trying to be a leader. And by doxxing herself with facepix. And by doxxing hoji-whatever-o, and then being a hypocrite about it. And by being a whore. At least, that's my understanding.

Oh yeah, according to you, she also acted like a powermod when she banned users from her sub for behavior outside her sub. That sort of behavior rarely goes unpunished on this site.

P33psh04h ago

  1. Not sure, 2. Zyklon-B

lord_nougat ago

Oh yeah, so I do! I am somebody now!

CerealBrain ago

Can you unban me from there?

lord_nougat ago

Yes. I can.

CerealBrain ago

Meatball unbanned me and they chewed him out for it, at least that's what he said.

lord_nougat ago

Fuckin Meathead! I mean Meatball!

I didn't chew him. He's gross looking.

CerealBrain ago

Dortex refused to unban me.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

all modz for Beatles troll urmy must be benned NOW because dey hurt my porr srayzie

followthemoney ago

Feedback loop.

P33psh04h ago

Sieg Heil!

lord_nougat ago

Omfg! I'm an official member of the troll army! I am so deeply honoured!

I'd like to thank my mother, your mother, and Harvey Weinstein!

P33psh04h ago

Doxxed somebody and was being an asshole to one of the only non-Jewish members here.

Crensch ago

one of the only non-Jewish members here.

Nah. Dude is so Jewish in his actions you can smell the 6million on him.

Gothamgirl ago

@crensch I have told you he has Nazi tats, and he has posted himself wearing Nazi shirt on here years ago. He hates the Jews. This is exactly why no one respects or likes you anymore. Your not very good at investigating.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

So what you are telling me is he is a glow-in-the-dark nigger Neo-Nazi cucked faggot that acts so much like a Jew that there is absolutely no evidence to think he is anything else.

Gothamgirl ago

Well it's better then you telling me I have neck titties. Especially when this is a factual picture which represents reality.

Pretty gross isn't it?

HollaKost ago

plump hands

You're a hoot!

And tucked double chin?

If that's a thing, why didn't you tuck yours?

Hellary_Clinton ago

How’s your honeymoon going cunt?

HollaKost ago

Hello hellary! Beautiful morning!

HollaKost ago

Stand by yer man! No matter what he's done to you!

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

sheeeit 1438

P33psh04h ago

Well that's just from all his Zyklon he emits. When I first came here people thought I was Jewish.

Crensch ago

I don't know you, but Zyklon has a pattern of behaviour that is absolutely Jewish.

bopper ago

That's what I'm beginning to pick up on.

Anyone that's ever argued with a Pakistani or a Jew IRL would know.

A Pakistani will chase you as you leave his convenience store to get the last word, shouting it to the roof top, insufferable people.

P33psh04h ago

b-b-but Nazis!

zyklon_b ago

indeed komrade indeed


Nosferatjew ago

I don't think what @Phantom42 said needs to be boiled down any further, and especially not to, "she is a girl and you didn't like her sub." Doing so isn't particularly fair to Phantom, as his explanation was far more thorough than that. Boiling it down the way you did reads to me like an attempt to delegitamize his reasoning.

Nosferatjew ago

Is that what I said?

I said that Qtards are a cancer on this site and have done nothing but drag it down. Some of them became good goats, but let's be real, most of them are still NPC faggot boomers. If "harassing" (ie: trolling) them is what it takes to get them to leave, then I say, green fucking light. Many goats put in a good effort when they first got here, myself included, and many of the Qfaggots did leave... but not nearly enough. Voat was a far superior platform for free speech, truth, and trolling before they showed up, and since they got here, there has been endless bullshit. They brought a culture of censorship, delusion, cucktardation, and general NPC behavior. And on top of all that, they were a trojan horse for subversive shills. If the Qfags left voat, this site would improve overnight.

SandHog ago

It was always about the Q stuff. Zyklon was bitching about it for a good week before the attacks started against her. She was an easy target that had run-ins with different people but I do not believe it was ever about her specifically.

RockmanRaiden ago

I agree. They would have gone after anyone in that position, unless the crazier details are true and this was one mentally unstable woman's revenge for a percieved slight.

HollaKost ago

Zyklon has claimed it was revenge for Srayzie going after GothamGirl, but zyklon_b himself went after GothamGirl, and even doxed her before they got back together.

So either zyklon_b is a massive cuck who has been forced GothamGirl to attack Srayzie in retaliation for both their slights, or (here's what I believe is the truth) trigglypuff was right in her pm and zyklon_b, GothamGirl, and many others are alt "characters" being run by someone much more nefarious.

Rotteuxx ago

No, I went after her because I was tired of the lies & victimization.

I proved beyong a reasonable doubt she was using alts to gaslight :

  • I pushed her to take out her alts during an argument I wasn't backing down from.

  • I screencaped and posted her 6mo PMs where she asked me to guess her alts which I got right within minutes.

Had she not published PMs from others herself prior to this, that door would have remained closed to her benefit.

I've always maintained a live & let live philosophy with Qtards, it wasn't a motivation by any way.

Herself, her attitude & her lies was all the motivation I needed.

@kevdude ^^^

CerealBrain ago

I was tired of the lies & victimization.

Grow up bro, this is a cucked statement.

zyklon_b ago

i did it cause made me laugh

followthemoney ago

Have you considered the possibility that @srayzie wanted to be outraged and was always going to use every excuse to bring attention to her outrage?

Nosferatjew ago

Is that what I said? Or is that your reading of it?

Was it not obvious when he prefaced it with:

The way you're saying it, it's seemingly reducing it to...

followthemoney ago

Using those methods can you identify the difference between an emotional person who makes multiple accounts to combat the targeting by this group versus an actual paid shill?

I'm trying to keep the drama separate from my WoS account but you agree when they call me a shill? What about when they say you are making fake accounts on Poal? Is that accusation also correct?

We could create multiple accounts and "fight fire with fire" like some people clearly did. We could try to talk reason into them. But what avenues do we have against patently false accusations when they stick to their guns? THAT is why @srayzie got ran off. This group continues to make accusations they cannot prove and treat them as fact.

You and I made the mistake of trying to rationally talk it out and get to the bottom of it. I try to be a good man in all things I do in life. Because of that I haven't reacted in creative ways that these people would hate. I'm not afraid of doxxing. I don't need to cry to putt when I'm being harassed or people are threatening me because they found my wife's Voat account. I'm not a pussy. I know how the court system works. I know how my guns work. Nobody on Voat scares me.

But it is unfortunate that I put time and money into a site that users on Voat want to call a security risk and target my wife's online business. Because what... I saw Pamphlet Anon use Q's tripcode? Or is it because I hold a vast index of doxx?

WhiteRonin ago

Why the fuck are you pinging me into this shit?

I step away from voat. Shit spews all over the place because Srayzie is multiple alts in SBBH but we are always the bad guys.

She got busted by Neon Revolt! Why don’t you address that where he calls her a cheating whore.

I hear and read claims she pm’d private pics of herself to X number of users here.

Her pictures can’t be used here because? They were on twitter and she posted them herself? What the fuck?

You fake a fight with Crensch. Good read.

And you don’t say anything about other power mods on this site but wonder about Srayzie and how she “left” but still is her using one alt or another.

Dude, I was keeping quite on this shit. And you fucking ping me because I am @zyklon_b’s friend and accepted his invite. Sure I had a thing with that post and comment deleting ass @virge. Because he’s a builder and builders don’t delete shit! Fuck that!

Let’s set this straight.

I thought PV was the good guys and RPV were asshole faggets. Well, tallest_skil is one for a different reason.

Yeah, you tricked me. I fell for it. My bad!

You fuckers in PV called in the “team” to gain up on people like @dial_indicator which is a known drunk and fought his own battles. But you assholes just have to “not brigade” by pinging the team. He’s a drunk! You fucking stupid moron! Why target low hanging fruit. Sure you cleaned up some spam. But you also targeted anyone you didn’t like.

As for this empathy piece and how you aren’t “white knighting” and woah is tho who shall call me one. Fuck off, this is a total white knight hit job post. Besides, I love how you take sides and decide to ping people who are part of the Srayzie hit piece.

Look dick wad, don’t fucking go around pointing your finger at borderline doxing. You fuck wit! I already told you that shit ain’t cool! We had that conversation and you evaded everything I was saying. Damn fucking right you Would!

Now, fuck off and don’t ping me again ass wipe!

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago


WhiteRonin ago

Cuck .. end of story

SandHog ago


Much trustworthiness!

WhiteRonin ago

And your point is?

Kevdude is saying people have 10-15 alts which isn’t a problem apparently. I’ve got one that used originally to test a theory I had about voat’s code and with that theory I used to question Putt.

I told Virge the same thing.

Try linking to my comment history next time. It’s more direct.

SandHog ago

What did @srayzie exactly do to merit getting targeted like the entities I outlined here? Seriously? What did she do to merit her picture being plastered over the site and her kids threatened and months of sustained pings and general bullying?

She ran the homegrown Q sub on Voat. I don't believe this was ever about her at all.

Muh joo psyop!

Crensch ago

GothamGirl spent a great deal of time subverting the pizzagate movement when it was just some fringe LARP.

Now that pizzagate is pretty much a household "duh, of course it's real?" kind of thing, enter Q.

These faggot shitposters all seem to hate Q. I'm sure some of it is their pathological need to belong anywhere, even if it's a shithole subverse of inauthenticity, but some of them have an agenda, and when they consensus crack some movement they want, the rest follow eagerly.

Now that Q is still somewhat a fringe movement, what are they doing?

Nosferatjew ago

Maybe all the Qtards should be treated the way srayzie was treated, so that they will all finally fuck off. They have done nothing since they washed up on our shores but drag this site down. They are a cancer.

I don't think she actually fucked off though... do you really think she's gone? She was exposed as a kike, and shizy was exposed as her alt, so she deleted those accounts. She is no doubt still here, using another account.

petevoat ago

Media Matters?

KatHarzso ago

Shit if I know?

Phantom42 ago

"Bcuz shez a gurl?"

Lol, no. It's the attitude I hate.

It's just natural for women to behave like that, I've observed. Doesn't matter to me if srayzie is a fucking tranny LSD-loving cunt, the attitude drove me up the wall and you can bet your ass I'll do whatever to knock her/it down a notch.

As for not liking her sub? Correct, in a way. The way you're saying it, it's seemingly reducing it to "lol you don't like these ppl for no reezun lololhaha dumbass".

As for if she is a boomer I don't give a fuck. I never gave a fuck about the pics either, never looked at them.

followthemoney ago

I suspect the shill hunting was more about silencing opposition than actually hunting shills which putt should easily be able to do. I say fake accusations because they simply are not in a position to have proof. They are just guessing and acting like those guesses are fact.

This did result in people being gang harassed for sustained periods; downvote, insulted. Months at a time or more. ES whether a shill or not has so much drama surrounding the account that it defies reason. Shills and trolls are a fact of life on forums but it does not help to put them in the spotlight. Notice the difference in GA before and after goodbye stickies. Business gets back to usual real quick.

Precisely because the trolls had lulz the duration would extend. Look what happened when she popped back in. The same will happen again when "she" reveals herself. I just have seen zero evidence the account is what it purported to be.

Phantom42 ago

To sum it up:

She was acting like an attention seeking fucking bitch, like any woman. She thought she was the king of the motherfucking castle, like any woman. Her and her cute little Qult. I don't know about everyone else, but I couldn't help but dislike her. Did I go out of my way to "go on the attack"? Nope. But if I saw some stupid shit she or a member of her cult posted (because I go through v/all) I'll happily add in a snarky comment just to piss them off, poor bastards. Then sometimes she'd step in and act like some fucking internet superhero saving the poor boomer from... God knows what... and that kind of attitude really is just irritating.

So, am I glad she left? Yeah. I am. I'll say it. I'll go one further: I hope the entire Q shit leaves Voat. I used to buy into some of it, I'll freely admit this. About the time the "great migration" of Qfags came, I dropped into Voat as well.

Immediately what I noticed is they tried to drive a wedge. They named subs like SBBH and whatever as "shill subs". Being the newfag I was, I believed it for a week or so. Then I went to v/all and stumbled into the SBBH subs and shit, it was just some shitposting funzie shit. Fast forward over time and throw in a few hundred blackpills, and here I am.

So, there's my reasons. I'd guesstimate that a general reason for everyone elses's trollery is a general dislike of srayzie, her qult, etc.

Perfectly reasonable, in my opinion. All the bitching about refugees we do? Low IQ idiots?

Yeah, well, look what you fucking got with the Qoomers. Same story, just with the internet. They come into a fine place and start shitting it up. At first they are small and keep their heads down, but when the numbers grow, boy, better watch out.

KatHarzso ago

Lol, glad ya got the joke.

I dunno. Something about nine months ago with Crensch and Srayzie, regarding GothamGirl.

followthemoney ago

It matters if the account was faking being a random girl on the Internet. If account was faking then the subsequent outrage was also fake or doesn't really matter because doxx never real in the first place. No point in protecting a fake person from being exposed, especially if the kids aren't real.

@srayzie was targeted for making false accusations repeatedly, being susceptible to high levels of outrage making ideal troll target, and was highly reactive to contrary opinions all making a recipe for drama on multiple fronts. @srayzie was nice to friends but an insane cackling hyena to enemies. Could not take the same of what she dished out.

The second the fake consensus appeared against her, which was probably an illusion, she folded, then did exactly what everyone knew she would which was log onto an alt account and fail to address anyone's valid questions proving the previous criticism.

Battlefat ago

insane cackling hyena

I lol’d

Phantom42 ago

Much appreciated.

KatHarzso ago

Behold, an unbleached cavalier. lol

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Isn't it hilarious how the builders are acting as if they don't know what is going on??? haha Even now they seem to be white knighting for poor innocent srayzie and trying to find out why the ebil destroyer shit posters went after her.

Its fucking bizarre!

Hellary_Clinton ago

You’re obsessed with Srayzie JewBooger

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Nice try, schlomo

KatHarzso ago

My understanding - (((Q))) is a hoax and does damage to the credibility of Pizzagate, a real issue by real evil people.

My other understanding - she was a whore, and a married one. Why the fuck would any movement want a thot leading the charge? A thot that has been known to emotionally and borderline physically cheat on her poor husband. A thot that dishonors herself, her family, her husband, and a bullshit movement meant to keep sheeple sheep and placated from actually doing anything. Trust the plan! Baaaaaaah.

Crensch ago

My understanding - (((Q))) is a hoax and does damage to the credibility of Pizzagate, a real issue by real evil people.

Your people sure put up some good arguments in my /v/QisLegitCMM subverse.

a bullshit movement meant to keep sheeple sheep and placated from actually doing anything. Trust the plan! Baaaaaaah.


My other understanding - she was a whore, and a married one. Why the fuck would any movement want a thot leading the charge? A thot that has been known to emotionally and borderline physically cheat on her poor husband. A thot that dishonors herself, her family, her husband,

Not everyone lives by your standards, and she was amazing at being welcoming, researching, and putting together disparate pieces of information and patterns in order to take down some pretty big names.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

That was always my position on the whole thing.

KatHarzso ago

Just sucks. I really liked Crensch. He was one of the few guys I actually truly enjoyed talking with. Shit, though... I always knew he was a Qtard he just wasn't in your face about it. Now? Now it seems he went off the deep end... for a bullshit movement, and a whore of a woman.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Yep. Back when Srayzie first came is when I noticed Crensch was a Qtard and possible zio shill. I also liked him until that moment. Then all bets were off. I will not align with Ben Shapiro or zionism and he can't make me.

KatHarzso ago

Fuck Israel. I hope the country rots from within, which it may what with it being the most gay country in the world.

zyklon_b ago


KatHarzso ago


now go have some hot honeymoon lovin'!

zyklon_b ago


followthemoney ago

Can someone tell me if srayzie was really who she said she was and not some copied pictures on the Internet?

SandHog ago

There a few people on Voat that I am absolutely sure they are who they say they are. She was one. I never saw any nudes from her but then I never saw any from you either. Also, I'm curious why you are not using your thewebofslime account in posting this?

followthemoney ago

To keep the drama and research separate. It's my cousins account but I use it on more than they do.

bopper ago

She was.

SandHog ago

Gotcha. There is no evidence that I can provide which will satisfy your inquiry. Even if I had it I wouldn't present it given the circumstances.

followthemoney ago

You see the problem, then?

SandHog ago

I can see why you might have questions. There was no agenda other than her being really into the Q stuff and wanting to maintain her sub. Some people are saying also saying that she was Shizy as well but that isn't true. They are two different people. I didn't know Shizy very well but enough to know that they weren't the same person.

followthemoney ago

But there isn't going be enough prove to satisfy anyone.

SandHog ago

I do not believe that anything will satisfy you, not even her getting fully doxed, because you are not being honest about your intentions. I see you didn't take my suggestion to address your concerns in v/pizzagate mods. Can't say that I am surprised. I think the only thing that will satisfy you is having control of the v/pizzagate sub.

followthemoney ago

I have a lot going on but your accusation that I want control of /v/pizzagate is patently false. I declined to mod it the first time was asked because it is too limited in scope. Your false accusation is very telling. It shows you are dishonest or you are deluded by your Internet "friends" but I declare now and forever I have no interest in modding /v/pizzagate. I just think their stickies and sidebar should better reflect the purported intentions of the movement.

SandHog ago

It shows you are dishonest or you are deluded by your Internet "friends" but I declare now and forever I have no interest in modding /v/pizzagate.

I'm glad you cleared that up, thanks. What I am and have always been troubled by is your behavior and the conclusions you have leapt to with no real evidence.

I just think their stickies and sidebar should better reflect the purported intentions of the movement and it is a disgrace how they have gone after users and you helped.

So then why not you not simply address those concerns with them? As far as I am aware you did not do that. What you did do is flipped out over your submission being flagged, that was not in accordance with the rules, proceeded to ask what is acceptable on Voat in regards to doxing someone (Vindicator) and then spread rumors all over reddit and the chans about pizzagate being compromised. That's what you did and yet you think it is unreasonable that people question your motives after all of that. Seriously what kind of response did you expect after doing all that? Seems like a rather extreme reaction for someone who just wanted a couple sidebar alterations.

Also are you mimes4peace? Or is that your cousin?

followthemoney ago

Look, I was attacked first which you haven't taken into account... very stubbornly I might add. Plus I repeatedly had calm rationalize comments directed at moderation. Also you assume incorrectly that I hadn't tried that first. Why do you keep stating incorrect assu options as fact? Is it because you are a liar or because you are emotionally attached to other accounts? My posting was called "self aggrandizing" "baffle with bullshit" my site called "security risk" and referred to by the same insane group as a David Brock shill. I didn't do anything except post in good faith.

You keep being wrong in your basic assumptions. You repeatedly demonstrate you are willing to paint opinions as facts like the rest of the group.

Your spin is way off.

Your suggestions assume an incorrect set of facts which means you aren't really interested in the truth.

A giant spate of fake accounts are being used exactly as I predicted when I revealed a DIA contractor is poking around Pizzagate. Ever consider they befriended you and duped you? Because I have to consider the possibility that you are one of them.

With all of the new accounts pretending to be different people, you assume I am pretending to be one of these magically appearing new accounts when I have several that are years older? It doesn't strike you as odd that dozens of these accounts are defending srayzie and sliding conversations by pisting gothamgirl pics?

The professional shills are using many accounts pretending to be many people exactly as trigglypuff predicted to create drama which is exactly why I made the post in /v/protectvoat. Nobody has proven srayzie is real. Fake alt accounts are proven. Paid shills proven.

What side do you predict I am actually on? Go ahead and read the post by thewebofslime in Protectvoat and tell me whose agenda you think I'm serving because you were wrong in your first three guesses.