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NotHereForPizza ago

A lot of times, yeah... of course. And you guys, basically every time, take the bait.

cjtendon ago

So here is my understanding of the problem.

Vote manipulation was defined at reddit. Apparently everyone is assumed to understand reddit's rules. When we join here, there is no mention of obeying reddit's rules, and there is no definition of what the rules are. However, when the algorithm flags us, we are accused of breaking rules that were never explained or written down.

WhiteRonin ago

Bingo. I only go to reddit if a search warrants it. Most of the time stack overflow has better answers.

Makes you wonder how much of Reddit is Voat?

Bigwhistle ago

Isn't it also Voat manipulation? 🤔🤔🤔

WhiteRonin ago

Voat manipulation has NOT been clearly defined.

WhiteRonin ago

No prior warnings before the ban?

Hysterical ago

Well part of it is that when there were issues Putt was able to figure them out rather quickly and make amends. This time he stated that he looked over it after hearing people complain but saw no errors.

Im not saying it's impossible but it seems highly unlikely. I've also experienced a lot of strange shit surrounding the SBBH inner crew. This doesn't surprise me whatsoever and I feel it's been a long time coming.

Hysterical ago

Either way, Putt stated that the warnings were not given in error. I've acknowledged that Putt has made mistakes and that he generally makes them right. He apologized to you.

He didn't apologize to Ronin. There was no error there. Yet Ronin continues to try and play it off that way. Putt specifically said he looked into the warnings and that they were all proper...

Hysterical ago

I'm sick of you kikes lying.

WhiteRonin ago


I keep rereading Putts answers and something ain’t right. Spider sense is blaring warnings.

Your data is just soft deleted ;-)

WhiteRonin ago

Nothing wrong with that! Always good to have an opinion.

WhiteRonin ago

Wouldn’t he!

Hysterical ago

Yeah that happened months ago kike. He didn't apologize this time. He simply said that the warnings may have been for behavior done months ago and that the users might not be actively doing it right now.

You fucking morons act like people don't read anything around here.

WhiteRonin ago

I recommended a mass notification or sticky saying, “oops, my bad, live with it”. But he skipped over that comment.

All programmers fuck up but not coming clean and then doubling down on that we are “all” violators is crap. Not all people are. I might be ... but won’t admit it.

WhiteRonin ago

Look at this:


No, I didn't make a mistake that hasn't already been fixed. If you got a warning you got one for a reason. There was no mistakes on warnings.


I was saying that he should have been careful with new features in code. His reply is not about code problems.

On site this big, yes, you definitely use a test server.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Octocopter ago

"sexually suggestive content involving minors" A person who posts nothing but loli and rape porn posts a fetish clip of a real child being beaten and raped to a porn collection. Then all the pedo shills come out like cockroaches to defend them.

"Its not real" "Its okay to be posted to a porn sub" "Its legal"

You are a fucking joke and I am going to enjoy exposing you with this.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Octocopter ago

no children were harmed in the making of the movie. i don't know why you can't separate fantasy from reality. that's something you should talk to your doctor about. your assumptions about what will happen don't matter. the rules of the site do.

Its amazing you post this after your stalwart defense of that content being posted to a porn sub not being wrong. Its like you are begging people to think of you as nothing more than a pedophile.

Octocopter ago

User Agreement - Protect Kids: You agree not to post any child pornography or sexually suggestive content involving minors.

You are still here defending the posting of that material to a collection of pornographic material. I have also already made plenty of statements about how such posting can be used to by the Feds to press charges based on Obscenity laws. Laws which I am happy you are so dismissive of, it will make it easier to lock you up if you get vanned.

Octocopter ago

Ehh you can call me a liar all you want but anyone who reads that can see the truth about how you tried to manipulate your arguments to defend your position of thinking that the material is perfectly fine to be posted to a porn sub.

So you want me to accept that "unless it is against us federal law, it is acceptable on this site" As your answer to whether or not a video clip showing a little girl being beaten and raped being posted to a porn sub is perfectly fine and not the sign of the poster and his defenders being sick fucked up pedohpiles?

Thank you for making you position on the matter clearer.

I think by now anyone who reads this will know exactly what you are and where your morality lies.

the point is that it doesn't violate anything. you keep saying it does like it's true, but it's not. it's still on the site if the author doesn't remove it. there's no deflection. this is as straight forward as a person can be. i'm telling you exactly what i think. the law and the tos are the deciding factors. not your butthurt.

@Puttitout lets get the admins take on in. Any decent human being knows its wrong and would violate the User Agreement.

Octocopter ago

How am I lying about something you just posted?

Why do you and Dortex refuse to answer that simple question?

Is that because the answer would either prove all your previous statements on the matter to be false, or it would expose you as being in support of morally reprehensible content that violates the User Agreement? I think we both know the answer, its why you both deflect so hard when you get pressed on the matter.

ShitPostMcGee ago

We're banning people over meaningless imaginary internet points now

WhiteRonin ago

Putt doesn’t make sense when he replied to me. Much conflicting info.

Octocopter ago

That first and second section was and answer to your question of where the standard is as well as food for thought about why you got banned and so many involved in "support" of Dortex got banned, hence why I stated "if you knew who was doing what."

I just like many others on this site dont have the answer about what decided who got banned, but based on what we know from Putt those that got spanked had something that made them look suspect, I gave examples of why I think you got hit.

I did not tell you do do anything other than to RE-EVALUATE who you consider a friend and gave you reasons why to do so. Something got you banned, only you can really ask yourself what that was.

what others do is not my problem. what i do is my problem

So you have an opportunity to say that posting explicit content involving minors to porn subs is wrong but you go and defend the posting of content that violated Voat's User Agreement, using the exact same weak defenses for it as Dortex. You act like it was the entire movie being posted, but there was no dialog or context, just the violence and rape of little girl.

the first bit isn't actually true, as i've shown.

Since Dortex refuses to answer this simple question maybe you have the balls or honesty to do so, do you think that if you posted that same clip to a porn sub while leaving it up not self deleted you would not get punished for violating Voat's User Agreement?

So is it morally wrong and against the rules of Voat or not?

Octocopter ago

Previous bans have not given warnings that I know of so that bit is irrelevant. The fact that the script targeted you for a ban means there must have been something to trigger it. Now that you got un-banned the question changes.

Were you engaged in upvoting an account that was engaged in brigading? or downvoting an account that was targeted for brigading? I am sure you would be honest enough to say yes to that if you knew who was doing what. Why was one "side" nearly completely banned on the first pass and not the other side? A sign of malicious actions being tied to someone on that side?

So what accounts that you got linked to are bad or doing bad stuff? That is why I brought up that you should re-evaluate who you consider a friend.

To give you an idea of my stance on the topic drawings are drawings and don't necessarily impact ones views on real life. For instance I advocated for Aged to be un-banned from gaming because making a ruling change on spam after a ban is bullshit, even though I wanted Aged banned site-wide for posting pictures from those "European child modeling agencies" I called out the unfair application of the spam rule.

Do you think that when Fuark posted a fetish rape video involving a real child to a porn sub he did something wrong and that content involving real minors is wrong?

Because Dortex does not think such media being posted to a porn sub is wrong and he has been hell bent on building up a brigade and spam wave against people who spoke out against that media. He has caught a bunch of you up in his bullshit often using the same tactics TOO uses while he bitches about that. By the way I think TOO is stupid and spammy in his bullshit aswell.

Octocopter ago

Being a part of a brigade, you should really start to re-evaluate who on this site you consider a friend. There are people who like drawings and that is fine, and then there are real pedos trying to hide among you and manipulate you to advance their agenda.

I think Dortex (who still refuses to speak out against media involving real children) got a lot of you banned.

FridayJones ago

I got one of these messages, and I only have ever had the one Voat account.

WhiteRonin ago

Here is short exchange I had with Putt here in this thread.

Putt: No, I didn't make a mistake that hasn't already been fixed. If you got a warning you got one for a reason. There was no mistakes on warnings.

Context: I was saying that he should have been careful with new features in code. His reply is not about code problems.

Fateswebb ago

Dude I got blocked from liking comments on Facebook for 24 hours. So is that it? We can vote on comments but are limited in how many? Why? It's voat? Isn't that a play on vote? Shouldn't a user be okay to vote on every single submission and comment if he wants? I mean I don't take it that far, but I believe the voting is one of the best parts of the board so I use it regularly.... I think of it almost like my duty to vote on stuff on voat.....

srayzie ago

If that’s vote brigading, then I won’t be here long

I agree. You should go. You’re still on your period I see.

Mittermeyer ago

I don't know what your plan is, but your responses are making their theories sound plausible. Especially considering the downvoats for directly quoting, then sourcing the quotes from Puttitout.

Vindicator ago

I don't get why all these old goats with CCP in the tens of thousands care about a couple of downvotes on a comment. I get downvoted every day, just for being a mod. I once got over 600 downvotes overnight for no good reason whatsoever. I stand on my Comment History and I don't worry about it.

Do you and others who worry about this stuff trust the general goat population so little that you don't think they can see whether a comment was valuable or not, regardless of the votes?

Mittermeyer ago

It's the rest of the context far more than the votes. Way to focus entirely on one minor detail rather than the spirit or point of the comment. When I woke up today half the replies in my inbox were deleted comments, not removed by the user that made them.

Vindicator ago

When I woke up today half the replies in my inbox were deleted comments, not removed by the user that made them.

Not sure what you're saying, here.

When a user self-deletes a comment, there is no note of it left behind in the thread like there is with deleted submissions. The only time there is a record is when a mod deletes a comment. Try it yourself. Make a comment replying to one of your own existing comments. Then delete it. You'll get a notification but there will not be a note in the thread.

Mittermeyer ago

That's what I meant. I had 6 replies in my inbox this morning and 3 were deleted by Put on a global sub, or someone replied to me 3 separate times and had their account banned. Not sure if accounts being banned delete messages. Either there was a second wave of bannings, or there is targeted banning or censorship going on.

Vindicator ago

So, you are just surmising that Putt deleted someone's comments? Based on what, exactly?

And where are the screenshots that show any comments were deleted?

Mittermeyer ago

When someone self deletes it is different than if they get banned or removed by a moderator. This seemed like banned, and after reading Putts update it makes sense with the timeline. There was an error and when he fixed it I guess someone that replied to me got banned in the correction. After seeing the recent sticky I realize I got caught up in the hype and Putts explanation covers what happened. Sorry about the confusion.

Vindicator ago


Rotteuxx ago

You're not the only one seeing fuckery afoot by @puttitout.

He made this comment :

I don't consider it manipulation, it is manipulation. You don't ever show up on this report unless you are targeting another inorganically.

Warnings are used when one or more metrics don't absolutely confirm manipulation, i.e. maybe there was a long convo people had and they hated each other for days of back and forth arguing.

Then he added an edit to his main message saying this :

Warnings are friendly reminders that you should stop. They are sent for a reason, because you are manipulating votes, but not in a big enough way to ban you.

So basically he's saying that downvoating during an long argument is inorganic vote manipulation that gets flagged. Instead of investigating it, he designed the system to send out a warning which could be a false positive fulky knowing what kind of reaction members of the community would have to that.

Fuckery is afoot for sure.

Especially taking into consideration the timeline of events this week and how he suckep up to his sacred cow Srayzie right after she created a bunch of drama and attacked some of Putts longest supporters on here.

He literally shat on old goats by honoring a shit disturbing nut case cancer mod and calling her a builder when all she's been doing the past few days is being a community destroyer.

Fuckery is afoot with Putt, I'm skipping a lot but I've seen enough this week to even make me doubt him.

He's losing the support of those that were always there for him and the community in exchange for Qtards at his side.

As of now I'm done building, the admins future actions will decide the rest.

Shizy ago

I'll bet you a box of triggly sized tampons her her other "characters" for warnings too.

SearchVoatBot ago

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349023095sdfl ago

@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.



and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.

Hand_of_Node ago

[–] kevdude a cool guy [ +105 ] 0 points (+0|-0) 6.8 hours ago

You sure you have the right user? kevdude has literally been a cool guy for almost 4 years. (Yes, this is my 'post-outage' account.)

SearchVoatBot ago

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NotHereForPizza ago

No, but I got a good bit of points back this morning...

That can only mean one thing. Am I being brigade every day?... Nah, must be a glitch in the algorithm.

WhiteRonin ago

Banned person got erased. So points add back up.

NotHereForPizza ago

Yes, that's exactly what happened.

WhiteRonin ago

Makes sense.

andrew_jackson ago

To be fair, that may have been enough to catch the algorithm

It's still bullshit

Tyranaso ago

Are you using alt accounts you faggot?

WhiteRonin ago


WordCorrector ago

Yes let's talk about vote manipulation. Can't tell you how many times I'll suddenly get a reply to a comment in a thread weeks after the discussion had long died. Only to see that that reply i had just received is already getting upvoted while everything else in the thread isn't.

People use dark corners for vote farming and manipulation. Others just blend in to the noise in a busy thread. Either way it's a problem and likely always will be a problem.

WhiteRonin ago

Putts explanations make no sense. lol

WordCorrector ago

I don't know what's going on. Things have been in a bit of an upheaval around here lately. I know there is so much we ate bot being told, but we are used to parsing the absolute truth from the breadcrumbs of information so I'll make an educated guess and that'll become my indisputable truth until I learn otherwise.

WhiteRonin ago

Always think for yourself!

andrew_jackson ago

Forget it, Bro. This is some Google level shit.

dfgadg35235 ago

@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.



and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.

Baconmon ago

Nope, because I don't manipulate votes like you do.. Not a huge surprise though.. I like how you play innocent though when you get caught, what a clever strategy.. You'll have to be more careful from now on..

WhiteRonin ago

How do I manipulate votes?

Are you a programmer?

AmaleksHairyAss ago


You think you or someone else is being brigaded and you respond by using alt accounts to "correct the record"
You are using multiple alt accounts to vote on the same posts or comments for any reason You are using multiple alt accounts to play SBBH games with vote totals You are using multiple alt accounts to downvote peods You are using multiple alt accounts to downvote Jews You are using multiple alt accounts to downvote and hide shills You are using multiple alt accounts to upvote posts you think were downvoted unfairly, whatever reason or people who downvoted them

You ARE engaging in vote manipulation and you need to stop.

Hand_of_Node ago

Did none of that and still got a ban threat over voat manipulation. Why should I stay and take this abuse? This is the question I'm asking myself right now.


AChinkInTheArmour ago

Maybe it would be helpful to just get a list of "approved voting reasons" instead?

Or just use an adblocker to hide the damn buttons and get on with your life.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

It's real simple. Your one vote is not brigading. You and your sockpuppets voting on the same thing is brigading.

AChinkInTheArmour ago

First, I don't have any damn sockpuppets. Who the hell has the time these days to faff about logging in and out of various accounts just to... what... scrape together meaningless internet points?

Also, complete failure to actually answer my question. Then again, I should've expected this.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Your question was obviously rhetorical.

cjtendon ago

You are in a team of people who all vote together on particular posts or posts by particular users, in the same direction

That is some bullshit right there. According to that definition, if I have friends and I send them links to my posts, my friends and I are not allowed to have the same opinion. So if my friends join this platform, I have to make an effort NOT to share my stuff with them and tell them NOT to upvote my stuff. "Yeah bro, don't join voat, if you join and agree with me, I'll get flagged."

Vindicator ago

That appears to be an accurate assessment. No evidence has been given, only "conclusions" assumptions and vague innuendos.

fightknightHERO ago

If you post on soapdox you deserve to be banned

Mittermeyer ago

I have never posted there, and got a warning for going against the Qfags.

fightknightHERO ago

Qfags are a bunch of lying subversive shills

they should be kicked off this site

Mittermeyer ago

Nah they should be bullied ruthlessly, but I don't think there should be admin force or anything to remove them. Just today I check my inbox with 6 replies and half of them say the messages were deleted, and not removed by the user.

Vindicator ago

Put also said the bans cover conduct since March, so it's a flawed assumption that one conversation and its related vote casting were enough to trigger the warning. He said there are 10 metrics.

Vindicator ago

I don't fully understand what the codes mean. One of those users was someone I suspected of downvoat brigading to suppress content in the past, however.

Vindicator ago

Because the only downvoating I did this week was in a flame war with GA mods. I’ve been largely inactive other than that.

To be fair, that may have been enough to catch the algorithm. However, those I was arguing with got a builder post.

Were you downvoating everything they said? Were they downvoating everything you said? i.e. Same behavior but different outcome? Were they warned?

Drawing conclusions on spotty information is never a great idea. I would like a clear definition of "vote brigading". I think a lot of people would. It ought to be in the user agreement.

Shizy ago

Yes she was downvoating everything! I had everything I wrote downvoated at least once. Now I know it was this cunt with hurt feefees!

srayzie ago

She said “This is a warning for questioning the sacred GA cow”. I can’t believe grown ass adults are acting jealous over something like this.

andrew_jackson ago

Drawing conclusions on spotty information is never a great idea

What else would you really need to see at this point to convince you that this site is cashed? You're a darn moderate.

Vindicator ago

What else would you really need to see at this point to convince you that this site is cashed? You're a darn moderate.

How about something more than innuendo, "conclusions," assumptions and confirmation bias?

Frankly, everyone here making these claims of corruption based on no evidence at all is acting like emotional liberals.

I'm about as conservative as you can get. You know what Constitutional right goes hand in hand with freedom of speech? Presumption of Innocence. I take that very seriously. You want me sitting on your jury. I don't, for example, automatically think everyone in this thread who got a warning is doing nefarious shit, and I've asked Putt to add a clear statement about acceptable and unacceptable voting conduct to the User Agreement so we all know where the line is.

CowWithBeef ago

Based on this thread I must be doing something wrong because I've never been warned or banned. Why don't the algorithms notice me!?

GoyimNose ago

My account is on very good boy status!

Vindicator ago

You are saying that Putt is going after goats who are anti-Q? Where's the evidence for that?

Aufag ago

If you got hit with a ban you almost certainly deserved it. If you got hit with a warning you probably deserved a ban. You faggots have been gaming this website for too long, you know who you are and you know what you are doing.

If anything I wish putt banned everybody who got warnings.

Mittermeyer ago

So I deserve to be banned for criticising Q? How about fuck you niggerfaggot. I got a warning for this shit while people who admit to vote brigading are not banned. There is a deeper issue with who got flagged and who didn't and it has nothing to do with actual Voat brigading.

Aufag ago

I know I upvoted the porn spammer when I posted the Monstergirl porn for the fun of it

You absolutely deserve a ban.

Aufag ago

I know I upvoted the porn spammer when I posted the Monstergirl porn for the fun of it

Yeah you deserve a ban.

Aufag ago

Yeah you probably deserved a ban. Go fuck yourself.

alalzia ago

It looks like that at least one user was flagged for upvoting himself while he has less than 2 upvotes per comment .... i don't get how this is some punishable vote manipulation . Making a single alt to some times upvote yourself is moronic .

As someone who also has less than 2 upvotes per comment and a uses TOR this is worrying .

LazyJello9 ago

That's cause youre a mixed race mutt OP..

KVD ago

I told you we shouldn't have done anal. Fortunately I had lube. It was actually antifreeze in a snack-sized zip lock bag, but yeah. You'll be fine, probably.

Mumbleberry ago

I got a warning, but was kinda expecting it for DV hammering spam accounts.

Vindicator ago

This seems like a patriotic duty, though.

I wish Putt would clearly define "vote brigading".

Mumbleberry ago

If you go through a thread where two users are arguing, upvoting the well written logical points of user A and downvoting the "no u" type responses of user B, is that brigading?

Vindicator ago

I never thought it was in the past, but now I'm not so sure. I always thought brigading required using alt accounts.

It may have to do with whether you participated in the conversation you're downvoting/upvoting. Or if you systematically up or downvoted every single comment, instead of just the ones you disagreed with. Or if you left the thread, looked up the username and went to another thread to downvote their contributions.

The conduct standard should be clearly stated in the Voat User Agreement.

Mumbleberry ago


thelma ago

Anyone who upvotes me gets this....the system should have included this tid bit of info.

Thanks for the upvote ! 2 more and Putt has to buy me lunch.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Yes. I got it and sent a reply asking why I got it.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Why does age matter?

Trumpocrat2020 ago

The old adage "You cant teach an old dog new tricks" is not absolute by any means but it is fairly accurate as a stereotype. People under 40 currently often grew up with computers, people over 40 right now were much less likely to be exposed during prime learning years.

Valid counterpoint being that those older fucks also built all this shit and we should not get too fresh too fast.

Redditsdead ago

I understand that but could never be bothered to do it. Who cares about a CCP score?

Seventh_Jim ago

People who philosophically didn't leave reddit.

Fuckallyoufuckers ago

SBBH fag. I am Jack's utter lack of surprise.

WhiteRonin ago

I’m not a mod there and have been banned so what exactly is your point?

sguevar ago

Don't mind him... he is probably one of the previous bans that happen and got him self a new account.

WhiteRonin ago

Oh definitely. I haven’t seen that user name yet.

Fuckallyoufuckers ago

My point is SBBH is a reddit cancer started by SA that everyone who goes there should have been present at Christchurch.

WhiteRonin ago

Opinions are cool!

Fuckallyoufuckers ago

Only one downvoat. I guess those warnings were pretty effective!

WhiteRonin ago

I’m still getting hit. It’s hilarious cause I don’t care.

Funny I got that warning and I haven’t been down voting even assholes for a while.

BigFatDaddy ago

I got the warning too. Guess I was a naughty li'l goat. . .


PuttItOut ago

I laughed when I saw your account because of the v/AmalekLeaves interaction earlier.

BigFatDaddy ago

That's why I laughed when I saw the PM. I half thought you were pranking me or something.

WhiteRonin ago

Just another goat with an alt that ups his points :-p

BigFatDaddy ago

No alts, just an asshole I guess.

WhiteRonin ago

We are all assholes. I admit I’m one too.

Putt is giving out contradictory information.

BigFatDaddy ago

I think he just decided to dust off and nuke the site from orbit. After all, its the only way to be sure.

WhiteRonin ago

It’s a cleanup to make it sellable!

DontBeRacist ago

Yes. My previous account got banned for no reason at all. I didn't find out about it right away, because I was working. Then I couldn't contact anyone with that account. I started a new account I couldn't do much of anything with until I got some points. All my attempts to contact Putt or anyone were ignored.

I am @whitemail

WhiteRonin ago

Nope, you upvoted your own content.

Fateswebb ago

You can't even vote on your own stuff. (unless you have an alt)

WhiteRonin ago

I know.

But think about what the thresholds are. Is 1, 10, or 100 too many?

Where do you set it at?

Fateswebb ago

Not sure what you're talking about, shrug.

WhiteRonin ago

The number of alts that you can have and how many of them can up voat your own content.

Fateswebb ago

I think you should have 0 alts period. I suppose if you're banned inappropriately then I could see just cause in creating an account for the sole purpose of asking about your ban being looked into. Other than that alts ruin the whole point of the board......

WhiteRonin ago

I created an alt to test something. I was planning to help code on voat code. But decided I didn’t have the time. I let it sit around just in case I wanted to focus this one. I fire up the other when I want to post different topics and not get down voted because everyone knows this alt.

DontBeRacist ago

If upvoting your own stuff gets you banned, then why is it even an option?

WhiteRonin ago

Create a system that allows alts.

Get pissed off at alts.

Tries to fix the system because of allowing alts.

Then say code isn’t broken ...

Makes logical sense to me!

AmaleksHairyAss ago

It's not. But he means from a different account.

DontBeRacist ago

I didn't even have a different account at the time.

TRexTranny ago

You will soon realise voat is for the shills and voat is not here to be user friendly... its not built to actually be used, get it? Its here to divide and conquer, and paint everyone on voat as being a heil hitler dumbshit

DontBeRacist ago

Hitler was a good man. We sure could use a Hitler right now.

voats4goats ago

Thats what you get for using iphone... /OrwellianAndroidMasterRace

WhiteRonin ago

I does what I want it to do.

ExpertShitposter ago

rekt u SBBH shill

WhiteRonin ago

Dam right!

A benned one too!

SearchVoatBot ago

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Dortex ago

I was apparently suspicious enough too. I'm not entirely sure what constitutes vote manipulation here.

CitizenFour ago

Voat is officially zogged bullshit. See y’all on poal

Hysterical ago

Says the clear and obvious sock puppet account.

PraiseIPU ago

coming from a 3 year old account thats made a dozen comments total, 6 of which are in this thread

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

The people on Poal deserve each other.

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

I had an account banned before because I like to parody shit heads here... as this account shows. I didn't care because I'll just make another parodying someone else.

This isn't the first time @puttitout has mass banned people. Voat is slowly becoming digging 3.0 aka reddit 2.0.

There's other free speech sites out there I recommend you checking out.

Hysterical ago

Meanwhile it's almost strictly Soapboxbanhammer users being punished and there have been many users calling out that community for the precise behavior they're now being punished for.

Cleaning up the trash makes the place better, not worse. I'm going to be making note of the accounts pushing this bullshit too, lots of sbbh sock puppets coming out of the wood work.

voatusernamevoat ago

Got me curious now, examples of vote manipulation? What subs, what are they upvoting, downvoting? Can't say I pay too much attention to the voting, and can't imagine why someone would go through the effort of doing it on voat, didn't think voat had reached a big enough size for someone to bother.

Hysterical ago

Browse this thread. Check the accounts complaining. They're practically all users of Soapboxbanhammer. They're notorious for this sort of shit and it appears Putt has had enough of it. He have out verbal warnings to the entire community saying that this stuff isn't tolerated, and basically telling us that some of the people who will get warned are well known users.

They're spamming this thread with disinformation too, Ronin has repeatedly implied that his warning was an error, meanwhile Putt specifically said the only error is that people are being warned about actions from up to two months ago. That's why Putt had to go back and clarify, because these kikes tried to weasel their way out it.

voatusernamevoat ago

According to another thread it's supposedly a group of pedophiles that were also spreading a virus in pictures or something. I still don't get how upvoting downvoting is supposed to achieve anything.

WhiteRonin ago

Alts bro, alts

thelma ago

I triple upvote all my own posts.

Putt has not noticed. <don't tell>

WTF is an ALT ?

WhiteRonin ago

Love ya honey!

CitizenFour ago

I tried to message him but I’m banned. What in the tuck is going on lately putt? Jesus christ get your shit together

CitizenFour ago

Yeah he banned my roommate, shit’s fucked

RM-Goetbbels ago


Octocopter ago

I got the warning message, and I both deserved the warning and it could be because I was a target of a significant group of the pedos that got banned. As for the deserving it bit it might have been spats with Joe_McCarthy and his alt who also got banned.

WhiteRonin ago

Nope, you have an alt. Busted!

Octocopter ago

No alts, but I have an idea of what could be the reason, could have been spats with Joe_McCarthy who got banned along with Kattie. Or my downvoting of a lot of the comments made by that large spammer wave.

WhiteRonin ago

Could be. I’m not gonna ask for the algorithm because I would tell people how I’d check either.

Octocopter ago

Yeah if they knew they would just try to work around it and keep abusing. Just like the pedo who got unbanned.

i_scream_trucks ago

I'm sad.

I didn't get one.

Wheres my warning putt?

WhiteRonin ago

Dude ... you been MIA ...

Hysterical ago

Yeah isn't it really strange how this thread is filled with users from the same group who have been accused of brigading by dozens if not hundreds of users?! And now the website owner is punishing those people, must be a total conspiracy psychological operation.

I mean obviously there's no possible way that the dozens of accusations had merit and the website owner is simply enforcing the sites rules.

Nah, clearly it's everything else other than that.

WhiteRonin ago

Nope, not all sbbh are being targeted and lots of non-sbbh users are being targeted.

Nice try though.

Hysterical ago

Not all of you? Oh, well I guess it's awfully fucking convenient that you kikes spam out moderation invites and draw in casuals that way. Use the goyim as a shield hey?

WhiteRonin ago

Nope like that either. Mods got some but not all mods.

Are you jealous?

Durm ago

Show me where I have been accused of brigading

Hysterical ago

Post on the wrong sock puppet or are you just being a compete moron?

Obviously your reading comprehension is shit mate.

Or are you trying to deny that there are about a dozen or more Sbbh flunkies in here playing damage control?

I didn't comment to you, idiot. Obviously more than just SBBH break the rules here. If you're honestly trying to dismiss what I said because you're a minority that's hilarious.

I don't know why you manipulated votes and I honestly don't care.

i_scream_trucks ago

ive been MIA since 1990.

i shitpost here daily tho :D

WhiteRonin ago


PuttitoutIsGone ago

I didn't get one either. I guess I'm not doing Voat right.

CarpenterforChrist ago

What timezone do you live in? Looks like your time and date stamp is a little off.

WhiteRonin ago

CST. It’s not a secret and I have said what state I live in.

I ask about meetups too.

Boogie man already has all our shit recorded anyways.

NosebergShekelman ago

I was banned. He unbanned me and apologized. I think it was some sort of coding error that was meant to vote the manipulators, not the victims.

Croat_Goat ago

I hope my account ban turns out the same way, rabbi. I logged in too late and putt is already out having a good Friday. If I'm overturned tomorrow, I'll be the first in line for a circumcision, deal? Until then, I'm "borrowing" this account.

Ina_Pickle ago

I did once. I assume it is because I consistently downvoat the bots. messaged back that downvoats cast in disagreement or in protest are not manipulation.

PuttItOut ago

We banned a bunch of accounts today and sent a tremendous amount of warnings.

I did accidently run a batch with a bad config setting and had to manually reverse things.

I think many that got warnings today may be from things up to two months ago.

We don't check warnings like we do bans, so you can get a warning pretty easily but it's nothing to worry about, just a way of us saying "hey, your account showed up on the naughty report."

Nosferatjew ago

Why didn't I get a warning before you outright banned my accounts?

SearchVoatBot ago

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GnomeWorks ago

We analyze voting patterns only. On comments only. We look for farming and brigading.

Your algorithm for this is fucked, then, because it is catching folk who didn't do this shit.

DrSelfAppointed ago

As an egregiously, massive complainer, I almost feel offended that I didn't get a warning now.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Would like to see a (serious) explanation for why /u/Joe_McCarthy and /u/Kattie were banned.

Majorfatboy ago

Sooooo... Let Me get this straight. You're using an automated system to take administrative action against real live human beings? That's not how this shit's supposed to be handled. If a user is creating enough of a problem to cause a large amount of other users to complain/flag, then You handle that one user. Look over Their posts, observe Their behavior, Etc. Just making a fucking script to crap out warnings/bans is pathetic. It's fucking Youtube and Facebook tier. This is why I make fun of programmers all the time, never met one with an actual work ethic. You geeks think You're hot shit because You're walking meat calculators, but the second something needs good old time and effort, You run to the fucking hills.

And "vote farming" as an automated bannable offense? It's meaningless. Who cares if someone spends/gets a lot of Their goodboy points. Isn't that what voting is for? Let the people decide what is and isn't good for the group? If some fagler gets Their jimmies rustled to the point that They're willing to stalk another user and downvote everything They post, then discipline that user, assuming action even needs to be taken. If a bunch of Qfags want to vote each other up, again, Handle Them directly. Anything else is abuse of power/censorship.

You've fallen into the same trap as any other privately owned and operated venue; That there is no such thing as free speech, only what You allow to be said at Your venue. Anything else is a sham.

Voting systems on forums have always been a joke, they serve no other purpose other than "I agree / disagree with this post", because ultimately, every forum's owner will at some point say "fuck it" and start dictating what is and isn't allowed on Their property, and believe Me, When an admin/owner inevitably start's losing an argument, They're quick to remind You that You are on Their private property.

Credit where credit is due, Voat lasted longer than 8chan, but in the end these places always pick and choose what "free" speech is.

captainstrange ago

creating enough of a problem to cause a large amount of other users to complain/flag

so just have 15 alts complain about someone they want to censor.

See how that works.

Fateswebb ago

Except I wasn't vote manipulating I was using the forum as intended. So "friendly reminders you should stop" sorry but this is clearly a false detect. So nothing to stop, besides using the forum as intended.

obvious-throwaway- ago


SearchVoatBot ago

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NotHereForPizza ago

And yet groups track each one of my comments, get all their friends to downvote me, tag each other on all the posts and comments I make, but no one is ever even willing to talk about it...

Have you even looked at the ratios for my account? I hardly ever downvote or even up vote anything besides submissions featuring quality content.

Are there "only if I like you" rules? Can you tell us who @Zook is? :)

Tallest_Skil ago

on comments only

Oh, so I can safely upvote sand_mann’s submissions about the climate? I’ve stopped doing that because he’s the only one who ever posts on the climate and I didn’t want him to be banned for “apparent manipulation.”

vtusr2 ago

Did "we" also ban my @vtusr account?

middle_path ago

This is Voat, and we all know what we've done. Truth. No one is innocent.

I have only ever used one account, no manipulation on my side. Don't put down giant blanket statements like this.

Goys-R-Us ago

The angel investors are whispering in his ear.

alele-opathic ago

I fear this doesn't bode well.

I've seen this play before. Next, a Code of Conduct will be proposed 'so everybody knows the rules'. I just hope the community rejects it. I don't think I'd stick around post CoC as a matter of principle. I'd probably dump the rest of my OC and OR before though.

Goys-R-Us ago

I'm not big on COCs.

Vindicator ago

We look for farming and brigading.

Putt, it sure would help to have a clear statement of acceptable and unacceptable conduct in the Voat User Agreement. Lots of folks confused about what is and isn't considered brigading, and getting a warning without understanding what a person did wrong cannot help but have a chilling effect on free expression.

Psylent ago

It's a pretty hard thing to be 'confused' about though... if you don't brigade or try to manipulate ccp then you're in the clear. If you are running multiple accounts and know enough to do so, then you know what brigading and vote manipulation is and are just being an obtuse cunt saying "but it's unclear" .

Vindicator ago

Many people who got warnings only have one account, supposedly. Putt said there are 10 metrics, not just using socks.

alele-opathic ago


My god, they've gotten (a few) goats, who hate CoCs everywhere else in life, to desire a CoC at home. What is even going on?

Tallest_Skil ago

Well, that’s how ✡they✡ work, isn’t it? Not through physical violence, but through linguistic violence. Example:

A farmer wants to paint his barn red, so he goes to Meyer Rothschild’s paint supply store to pick up some red paint. “Hello, Mr. Rothschild,” he says, “I’d like to buy some red paint for my barn.”

“Oy vey!” says Mr. Rothschild. “You want ‘red’ paint? Don’t you know that colors don’t exist?” This baffles the farmer.

“What do you mean? There are colors like red, blue, green, orange, purple… How can you say they don’t exist? I see them with my own eyes!”

“Not so fast,” says Mr. Rothschild. “Take a look at this picture. Can you show me exactly where red ends and orange begins?” “Well, no…” says the farmer. “Not exactly, but…”

Mr. Rothschild grins. “You see, goy? Colors aren’t real! Your concept of ‘red’ is nothing more than a “social construct.” It was created by “culture farmers” at the top of society who arbitrarily decided to make you believe in the false color ‘red.’ Because I say they did. Don’t you feel slighted now? Don’t you feel like you have been used by the people in power, who only wish you to see ‘red’ because it suits their agenda?”

“Well, I don’t know about…”

“Now that we’ve established that colors don’t exist and that people who want you to believe they exist are using you,” Mr. Rothschild quickly continues, “let’s have a dialogue on what kind of colors your barn needs right now. Right now I say your barn needs more green. Specifically green. Since colors don’t exist, you shouldn’t have a problem with the artificial construct of one color dominating another, should you? And don’t worry, I’m not a green supremacist… even though the result of my advocacy means that your barn is the way I want it instead of the way you want it. So, goy, about that paint…”

At the end of the day, the farmer’s barn is green. Instead of forcing him to buy green paint under the threat of violence, Mr. Rothschild got exactly what he wanted just by using words. The farmer looks at his green barn and feels satisfied, knowing that his “color-thought” was corrected, even if it meant he didn’t get the results he wanted.

alele-opathic ago

Hit the nail on the head again, as per usual.

zyklon_b ago

Truth pv is kikes

Goys-R-Us ago

Answer: I don't need to tell you where red transitions to another color. The color on the FAR RIGHT of the chart you're holding up Mr. Rothchilds is RED. Now give me my fucking paint you shyster.

Tallest_Skil ago


Tzitzimitl ago

having your own personal CoC is considered normal, get too many though and you a hoe.

albatrosv15 ago

What's with the smokratez?

PuttItOut ago

He knows.

Antiracist10 ago

Dear tyrant faggot,

Why can't I post threads yet?

Fuck you.



Antiracist10 ago

Dear tyrant faggot,

I'm going to tell you my idea anyway, even though you're an undeserving tyrant faggot.

Create a neural net to identify pornography. Particularly, cartoon loli porn. It should be super easy. There are colors and shapes common to loli porn which just aren't found in other images.

When an image link is posted, throw up a flag when it scores too high, like >90%, for testing positive as being loli porn.

Then, idk, can you make a link that needs to be clicked 3 times before showing?

Anyway, that'll solve your fucking QRV problem, without having to ban anons or whatever.


Love, antiracist

Comment points too low to send messages. Need at least 10 CCP.

Fuck you.

Goys-R-Us ago

Why don't you tell us what you know? Why not be 100% transparent? At least it would give the rest of us some sense of whether what's happening is legit or not. No offense but you've not been entirely clear on what criteria causes a ban or a warning. Case in point:

Warnings are used when one or more metrics don't absolutely confirm manipulation, i.e. maybe there was a long convo people had and they hated each other for days of back and forth arguing.

Back and forth arguing is worthy of a warning or ban?

NotHereForPizza ago

By the way, it was very simple to find.

You can find all sorts of stuff if you comb through some things here... like, you know, who @zook is.

NotHereForPizza ago

Now ask Putt who @zook is.

Goys-R-Us ago

I'm not interested in asking Putt anything more than I already did. Who is zook?

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm also not sure. We should make some posts about it.

I bet he's someone super special. Let's see if @PuttItOut knows anything about him.

Goys-R-Us ago

I looked but I'm too stupid to follow these threads and their implications. Upvote farming is what I gather. Still didn't see zook in any of it. Doesn't matter, voat is likely following in Reddit's footsteps. Everything changes. Such is life.

NotHereForPizza ago

Ha! If you only knew about the @zook thing, you'd be rolling your eyes so fucking hard right now.

You have no idea how right you are.

Goys-R-Us ago

I know about the kooz thing, but I've never heard of the zook thing.

Seriously just spit it out.

That is unless you're just being a disingenuous faggot. In which case you're a disingenuous faggot.

NotHereForPizza ago

But, I've already told you.

Look in more places than one. You'll find it.

Goys-R-Us ago


I'm too lazy to bother. Provide it to me on a platter or don't. IDC.

NotHereForPizza ago

Don't worry, you'll find it shortly.

Goys-R-Us ago

Haha, I saw your post on poal. Still not sure what the f you're talking about but maybe I'll see it eventually.

Aufag ago

I wish you banned more.

MrTitolo ago

Thank you for all the efforts to keep this working.

thelma ago

This isn't knew, it has been this way since sanegoat forced us to dev this out.


Grammar Nazi day !

I'd upvote but, you know .... best not. Just to be sure.

With Insure ! 'Cause your old and gonna die soon !

Locked_Account ago

I don't use but one account. Not sure what vote manipulation is with just one account.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

will bitch slap a pimp running his mouth by downvoating a bunch of his other comments. That is not wrong

It is wrong and you should be warned and if the behavior continues you should be banned

sguevar ago

Vote manipulation implies the use of alts to upvote one self or to brigade a user that one may dislike.

I got a message from a user that claims he only has 1 account. He actually messaged you about that and asked me to message you also.

I personally don't mind the bans if they are justified. So care to explain why a user with only one account can engage in Vote manipulation?

I personally downvote comments I see unproductive, illogical, "preaching to the choir" and from users I dislike. So am I also engaging in vote manipulation?

PS: I downvoted the submission of that you did because of how you imply that those that downvoted you are destroyers. I prefer objectivity and I prefer data and evidence to justify a ban not just rely on the admin's word for it.

So I am in fact displeased of seeing this happening like this. Take for example @MadWorld and how he presented evidence of the suspicious links users were posting. He provided data publicly.

I would think that you would do the same when you do the posts you do about the bans: links, screenshots archives... There are a lot of user that were denounced before and that are engaging in such behaviors and yet they aren't banned.

Then I get a message from one user that apparently was banned for vote manipulation when he doesn't seem to have engaged on that. So I do request evidence. Please check your PM because I sent you a message about it and in the future, please provide evidence to justify the bans. It is the least you can do.

Fateswebb ago

Actually I got a report for vote manipulation. And I assure you I have only one account and don't discuss voat with other users in private to "vote brigate" it's just me and my opinion. I do however probably vote on comments more than most.... It's part of what I find fun about voat, giving your opinion, and kinda a self moderation feature. But I hate vote manipulators so to be a xused of it is so yuk.

kjlashas893890 ago

Okay what constitutes as abusive behavior putt? Lets say If I make a verseve and point out a certain user or verse, then have everyone down voat that person....oh wait it already exists its /v/protectvoat

and its funny I never got a warning when you banned 15 of my accounts, when all they did was offset night downvoat brigade against me..... are those people punished? no

when dial got banned he lost over half of his ccp, I used my alts only to take back his comments back to 0, and if the were genuine I let it be. and posts back to 1

So you tell me, whay is organized brigades against a user allowed, or "over looked" by you.

I also won't pretend like the biggest complainers aren't the most egregious offenders. Let's not put on an innocent mask like we're perfect. This is Voat, and we all know what we've done. Truth. No one is innocent.

this is called selective enforcement putt, and the reason people lost faith you "other than the lunch table kids" because you them to get a way abusive behavior.

you know I think, you want a bunch of normies to shill products to


AmaleksHairyAss ago

you banned 15 of my accounts, when all they did was offset night downvoat brigade against me

That IS vote manipulation You were engaging in vote manipulation. "someone else is doing it against me" doesn't make it not vote manipulation.

ldjafs45345 ago

sigh, I should just save the response to this

Dial comment history (and submissions) would get hit nightly with downvote brigades. Really All I did offset them to zero, or 1

dial would of been downvoted to shit (yet another account) by the "builder" kevdud goon squad If I had not stepped in. I've also helped others who were getting downvote brigaded by them. When he was banned, he reverted the point, I lost over half. Mind you dial was really only active a couple months if remember correctly, maybe 3.

The latest accounnt that I had brigade was @outrunning As soon as kevdud (the builder) hears about he makes a lil sticky about then his goon rifles thru his account downvoting everything.

I have to stay in secret, dont believe me?

protectvoat is a organised brigade verse. That is its entire purpose, just go thru the submissions and see for yourself.

@puttitout this is your builder, a spiteful, spineless, manipulative, director of downvote brigades and over all not a good person.

also did you know madworld stole a verse from me?

Maltherian1 ago

I haven’t been able to access my true account in ages because I forgot my password and the password reset doesn’t work. Only way I’m on is that Voatify automatically logs me in. I’ll never know if I received a warning or not but, I don’t care too much anyways.

Fuckallyoufuckers ago

Could you make it public who all got a warning, just for clarity's sake?

I think it would be amazing if we could correlate these warnings with participants of certain cliques/subverses.

Fateswebb ago

I got one, and I have a single account and don't in a NY way vote manipulate. I vote a single vote for myself when I feel compelled to do so. I do a lot of voting but isn't that my right or even the whole point of the board? It is called voat after all...

So I see mine as a false report as I have never colluded that's ridiculous.

european ago

to a degree the people who try to make pieces of the internet into their playground are the same people that add something to that place.. Whether it be just a mythical bogeyman for others to unite against. SBBH and SDBH have been a constant here for years.

PuttItOut ago

I should make it all public.


We support you Putt! @vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed

Vindicator ago

Yes, please.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Excellent idea.

I ain't got no stinkin' warnings, yet. ;)

Did you?



shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Kinda sucks. Nobody ever bans me, or warns me, nothin'. They just pat me on the head and send me on my merry way.

But there is this one time when @heygeorge doxxed me to everyone on SBBH. Thought I was a goner.

heygeorge ago


zyklon_b ago

halp halp admins admins halp

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Get your hands off my bra.

U said "UNTIE" not UNHOOK

cold hands, too. Brrrr.

ExpertShitposter ago

I'm banning @shewhomustbeobeyed hard as fuck.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm generally not one to complain, but if I'm going to be banned for disappointing Putt, shouldn't the whole site kind of be banned with me? I mean why single me out?


ExpertShitposter ago

we will re ban you for some other crimes another time.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Let me know if you need any evidence, won't you?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Nice to know something about you is hard. I knew those rumors were unfounded.

NiggersPost ago

Yeah you should..But you won't because then you will see that you fucked up and you'll have you admit it then. Bitch.

Fambida ago

You should have already made it public. Global bans that aren't for spam need a far more detailed explanation than "vote manipulation 1" or "vote manipulation -1"

Hand_of_Node ago

  • Voat > Hand_of_Node | Sent: 18 hours ago on 5/25/2019 1:58:39 AM
  • Vote Manipulation Warning
  • Your account has been flagged for vote manipulation. You risk being banned if you continue. This is just a friendly warning. P.S. We know they most likely deserved it!

You should. I want to see where this came from.

capcapcap ago

I do not think it's a good idea to reveal how the algorithms work nor to sentence people for one instance of it flagging them. But at the same time, I think a very awesome solution would be to make it public how often people are flagged. Once and maybe it was just a chance and maybe it doesn't mean anything. Few times and its obvious your activities are very unusual or (obviously) you are not playing fair.

Mittermeyer ago

Judging by mine it is easy to figure out. It doesn't go off of IP or anything accurate. Certain accounts are considered shills, then anyone who both upvoats and gets upvotes by said shill account is considered an alt. I upvotes the porn spammer in ARC and was upvotes by them before. Even though I am the only person in my household that uses Voat and only have one account I was caught up in it because it is a spray and pray strategy.

Fuckallyoufuckers ago

PLEASE. I haven't been the most polite person to have around, assuming I am on the radar at all, but people and their little Game of Thrones-esque political bullshit doesn't satisfy anything but their own egos. Giving people space to operate in such a way is what leads to superusers and powermods.

Voat has entirely too much drama. I've been here for a long, long time despite my Q badge. I came here because I hated Reddit, not because I wanted to make another version of Reddit, complete with petty bullshit and a hivemind. Take my opinion for what it is worth, but this place has been changing, slowly but surely, and not in a good way.

Goys-R-Us ago

I haven't been the most polite person to have around

This from fuckallyoufuckers, lol. I like you.

Locked_Account ago

I thin Voat has just enough drama. This thread and the warnings are awesome. I want a badge that says "BANNED." (But not to be really banned.)

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

The latest bs drama and now this bs is making voat suck.

Vic_V ago

If I had 100 alts upvote this post, could I place you on the naughty list, Putt?

theoldones ago

putt, one of the people you banned tried passing malware over the site 4 days ago.

WhiteRonin ago

Hmm, that’s a pretty low threshold. I wonder if using an IP / device iD is the best method. Some people have spouses who share a physical machine.

PuttItOut ago

Important note: We only analyze voting patterns. No IP at all.

WhiteRonin ago

Something is off then. I’ve been stingy with my votes lately. I used to up vote all replies unless they were completely anal. I guess maybe I’ve given out more down votes than usual.

Fateswebb ago

Definitely something wrong. It's false detecting legit users.

WhiteRonin ago

Not according to Putt:

No, I didn't make a mistake that hasn't already been fixed. If you got a warning you got one for a reason. There was no mistakes on warnings.


I was saying that he should have been careful with new features in code. His reply is not about code problems.

Octocopter ago

How does this apply to spammers by the way?

WhiteRonin ago

Only if they up vote themselves. Could be a bit more to it though.

Octocopter ago

Each spamming content and then upvoting each other, I think that is what Dortex was involved in. Though I did jump up a decent number of ccp when some of them got banned.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

How does your script determine if someone is manipulating votes? Not asking for a friend, I just don't want to end up on the naughty list by using Voat in a weird way that makes the script flag me for whatever reason.

McFluffy ago

you know, in the IT world they never give out how something works specifically, if they did a "hacker" could tip toe their way around and avoid it.

even if you are 100% innocent in your question and dont want to end up on the naughty list, someone else could be reading the reply and use that information.

if you are that concerned about it you probably arnt anything to worry about.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I know this. Infosec is a huge priority in my current job. Never hurts to ask though. If putts is willing to give up the information, I assume he understands the risks if there are any.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

you know, in the IT world they never give out how something works specifically, if they did a "hacker" could tip toe their way around and avoid it.

Except, strangely enough, in cryptography, where everyone acknowledges that obscurity doesn't work against determined experts and leads to a false sense of security and lack of scrutiny.

McFluffy ago

well i guess that makes sense.

tbh, my reference is usually to ban automation behaviors like bottling in games.

WordCorrector ago

Obscurity is still a useful layer to have in security. Ideally, a secure system will be bullet proof enough that you can provide a pen tester with exactly how the system works without compromising security.

Look up the Vernam one-time pad cipher.

Goys-R-Us ago

If your security is bullet proof, obscurity adds nothing to the equation.

Show me bullet proof security on an IT system and I'll show you a powered off computer in a Fort Knox vault.

WordCorrector ago

If a turned off computer in a Fort Knox vault is still connected to the internet then there are ways to turn it on remotely, but I get the point you're making.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Obscurity is still a useful layer to have in security

Yeah I agree -- contrary to a lot of retards in the tech industry who take the message of not using " obscurity" too literally. It can still be useful.

Look up the Vernam one-time pad cipher

lol, that's literally Crypto 101 level stuff. That's like telling someone "go look up the alphabet and the times table".

Locked_Account ago

Oh, obscurity isn't part of cryptography? Post your private key please.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

That's just disingenuous and not what "obscurity" is understood to mean in this context. At least not by anyone competent.

Locked_Account ago

Not disingenuous, I have seen many hur-hur-ing half-wits blurt out that line and disrespect secreting the secret properly, that I insist the correct line is, "Security through ONLY obscurity is not security." And that line is not nearly as fun a song lyric for their fat lazy asses to sing.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

If you actually have a conversion with someone, it becomes obvious pretty fast if they're a clueless charlatan or not. You don't have to assume it up front and derail every conversation by telling them "HAHAHA JUST CHECKING YOU'RE NOT A RETARD".

Locked_Account ago

Damn near everybody is "short" to Yao Ming.
....You're right, that was pretty fast. ;-)

kjlashas893890 ago

he full of shit, When dial got banned 15 accounts were touched....

I had 30+ randoms with 100s of ccp ccp given out, untouched. you tell me?


ChaosCrusader ago

What the fuck are you even trying to say? It sounds like you are the one full of shit.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Keeping 15 alt accounts and using them to vote on the same things? That's vote manipulation, dude.

349023095sdfl ago

they were used to combat vote manipulation downvoat brigades, @kevdude whined to putt to get me bann because he use his goon squad to not only down @dial_indicator but others. Anything organic I left alone.

Its not hard to tell when it a brigade -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 on a nightly basis from kevdud, I could set my watch to it.... I think I already reply to you about this.

kevnigger would also go after my submissions.

Keeping 15 alt accounts and using them to vote on the same things?

I think I done a total of three times, its was just a songs. @puttitout and (the builder) @kevdude never provides any proof... I might as well sit here and call them pedohiles.

puttitout still has never done or reach to tell me who was downvoting me. but he will call 3.9 year old sleeper alt "a builder... with only 8 submissions and a comment history of only 2 pages..... dont you find that od?

Dial on average would see 60 sometimes more replies and mentions per night. lmao.... last I looked dial had only 2k ccp and downvotes are being removed.

WhiteRonin ago

Do not use an alt to upvoat yourself. If you do, use a different VPN connection ;-)

albatrosv15 ago

Ah, professional here.

pathlesstrod ago

Nah, professional is having various sockpuppet accounts via VPN that say belligerent strawman statements to your main account. Then your main account easily defeats those responses with moron logic. Folks eat that shit up and they become your upgoat farm for your main without you doing hardly anything.

That's what I found works effectively. This is JDIF tactics 101.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Oh damn that's a good one

pathlesstrod ago


zyklon_b ago

do what?

pathlesstrod ago

Do what I say and all shall be forgiven. Shalom.

Goys-R-Us ago

That's what I found works effectively.

Sounds like an admission of guilt.

pathlesstrod ago

This is JDIF tactics 101.

This part eluded you?

Goys-R-Us ago

It's JIDF not JDIF. Carry on Moshe.

pathlesstrod ago

That's JIDF tactic 301. Say you are JDIF. Glad to see you took that class.

Goys-R-Us ago

Good one, I laughed.

offender ago

Wow most of us don't even need to read those manuals. You must be pretty dull.

- Levi

pathlesstrod ago

There are international bankers jews, and then there is me. I am merely a foot soldier. Meaning I don't fight, I just get US goyim to fight for us. I was awarded an Israeli medal of honor for getting 300+ US marines to die for our cause. I am very proud of it. What I don't understand is that the medal keeps dripping blood.

White_pride_cis ago

@oh_well_ian was saying the same thing. He said that he has a script that he uses, and if you’re caught, you just call everyone a shill

pathlesstrod ago

Scripting is beyond us yenta jews. Us jew women know our place and stay at home (yet still be spicy on the_donald). We leave the power jew level authority to the men.

Killeratlarge ago

shut up alt farmer

pathlesstrod ago

I actually wish I was a real life farmer. I would grow Mazel Tovs, Bar Mitzvahs, Bat Mitzvahs, and a few crucified Jesus' here and there.

Killeratlarge ago

Money grows off of jews

pathlesstrod ago

We need it to grow off non-jews.

Someone on this site said something about starting a mens' club in their respective areas. I think we need to start a non-jew club. Maybe call it the Crusaders or something like that. Or is that too cheesy?

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Oh, okay. That shouldn't be a problem for me. Why do you know this?

totes_magotes ago

And if you're flagging accounts for normal activities ("pretty easily"), that's your fuckin' problem. Don't make it ours.

PuttItOut ago

No, you're wrong. If you even show up at all you're being abusive.

Fateswebb ago

Whaaaa? I disagree bro, I was in no way "abusive" yet I got a message today about being flagged for vote manipulation. I have a single account and have no in any way colluded. It's a false detect. I'm 100 percent innocent. What has caused it to flag me like this please? How am I to avoid it happening again if I have done nothing not able to cause it?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @RM-Goetbbels.

Posted automatically (#42192) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @RM-Goetbbels.

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NiggersPost ago

Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me. I used to have much respect for you. Now you're a complete pussy ass faggot.

totes_magotes ago

What, that's it? You're gonna bail out of a conversation spawned by your flawed system after falsely accusing a bunch of people of shit? Fuck you, where I come from, that's abusive behavior. I'm done with your bullshit, I'm done with this site. Fuck off.

Goys-R-Us ago

I've had disagreements with you in the past but I get your frustration.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Where ya gonna go little bebby?

Got a spot saved for you at Eddit???

Mittermeyer ago

So vague rules that are not explained? How did I supposedly do vote manipulation. Was it the one day of posting monstergirl porn on QRV just for the fun of it?

Goys-R-Us ago

I think Kafka wrote about this. Downvoat me goats, I used a jew author in a post.

Hysterical ago

The rules aren't vague. Vote manipulation isn't tolerated. He was pretty clear about the warnings being given out to people doing it but on a smaller scale than those banned.

So unless you were posting that stuff and upvoating it from multiple accounts it has nothing to do with the porn posting.

Mittermeyer ago

I only have the one account, and no one else in my household uses Voat. That's why I asked if that was the reason.

Fateswebb ago

Bro absolutely, me too, long time legit single account user being accused of vote manipulation falsly. I was cool with it as a false detect but based on the statement above put doesn't believe that happens We're guilty without even being told the evidence against us. This hurts since I spend hours every single day on this board.

Goys-R-Us ago

This hurts since I spend hours every single day on this board.

You and me both brother. It might be a sign I need to change my life.

Mittermeyer ago

I know I upvoted the porn spammer when I posted the Monstergirl porn for the fun of it because the Qfags were asking for censorship of all of Voat, but there is 0 chance we came from anywhere near the same account or IP. The only way I would be caught up in this is through that, which would mean anyone who upvoated the spammer would be considered an alt account regardless of the fact there is no actual evidence to support it.

totes_magotes ago

So now you're lying? Maybe you're just confused? Saying it's easy to show up one minute and that you have to be abusive the next.

Get your head out of your ass.

18810382? ago

Triggered SBBHers everywhere I look. :D Love it!

WhiteRonin ago


But you do realize if you have a spouse on the same IP and they up your content you will be affected, don’t you?

Fateswebb ago

Bro I don't know a single person irl that uses voat. So that's definitely not the case for my false detect.

Goys-R-Us ago

Anyone not using a VPN is an idiot. That is all.

WhiteRonin ago

Putt said he doesn’t save IPs then recommends VPN:

Old db scheme saved IPs

european ago

This seems like a valid concern , which also could be abused. The most realistic thing would be to avoid upvoating said spouse's comments and submissions.

WhiteRonin ago

There are more concerns than this. Putts replies are not congruent.

capcapcap ago

That would happen. So which is a more reasonable scenario in order to try to prevent vote manipulation:

1) Ignore obvious patterns of voting from the same ip address because it "might" be the spouse or one of the many spouses a person has.

2) Do not fucking upvote your spouses posts for this fucking OBVIOUS reason.

I know there are no perfect solutions and every voting prevention can be avoided if one does his homework. But still, can you please not ask us to lower the standards and maybe ask/beg your wifeS to stop upvoting your posts in order for you not to be "needlessly" flagged ?

WhiteRonin ago

Something is still strange.

Why is Putt shilling VPN like X22?

Fateswebb ago

How many people even have spouses on voat? 😂 Seems so unlikely a scenario.

kjlashas893890 ago

also running a vpn multiple people could be on the same IP, so it cant go off that. He gets a list of people

european ago

IP alongside other data sent by the browser

18811443? ago

Thanks for this sweet thread, and thanks for taking me along on your above fishing expedition, albeit unsuccessful. I bet we will catch something next time. ;)

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

What exactly counts as "abusive" and "vote manipulation"? Is it possible the script has bugs or flawed logic?

Fateswebb ago

It definitely has bugs, it false detected me. Period. I am a long time user and do nothing but use the forum as intended.

FridayJones ago


kjlashas893890 ago

the goon squad

TestForScience ago

There's no way he's going to openly discuss the algorithm, dude.
He'd be handing out the playbook for the spammers/manipulators.

european ago

This is perhaps one of the factors that led reddit to first fuzz and then remove upvote and downvote counts . Removing the downvote statistics were kind of a final straw for many seeing it as blatant censorship. perhaps as site's grow they invariably have to make tough decisions based on a number of factors and keeping certain things obscured comes with that territory.

Yogus ago

Fuck off with the security through obscurity ideology. You can have an open policy for these things and still keep them effective.

Locked_Account ago

You have internalized a sound bite. Obscurity is a vital component of security.

Durm ago

Ok so that's my answer. Re:

I'd like to see it.

CitizenFour ago

Fuck you nigger

Durm ago

Does that mean with respect to your script as a whole that I did do something, but maybe two months ago?

WhiteRonin ago

It means you have an alt and got busted for at least 1 up voat to yourself and 1 down voat to some asshole.

@puttitout am I wrong?

Fateswebb ago

Definitely you're wrong. It detected me and I have only one account. Period.

WhiteRonin ago

Not according to Putt:

No, I didn't make a mistake that hasn't already been fixed. If you got a warning you got one for a reason. There was no mistakes on warnings.


I was saying that he should have been careful with new features in code. His reply is not about code problems.

PuttItOut ago

Yes you are. You'd have to try at least.

PuttItOut ago

Yes. The last time we did manipulation bans was end of March, so this run covered that point forward.

NiggerVirus ago

Are we not supposed to have more than one account? I do but everyone knows and I don't hide it. I suffer from multiple personality disorder and each of my personalities needs their own account for this to work. I sure as hell don't manipulate anything though.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

You know they know if you ever up voted one of your alts posts, right? Unless you roll your VPN every time you switch accounts.

WhiteRonin ago

Well, that screws with spouses sharing an IP. I thought you’d be tracking device IDs which wouldn’t account for edge cases of spouses sharing a physical machine ... hmmm

Fateswebb ago

I got detected and I have no person I know in real live that even knows what voat is. I have a single account. Certainly it's rare a spouse also uses voat but I agree it should be considered as long as they're not clearly colluding.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I'm starting to think this might have more to do with downvoting multiple posts of the same author. As in systematic downvoting. Just a thought.

WhiteRonin ago

Oops, half you and half him.

It could be but it looks like an alt farming prevention check. The threshold is stupidity low though.

Durm ago

For reference, I have no alts and no VPN, and always form the same locations, for the entire time I've been here.

I'm just saying this if it helps demystify, at least partly, what's going on for anyone else.

Fateswebb ago

Me, apparently if you argue with the same idiot for too long on the same comment thread you can be FALSELY DETECTED as a vote manipulator. Complete hogwash. Someone isn't thinking things through properly.

NiggerVirus ago

Of course I'm not stupid

Durm ago

So I did something you considered manipulation.

PuttItOut ago

I don't consider it manipulation, it is manipulation. You don't ever show up on this report unless you are targeting another inorganically.

Warnings are used when one or more metrics don't absolutely confirm manipulation, i.e. maybe there was a long convo people had and they hated each other for days of back and forth arguing.

WhiteRonin ago

The like I have said your algorithm is off even though said it isn’t. Too many here are saying things are not adding up. Lots of alt holding denying so this explanation doesn’t work.

Low threshold of 1: you gotta be minding me right?

Hardly any voting against other users doesn’t match what you just said.

And you claim your code is clean. God, I wish everyone I work with can make this very same claim and I don’t see you holding jobs that included Apple and Intel. Sorry, but programmers make mistakes. Shit happens. Everyone knows this.

Dortex ago

For the record: What's your first language?

WhiteRonin ago


Dortex ago

Fine. Don't tell me. :(

WhiteRonin ago

English but I’m not that good at it ;-)

WhiteRonin ago

I speak goat my friend!

Fateswebb ago

This is not true. I have absolutely never "manipulated" votes short of clicking the little up arrow and as such adding a single vote. You have false detects bud, it's not cool to say we "vote manipulated" when we did no such thing EVER. Check your scripts it's false flagging people. Not cool.

Goys-R-Us ago

Warnings are used when one or more metrics don't absolutely confirm manipulation, i.e. maybe there was a long convo people had and they hated each other for days of back and forth arguing.

How is that even close to manipulation? Is there something else there or are you just against people vehemently arguing and shitposting back and forth? Honestly the more I read the more confusing it gets.

Fateswebb ago

Hahaha so this was why I was flagged? FOR USING VOAT? give me a f**in break man.. so what if you have a long ass argument with some shill on a comment thread? WHAT THE HECK IS THIS PLACE EVEN FOR IF NOT ARGUING WITH BONEHEADS? 🙄 voat is quickly losing it's value.

WhiteRonin ago

Not exactly. I haven’t been down voting many people even my favorite assholes as much as I used to.

NeedleStack ago

Warnings are used when one or more metrics don't absolutely confirm manipulation, i.e. maybe there was a long convo people had and they hated each other for days of back and forth arguing.

Then you have a terribly-made metric on your hands because arguments like that happen on voat often and those users don't warrant getting caught up in the dragnet.

Goys-R-Us ago

Thanks NeedleStack. I caught that hypocrisy as well. Who gives a shit if people argue on voat? My guess is the new investor that wants a publicly presentable website, i.e. PC.

kjlashas893890 ago

notice he says inorganically.... So lets say I ask 5 friends...hell lets say just 3 to downvoat a user comments section. Totally organic right? @puttitout

Oh wait that happened to me.

you think I liked waking up early and spend 30 minutes offsetting the nightly brigades

I've watch accounts flat just leave the site from it.... does that not constitute abuse?

Do YOU putt have ANY FUCKING idea how many accounts I have lost due to downvoat brigades???????????

fuck off you liar, selective enforcement

needle, hi its nice to hear from you


Fateswebb ago

I have never asked or even talked to another user about up or downvoting together false detect... Right here. How many shills we're false detected or banned? Or is it only legit users being tagged?

WhiteRonin ago


So, I’m gonna get pegged again because I just upvoated @andrew_jackson when I normally down vote that ass. This would be inorganic interaction. Lol!

I will not up vote @tallest_skil

Fateswebb ago

TS is even a legit account though.. not that I agree with him, but he is legit.

Tallest_Skil ago

Why would anyone care what a rice cooker does?

WhiteRonin ago

Fine, I pinged you and you get this one for free today.

PuttItOut ago

Needles you never resist punching do you?

It's pretty complicated, and with any statistical outcome there is always a margin of error. You know this right?

NeedleStack ago

I gave a valid criticism to the metric and you in turn make a personal insult and then further patronize me. Nice.

Yeah, there is a margin of error and because of that, there should be no action taken toward people's accounts but a flag on your end to further investigate.

Users are going to get their longtime accounts banned because of this bad algorithm and that is serious.

Stop running the algorithm until it's sorted out. I know that downvoat or upvoat brigades are a problem but don't see the overall benefit of this project.

Why not scrap the project altogether and focus all these energies on combatting spam? The reporting method in v/ReportSpammers seems to work well enough.

Fateswebb ago

This, and that's what I'm worried about. I don't mind getting flagged if they're willing to use it as a opportunity to fix the script that's flagging legit users rather than just go... Nope the script is perfect and you must have been doing something..

Dortex ago

In one post, it's perfect and Putt already fixed any mistakes he made himself. Here he tells us there's a margin of error. Meanwhile u/theoldones begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it. Also u/TruthDefender is his alt. He likes to use it to sniff his own farts. Does he get banned? No.

theoldones ago

@Cynabuns spam here

Fateswebb ago

All I know is I don't have an alt, and I don't colluded with others to vote a certain way so I'm innocent of "vote manipulation" if all you do is vote for your own sole self on your own sole account how could that be vote manipulation? That's just "vote" as in you voted...


Dortex ago

You can't vote for yourself at all. The closest you come to that is the automatic +1 you get when you make a post. Comments, on the other hand, you can't vote up at all.

Fateswebb ago

Yeah I've accidently hit that button and it undoes itself immediately .

BushChuck ago

I didn't get flagged.

Gottmituns ago

What constitutes "inorganic" activity? Now, upvoting bots and brigading is one thing, but what if everything someone says pisses you off? For example, savethechildren, just about everything he said he was aggressively wrong, eventually I'd just immediately downvote his posts when I noticed one of many alts made it. There was once or twice where the post wasnt shit, and I didnt downvote it, but it happened rarely. Is that inorganic? Or does it require an organized effort to downvote someone?

Durm ago

I don't consider it manipulation, it is manipulation.

Warnings are used when one or more metrics don't absolutely confirm manipulation,

Reconcile these two statements.

Fateswebb ago

Dude it's simply not true. The script is flagging innocent users. END OF STORY. I am one. I am the only person that logs on from my location, and have only one account. I don't ever collude in voting in any way with other users, and absolutely never have. So all I do is use the forum as intended, yet I have been flagged but this script that putitout believes is perfect and it's not possible to have false detects. Well I can tell you it absolutely does have false detects. Very uncool that the admind seems to think it's perfect and could not possibly falsly accuse.

PuttItOut ago

10 metrics, 8 fully positive flags, 2 questionable. Just an example.

Durm ago


Jeww ago

You’re pretty much talking directly to ZOG at this point man. It’s obvious a crack down is coming. He won’t tell us who funds vote or which government agency contacted him and what the results of that communication was.

If laws were broken, don’t you think he’d want us to specifically know what the incidence was so we would not do it again? He never provided examples because the goal is to chill speech.

Durm ago

He doesn't want tot tell us what the metrics are concretely because he doesn't want people to game the system. However quite a few "normal" people are going to get super pissed when they come on voat tomorrow and not understand what's going on.

Goys-R-Us ago

IDK man, I see a lot of people professing innocence that I believe.

WhiteRonin ago

That is the concern of mine at the moment. A programming mistake is forgivable when a notice is displayed. I would have spammed everyone saying “oops, my bad” and made a joke out of it.

The metrics, I wouldn’t say for the exact reason you mentioned. Gotta keep that shit secret.

However, this reporting system can be triggered I bet by spouses sharing a machine. Or possibly the same IP. I could be wrong but I doubt I’m that far off.

Fateswebb ago

Dude I don't even have a spouse, just me on one account, I know nobody irl that uses voat at all. Just one lone gunman, and one account. Period the end. I also never use on public WiFi I use on two of my own phones usually, sometimes on my PC. I have been falsely flagged by this script. Sad since I use this site daily for hours a day, and now am very discouraged by being falsely accused by what I despise and have even tried to fight against. Falsely accused like trump dude.

Boyakasha ago

I got banned a while back. I messaged Putt and he restored the account. Took less than a day.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Good plan. Systematically ban random accounts and if they bitch, restore the account.

AChinkInTheArmour ago

I found it really funny that someone would assume I give enough of a shit about the internet, or voting in general, to "manipulate" it. Only shit I've manipulated has been the up and down arrows the web designer gave me.

Whatever, Law of Creeping Connected Crap - anything plugged into a network slowly morphs into densely packed excrement.

Croat_Goat ago

This is the account I made for my father. I'm hijacking it temporarily. My account is now globally banned. I have one account. Literally one, nearly 4 years old. What in the fuck? @voat @puttitout @peaceseeker

PuttItOut ago

PM me the account name and I'll look into it.

Croat_Goat ago

For anyone interested, putt hit me up quickly with some back and forth. I'm not part of some organized brigade. You guys know I'm just an asshole, but I'm your asshole.

CobraStallone ago

That time Putt first banned a buncha people for vote manipulation a guy said "hey I didn't do shit" and they restored his full account or whatever. So if you are not guilty just appeal and hang in there, I imagine there's a way to sort it out.

WhiteRonin ago

Coincidences and bad dev practices do happen. I totally get what a fuck up can do for customers. I’ve apologized enough in my life. Still fuck up though :-) but have learned to lessen those problems from getting out into the Wild.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I dindu nuffin!

CobraStallone ago

"He a good goat and he wuz gunna go to college."

Anam ago

How else he gonna get his upboats?

Derpfroot ago

Serious. Bunch of drama queens freaking the "we're being tracked! Putt's literally a Rothschild!" If everyone is being tracked, then no one is being tracked. We fall in with all the other noise out there. We aren't special here.

WhiteRonin ago

All comments and posts are associate with an ID. So are anon posts/comments. This does not indicate tracking just a program necessity. Well, anon could go full retard anon but then you won’t have notifications for responses. It’s a trade off.

However, this email does indicate a feature is being built to target brigading. Putts mistake is testing this out on a product server and not on his Dev server. A local machine probably worked fine.

Hysterical ago

Except that there was no problem other than the warnings given out being about shit up to two months ago. You're purposely spamming this thread with disinformation to play damage control.

You're a lying kike.

WhiteRonin ago

Damage control for Putt? Oh fuck lord no!

For me? I give a fuck. Really I don’t. I can use time that used here on better things. Also, less content for Putt hurts his margins. We are creating value for him in exchange for using this site.

Critical thinking helps! Try it!

Hysterical ago

You could give a fuck enough to make a dozen or so posts lying and twisting what Putt said...

Bullshit artist, and you're not a very good one.

WhiteRonin ago

Nice way of twisting shit around.

Putt commented on his own. It’s up to people to do their own interpretation of his words and other peoples take on those words.

I don’t need to bull shit.

Hysterical ago

You don't need to, and yet you made what at least a dozen posts in here trying to convince people that Putt made a mistake like he did a couple months ago.

WhiteRonin ago

A dozen posts?

Prove it.

I made just this one post.

Hysterical ago

And shit like this is why you glow in the dark. You know what I meant.

You don't need to, and yet you made what at least a dozen posts in here

I have accused you several times of spamming this thread with damage control.

Then I say posts instead of comment, even while providing enough context with the "in here" addition to make it pretty obvious what I mean, on top of being consistent with my other accusations.

So good job playing semantics and ignoring my actual points. You know when someone responds correcting your grammar that they don't have a fucking leg to stand on intellectually.

Putt did not apologize to you. He doubled down and said you fucking deserved the warning.

Hopefully he'll just ban you sacks of shit next time.

WhiteRonin ago

So what’s you original alt dude. Come clean.

You be talking about me dissing Putt and saying I deserve it but you are an alt.

Damage control: define it

Your points? Lol, liberal accusations are talking points. Quote me and then I’ll discuss them with you.

Hysterical ago

This is genuinely my main account, right now anyway. I cycle through accounts roughly every three months. I spend a lot of time on 8ch and have never been all that sentimental about namefagging.

My original account was @InHysterics

WhiteRonin ago

So, what am I dissing Putt about?

I said that he made a programming mistake: he said he didn’t.

Others said it was IP based, he said to cycle a VPN (which changes IPs) but then says he doesn’t record IPs. Original voat code uses IPs. The code was on github.

I asked for a definition of Vote manipulation and I get no answer.

Others have claimed they didn’t use alts. You have one.

I claimed the vote manipulation threshold is too low: 1 alt upvoting 1 main. I take it you have never helped your new accounts have ya?

I don’t call others to brigade and ignore calls to me. I have my own fights and not enough time to have new ones. I have even cut my time on voat. I comment way less than I used to. I even only posts new content sporadically.

I didn’t bring up that anon content is tied to your account and that there could be an admin interface. Running a few sql quarries can do the same. So, if I were Putt or the other(s) who have access to the db could easily find out who is posting in admin. It’s really simple!

I said that Putt should have sent out another notification run (mass notification) or sticky a post saying, “oops! I fucked up.”. He said he didn’t fuck up. So, the threshold or somebody is viewing anon posts.

Inorganic voting. Well gee, I’ve cut back on up cotes and down votes. Down voting in anon is retard like upvoting - points don’t carry over. I guess there is a bit of checking for posting in anon so there is probably a record of votes going on. I guess by his claim that a spat with down votes happening means it’s organic. That’s some pretty good AI running if he didn’t fuck up. But what’s Ai? It’s an algorithm that checks against votes, posts, and comments and their locations. Maybe even checking content for pings. Maybe the AI is checking for too many pings to a user. I could be ping a friend on cool content or I could be ping an asshole I don’t like. So, if it’s an asshole I don’t like why would it know if it wasn’t a friend? Ah! Maybe there is a list of users that get special treatment! Did I bring this up? Nope, not until now.

Didn’t I triggered by the Pm? Nope, but I did want to know what is up. Did I like Putts vague and conflicting answers? Nope, I do not.

Why am I still here? Not sure really.

Did I miss any topics that you consider damage control?

Originally, I started on the side that Putt fucked up in code. After reading all these comments I no longer hold that position because Putt clearly said he didn’t fuck up.

I have been thinking about code functionality a lot since then though and figured a few things out. We might have code doing things differently but the end result will be close. It’s no rocket science.

Anyways, please feel free to correct me.

Hysterical ago

I take it you have never helped your new accounts have ya?

I honestly haven't. I thought about it at one point but figured it would get flagged unless I put a bit of effort in and I just wasn't that dedicated I guess?

I can agree about the threshold and it sort of sounds like Putt does as well from his posts today.

Regarding Putt saying it's not ips, he could easily just be trying to throw people off so the system can't be gained. I don't think he owes us a I'm depth explanation on how it works but I recognize that that is my personal opinion and not something that should be set in stone.

Originally, I started on the side that Putt fucked up in code. After reading all these comments I no longer hold that position because Putt clearly said he didn’t fuck up.

After hearing you say this and some other things you said in this post, maybe I was wrong about you. I can't say for certain, and that's the crux of it.

The age of disinformation.

WhiteRonin ago

Reread the whole thread. I did start saying something is up. Somebody said that when Putt comes on Euro time the stickies would disappear. They did. That same person is saying other stuff too. Voat has admins and we don’t know who they all are.

Like you said, and I agree, Putt doesn’t need to give out algorithm or admin specifics. But imagine if an admin had an ax to grind ... that is the gist me and others are wondering.

Putt is running cookies and sessions so that you can’t blantantly run alts and game yourself on the same browser. He is checking IPs. I have 1 alt. It always a lurker. I gave it a few up votes to get it going. I also upped a few posts that were being sent Major negative. I just talked to somebody who has done the same for years - he never got a warning or a ban. He has way more than 1 alt. But he isn’t anybody that is on the shit list.

Do I cause problems? Sure, always on this account. My other account I keep as a lurker and a safety in case I decide to burn this one. I have exposed lots of info about me over the years. However, dark web scanning is a thing and I might need to burn this for what ever reason. lol be admitted to being alts that aren’t mine. It’s fun to screw with people.

So, being somebody who understands how to code, how to run db queries and understands user interaction I am aware of voting habits and actions I’ve done here. My up voting my content is just 1-1 threshold. I haven’t even down voted people I don’t like in ages. It was petty but ... meh, shit happens.

I really don’t even want a clear explanation anymore about vote manipulation. I realize that his code is either not working as expected or something human is happening.

Still, read the thread. I basically remember what I wrote and how my comments changed over the period while I was reading, looking at Putt’s answers and what others were saying. My opinion moved negatively. But originally, I was on the side of code fuck up.

Nobody is certain about what is happening on the software and humanware backend. Except for those who have access to backend.

Hysterical ago

Im tired, but it's possible that I was reading your comments out of order essentially and getting a different impression because of that. I'm still not sure either way but I'm not going to keep pushing when really I have my own concerns about the site as well.

You Soapbox cunts do fuck around a lot though.

WhiteRonin ago

I kept most of my shit to the boys at the time. I ain’t going back since I’ve been banned this last time.

Putt comments a lot in the box.

Hysterical ago

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if i was to think about how to invade and subvert a website it would be damn near exactly what Soapbox is. Humor is one of the most powerful tools for manipulation. The role of the jester is not to be underestimated.

They use a dragnet to bring people in. I'm not saying the whole community is literally jidf. Id say it's maybe even just one person but likely a small group organized off site using several accounts each and then they spam out moderation invites and other forms of soft recruiting. They have a cover, it's just shit posting guysss. Quite the guise. It brings people in and gives them a veil of legitimacy and frankly and army of supporters that will defend them.

Can you honestly come up with a better way to influence and manipulate a website?

WhiteRonin ago

I tend to agree with you.

What would say if SBBH is a protected entity by the highest among highest in regards to this site. Because they comment there. Nobody seems to notice that he does quite often.

What you say if the lord almighty has an alt? Such a vile thing to have. And what would say that alt is the owner of SBBH?

Can this be proven? Only, if they admit it. However, over a few years, things slip out and those pesky SBBH’ers catch on yet keep it to themselves. Why not! It’s nice to be a special class and have relative immunity.

Yes, I’ve been there on and off. No, I didn’t play their parlor games. I had my own thing to do.

Even though, I agree with you, this simple (several users have the same thoughts) problem above exists.

Now, you have a problem with the creator. He is getting angel funds. I have an extreme suspicion that this a new round of funds that are tied to metrics. I defended the first 2 rounds. However, something has changed, new expectations exist and thus when a feud breaks out between a minor member yet famous with a member who manages 15-20k users ... guess gets who rolled! A deep fake nude of Ivanka in a bathtub sets off a war beyond expectations. People getting thrown under the bus for the possibly the biggest and most active sub on voat. Nobody is clean - grey areas abound. One builder is actively participated in a dox. If they did one, why not more?

Which builders have access to the admin panel? I’ve got some good guesses going on. Maybe I’m wrong but something isn’t setting right with me.

I used to be a huge protector of voat, vanguard marine who dumped on reddit migrants. Today ... I am wondering how much coolaid I drank.

virge ago

Digging your grave deeper I see.

WhiteRonin ago

Another threat?

virge ago

You want to see Voat destroyed. No further comment is necessary. It's inevitable that your name will be added to the ban list and you'll be back on some new shit alt with your jew tactics. Nothing complicated, it's what you're paid for.

WhiteRonin ago

How much do you get paid? I’ll switch! Because I ain’t getting shit to call you out!

virge ago

Notice how you always ignore the accusation and change the subject to a personal insult.

Just like a Jew. Reality is your weakness because it is the light to your subversion darkness.

WhiteRonin ago

Ok, prove me wrong!

I double triple dare you!

You provide zero sauce bitch!

Don’t back out because I want to archive all this so you can’t delete your liberal threats and attacks!

WhiteRonin ago

More liberal Jew tactics.

You suck at this!

virge ago

Not even denying you want to see Voat destroyed. You think you should be in charge because you are a power-tripping Reddit-tier egomaniac parasite.

WhiteRonin ago

Deny what?

More liberal accusations and threats?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ideasforvoat comment by @Hysterical.

Posted automatically (#43342) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

andrew_jackson ago

CitizenFour ago

I bet putt is downvoating you with his alts while lubing his butthole for his daily anal pounding

Hysterical ago

You're an obvious sock puppet account responding to yet another Soapboxbanhammer groupie. You people are glow in the fucking dark. A good portion of the community has accused your lot of precisely what the website owner is now punishing you for.

Countryboyseein ago

Not sure I'm experienceing. What you are.... but, I've noticed many of my comments go unnoticed until someone does, then they go back and down vote every comment I've ever made. Assuming that's mere coincidence.. I really don't care

Hysterical ago

That's the sort of stuff they're warning people for. Then those people try and act like it never happened. Id bet almost every user here has experienced a mass downvoat at some point or another.

Pay attention to the users complaining. They're practically 100% Soapboxbanhammer users or sock puppet accounts.

andrew_jackson ago

Right, but is that vote manipulation, or does someone merely dislike you? To me few things could be more intrinsic to free speech than to downvote material from a person that you don't like.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

It's vote manipulation. They probably also dislike him. I don't think an account has really got going until I have at least one downvote stalker and to be honest I'm disappointed this account doesn't have one.

captainstrange ago

theres your downvote.

Countryboyseein ago

Im sure many dislike me, but the act of going back before you ever knew my name, seems a little vindictive

WhiteRonin ago

I haven’t paid attention to that yet. I will now. I’ve got enough points to be brigades daily for a few weeks.

SeanBox ago

I caught it too.

WhiteRonin ago

Hmmm, I’m benned from SBBH again since I haven’t posted in ages. But this is like a witch hunt ... payback for Q drama?

Mittermeyer ago

I could buy that. I got a warning for upvoating the porn spammer in QRV.

WhiteRonin ago

Some of these bans were hand done.

Mittermeyer ago

Some are also more recent than others. My inbox had 6 replies and half of them say they were deleted, and not removed by the user.

WhiteRonin ago

Data is never really deleted ... just soft deleted which blocks the application from accessing it.

Database still has it ...

Mittermeyer ago

I meant that it shows there was more censorship from above. It shows different things when someone tries to delete their own post.

WhiteRonin ago

Ah, I see. Thanks!

SeanBox ago

idk exactly. our voat angel hasn't been identified. I'm waiting on a response from putts before passing judgment. I know I only run one account.

Hysterical ago

And yet it's almost strictly Soapbox accounts getting these warnings? And a good portion of the community has accused your lot of exactly what the website owner is now punishing you for, and you have the audacity to lie through your teeth still?

Find a new website to fuck with.

SeanBox ago

1 month old account. Mmmk, sanegoat

Hysterical ago

And does my account age change Putt stating that if you got a warning it was for a reason?

You kikes have been shitting this place up for ages.

SeanBox ago

Actually putt stated a bot screwed up and sent warnings to everyone.

Hysterical ago

Did you seriously just use a two month old screen cap to try and imply it just happened?

Kill. Yourself.

SeanBox ago

I didn’t try and imply it just happened. This screenshot is infamous.

Hysterical ago

And yet completely irrelevant to the conversation at hand. Putt responded here. He explained that there wasn't even really an issue, but that if you got a warning it might have been a belated one. He understood why people might be confused if they received a warning but hadn't done anything wrong in several weeks. However you fucking kikes have spammed this thread with attempts to correlate that screenshot and what happened then with what is happening now, to the point that Putt had to go back and edit his post to clarify that you fucking niggers do deserve the warnings.

Give me an actual response to what I've said here, don't shift the goal posts. Don't change subjects. Don't bring up other irrelevant shit. You are intentionally trying to correlate something that happened months ago with this incident in an attempt to appear innocent when you're clearly not.

SeanBox ago

"Give me an actual response to what I've said here, don't shift the goal posts"... u didnt ask a question.

Dial was the first one banned for voat manipulation when he received the voat manipulator badge. No amount of switching alts will ever change that. fucking sanegoat.

Hysterical ago

You haven't responded to a single thing I've actually said. Not a single damn thing. You're not communicating, you're talking at me. You're trying to save face. You can't counter any of my accusations so instead you call me Sanegoat?

You can respond to what people say without there being a question being asked. Are you illiterate or something? I mean honestly. I accused you of several things. You can easily respond to the accusations.

Or you can shift the goalposts and accuse everyone that disagrees with you of being Sanegoat, like a child.

SeanBox ago

read the second sentence dumb fuck.

Hysterical ago

Yet another non response. I'm reading your bullshit, I've made it very clear I'm reading your comments by replying to specifics.

Do you have any other tricks up your sleeve? How much of your manipulative bullshit do i have to shine a light on before you're cornered into actually communicating with me like a fucking human being?

SeanBox ago

you glow in the dark, fuckboy. I don't have to respond to a bitch ass thing you said. I know who you are and that's enough for me. if you got a problem with me telling other people who you are maybe you should be someone other than yourself...or just go kill y0ourself. I don't actually care.

Hysterical ago

Yeah you're rattled. You're not refusing to respond, you're incapable. You're an intellectual coward.

I can't even imagine how crazy someone had to be to genuinely believe that everyone who disagrees with them on the internet is the same person.

Dial was a incoherent sperge and Sane was... well Sane was Sane. You haven't even explained why you think that either, it's strictly that someone dares question you.

And Fuck boy? Really? What the fuck bud, are you a thirteen year old girl or something? Why is fuck boy even in your vocabulary. Do you have no self respect, using hipster feminist slang?

Yeah clearly I'm the glow in the dark one.

Carry on with your bullshit and enjoy having your account banned. Putt has had enough of your groups manipulations and antics.

TheBuddha ago

Umm... He said the exact opposite in this thread. Something like, "There were no mistakes for the warnings. If you got a warning, you deserved it."

It's up in the thread. You can find it.

SeanBox ago

The only person I mass downvote is sanegoat/dial. I’m not going to apologize for it. He pings me in every thread calling me a pedo to show me where to downvote.

TheBuddha ago

I did not get any warnings, because I don't manipulate votes.

But, Putt clarified (sort by oldest first) above that all the warnings were correctly issued. He's made no such claim about the bans, but he did say that about warnings - which was why I replied. I figured you'd want to know what actually happened.

Somebody did get banned on my behalf. I was a target.

If I read the ban log right, '-1' means they DVed you and '1' means they UVed you.

Amusingly, I'm one of those that doesn't much care about voting me down. Brigade me all ya want. I've got enough CCP to choke a horse. I don't even know if I got the points back.

SeanBox ago

Points don’t mean shit. Idk why there are so many people trying to game the system when there is no monetary value to it. All my votes are decisions made by me based on the content or comment written and occasionally the person that posted it. I downvote all the niggervirus spam too because it’s just stupid. Nobody wants to read 30 fucking posts about fucking someone in the ear.

TheBuddha ago

I UV many of his posts, but I actually only do that because I'm kinda an asshole. I do the same for a few others, like the anonall folks.

But, I personally have so much CCP that it'd take some serious work to get my CCP into the negatives. I've had dial (and maybe more) openly tell me they're going to DV brigade me. I usually encourage them to do so.

One day, they submitted a thread threatening to DV the v/protectvoat people. I stepped up and told them to do me first. I don't really have much attachment to my points, and I also have so many that it makes it easy to be dismissive. If I had like. 150 points, it'd be a different story.

SeanBox ago

Yeah, that’s why dial spazzing out makes even less sense tho. He creates alt accounts to spam copypasta talking shit to people and can’t believe he gets downvoted. He did this every day for over a week after I made the front page by posting his own words in a screenshot. I just don’t understand why he was so mad for showing everyone what he said. Why did he say it if it wasn’t true? He is either JIDF or a liar.

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure he was joking when he said he was JIDF, 'cause I remember the context of the post that said that.

SeanBox ago

It reads like he said it in anger as a threat to me.

Hysterical ago

Accusing everyone who disagrees with you of being Sanegoat is a old tactic. You're the ones having your accounts banned like Sanegoat did, not me.

WhiteRonin ago

Voat Angel isn’t an issue. I’m willing to gamble my account on it.

andrew_jackson ago

Yeah, it's Put treating this site as a hobby and an experiment.

WhiteRonin ago

I wonder who is supporting Voat now ... the first angel was cool. I suspect the second to be the same as the first but this recent builder Is making wonder ...

andrew_jackson ago

I don't think it's a conspiracy. I just think that Voat was better back when Put took it less seriously. Now that he's taking it seriously, he's tempted to tinker with stuff. This won't work out well for the average user.

Mittermeyer ago

Voat was better when it was run by Atko.

Hysterical ago

Now that he's taking it seriously you Soapbox shills are spamming disinformation all over the place to muddy the water.

Hand_of_Node ago

Voat > Hand_of_Node | Sent: 18 hours ago on 5/25/2019 1:58:39 AM
Vote Manipulation Warning
Your account has been flagged for vote manipulation. You risk being banned if you continue. This is just a friendly warning. P.S. We know they most likely deserved it!

How do you explain my warning?

Hysterical ago

You were breaking the rules of the website, dumb shit. I'm not a mind reader, I don't have the logs like Putt does.

Beyond that, you're an 11 month old account. You could easily be a sock puppet account. I don't know and frankly I don't care, the majority of people I see complaining about this are from Soapbox. You could easily be one of their alts, but regardless, obviously they're not the only people breaking the rules of the website, you dumb nigger.

Hand_of_Node ago

You were breaking the rules of the website, dumb shit.

Incorrect, you hysterical moron. Or did you mean a secret rule against using those up and down arrows to the left?

Hysterical ago

Dude I'm not playing this game with you. Just say what you want to say; that Putt is either inept or corrupt and you're completely innocent. That's all you have to say.

You know what you did. Putt knows what you did. I don't. Don't try and act like because I don't know you're somehow innocent.

There are no secret rules about vote manipulation. They're all very clear. Stop breaking them and you won't have issues.

Putt has specifically commented on this saying that he checked the data and that the people warned deserved it. Thus inept or corrupt from your perspective. He has in the past acknowledged when mistakes happened and apologized. This is not one of those times. So say what you have to say and quit playing these retarded games.

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm saying I have no idea what the basis for the warning was, and I can't think of anything I've done to break the rules, besides just using the voting buttons. What exactly constitutes "manipulation", and when exactly did I commit this infraction? No rule or citation was given. Did I even violate a rule? When? What was it?

Hysterical ago

You continue to act as if I should have the answers, or that because I don't have the answers you're somehow innocent. It's a logical fallacy, and I'm not playing into your manipulation. Putt went over the warnings and saw nothing wrong. Maybe he missed something, but he seemed pretty sure about it..

WhiteRonin ago

Oh fucking hell shit fucking crap ...

I actually agree with you.

Fuck me :-(

middle_path ago

Something really fishy is going on with Putt.

Mittermeyer ago

This feels more like people who say "extreme" things are getting flagged and banned, not actual vote manipulators.

captainstrange ago

they're trying to push the notion that if enough people complain about someone then that person is 'problematic' (lefty talk) and 'should be banned if enough people flag them.'

Right now they're using their own alts or people they know to create legitimate problems in order to set the precedent for the use of 'community moderation' (mass flagging).

Once the precedent is set it's full steam ahead for PV and the soapniggers from reddit.

TRexTranny ago

No shit. That tranny got replaced a while back.

CitizenFour ago

This site is officially zogged

clamhurt_legbeard ago

[Member for 2.8 years, SCP 12, CCP 182]

Thanks, friend.

CitizenFour ago

MrShekelstein ago

This website is owned by rothschilds.

If they're losing the battle in their own honeypot then god isn't having any mercy on them.

bb22 ago

If you're right, then I also hope the guy is right who said there'll be an alternative forum ready for us once this place goes down.

MrDarkWater ago

There are already alternatives

Talpiot_Bot ago

4 sho

Proveitorloseit ago

Gee, maybe we shouldn't trust a sole authority on whether or not we can speak freely without fear of being thrown in a nigger cage.

Use a VPN.

jkshdfka78938 ago

he already said it doesnt go off a IP but habits you shit alt

shill harder you cunt


LightningAndTheSun ago

Lol @ idiots who think a VPN will save them

If you're on the internet you're being tracked, end of story, a VPN won't save you from the management engine in your CPU that phones home 24/7/365

Proveitorloseit ago

Yeah, I don't use anything.

I welcome them.

Locked_Account ago

Or the trusted cert authorities that are compromised. Nothing is encrypted if you have all the keys.

PuttItOut ago

I just gave away 20 one month VPN cards.

Proveitorloseit ago

Because plausible deniability isn't a thing. You gave away those cards with rather convenient timing.

TRexTranny ago

Twenty! Wow! So nice of you putt! Ya dumb tranny.

JoeKerr ago

Oh so you are saint now...because you are shill?

Goys-R-Us ago


WhiteRonin ago

This is super fishy!

Jeww ago

He’s a stand in. Putt got paid and took a permanent vacation.

go1dfish ago

What’s wrong with fish?

WhiteRonin ago

You smell fishy, that’s what!

Kalergi ago

They smell like chicken.

BushChuck ago

You're doing it wrong.

Durm ago

I bet HiveKicker shows up here next. lol

KosherHiveKicker ago

8 )

Still here. No warning, and zero issues!

Diggernicks ago

Apparently the bots algorithms can't detect manipulation for shit.

TRexTranny ago

Im sure they work to some extent, but @puttitout clearly ignores the biggest offenders which is hillarious.

Ohhh yeahhh guiisise im banning all the voat manipulators.....

As the biggest voat manipulators never get banned. Wonder how the system doesnt catch them? Or its just bullshit.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/realProtectVoat submission by @SarMegahhikkitha.

Posted automatically (#48554) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@TRexTranny: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @SarMegahhikkitha)

heygeorge ago

Aka he didn’t ban your more offensive alts

Dortex ago

We can both think of egregious offenders that weren't banned.

heygeorge ago

Who can? You and STC? Or you and I?

I think that Putts would do well to consider advice from ‘in the trenches’ as it were. He misses some of the things going on because of this.

I wonder if some of the ‘offenders’ were mucking about with QRV submissions.

Octocopter ago

If you were not aware Dortex is a pro-pedo activist, see here.

heygeorge ago

Is he pro pedo or is this the argument about that movie scene or whatever and him babbling about a steel man? Just cuz pedos are bad doesn’t mean I want to get wrapped up in gay drama.

Octocopter ago

He thinks both that the material itself is fine and that it being posted to a porn sub is a non issue. The main post that comment chain is in is about his attempts to bring users to brigade and spam those who speak out against the posting of such content to Voat.

From one of his comment in the "On Bans" thread he posted this.

A bunch of users in my circle were banned for doing less than I did Shortly after his attempted brigade and derail my comment on Putt's "The Builder - A Voat Update Part 1" post he and a lot of the accounts linked to the pedo defenders got banned.

A few got unbanned and have been frothing at the mouth that their brigade buddies got banned and no one on the anti-pedo side got banned. Some of it is them trying to imply that we were engaged in the same malicious actions his group were involved in.

heygeorge ago

Oh, got it. Thanks for enlightening me. Carry on then.

Octocopter ago

Thank you for your time.

Dortex ago

Who can? You and STC? Or you and I?

You and me.

I think that Putts would do well to consider advice from ‘in the trenches’ as it were.

I think his ego is getting the better of him. It all began with that cringy "BUILDERS" soliloquy of his. You know someone's up his own ass when he unironically start spouting soliloquy and poetry.

I wonder if some of the ‘offenders’ were mucking about with QRV submissions.

I can assure you, unless TOO and his alts are from QRV, we did not. So that's at least some "offenders" down.

NosebergShekelman ago

Well, in all fairness, coding is a bitch. Especially if you are a goy.

Durm ago

If you are a Jew you have proper control over your coding minions. Maybe the CIAs not full of as many Jews as we thought.

NosebergShekelman ago

Or maybe this is just a trick to make you think that oy to the vey POOF! (disappears in a cloud of smoke)

WhiteRonin ago

What reports are they running? All anon posts aren’t anon to people with access to the database!

Durm ago

If you are a Jew you have proper control over your coding minions. Maybe the CIAs not full of as many Jews as we thought.

Durm ago

I well searching voat for my name a few minutes ago trying to figure out which retard was doing it. I had my own meltdown if you want to call it that. Even confronted kevdude since he seems to be in the middle of some kind of voat user roast.

What a shame its gone this far down the toilet. I hope not really, but here we are.

WhiteRonin ago

Kev is having a thing but crensch and srayzie are in a bigger mess. But Putt just blessed Kev and Sruyzoe with “builder” badges ...

Durm ago

I have stories relating to some of what you are talking about from the past. I'll share tomorrow, if they let me live. :)

offed ago

This place is going to shit fast. Its about the last site I bother visiting but maybe not for long

OhRutherfordBehave ago

No it's not, you can't use your vote power downvoting or upvoting for an hour, they're trying to avoid that because it's vote manipulation. He was probably going after a shitty voat user, there are plenty, but the website flags that action. I'm just going to assume you're an idiot.

offed ago

Well then I'm just going to assume your a fag and laugh at your gay ass

See for yourself whats going on the go suck your boyfriends cock gay

offed ago

Well then I'm just going to assume your a fag and laugh at your gay ass

andrew_jackson ago maybe?

captainstrange ago

I've been thinking the same thing. or notabug

JoeKerr ago

It is better than what has been going on here

offed ago

Its not bad really. I have to say I like it

Durm ago

Yep I did. Lol I post the most innocuous shit and rarely vote on any anything related to "voat drama".

I see how well this builder concept is going.

WhiteRonin ago

Something stinks bad about this!

Durm ago

My notice:

I sent a few choice things back.

Durm ago

Yeah. I mean really....

WhiteRonin ago

@voat and @puttitout please define what cote manipulation is.

theoldones ago

i'm gonna pop some bots

only got 40 shills in my asshole

ah ah i'm coming

coming for those upvotes

this is fucking awesome

Croat_Goat ago

That was fucking awesome.