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Runway22L ago

You sad little yeast infection. DO IT? DO SOMETHING, KILL YOURSELF SLOWLY! But you won't, you have ZERO credibility. You agreed to leave yet you're still here. You threaten people to ruin their accounts, does that make you feel important? Are you getting enough fresh air in your mommy's basement? Didn't you ever learn to leave when you're not wanted? Most kids learn that before they're out of kindergarten. What gives you the right to ruin someone else's private enjoyment? That's what you're doing, ruining other people's enjoyment and you seem to know it. So I guess you do have the power to ruin some people's accounts, you annoy them so much they leave. I think there's a word for that...What is it, oh yeah, SOCIOPATH! You must be a lonely as fuck person if the only people you can get to interact with you is in a negative way on a fucking chat site! So do something you one inch penis, ruin my account, give it your best shot you silly nigger. Or better yet do what you agreed to AND LEAVE! NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE! But you won't, you're pathetic. Now give me one of your snappy stupid responses knowing I will never interact with you again. That's the ticket people, ignore this jackass. @kevdude