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My10thaccount ago

I'm sorry have I offended you?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Ignore it, it's an alt of Dial_Indicator who was banned from this site by the site owner

My10thaccount ago

Why was he banned?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

For being an insufferable cunt Back story is here He was banned for voat manipulation; boasted about it as well. Had loads of accounts and would upvoat himself, etc. Threatens people constantly too and disrupts the site by posting incoherent drunken word vomit on a daily basis. Now using other accounts and still being a nuisance;Hitler_Incognito and 897491241241 and 829834uiasdf are also his accounts.The sticky posted at the top of every page gives you the latest list of banned accounts and the reasons as explained by the site owner.

My10thaccount ago

Oh shit, what a cunt.