15725309? ago

I personally dont give a shit what people think .. this is happening whether they like it or not ....

15725045? ago

Who is she?

15724551? ago

So basically, the Dems think it's OK to call people retarded. I don't care what they call us, but Dems always think it's OK to call people names, but we are the racists, etc. The truth is Dems represent trash. You don't see Republicans calling people the N word, which I despise and retards. It would be an embarrassment to my family for me to act like this, but with them..everything is OK. They don't even realize anymore how low they have tarnished their characters.

15724598? ago

They act like a bunch of niggers, huh?

15724514? ago

So What this person needs is your/our usernames. Uhh. No thanks!

15724436? ago

Nope. Forum drama blows. That's why we're all anonymous here. Peddle it somewhere else.

15724486? ago

Lol why do people like you like to knock down all the people working hard to expose the deep state on other forums? On GA, on Pizzagate, on Awakening, it makes me sick. People on the PG sub were here years before Q came out exposing this shit and I've seen people knock them to for not being anonymous like on QRV.

15724492? ago

I don't hang out there. I hang out here. Now, fuck off back to where you came from.

15724504? ago

I go on all the forums and post. I'm not a faggot like you that props one sub over another and acts like a superior asshole.

15724520? ago

You came here. I've never set foot in your shithole forum.

15724525? ago

People like you give Q a horrible name dickhead.

15724432? ago

I don't even know who he is but reading one comment from him you can add me to that list.