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argosciv ago

Notice how he triple-replies(along with his grammar/spelling getting worse than usual) when suuuuper flustered?

cc: @Censch

argosciv ago

See also, triple-reply to this:

^ archive doesn't show the third comment, so here they are in context, oldest first:

Remind you of anyone else who double/triple-comments when flustered?

Hint: they just came outta the woodworks again as this thread began to unfold.

cc: @Crensch, @kevdude, @srayzie, @Vindicator, @MadWorld

Intrixina ago

I think the multiple downvoted comments at the bottom of this thread speak to how flustered he is.

Generally one will make 1-2 posts at most which are a direct response to the thread in question (and then respond accordingly to replies to said comment, or to other interesting comments made by other voaters), not the 6 he has done so far (and that's on the DI account alone).