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theoldones ago

convo caught via image

this was my inbox on waking up this morning, and i currently have about 6-8 pings incoming every ten minutes maybe, despite blocking said user (since pings slip through the block)

Dortex ago

pings slip through the block)

Really now? Good to know.

Octocopter ago

How did that work out for you?

Dortex ago

Extremely well.

Octocopter ago

Not really since you got flagged and spanked. How long until you cross another line? You even have to watch out for spam now as well as having your standing even further ruined.

Dortex ago

Not really since you got flagged

For entirely unrelated reasons, I might add. A lot of people got flagged for what they claim is normal behavior.

You even have to watch out for spam now as well as having your standing even further ruined.

Can we stop and giggle at the fact that you thought I was banned, went to a post with literally no connection to vote brigading, and smugly asked how this unrelated plot went with the expectation that I would just sit there quietly fuming, unable to respond? I noticed immediately and it pleases me that I got a chance to rat out TOO directly to Putt thanks to all of this.

Octocopter ago

It was related to violations of Voat User Agreement which can get people banned, so lets get real smug and giggly here. How long until you slip up again I wonder or until they look into spammers?

Rat out what? that you failed to win any argument and ran around in circles as pretty much everyone of your brigading buddies got flagged and slapped? That you defended the posting of content that violates the rules and USA law? How you make calls for brigade openly?

Honestly what do you have to be happy here about? That you squeaked by for now?

Dortex ago

How long until you slip up again I wonder

I know why I was flagged. Easy enough to adjust it.

or until they look into spammers?

TOO has way more to worry about on that front than me, what with him reposting content on his vote farming sub, spamming PV with his petty personal issues, randomly telling people he doesn't like to kill themselves, etc. As long as he's gone, i don't care what happens.

Rat out what?

TOO soliciting child pornography. You know, criminal incitement? Counceling a criminal offense? Buddy, you'd know this if you read the links I posted.

pretty much everyone of your brigading buddies got flagged and slapped?

Was Obrez a Brigading Buddy? What about Decidueye? TOO thinks he's on good terms with Decidueye. H8 was a slip up and is probably already unbanned.

That you defended the posting of content that violates the rules and USA law?

That never happened. But you know what did hapoen? That's right, TOO begged for child porn.

Honestly what do you have to be happy here about?

I may be getting a new PC soon. It's an oldie, but I my be able to spruce it up into something vaguely useable. So that's nice. Besides that, not much. Life is hard for me. :(

Octocopter ago Of course you dont want to remember that probably why you continually run away from it.

If like you said your "horse in the race" was only TOO why have you keep coming back to comments I made to push your agenda? As far as the people who may or may not be involved they will need to ask themselves if you are worth staying involved with. The more you post the more Voat users see through your charade. Even more so as you target users beside TOO.

Dortex ago

Oh, the Bastard out of Carolina thing. Yeah. Perfectly legal. You don't pass the obscenity test the first time and fail without a material change to the original content, to my knowledge.

Of course you don't want to remember that is probably why you continually run away from it.

That day probably hosted the most important conversation of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday. Believe it or not, I don't remember every little inane conversation I have with people. And that? That's inane. I tried talking to you like an adult, and you decided you didn't respect me enough to do the same. That's fine, sort of. Just don't expect me to remember you. Hell, I've forgotten your UN just writing this.

If like you said your "horse in the race" was only TOO why have you keep coming back to comments I made to push your agenda?

I think you're getting caught up as collateral and confusing that for sone kind of targeted act. 'cuz I'm not remembering what you might be talking about.

Octocopter ago

But he did not post Bastard out of Carolina, nor did he post any supporting evidence. Conveniently left out that he posted it to a porn sub.Since you seem to think that was a perfectly fine and legal thing to do as you have said so here and back there then answer this question which you keep avoiding.

If you posted that same clip showing only the beating a little girl until she bleed and then her being raped to a sub that is a collection of pornographic material and left it there not self deleted. Would @Puttitout ban you again? Yes or No.

Dortex ago

But he did not post Bastard out of Carolina he posted

I don't care what you have to say. This is a two way street. I don't sit here and patiently read everything you have to say while you ignore me. When you want to be heard, you put on your big boy pants, and you answer my questions. Once we set up the steel men, we can talk like adults. Absent that, I'm just going to be an obtuse brat from now on.

Octocopter ago

Derailment and deflection like every single time I force you into a corner about it. Even when you want to "man up" I gave you a chance to answer that same question for the second time tonight which you also ignored.

If fun seeing you squirm and try to find a way to pin it on you only hating TOO.

Dortex ago

Derailment and deflection

Yeah. You try to set up a steel man and some loser has to make it all about him. I don't know why I even bother.

Octocopter ago

Because you are a pedo trying to mislead people into helping you with your brigades and spamming to shut down people who speak out against pedos on this site. Pretty neat and revealing that its what 4-6 times now today you have directly dodged a simple question because it would expose you either way.

Like I called you out in that thread you targeted me to push your propaganda despite your claims of only going after TOO, you only seek to derail when confronted. "I bet if you reply you will continue to attack indirectly because you are incapable of defending your views knowing full well they are easily wrong logically and morally."

@Orbez and @Decidueye Did Dortex end up getting you wrongly banned? Speak to Putt if you think so.

Dortex ago

Because you are a pedo

And then when you extend a hand out in peace they spit in your mouth and blame you. I mean, sure, sometimes you get someone with the maturity to talk to you, but that's rare.

Octocopter ago

You keep defending a confirmed pedo and think there is nothing wrong about a video of a little girl getting beat and raped being posted to a porn sub. What else would people think about you?

Getting flustered that you are running out of room to run away in?

Dortex ago

You keep

Good night.

Octocopter ago

You can do better, why have you been such a one trick pony tonight? You just spent hours proving me right when I clearly warned you about your big weakness tonight.

Regret attacking me now? How many more will you attack, spam, and brigade in defense of pedos? The TOO defense will only last so long.

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