4123423124 ago

shit alt @puttitout

4123423124 ago

30 was banned..... gud lit bro

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Shes2FAT4ME ago

It's called infamy. That's because you're a deluded moron and NO ONE likes you. Go home and cry to mommy about how everybody's being mean to you then go learn to MAKE friends and then more importantly learn how to KEEP friends. Being a sociopathic bragart is NOT the way. Forgive me, I assumed there was hope for you.

SearchVoatBot ago

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King_Leopold_II ago

Is it to late to be added to the list?

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Shes2fat4me5 ago

Then why don't you? Oh right, you're a loser! 😂🤣

Shes2fat4me5 ago

Go suck some nigger dick you love so much retard. Hey look, my ccp still there.

argosciv ago

Y'know what I like about this submission, kev?

I can look at it and see that in the last 29 days, I've gained over 700 ccp. Goddamn it feels good that those brigading me in the past, have been outed.

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

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CognitiveDissident5 ago

I don't think it matters how many are on the list; this rambling alcoholic is going nowhere, but feel free to add me for what it's worth.

draaaak ago

He's just such an insufferable faggot. If he leaves, he better take his alt army with him.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

And his faggot friends

draaaak ago

Might as well put my name on the list.

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Runway22L ago

Just as everyone suspected, all talk, not even good grammar and NOOOOOOOOO action. 33 names and the little girl is still here. That's ok, no one cares about you anymore. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Shes2fat4me5 ago

You're quite the delusional little pussy aren't you? Get a grip on your mental illness.

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Shes2fat4me5 ago

What do you do then keyboard warrior? Change your diaper, your stink

Shes2fat4me5 ago

You're laughable, a joke. I think a better challenge than the ten would be for this douche nozzle too name ONE FUCKING ACCOUNT HE'S RUINED. C'MON DAISY MAY, LET'S SEE

Splooge ago

I dunno if I count as legit or established, but I'm in if you think my profile's up to snuff. I know I'm late to the party, but hey, no harm throwing my hat in the ring right?

Shizy ago

If he's the guy who says he's the iron fist, he's got alcohol issues.

Shes2fat4me5 ago

When, you threatened three days ago, and five before that, and a week before that. Bring it on, quit talking you faggot. Oh, that's all you can do, talk. Silly silly faggot.

Runway22L ago

You sad little yeast infection. DO IT? DO SOMETHING, KILL YOURSELF SLOWLY! But you won't, you have ZERO credibility. You agreed to leave yet you're still here. You threaten people to ruin their accounts, does that make you feel important? Are you getting enough fresh air in your mommy's basement? Didn't you ever learn to leave when you're not wanted? Most kids learn that before they're out of kindergarten. What gives you the right to ruin someone else's private enjoyment? That's what you're doing, ruining other people's enjoyment and you seem to know it. So I guess you do have the power to ruin some people's accounts, you annoy them so much they leave. I think there's a word for that...What is it, oh yeah, SOCIOPATH! You must be a lonely as fuck person if the only people you can get to interact with you is in a negative way on a fucking chat site! So do something you one inch penis, ruin my account, give it your best shot you silly nigger. Or better yet do what you agreed to AND LEAVE! NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE! But you won't, you're pathetic. Now give me one of your snappy stupid responses knowing I will never interact with you again. That's the ticket people, ignore this jackass. @kevdude

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Runway22L ago

Thirty three names on the list. Time too bump this cunt out of here.

Runway22L ago

Please add me to the list I HATE THIS FUCKING CUNT! He needs to be forced out and then kill himself

AaronBuurr ago

I've done battle with this douche nozzle, he knows my account is legit.

gabara ago


gabara ago

Did you get the 10 accounts yet?

Shes2fat4me5 ago

Even if he has a supposed army of alts they all need at least 100 points to downvote

Shes2fat4me5 ago

Jesus what a sad little tampon you are.

Mumbleberry ago

I'm in.

1mpatientPatient ago

Indeed, nothing more jewish than defending the mindless drivel of an incoherent, self-proclaimed JIDF agent. Hopefully they choke on each other's circumcised cocks.

Shes2fat4me5 ago

Add me,, PLEASE

Shes2fat4me5 ago

Come get me you PUSSY FART! You really are the biggest loser.

Shes2fat4me5 ago

That's a bummer, sorry to hear that. People suck

Shes2fat4me5 ago

Or maybe a teenager in her mother's basement who hasn't learned about masturbating

Shes2fat4me5 ago

PLEASE PLEASE PUT ME ON THE LIST! I've never hated someone like this douche bag. He keeps threatening to ruin my account BUT WON'T DO IT! KILL HIM!

blumen4alles ago

OK, count me in. Although is there any chance I can switch spots with @TheKobold? I want to be number 27

GhostSkin ago

I hope he does. I hope you do too. I make thread specifically asking for downvotes all the time.

GhostSkin ago

I don't even know who that is

GhostSkin ago

I like him. He stays.

goat404 ago

Once again I’m not defending everything he could/would have done.. I can only speak from my own experience and I’ve had a few talks with him where he was more then cool, entertaining and empathetic. And I’ve witnessed him being in different moods and that changes his attitude a lot. Still I think he’s a good guy in general but has sharp edges

goat404 ago

I don’t know his every move but I do know he shit talks a lot so not everything has to be taken too serious. Could call it the power of disinfo. If you want to take every of his comments as truth you’re a fool and I pity you

goat404 ago

Nope. I will agree with statements in these comments that Fist is a special person. But you should be able to tell from used speech/content that we are not the same person. I like him cause I think he’s got some sharp edges but does speak from his heart

goat404 ago

Not everyone who disagrees with you is a alt kevboy

SearchVoatBot ago

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turbola ago


TheKobold ago


Intrixina ago

I'm starting to think that GS and DI are the same person, just based on their comment responses (several responses in rapid succession to a comment I had just made).

I'll reserve judgement until I have more evidence, though, but yeah.

Intrixina ago

Well, he did say he was going to litter the thread with 50 of his alts (he apparently has 300 according to him) - it's probably the only promise he has kept, in fact.

Hand_of_Node ago

Ping me next time. This loser needs to be sunsetted - in minecraft.

Hand_of_Node ago

IRL, I would like to see someone remove all your fingers with pruning clippers.

Hand_of_Node ago

Q: How many alts do you have?

dial: about 300


TheKobold ago

I got a couple deleted messages from here... What was said? I think the guy is a prick and and idiot, so probably being both on purpose and therefore a shill or intentional disruption agent.

XSS1337 ago

Just digital bits man ... all of it ...

goat404 ago

You fuckers leave the Fist alone..

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Intrixina ago

Sounds like an SJW fuckwit. Can't argue a point so he threatens to doxx you. Typical lowlife tactics, that.

XSS1337 ago

Just downvoat and move on. He is playing you.

XSS1337 ago

No thanks , the only lists that matter involve yellow stars and train cars.

FridayJones ago

Yeah he's an asshole. Let him go away and possible die in a fire.

XSS1337 ago

Ok so he’s gone ?

ExpertShitposter ago

but sometimes he goes off on nonsensical curse-ridden all-caps rants with misspelled words and shit.

Yeah, this is whats cool about him. Its caused by:

massive drinking problem

I quite understand his posts, as i have been there. As a matter of fact, there is a bottle of vodka with my name on it.

Plant_Boy ago

Is that how you jest with girls?

Intrixina ago

implying that any girls would have anything to do with him

Plant_Boy ago

And that's your idea of a joke? Schadenfreude much?

MadWorld ago

Yeah I saw that. Such a moron, he keeps digging himself into deeper hole. I think he should go see a psychiatrist for his mental illness...

Nadeshda ago

He should stop all the Alts but I don’t think he will listen.

MadWorld ago

It probably has become part of him. He thinks that he controls those accounts, without realizing that those accounts have become his master. Now that he is there, he must live through it...

Nadeshda ago

Yes Sir indeed. Nothing like a New Year to help new decisions along. :)

MadWorlds ago

I just fuck around a lot on here, its very easy to tell when im being serious. I have to remind kat this all the time. I'll do shit to get a reaction from voat (im kinda a troll)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Is it too late? If not I'm in.

SeanBox ago

I'm always the most suspicious of the new accounts that purposefully try to buddy up to me. He made the list. I'll keep an eye on him.

SeanBox ago

Yeah, I’ve had my suspicions on that account. It follows the same pattern as the sanegoat crew. Post nonsense spam to fill the board up and pretend it makes you relevant. I’ve noticed it.

SeanBox ago

Understandable. Anyone I would know doing the threatening? New account?

RumpRangerRick ago

No idea who that chucklefuck is.

Add me to the list, however.

SeanBox ago

Did u lose your password or something? I remember seeing the account name change but I figured it was still you.

Doglegwarrior ago

Or he types from his phone and doesnt have spell check on.

Then being a phone typer you have your phone when you drink so sometimes you get pissed and go all caps

Drunk posting equals long rants so this guy might be irish typing on a phone that he turned spell check off?

I do these things so i know.

yewotm8 ago

Dude seriously nobody gives a fuck. You must be some kind of super faggot if you are remembering usernames here.

argosciv ago



I love you, Kev.

argosciv ago


I'm tempted to make an alternative version of that meme that shows someone jamming a stick in their own bike wheel then blaming something else obscure for their fall.

Replace the stick with a swastika and in the final strip have them blame "white people" or "nazis" or some shit.


Merry Christmas? xD

@Crensch @kevdude @Intrixina

Intrixina ago

Hahahahahahahaha you actually fucking did it!! You glorious bastard.

One minor problem, you can barely see the swastika mostly in image 2, it needs to be a bit bigger.

argosciv ago

Hahahahahahahaha you actually fucking did it!! You glorious bastard.


One minor problem, you can barely see the swastika mostly in image 2, it needs to be a bit bigger.

Yeah I wasn't very happy with the middle one either, that's the one I wanted photoshop installed for.

Might give it another bash later.

Intrixina ago

Must say I laughed too!

argosciv ago

It's a fuckin' hilarious mental image!

I'm tempted to make an alternative version of that meme that shows someone jamming a stick in their own bike wheel then blaming something else obscure for their fall.

Replace the stick with a swastika and in the final strip have them blame "white people" or "nazis" or some shit.

Intrixina ago

Hahahahahah, do it!

argosciv ago

May just do that after some sleep lol.

AaronBuurr ago

That memes been done to death! But do it anyway he deserves it

Intrixina ago

Still waiting for that image, friendo!

This is your poke-reminder to make this meme.

argosciv ago

still waking up lol

needs caffeine and nicotine

Intrixina ago

Hahaha, you raise a fair point, good sir. Plus with all the craziness that is Christmas Eve!

argosciv ago

Ah, right, yes... Christmas Eve...

*/adds whisky to morning routine*

Intrixina ago

Sounds great!

argosciv ago


This edit seemed so much easier in my head last night...

Might have to reinstall photoshop for better result xD

Intrixina ago

Hahahaha! The best ideas come when you're tired, it seems.

Intrixina ago

I thought categories two and three, personally.

Also, I think I've said this before, but I fucking laughed my arse off at your username. Well played, sir.

Intrixina ago

Yeah, I noticed he was already doing it. Typical MO of someone with psychological issues.

The only posts I've seen from the guy and his white knighting circlejerking alts reek of someone who needs help, whether that's through a kick up the arse from niggerfaggots on this site, or via an actual therapist. With that being said, add me.

Edit: I laughed at the last bit of your post @kevdude where you said "HE IS NOW ACCUSING ALL THE PEOPLE ON THIS LIST OF DOWNVOTING HIM." I can prove that I haven't downvoated him - because I have 0 downvoats on my account so far. I just disregard his stupidity and move on.

argosciv ago

0 downvotes(outgoing) in 2 years, that's some impressive restraint.

*/hat tip* to you.

Intrixina ago

Haha, thanks mate.

Most of the time its not worth downvoating someone's stupidity, far better to just dismiss it outright, or to let your words or argument call them out instead.

argosciv ago

Haha, thanks mate.

Mate? Do I detect a fellow Aussie in my midst? :D

Most of the time its not worth downvoating someone's stupidity, far better to just dismiss it outright, or to let your words or argument call them out instead.

Agreed. Although I do downvote quite a lot(I've copped the "downvoting meanie" block many times) I do try to make them count.

I usually use them as added indication that I think someone is pushing garbage because of an agenda. Been trying to reduce my downvoting lately too -- I've only downvoted some of DI's crap, there's enough others aware of his bs now, that I don't have to hit all of his inane comments lol.

Intrixina ago

Mate? Do I detect a fellow Aussie in my midst? :D

Damn straight you do!

"Downvoting meanie" means you're doing something right, ahah.

argosciv ago

Hah! Awesome!

"Downvoting meanie" means you're doing something right, ahah.

Nah nah, there's a check in place when downvoting - if your (outgoing) downvote count exceeds your (outgoing) upvote count, you get barred from casting further downvotes until you have a higher (outgoing) upvote count - also requires waiting for the cache to update so even if you then go and upvote a bunch to offset, you still have to wait a little while.

Intrixina ago

Yeah thats exactly right.

Intrixina ago

Is this the fuckwit who keeps threatening to kill other people's accounts, and when called out on it, keeps sperging out via alternate accounts?

He seems extremely schizophrenic.

I can guarantee you he will not quit this site as a result of this post - he is just being an attention whore. He'll invent some perceived reason as to why he "cannot" quit and eternally shift the goalposts because it is all about him.

Hand_of_Node ago

about 300

Alt accounts he claims to have.

Intrixina ago

Yup, I posted that in this thread too.

CameraCode ago

There's a lot of users that seem to have personality disorders or drug or drinking problems. What is up with this site that attracts these kinds of people?

CameraCode ago

Add me as well. I've been viewing voat for years, but only made an account recently. Most of the whole soapboxBanhammer group is dumb as hell, I'm all for shitposts but most are just annoying and not funny. As others have said, I think he just has a drug or alcohol problem.

Nadeshda ago

You are working, I can tell. You turned that whole reply of mine upside and all around and replied. Wow! Dude! I guess no tunes for you then :p

Nadeshda ago

Yeah but like you Sir, people read each others comments and gauge and learn from interactions that people have. People follow you, you know this :)

I thought the v/unexplained verse drama was very interesting in that a lot of newish or should I say, not the normal protective crowd, stood up with notable concerns in how that situation was miss managed and voiced them which was pretty cool. Dial definitely bit off the wrong end of that stick/discussion with his interactions there.

I had no idea he and his entree’ upvote brigaded power hungry mods from times before I got here. That bothers me as it would be like playing god in a way, not cool unless it’s one of his own alt accounts that he is saving. He seems to be alluding to this actually.

Personally he has never done me harm if anything he stayed away from me for the longest time and would only communicate with a different alt every time, but I did notice this behavior.

You’re right people do not like threats like that even if he is larping. I always go through peoples history lol, but just to peak and see who they are my downvote score will attest to that :)

What you doing up btw? We should crank some tunes or something? :)

SearchVoatBot ago

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LivingRedInBlue ago

No one will believe everything you said backed up by evidence found in the embedded links


Nadeshda ago

Go rest and stawp drinking!!! :)

Nadeshda ago

Go solo and pick one, take a break from the gazillion others... be free dude... that’s too much.

Nadeshda ago

Geez that’s something dial, that’s like a full time job... how do you manage it?

Nadeshda ago

How many alts do you have? That’s a very big number...

SearchVoatBot ago

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Renatus ago

Count me in. He's unpredictably belligerent, incoherent and routinely strives to intimidate others by attempting to be menacing. He insults in lieu of actual debate.

Example: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2919354/15649916

v/theunexplained recently very unfairly censored content and banned users without any subverse rules being broken. Voat users at large rightly protested the censorship.

@Dial_Indicator however, is accusing the protesters themselves of censorship. His stance is void of any sense.

Voat users did not desire to limit the free speech of v/theunexplained rather they wanted v/theunexplained to stop limiting the free speech of others. @Dial_Indicator's stance is indefensible.

Intrixina ago

Just noticed this post. This is very well presented!

Intrixina ago

He also disclosed the number of alt accounts, which I showed in that post as well.

Nadeshda ago

Okay I am confused when you see people being downvoted you counter act and upvote them so that they can have their say? Is this right?

Now based on this... do you upvote them according to your liking or how the moment strikes you or if you agree with that person, or like that person/content etc...??

I am trying to understand dial, help me to understand please...

Nadeshda ago

So removing the downvote button would be your number one recommendation for Voat?

Inaminit ago

Oh absolutely... Might as well puke, I can't manage enough urine.

Nadeshda ago

Hey do you really upvote brigade power hungry mods? Is this true and why if I may ask? Just a niggling question in the back of my mind...

Inaminit ago

He's gonad gathering, Bro; The niggerfaggot's got like 4 alts that I'm fairly certain of. He's one of those who farts in a jar to save for later.

Nadeshda ago

Wow, I replied then plugged my phone and whoops all the writing dissapeared as I got kicked from Voat.

You know you should screen grab that stuff of the dissapearing CCP with timestamps.

You know Kev has lots of fans, right :)

I do see you guys are different but I want to believe you both are not nefarious in your ways.

You at least admit to alts, I haven’t seen many do this publicly.

It always makes me think people are playing each other and sometimes the intent goes awry... like that ol’ expression...

It’s all fun and games until someone looses an eye... :D

One of the reasons I stick to one..,

But coming back to you lot... you know I don’t like it when mommy and daddy fight, so y’all need to chill out and enjoy the season.

You both love poking and prodding though, so you do have something in common. Lol..

Always curious on peoples alts because I spot them but genuinely don’t always know what to do and say about it. If it’s shady I want nothing to do with it. It also doesn’t help most of my time right now is swallowed up with its own levels of drama to deal with.

I really dislike unnecessary drama dude... it stinks...

Hand_of_Node ago

Always curious on peoples alts because I spot them but genuinely don’t always know what to do and say about it.

People with alts should be burned at the stake.

Nadeshda ago

This is one way I suppose but difficult, logistically speaking.

Hand_of_Node ago

Can't disagree with that. :p

Nadeshda ago

You can fly though, so there’s that... :)

Hand_of_Node ago

Ha, cheater. Technically, it was my son in the left seat, but yes. :^)

Nadeshda ago

Lol, it’s commonly called taking an interest in the person that is speaking to you and never cheating. It was but merely a scan dear Sir.

In otherwords the logistics in your case is not such a big problem then. :)

Hand_of_Node ago

It is perhaps I who have 'cheated' (with the tagging feature), and who enjoys your mysterious and super cheeky nature. May this Christmas and the coming holidays be your best yet.

Nadeshda ago

Oh you :)

That is so sweet and it really, really made me smile! Thank you, I needed that and may you also be blessed abundantly this Christmas with much warm love, cheer and goodwill!

You know after this conversation I don’t think we are so cheeky now... we better up our game again after all this slushy stuff, m’kay?

Just incase it wasn’t slushy enough for you.

Here have some more for good measure...


Inaminit ago

Aw man, I was on board till you said 'LIST'...

carlip ago

He is pretty gay. I'm all for pushing him out the door.

iron_jew ago

He's not funny, have seen more cogent and entertaining banter from middle schoolers

argosciv ago


Go kev! You just triggered a quadruple-reply response!

Go for 5 mate!!!

Seriously laughing my fucking arse off over here.

Intrixina ago

Hahaha, I didn't realise just how extensive it was until you had pointed it out now. (I noticed the sextuple post rampage to the original thread itself, but not in the comments too)

argosciv ago

Notice how he triple-replies(along with his grammar/spelling getting worse than usual) when suuuuper flustered?

cc: @Censch

argosciv ago

See also, triple-reply to this:

https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2921746/15651890/ https://archive.is/aqd7k

^ archive doesn't show the third comment, so here they are in context, oldest first:




Remind you of anyone else who double/triple-comments when flustered?

Hint: they just came outta the woodworks again as this thread began to unfold.

cc: @Crensch, @kevdude, @srayzie, @Vindicator, @MadWorld

Intrixina ago

I think the multiple downvoted comments at the bottom of this thread speak to how flustered he is.

Generally one will make 1-2 posts at most which are a direct response to the thread in question (and then respond accordingly to replies to said comment, or to other interesting comments made by other voaters), not the 6 he has done so far (and that's on the DI account alone).

Fetalpig ago

He should of never bet on something he cant win......I'm in.

Rotteuxx ago

Count me in !

Inaminit ago

Javik2186 ago

After reading all the comments attributed to this little primitive being a puny bitch. Plus, reading reports of him spamming Voat subs is pissing me off. His actions are a violation of Voat's TOS. I want him gone. Count me in.

Crensch ago

Oh, I know what you're capable of.

Lying about killing your account when you make the claim that you will.

Other than that? Nothing. You can do nothing.

argosciv ago


You know the saying, where there's smoke, there's fire...

Well, look who's come crawling out of the woodwork again as it burns: https://archive.is/r26wr

cc: @Vindicator @srayzie @kevdude @MadWorld

AmaleksHairyAss ago

ITT: alt accounts and reddit tier drama

ashekchum ago

I came here because of reddits censorship, I leark now cause I felt putt wasn't fairly enforcing the rules on self promotion, but it's still better than anywhere else.

I think you just done a mostly good job and are a large contributor to the site, it's more I feel holding an opinion pull, even though it's this DI guys idea to get rid of him is against the principles of the site, (though completely fine for the rules rules) of having differing opinions.

I've never heard of the DI guy before this post.

The subs I ran, and technically still do, mostly, were because they were on things I enjoyed.

Shekelstein6M ago

I don't know the guy but he sounds like a faggot. Sign me up.

cyclops1771 ago

No worries.

I just hang out in the fuck around subs mostly anyways, because at this point in my life, I've come to realize that life is but a farce, and I take so little seriously anymore that I just like being happy over pissed off.

argosciv ago

Fair call.

I don't know why he hasn't yet.

Probably doing something.

cyclops1771 ago

If I like @Dial_Indicator being around, does that take a name off the list?

argosciv ago

MadWorld ago

You are like an information ninja!

Source for #11 https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2921746/15651131

Crensch ago

Add me.

argosciv ago

Crensch ago

Y'all have 10. I'm not mad I'm not on the list. Just hit that comment button asap when I saw the ping.

argosciv ago

It's really quite baffling that anyone would want to turn Voat into reddit.

Whether you like reddit or not, who in their right mind would want to impose that kind of SJW bullshit on one of the few places where you can effectively say whatever the fuck you want?

hungry_mungry ago

He can suck a fucking dick. I'm sick of him.

Nadeshda ago

You guys should settle this with festive cheer and joy a BIG no to separation! You guys are like an old married couple, it’s too entertaining for it to break up! :p

MadWorlds ago

believe it or not @kevdude and I actually got along when we started on voat... we would share motorhead songs and get all gooey over lemmy

Nadeshda ago

I believe it! :D I like to think I we ALL get along... right ? :)

We have that same relationship in the Led sub. :)

argosciv ago

It's interesting that @middle_path and @ashekchum are taking this approach, given what's said here, by DI...

Just saying.

ashekchum ago

It's more of a trying to force people out with differing opinions, and if your using (10 solid voaters) as a criteria, though it was DI's proposal, would @kevdude hold himself to the same standard.

DI from the very little I looked up seems like a crappy person, but whatever, if he's not breaking the rules why try to force him out. And besides its not an effective method since he could just create a new account.

Crensch ago

Way to wax philosophic, beta cuck.

Nobody's trying to force anyone out. The faggot made the claim, and @kevdude called his bluff. You're either true to your word, or you're a faggot that nobody should believe. @Dial_Indicator just burned this account of any credibility it might have had, and also burned any perception of users actually wanting him around he might have had in his own head.

You're right, he could make a new account, but he'd be hard pressed to keep that hidden from the goats.


argosciv ago

Nobody is forcing him to do anything.

By his own words, he said he'd leave if the condition was met. The condition has been met, what DI chooses to do in response, is up to him.

Correct, @kevdude @Crensch @MadWorld?

ashekchum ago

I understand that part it's more the Principal and effectiveness of it. And would kevdude follow the same standard, not that I want him to leave.

I do agree at this point if it's met he should leave by his own words.

argosciv ago

Kevdude has answered that and perhaps more importantly, it was DI who presented the challenge and it's terms.

So, the question is kind of moot, until such time that @kevdude stipulates that he would leave on condition that "x legit users" want him to.

ashekchum ago

I reiterated it before he answered, and yes the thing was by DI. I don't really want @kevdude to leave is more of voat should be about free speech not shutting people out of it, even if it was by his own offer.

argosciv ago

Well, to reiterate myself, nobody is forcing(shutting) him out.

How he responds to this, is up to him.

HillBoulder ago

I don't have a problem being added here.

ashekchum ago

I don't really care if he's here or gone either way as long as he's staying within the rules I'm fine with it. It's more of if you would hold yourself to the same standard you want to use against him (though if your quotes correct it's entirely his proposition).

Like @middle_path said how many would it take?

VicariousJambi ago

Pick me for the shits and giggles

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Who’s @dial_indicator and why would I care enough about him either way to care if he stays or goes? This is like 4th grade girls level drama.

Hand_of_Node ago

The guy who claims to have 300 alts he uses to fuck with people? If you're not familiar, maybe his comment history would illuminate the issue.

MadWorld ago

naw... i dont stay mad for long.. I still think you are very scary tho

Bullshit, every now and then you pull out that fuckface card!

middle_path ago

How many would it take?

argosciv ago

You did happen to see the following in your own subverse, v/JustGrowIt, right? (see archived link in quote)


Really? @kevdude's Modus Operandi, you say?

And what exactly is yours? You seem to like bragging while otherwise being very vague: http://archive.is/s1TEi

middle_path ago

He's an idiot, but he's funny. Kev is just an overzealous twat.

argosciv ago

I see, so you're just going to excuse the implications of his conduct because he makes you laugh?

Quite telling.

middle_path ago

It's not telling of anything except my dislike for censorship.

argosciv ago

It's not telling of anything except my dislike for censorship.

Now you're literally mimicking the same talking points as DI, without providing anything to back it up. Assuming you're accusing @kevdude of censorship - that is what you just did, right?

middle_path ago

No, I wasn't accusing him of that in the least. It was a response to your comment of

Excuse the implications of his conduct

But way to put words in my mouth. Feel free to join your butt buddy on my list of overzealous twats.

argosciv ago

So where exactly does "censorship" come into this? I asked if you're accusing @kevdude of it, you now say you aren't, so perhaps you can explain the context of what you said?

middle_path ago

Alright, since you have trouble reading between the lines.

I said

He's an idiot, but he's funny.

In reference to DI, then you said

so you're just going to excuse the implications of his conduct because he makes you laugh?

This comment chain has nothing to do with kev. My response was that there is no "excusing" as there are only two actions to punish someone on Voat. Censorship (and you conveniently linked one of his comments on my sub) and faggot brigading (what you guys do).

So because I don't want to censor someone, I must be "excusing" them.

argosciv ago

Who said anything about punishing him?

The only person punishing DI, is DI, with his own words and conduct.

Nobody accused DI of censorship, whereas DI has(if I'm not mistaken) accused @kevdude of censorship.

Nobody is censoring DI, either. Or brigading him(he's earning his downvotes by his own conduct). You do however seem to be excusing the strong implication that DI engages in brigading and other subversive behavior(again, by his own words, in your own sub, which you continue to ignore), while levying that accusation(of brigading) against kevdude -- also one which DI has brought against kevdude. So, tell me again how you aren't mimicking DI?

middle_path ago

You keep using that word - excusing. So what would I do to not "excuse" him?

argosciv ago

Well for starters, you could acknowledge his conduct as subversive, rather than giving off the impression that you don't care(because he makes you laugh) and rather than trying to pass the buck on to @kevdude, who merely took DI up on his own terms.

EDIT: Oh and it doesn't help that you're parroting DI's baseless accusation(s), either.

middle_path ago

Jesus, dude. Get a life. I'm not parroting anyone. If you have two people saying they don't like licorice - they're not copying each other, they just have an opinion.

Second, his conduct isn't subversive. Hilarious how you guys all claim the moral high ground all the time, but love to badger people with pings and character assassination.

Your sub, along with your little SRS mod friends are really the worst thing to happen to Voat.

Good thing your attention span is so short though.

argosciv ago

Second, his conduct isn't subversive.

You did read what he said in your own subverse, right?

Your sub, along with your little SRS mod friends are really the worst thing to happen to Voat.

Hmmmmmmm.... where have we heard that before?

Good thing your attention span is so short though.

Hahahahahaha. You clearly don't know me very well, or do you?

@Crensch @srayzie @kevdude

srayzie ago

Yep. Sounds familiar 🙄

dan_k ago

I do take.

zatoichi69 ago

I sure as hell didnt miss the part where you had an axe to grind..

Crensch ago

But you missed the part where having an axe to grind doesn't make him wrong?

zatoichi69 ago

Dunno, this kinda shit goes againt the philosophy of voat. You're no better than a democrat.

Crensch ago

4 months, 18ccp. I fail to see how you have even a remote chance of knowing the philosophy of Voat, much less the standing to comment on it.

argosciv ago

LOL! Did he/she just... they did! They just tried to drag politics into this... what the actual fuck even?


zatoichi69 ago

Democrats seem to attack the person rather than make an argument

argosciv ago


Here we go, now I must be a democrat too, right?

I'ma let you believe that.

zatoichi69 ago

you still didnt make an argument so theres that

argosciv ago

Man, hypothetically speaking, if the going rate is $2, you must be worth about $0.10.

Have fun with grasping straws.

zatoichi69 ago

Not sure what you mean. My rate is 160 USD per 45 minutes.

Fambida ago

Hmmmm, well, mostly I appreciate the guy, but he does make a lot of posts calling people out by name to try to start drama and arguments...

Hey, that's just like this very thread.

In conclusion you're both faggots that should finish with all the foreplay and just suck each other off.

Nadeshda ago


ashekchum ago

Would you quit the site if 10 established users were sick of you?

MadWorld ago

XD Must create some accounts to love myself!

argosciv ago


zatoichi69 ago

Well, while not a big fan, he's not that bad. Besides calling for shit like this smells like kikery a mile a way.

Crensch ago

4 months, 18ccp.

LivingRedInBlue ago

Whoops, make that 5ccp

zatoichi69 ago

im getting tired of flaunting the fact i've been here since '05. fuck off noob

Crensch ago

If you had, you'd know that nobody believes you. You'd also know the philosophy of Voat; laughably, you do not.

zatoichi69 ago

Seems you're hung up on seniority, While we joined about the same time. Feel free to lord an aged account over me. But that is not what it 's about. Free speech is what it's about. And you seem to miss that point, big time. Either you have an agenda or you're just plain retarded. Learn some opsec ffs. Ima delete this account pretty soon anyways.

Crensch ago

You claimed to know the philosophy of Voat.

I called you out for not having a fucking clue. Try Poal or Phucks, they like gagging on cock and lying to each other about what they think they know.

zatoichi69 ago

Sorry brah, ima get back to you tomorrow. anyways, the philosopjy imo is free speech wheter you dont agree with it or not,

Crensch ago

Maybe you forgot that he made the bet, and this has fuck-all to do with free speech?

You have got to be one of the dumbest fuckers on this website right now.

zatoichi69 ago

I'm not claiming to be smart. what are we talking abut?

Crensch ago

Check the screenshot. If you can't figure it out, ask someone smarter than you to explain it.

DrEichmann ago

@Dial_indicator is a God Dam national treasure.

Cuntpucher ago

@Dial_indicator is God Father to my children. You fuck with him and I'll cut your dick off faggot.

MadWorld ago

How is your other alt, @MadWorlds, doing? Are you still burning those accounts and creating new ones?

Hey fuckface, you still mad at me?

MadWorlds ago

you still mad at me?

I'll get back to you on this one

MadWorld ago

[–] MadWorlds 0 points (+0|-0) 7 minutes ago

you still mad at me?

I'll get back to you on this one

Good luck on that @TerdWilson.

VognerDuke76 ago

Who dat?

LivingRedInBlue ago

Lol you sound like Hillary, you gamma. "No no, I meant ten users that I approve of."

Questionable_1 ago

Grow the fuck up

Professorballs ago

As a professor, I have spent years researching shitposting methods from all over the world. In my professional opinion it is important to acknowledge that Dial Indicator is deliberately disrupting this site and designing to fracture its user base. Count my vote, but be aware that fags like this are perennial. Huzzah for Voat!

Intrixina ago

Thanks for the expert analysis, mate!

LivingRedInBlue ago

Count me in. 100% sick and tired

QueeferMadness ago

Get a life.

QueeferMadness ago

@Dial_Indicator is ok in my book. Who among us is perfect? Certainly not me. Do I have to go too?

WhiteMagic ago

I don't know how but I never noticed the block button before. Voat is going to be much more enjoyable, now.

SeanBox ago

awwwww, thx.

MadWorld ago


MadWorld ago

Count me in!! I am sick of this fuckface XD.

Edit: do not get intimidated by this fuckface!

middle_path ago

It's a shame you didn't make that same deal. Definitely 10 people here who absolutely despise you.

showbobandvagene ago

Is he the weirdo that got so many downvotes he cant post on that sub he stole?

LivingRedInBlue ago

@Dial_Indicator is a sock puppet for @diesel4420, who was the one who got downvoted off his stolen sub. So, yes

Beta_Ray_Bill ago

That was diesel4220 or something or other.

Intrixina ago

Same guy

Professorballs ago

Ohai gays, what's going on in this thread?

QueeferMadness ago


SeanBox ago

how did you see what I said if you blocked me?

LivingRedInBlue ago

Sock puppets- how else?

SeanBox ago

he does run a few alts

Intrixina ago

lol "a few".

SeanBox ago

https://imgoat.com/uploads/f53295a738/178547.png I'm the iron fist coming in at #1

Shes2fat4me5 ago

A familiar refrain, what a moron he is. I've got twenty comments like that. He keeps threatening then pussies out.