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PuttItOut ago

We banned a bunch of accounts today and sent a tremendous amount of warnings.

I did accidently run a batch with a bad config setting and had to manually reverse things.

I think many that got warnings today may be from things up to two months ago.

We don't check warnings like we do bans, so you can get a warning pretty easily but it's nothing to worry about, just a way of us saying "hey, your account showed up on the naughty report."

totes_magotes ago

And if you're flagging accounts for normal activities ("pretty easily"), that's your fuckin' problem. Don't make it ours.

PuttItOut ago

No, you're wrong. If you even show up at all you're being abusive.

Fateswebb ago

Whaaaa? I disagree bro, I was in no way "abusive" yet I got a message today about being flagged for vote manipulation. I have a single account and have no in any way colluded. It's a false detect. I'm 100 percent innocent. What has caused it to flag me like this please? How am I to avoid it happening again if I have done nothing not able to cause it?

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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NiggersPost ago

Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me. I used to have much respect for you. Now you're a complete pussy ass faggot.

totes_magotes ago

What, that's it? You're gonna bail out of a conversation spawned by your flawed system after falsely accusing a bunch of people of shit? Fuck you, where I come from, that's abusive behavior. I'm done with your bullshit, I'm done with this site. Fuck off.

Goys-R-Us ago

I've had disagreements with you in the past but I get your frustration.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Where ya gonna go little bebby?

Got a spot saved for you at Eddit???

Mittermeyer ago

So vague rules that are not explained? How did I supposedly do vote manipulation. Was it the one day of posting monstergirl porn on QRV just for the fun of it?

Goys-R-Us ago

I think Kafka wrote about this. Downvoat me goats, I used a jew author in a post.

Hysterical ago

The rules aren't vague. Vote manipulation isn't tolerated. He was pretty clear about the warnings being given out to people doing it but on a smaller scale than those banned.

So unless you were posting that stuff and upvoating it from multiple accounts it has nothing to do with the porn posting.

Mittermeyer ago

I only have the one account, and no one else in my household uses Voat. That's why I asked if that was the reason.

Fateswebb ago

Bro absolutely, me too, long time legit single account user being accused of vote manipulation falsly. I was cool with it as a false detect but based on the statement above put doesn't believe that happens We're guilty without even being told the evidence against us. This hurts since I spend hours every single day on this board.

Goys-R-Us ago

This hurts since I spend hours every single day on this board.

You and me both brother. It might be a sign I need to change my life.

Mittermeyer ago

I know I upvoted the porn spammer when I posted the Monstergirl porn for the fun of it because the Qfags were asking for censorship of all of Voat, but there is 0 chance we came from anywhere near the same account or IP. The only way I would be caught up in this is through that, which would mean anyone who upvoated the spammer would be considered an alt account regardless of the fact there is no actual evidence to support it.

totes_magotes ago

So now you're lying? Maybe you're just confused? Saying it's easy to show up one minute and that you have to be abusive the next.

Get your head out of your ass.

18810382? ago

Triggered SBBHers everywhere I look. :D Love it!

WhiteRonin ago


But you do realize if you have a spouse on the same IP and they up your content you will be affected, don’t you?

Fateswebb ago

Bro I don't know a single person irl that uses voat. So that's definitely not the case for my false detect.

Goys-R-Us ago

Anyone not using a VPN is an idiot. That is all.

WhiteRonin ago

Putt said he doesn’t save IPs then recommends VPN:

Old db scheme saved IPs

european ago

This seems like a valid concern , which also could be abused. The most realistic thing would be to avoid upvoating said spouse's comments and submissions.

WhiteRonin ago

There are more concerns than this. Putts replies are not congruent.

capcapcap ago

That would happen. So which is a more reasonable scenario in order to try to prevent vote manipulation:

1) Ignore obvious patterns of voting from the same ip address because it "might" be the spouse or one of the many spouses a person has.

2) Do not fucking upvote your spouses posts for this fucking OBVIOUS reason.

I know there are no perfect solutions and every voting prevention can be avoided if one does his homework. But still, can you please not ask us to lower the standards and maybe ask/beg your wifeS to stop upvoting your posts in order for you not to be "needlessly" flagged ?

WhiteRonin ago

Something is still strange.

Why is Putt shilling VPN like X22?

Fateswebb ago

How many people even have spouses on voat? 😂 Seems so unlikely a scenario.

kjlashas893890 ago

also running a vpn multiple people could be on the same IP, so it cant go off that. He gets a list of people

european ago

IP alongside other data sent by the browser

18811443? ago

Thanks for this sweet thread, and thanks for taking me along on your above fishing expedition, albeit unsuccessful. I bet we will catch something next time. ;)

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

What exactly counts as "abusive" and "vote manipulation"? Is it possible the script has bugs or flawed logic?

Fateswebb ago

It definitely has bugs, it false detected me. Period. I am a long time user and do nothing but use the forum as intended.

FridayJones ago


kjlashas893890 ago

the goon squad

TestForScience ago

There's no way he's going to openly discuss the algorithm, dude.
He'd be handing out the playbook for the spammers/manipulators.

european ago

This is perhaps one of the factors that led reddit to first fuzz and then remove upvote and downvote counts . Removing the downvote statistics were kind of a final straw for many seeing it as blatant censorship. perhaps as site's grow they invariably have to make tough decisions based on a number of factors and keeping certain things obscured comes with that territory.

Yogus ago

Fuck off with the security through obscurity ideology. You can have an open policy for these things and still keep them effective.

Locked_Account ago

You have internalized a sound bite. Obscurity is a vital component of security.

Durm ago

Ok so that's my answer. Re:

I'd like to see it.