SearchVoatBot ago

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Newmemba ago


15316147? ago

Stay out. Or I'm gonna introduce you to my basement.

15316082? ago

Stay out of my butt mister.

15315952? ago

You stick it in my ass I'm gonna do the same. Better be ready. Beat doesn't call me the anal queen for nada.

drstrangegov ago

Could you, indeed? Such hubris!

drstrangegov ago

And we are all wiser for your input. And your output! Can we follow you around sniff your butt? Can we glean the secrets of the universe from your magnificent sphincter? If I left a poop emoji, right here ( ), would it vibrate with universal truth? Or are we condemned like the wandering jew to peek under bushels, in the cloacas of geese, for meaning?

drstrangegov ago

Such a devine comedy! Endless mirth! Spiraling and spiraling down, then popping up like a cork! Ka-pow!

drstrangegov ago

Does honesty come easy, now? For me it does. The words, so long, jostling for order spring to attention and pour forth like the ichor from the boil. Collected over years....shined, honed to perfection. They spring out from the confines of my body like loops of intestine. Thank you my friends. I'm finally free.

drstrangegov ago SHE the one who says that? Because I don't date gals like that. It's poodle skirts and Bobby socks for me.

drstrangegov ago

Or have you? Upon completion of the act, did you look down at your shit-weasel and say "alas, poor Yorick. I knew him well, horatio. A fellow of infinite jest. He stands in line in purgatory, pushing and shoving. Eager for his chance to swan-dive into the tub grinder for the masses to consume his paste. As we all know.....Soylent Green is people."

TheWorstImaginable ago

wow this kind of submission really fits you. Keep it up.

boredTech ago

The african american courtship dance is an ugly example of how their species needs to be pruned from the tree.