SearchVoatBot ago

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wokeasfook ago

Is there a time limit on replying to retarded low IQ kikes?

Warn me. Go on warn me, you know you want to. Everyone else gets like 20 warnings. What am I, a nigger?

The hilarious thing is I was about to jump in and defend you against 'thosefeels' but thought I'd best check out your profile first. Glad I did or I would've been defending a Jew and nobody wants that..

wokeasfook ago

only a fucking depraved kike would come up with shit like this. Dopey bastard.

Let me guess; you're gonna warn me..

Newmemba ago

this asshole Dial_Indicator must be jewish and a recent escapee from a psychiatric ward

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago


Hydrocephalus ago

Have you ever read the Crossed series? You'd probably like them. Go to and type "crossed" in the search box.

Awesome_trump ago

Hreshel is that you? I have not seen you in temple for a long time, what happened?

MrPim ago

No I can't say that I have.

Keknado ago

"Ever see what a .44 Magnum will do to a woman's pussy?" No, now hit the bricks Scorsese.

newoldwave ago

good God! We do get some psychos on voat.

oddlike777 ago


PraiseIPU ago

At least it not politics.

BillyLuath ago

WTF is this?

PraiseIPU ago

This ruins the hole.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

"you shouldn't fuck with me... im getting very fucking strong again on levels you cannot understand

you do this again i will fucking your verses.... i think ive already been modded in your verse already

i think you just dont understand who i am.... so im giving you a pass"

  • Dial_Indicator 2018