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PuttItOut ago

We banned a bunch of accounts today and sent a tremendous amount of warnings.

I did accidently run a batch with a bad config setting and had to manually reverse things.

I think many that got warnings today may be from things up to two months ago.

We don't check warnings like we do bans, so you can get a warning pretty easily but it's nothing to worry about, just a way of us saying "hey, your account showed up on the naughty report."

Nosferatjew ago

Why didn't I get a warning before you outright banned my accounts?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @RM-Goetbbels.

Posted automatically (#42637) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

GnomeWorks ago

We analyze voting patterns only. On comments only. We look for farming and brigading.

Your algorithm for this is fucked, then, because it is catching folk who didn't do this shit.

DrSelfAppointed ago

As an egregiously, massive complainer, I almost feel offended that I didn't get a warning now.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Would like to see a (serious) explanation for why /u/Joe_McCarthy and /u/Kattie were banned.

Majorfatboy ago

Sooooo... Let Me get this straight. You're using an automated system to take administrative action against real live human beings? That's not how this shit's supposed to be handled. If a user is creating enough of a problem to cause a large amount of other users to complain/flag, then You handle that one user. Look over Their posts, observe Their behavior, Etc. Just making a fucking script to crap out warnings/bans is pathetic. It's fucking Youtube and Facebook tier. This is why I make fun of programmers all the time, never met one with an actual work ethic. You geeks think You're hot shit because You're walking meat calculators, but the second something needs good old time and effort, You run to the fucking hills.

And "vote farming" as an automated bannable offense? It's meaningless. Who cares if someone spends/gets a lot of Their goodboy points. Isn't that what voting is for? Let the people decide what is and isn't good for the group? If some fagler gets Their jimmies rustled to the point that They're willing to stalk another user and downvote everything They post, then discipline that user, assuming action even needs to be taken. If a bunch of Qfags want to vote each other up, again, Handle Them directly. Anything else is abuse of power/censorship.

You've fallen into the same trap as any other privately owned and operated venue; That there is no such thing as free speech, only what You allow to be said at Your venue. Anything else is a sham.

Voting systems on forums have always been a joke, they serve no other purpose other than "I agree / disagree with this post", because ultimately, every forum's owner will at some point say "fuck it" and start dictating what is and isn't allowed on Their property, and believe Me, When an admin/owner inevitably start's losing an argument, They're quick to remind You that You are on Their private property.

Credit where credit is due, Voat lasted longer than 8chan, but in the end these places always pick and choose what "free" speech is.

captainstrange ago

creating enough of a problem to cause a large amount of other users to complain/flag

so just have 15 alts complain about someone they want to censor.

See how that works.

Fateswebb ago

Except I wasn't vote manipulating I was using the forum as intended. So "friendly reminders you should stop" sorry but this is clearly a false detect. So nothing to stop, besides using the forum as intended.

obvious-throwaway- ago


SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @RM-Goetbbels.

Posted automatically (#42191) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

NotHereForPizza ago

And yet groups track each one of my comments, get all their friends to downvote me, tag each other on all the posts and comments I make, but no one is ever even willing to talk about it...

Have you even looked at the ratios for my account? I hardly ever downvote or even up vote anything besides submissions featuring quality content.

Are there "only if I like you" rules? Can you tell us who @Zook is? :)

Tallest_Skil ago

on comments only

Oh, so I can safely upvote sand_mann’s submissions about the climate? I’ve stopped doing that because he’s the only one who ever posts on the climate and I didn’t want him to be banned for “apparent manipulation.”

vtusr2 ago

Did "we" also ban my @vtusr account?

middle_path ago

This is Voat, and we all know what we've done. Truth. No one is innocent.

I have only ever used one account, no manipulation on my side. Don't put down giant blanket statements like this.

Goys-R-Us ago

The angel investors are whispering in his ear.

alele-opathic ago

I fear this doesn't bode well.

I've seen this play before. Next, a Code of Conduct will be proposed 'so everybody knows the rules'. I just hope the community rejects it. I don't think I'd stick around post CoC as a matter of principle. I'd probably dump the rest of my OC and OR before though.

Goys-R-Us ago

I'm not big on COCs.

Vindicator ago

We look for farming and brigading.

Putt, it sure would help to have a clear statement of acceptable and unacceptable conduct in the Voat User Agreement. Lots of folks confused about what is and isn't considered brigading, and getting a warning without understanding what a person did wrong cannot help but have a chilling effect on free expression.

Psylent ago

It's a pretty hard thing to be 'confused' about though... if you don't brigade or try to manipulate ccp then you're in the clear. If you are running multiple accounts and know enough to do so, then you know what brigading and vote manipulation is and are just being an obtuse cunt saying "but it's unclear" .

Vindicator ago

Many people who got warnings only have one account, supposedly. Putt said there are 10 metrics, not just using socks.

alele-opathic ago


My god, they've gotten (a few) goats, who hate CoCs everywhere else in life, to desire a CoC at home. What is even going on?

Tallest_Skil ago

Well, that’s how ✡they✡ work, isn’t it? Not through physical violence, but through linguistic violence. Example:

A farmer wants to paint his barn red, so he goes to Meyer Rothschild’s paint supply store to pick up some red paint. “Hello, Mr. Rothschild,” he says, “I’d like to buy some red paint for my barn.”

“Oy vey!” says Mr. Rothschild. “You want ‘red’ paint? Don’t you know that colors don’t exist?” This baffles the farmer.

“What do you mean? There are colors like red, blue, green, orange, purple… How can you say they don’t exist? I see them with my own eyes!”

“Not so fast,” says Mr. Rothschild. “Take a look at this picture. Can you show me exactly where red ends and orange begins?” “Well, no…” says the farmer. “Not exactly, but…”

Mr. Rothschild grins. “You see, goy? Colors aren’t real! Your concept of ‘red’ is nothing more than a “social construct.” It was created by “culture farmers” at the top of society who arbitrarily decided to make you believe in the false color ‘red.’ Because I say they did. Don’t you feel slighted now? Don’t you feel like you have been used by the people in power, who only wish you to see ‘red’ because it suits their agenda?”

“Well, I don’t know about…”

“Now that we’ve established that colors don’t exist and that people who want you to believe they exist are using you,” Mr. Rothschild quickly continues, “let’s have a dialogue on what kind of colors your barn needs right now. Right now I say your barn needs more green. Specifically green. Since colors don’t exist, you shouldn’t have a problem with the artificial construct of one color dominating another, should you? And don’t worry, I’m not a green supremacist… even though the result of my advocacy means that your barn is the way I want it instead of the way you want it. So, goy, about that paint…”

At the end of the day, the farmer’s barn is green. Instead of forcing him to buy green paint under the threat of violence, Mr. Rothschild got exactly what he wanted just by using words. The farmer looks at his green barn and feels satisfied, knowing that his “color-thought” was corrected, even if it meant he didn’t get the results he wanted.

alele-opathic ago

Hit the nail on the head again, as per usual.

zyklon_b ago

Truth pv is kikes

Goys-R-Us ago

Answer: I don't need to tell you where red transitions to another color. The color on the FAR RIGHT of the chart you're holding up Mr. Rothchilds is RED. Now give me my fucking paint you shyster.

Tallest_Skil ago


Tzitzimitl ago

having your own personal CoC is considered normal, get too many though and you a hoe.

albatrosv15 ago

What's with the smokratez?

PuttItOut ago

He knows.

Antiracist10 ago

Dear tyrant faggot,

Why can't I post threads yet?

Fuck you.



Antiracist10 ago

Dear tyrant faggot,

I'm going to tell you my idea anyway, even though you're an undeserving tyrant faggot.

Create a neural net to identify pornography. Particularly, cartoon loli porn. It should be super easy. There are colors and shapes common to loli porn which just aren't found in other images.

When an image link is posted, throw up a flag when it scores too high, like >90%, for testing positive as being loli porn.

Then, idk, can you make a link that needs to be clicked 3 times before showing?

Anyway, that'll solve your fucking QRV problem, without having to ban anons or whatever.


Love, antiracist

Comment points too low to send messages. Need at least 10 CCP.

Fuck you.

Goys-R-Us ago

Why don't you tell us what you know? Why not be 100% transparent? At least it would give the rest of us some sense of whether what's happening is legit or not. No offense but you've not been entirely clear on what criteria causes a ban or a warning. Case in point:

Warnings are used when one or more metrics don't absolutely confirm manipulation, i.e. maybe there was a long convo people had and they hated each other for days of back and forth arguing.

Back and forth arguing is worthy of a warning or ban?

NotHereForPizza ago

By the way, it was very simple to find.

You can find all sorts of stuff if you comb through some things here... like, you know, who @zook is.

NotHereForPizza ago

Now ask Putt who @zook is.

Goys-R-Us ago

I'm not interested in asking Putt anything more than I already did. Who is zook?

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm also not sure. We should make some posts about it.

I bet he's someone super special. Let's see if @PuttItOut knows anything about him.

Goys-R-Us ago

I looked but I'm too stupid to follow these threads and their implications. Upvote farming is what I gather. Still didn't see zook in any of it. Doesn't matter, voat is likely following in Reddit's footsteps. Everything changes. Such is life.

NotHereForPizza ago

Ha! If you only knew about the @zook thing, you'd be rolling your eyes so fucking hard right now.

You have no idea how right you are.

Goys-R-Us ago

I know about the kooz thing, but I've never heard of the zook thing.

Seriously just spit it out.

That is unless you're just being a disingenuous faggot. In which case you're a disingenuous faggot.

NotHereForPizza ago

But, I've already told you.

Look in more places than one. You'll find it.

Goys-R-Us ago


I'm too lazy to bother. Provide it to me on a platter or don't. IDC.

NotHereForPizza ago

Don't worry, you'll find it shortly.

Goys-R-Us ago

Haha, I saw your post on poal. Still not sure what the f you're talking about but maybe I'll see it eventually.

Aufag ago

I wish you banned more.

MrTitolo ago

Thank you for all the efforts to keep this working.

thelma ago

This isn't knew, it has been this way since sanegoat forced us to dev this out.


Grammar Nazi day !

I'd upvote but, you know .... best not. Just to be sure.

With Insure ! 'Cause your old and gonna die soon !

Locked_Account ago

I don't use but one account. Not sure what vote manipulation is with just one account.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

will bitch slap a pimp running his mouth by downvoating a bunch of his other comments. That is not wrong

It is wrong and you should be warned and if the behavior continues you should be banned

sguevar ago

Vote manipulation implies the use of alts to upvote one self or to brigade a user that one may dislike.

I got a message from a user that claims he only has 1 account. He actually messaged you about that and asked me to message you also.

I personally don't mind the bans if they are justified. So care to explain why a user with only one account can engage in Vote manipulation?

I personally downvote comments I see unproductive, illogical, "preaching to the choir" and from users I dislike. So am I also engaging in vote manipulation?

PS: I downvoted the submission of that you did because of how you imply that those that downvoted you are destroyers. I prefer objectivity and I prefer data and evidence to justify a ban not just rely on the admin's word for it.

So I am in fact displeased of seeing this happening like this. Take for example @MadWorld and how he presented evidence of the suspicious links users were posting. He provided data publicly.

I would think that you would do the same when you do the posts you do about the bans: links, screenshots archives... There are a lot of user that were denounced before and that are engaging in such behaviors and yet they aren't banned.

Then I get a message from one user that apparently was banned for vote manipulation when he doesn't seem to have engaged on that. So I do request evidence. Please check your PM because I sent you a message about it and in the future, please provide evidence to justify the bans. It is the least you can do.

Fateswebb ago

Actually I got a report for vote manipulation. And I assure you I have only one account and don't discuss voat with other users in private to "vote brigate" it's just me and my opinion. I do however probably vote on comments more than most.... It's part of what I find fun about voat, giving your opinion, and kinda a self moderation feature. But I hate vote manipulators so to be a xused of it is so yuk.

kjlashas893890 ago

Okay what constitutes as abusive behavior putt? Lets say If I make a verseve and point out a certain user or verse, then have everyone down voat that person....oh wait it already exists its /v/protectvoat

and its funny I never got a warning when you banned 15 of my accounts, when all they did was offset night downvoat brigade against me..... are those people punished? no

when dial got banned he lost over half of his ccp, I used my alts only to take back his comments back to 0, and if the were genuine I let it be. and posts back to 1

So you tell me, whay is organized brigades against a user allowed, or "over looked" by you.

I also won't pretend like the biggest complainers aren't the most egregious offenders. Let's not put on an innocent mask like we're perfect. This is Voat, and we all know what we've done. Truth. No one is innocent.

this is called selective enforcement putt, and the reason people lost faith you "other than the lunch table kids" because you them to get a way abusive behavior.

you know I think, you want a bunch of normies to shill products to


AmaleksHairyAss ago

you banned 15 of my accounts, when all they did was offset night downvoat brigade against me

That IS vote manipulation You were engaging in vote manipulation. "someone else is doing it against me" doesn't make it not vote manipulation.

ldjafs45345 ago

sigh, I should just save the response to this

Dial comment history (and submissions) would get hit nightly with downvote brigades. Really All I did offset them to zero, or 1

dial would of been downvoted to shit (yet another account) by the "builder" kevdud goon squad If I had not stepped in. I've also helped others who were getting downvote brigaded by them. When he was banned, he reverted the point, I lost over half. Mind you dial was really only active a couple months if remember correctly, maybe 3.

The latest accounnt that I had brigade was @outrunning As soon as kevdud (the builder) hears about he makes a lil sticky about then his goon rifles thru his account downvoting everything.

I have to stay in secret, dont believe me?

protectvoat is a organised brigade verse. That is its entire purpose, just go thru the submissions and see for yourself.

@puttitout this is your builder, a spiteful, spineless, manipulative, director of downvote brigades and over all not a good person.

also did you know madworld stole a verse from me?

Maltherian1 ago

I haven’t been able to access my true account in ages because I forgot my password and the password reset doesn’t work. Only way I’m on is that Voatify automatically logs me in. I’ll never know if I received a warning or not but, I don’t care too much anyways.

Fuckallyoufuckers ago

Could you make it public who all got a warning, just for clarity's sake?

I think it would be amazing if we could correlate these warnings with participants of certain cliques/subverses.

Fateswebb ago

I got one, and I have a single account and don't in a NY way vote manipulate. I vote a single vote for myself when I feel compelled to do so. I do a lot of voting but isn't that my right or even the whole point of the board? It is called voat after all...

So I see mine as a false report as I have never colluded that's ridiculous.

european ago

to a degree the people who try to make pieces of the internet into their playground are the same people that add something to that place.. Whether it be just a mythical bogeyman for others to unite against. SBBH and SDBH have been a constant here for years.

PuttItOut ago

I should make it all public.


We support you Putt! @vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed

Vindicator ago

Yes, please.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Excellent idea.

I ain't got no stinkin' warnings, yet. ;)

Did you?



shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Kinda sucks. Nobody ever bans me, or warns me, nothin'. They just pat me on the head and send me on my merry way.

But there is this one time when @heygeorge doxxed me to everyone on SBBH. Thought I was a goner.

heygeorge ago


zyklon_b ago

halp halp admins admins halp

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Get your hands off my bra.

U said "UNTIE" not UNHOOK

cold hands, too. Brrrr.

ExpertShitposter ago

I'm banning @shewhomustbeobeyed hard as fuck.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm generally not one to complain, but if I'm going to be banned for disappointing Putt, shouldn't the whole site kind of be banned with me? I mean why single me out?


ExpertShitposter ago

we will re ban you for some other crimes another time.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Let me know if you need any evidence, won't you?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Nice to know something about you is hard. I knew those rumors were unfounded.

NiggersPost ago

Yeah you should..But you won't because then you will see that you fucked up and you'll have you admit it then. Bitch.

Fambida ago

You should have already made it public. Global bans that aren't for spam need a far more detailed explanation than "vote manipulation 1" or "vote manipulation -1"

Hand_of_Node ago

  • Voat > Hand_of_Node | Sent: 18 hours ago on 5/25/2019 1:58:39 AM
  • Vote Manipulation Warning
  • Your account has been flagged for vote manipulation. You risk being banned if you continue. This is just a friendly warning. P.S. We know they most likely deserved it!

You should. I want to see where this came from.

capcapcap ago

I do not think it's a good idea to reveal how the algorithms work nor to sentence people for one instance of it flagging them. But at the same time, I think a very awesome solution would be to make it public how often people are flagged. Once and maybe it was just a chance and maybe it doesn't mean anything. Few times and its obvious your activities are very unusual or (obviously) you are not playing fair.

Mittermeyer ago

Judging by mine it is easy to figure out. It doesn't go off of IP or anything accurate. Certain accounts are considered shills, then anyone who both upvoats and gets upvotes by said shill account is considered an alt. I upvotes the porn spammer in ARC and was upvotes by them before. Even though I am the only person in my household that uses Voat and only have one account I was caught up in it because it is a spray and pray strategy.

Fuckallyoufuckers ago

PLEASE. I haven't been the most polite person to have around, assuming I am on the radar at all, but people and their little Game of Thrones-esque political bullshit doesn't satisfy anything but their own egos. Giving people space to operate in such a way is what leads to superusers and powermods.

Voat has entirely too much drama. I've been here for a long, long time despite my Q badge. I came here because I hated Reddit, not because I wanted to make another version of Reddit, complete with petty bullshit and a hivemind. Take my opinion for what it is worth, but this place has been changing, slowly but surely, and not in a good way.

Goys-R-Us ago

I haven't been the most polite person to have around

This from fuckallyoufuckers, lol. I like you.

Locked_Account ago

I thin Voat has just enough drama. This thread and the warnings are awesome. I want a badge that says "BANNED." (But not to be really banned.)

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

The latest bs drama and now this bs is making voat suck.

Vic_V ago

If I had 100 alts upvote this post, could I place you on the naughty list, Putt?

theoldones ago

putt, one of the people you banned tried passing malware over the site 4 days ago.

WhiteRonin ago

Hmm, that’s a pretty low threshold. I wonder if using an IP / device iD is the best method. Some people have spouses who share a physical machine.

PuttItOut ago

Important note: We only analyze voting patterns. No IP at all.

WhiteRonin ago

Something is off then. I’ve been stingy with my votes lately. I used to up vote all replies unless they were completely anal. I guess maybe I’ve given out more down votes than usual.

Fateswebb ago

Definitely something wrong. It's false detecting legit users.

WhiteRonin ago

Not according to Putt:

No, I didn't make a mistake that hasn't already been fixed. If you got a warning you got one for a reason. There was no mistakes on warnings.


I was saying that he should have been careful with new features in code. His reply is not about code problems.

Octocopter ago

How does this apply to spammers by the way?

WhiteRonin ago

Only if they up vote themselves. Could be a bit more to it though.

Octocopter ago

Each spamming content and then upvoting each other, I think that is what Dortex was involved in. Though I did jump up a decent number of ccp when some of them got banned.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

How does your script determine if someone is manipulating votes? Not asking for a friend, I just don't want to end up on the naughty list by using Voat in a weird way that makes the script flag me for whatever reason.

McFluffy ago

you know, in the IT world they never give out how something works specifically, if they did a "hacker" could tip toe their way around and avoid it.

even if you are 100% innocent in your question and dont want to end up on the naughty list, someone else could be reading the reply and use that information.

if you are that concerned about it you probably arnt anything to worry about.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I know this. Infosec is a huge priority in my current job. Never hurts to ask though. If putts is willing to give up the information, I assume he understands the risks if there are any.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

you know, in the IT world they never give out how something works specifically, if they did a "hacker" could tip toe their way around and avoid it.

Except, strangely enough, in cryptography, where everyone acknowledges that obscurity doesn't work against determined experts and leads to a false sense of security and lack of scrutiny.

McFluffy ago

well i guess that makes sense.

tbh, my reference is usually to ban automation behaviors like bottling in games.

WordCorrector ago

Obscurity is still a useful layer to have in security. Ideally, a secure system will be bullet proof enough that you can provide a pen tester with exactly how the system works without compromising security.

Look up the Vernam one-time pad cipher.

Goys-R-Us ago

If your security is bullet proof, obscurity adds nothing to the equation.

Show me bullet proof security on an IT system and I'll show you a powered off computer in a Fort Knox vault.

WordCorrector ago

If a turned off computer in a Fort Knox vault is still connected to the internet then there are ways to turn it on remotely, but I get the point you're making.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Obscurity is still a useful layer to have in security

Yeah I agree -- contrary to a lot of retards in the tech industry who take the message of not using " obscurity" too literally. It can still be useful.

Look up the Vernam one-time pad cipher

lol, that's literally Crypto 101 level stuff. That's like telling someone "go look up the alphabet and the times table".

Locked_Account ago

Oh, obscurity isn't part of cryptography? Post your private key please.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

That's just disingenuous and not what "obscurity" is understood to mean in this context. At least not by anyone competent.

Locked_Account ago

Not disingenuous, I have seen many hur-hur-ing half-wits blurt out that line and disrespect secreting the secret properly, that I insist the correct line is, "Security through ONLY obscurity is not security." And that line is not nearly as fun a song lyric for their fat lazy asses to sing.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

If you actually have a conversion with someone, it becomes obvious pretty fast if they're a clueless charlatan or not. You don't have to assume it up front and derail every conversation by telling them "HAHAHA JUST CHECKING YOU'RE NOT A RETARD".

Locked_Account ago

Damn near everybody is "short" to Yao Ming.
....You're right, that was pretty fast. ;-)

kjlashas893890 ago

he full of shit, When dial got banned 15 accounts were touched....

I had 30+ randoms with 100s of ccp ccp given out, untouched. you tell me?


ChaosCrusader ago

What the fuck are you even trying to say? It sounds like you are the one full of shit.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Keeping 15 alt accounts and using them to vote on the same things? That's vote manipulation, dude.

349023095sdfl ago

they were used to combat vote manipulation downvoat brigades, @kevdude whined to putt to get me bann because he use his goon squad to not only down @dial_indicator but others. Anything organic I left alone.

Its not hard to tell when it a brigade -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 on a nightly basis from kevdud, I could set my watch to it.... I think I already reply to you about this.

kevnigger would also go after my submissions.

Keeping 15 alt accounts and using them to vote on the same things?

I think I done a total of three times, its was just a songs. @puttitout and (the builder) @kevdude never provides any proof... I might as well sit here and call them pedohiles.

puttitout still has never done or reach to tell me who was downvoting me. but he will call 3.9 year old sleeper alt "a builder... with only 8 submissions and a comment history of only 2 pages..... dont you find that od?

Dial on average would see 60 sometimes more replies and mentions per night. lmao.... last I looked dial had only 2k ccp and downvotes are being removed.

WhiteRonin ago

Do not use an alt to upvoat yourself. If you do, use a different VPN connection ;-)

albatrosv15 ago

Ah, professional here.

pathlesstrod ago

Nah, professional is having various sockpuppet accounts via VPN that say belligerent strawman statements to your main account. Then your main account easily defeats those responses with moron logic. Folks eat that shit up and they become your upgoat farm for your main without you doing hardly anything.

That's what I found works effectively. This is JDIF tactics 101.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Oh damn that's a good one

pathlesstrod ago


zyklon_b ago

do what?

pathlesstrod ago

Do what I say and all shall be forgiven. Shalom.

Goys-R-Us ago

That's what I found works effectively.

Sounds like an admission of guilt.

pathlesstrod ago

This is JDIF tactics 101.

This part eluded you?

Goys-R-Us ago

It's JIDF not JDIF. Carry on Moshe.

pathlesstrod ago

That's JIDF tactic 301. Say you are JDIF. Glad to see you took that class.

Goys-R-Us ago

Good one, I laughed.

offender ago

Wow most of us don't even need to read those manuals. You must be pretty dull.

- Levi

pathlesstrod ago

There are international bankers jews, and then there is me. I am merely a foot soldier. Meaning I don't fight, I just get US goyim to fight for us. I was awarded an Israeli medal of honor for getting 300+ US marines to die for our cause. I am very proud of it. What I don't understand is that the medal keeps dripping blood.

White_pride_cis ago

@oh_well_ian was saying the same thing. He said that he has a script that he uses, and if you’re caught, you just call everyone a shill

pathlesstrod ago

Scripting is beyond us yenta jews. Us jew women know our place and stay at home (yet still be spicy on the_donald). We leave the power jew level authority to the men.

Killeratlarge ago

shut up alt farmer

pathlesstrod ago

I actually wish I was a real life farmer. I would grow Mazel Tovs, Bar Mitzvahs, Bat Mitzvahs, and a few crucified Jesus' here and there.

Killeratlarge ago

Money grows off of jews

pathlesstrod ago

We need it to grow off non-jews.

Someone on this site said something about starting a mens' club in their respective areas. I think we need to start a non-jew club. Maybe call it the Crusaders or something like that. Or is that too cheesy?

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Oh, okay. That shouldn't be a problem for me. Why do you know this?

totes_magotes ago

And if you're flagging accounts for normal activities ("pretty easily"), that's your fuckin' problem. Don't make it ours.

PuttItOut ago

No, you're wrong. If you even show up at all you're being abusive.

Fateswebb ago

Whaaaa? I disagree bro, I was in no way "abusive" yet I got a message today about being flagged for vote manipulation. I have a single account and have no in any way colluded. It's a false detect. I'm 100 percent innocent. What has caused it to flag me like this please? How am I to avoid it happening again if I have done nothing not able to cause it?

SearchVoatBot ago

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NiggersPost ago

Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me. I used to have much respect for you. Now you're a complete pussy ass faggot.

totes_magotes ago

What, that's it? You're gonna bail out of a conversation spawned by your flawed system after falsely accusing a bunch of people of shit? Fuck you, where I come from, that's abusive behavior. I'm done with your bullshit, I'm done with this site. Fuck off.

Goys-R-Us ago

I've had disagreements with you in the past but I get your frustration.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Where ya gonna go little bebby?

Got a spot saved for you at Eddit???

Mittermeyer ago

So vague rules that are not explained? How did I supposedly do vote manipulation. Was it the one day of posting monstergirl porn on QRV just for the fun of it?

Goys-R-Us ago

I think Kafka wrote about this. Downvoat me goats, I used a jew author in a post.

Hysterical ago

The rules aren't vague. Vote manipulation isn't tolerated. He was pretty clear about the warnings being given out to people doing it but on a smaller scale than those banned.

So unless you were posting that stuff and upvoating it from multiple accounts it has nothing to do with the porn posting.

Mittermeyer ago

I only have the one account, and no one else in my household uses Voat. That's why I asked if that was the reason.

Fateswebb ago

Bro absolutely, me too, long time legit single account user being accused of vote manipulation falsly. I was cool with it as a false detect but based on the statement above put doesn't believe that happens We're guilty without even being told the evidence against us. This hurts since I spend hours every single day on this board.

Goys-R-Us ago

This hurts since I spend hours every single day on this board.

You and me both brother. It might be a sign I need to change my life.

Mittermeyer ago

I know I upvoted the porn spammer when I posted the Monstergirl porn for the fun of it because the Qfags were asking for censorship of all of Voat, but there is 0 chance we came from anywhere near the same account or IP. The only way I would be caught up in this is through that, which would mean anyone who upvoated the spammer would be considered an alt account regardless of the fact there is no actual evidence to support it.

totes_magotes ago

So now you're lying? Maybe you're just confused? Saying it's easy to show up one minute and that you have to be abusive the next.

Get your head out of your ass.

18810382? ago

Triggered SBBHers everywhere I look. :D Love it!

WhiteRonin ago


But you do realize if you have a spouse on the same IP and they up your content you will be affected, don’t you?

Fateswebb ago

Bro I don't know a single person irl that uses voat. So that's definitely not the case for my false detect.

Goys-R-Us ago

Anyone not using a VPN is an idiot. That is all.

WhiteRonin ago

Putt said he doesn’t save IPs then recommends VPN:

Old db scheme saved IPs

european ago

This seems like a valid concern , which also could be abused. The most realistic thing would be to avoid upvoating said spouse's comments and submissions.

WhiteRonin ago

There are more concerns than this. Putts replies are not congruent.

capcapcap ago

That would happen. So which is a more reasonable scenario in order to try to prevent vote manipulation:

1) Ignore obvious patterns of voting from the same ip address because it "might" be the spouse or one of the many spouses a person has.

2) Do not fucking upvote your spouses posts for this fucking OBVIOUS reason.

I know there are no perfect solutions and every voting prevention can be avoided if one does his homework. But still, can you please not ask us to lower the standards and maybe ask/beg your wifeS to stop upvoting your posts in order for you not to be "needlessly" flagged ?

WhiteRonin ago

Something is still strange.

Why is Putt shilling VPN like X22?

Fateswebb ago

How many people even have spouses on voat? 😂 Seems so unlikely a scenario.

kjlashas893890 ago

also running a vpn multiple people could be on the same IP, so it cant go off that. He gets a list of people

european ago

IP alongside other data sent by the browser

18811443? ago

Thanks for this sweet thread, and thanks for taking me along on your above fishing expedition, albeit unsuccessful. I bet we will catch something next time. ;)

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

What exactly counts as "abusive" and "vote manipulation"? Is it possible the script has bugs or flawed logic?

Fateswebb ago

It definitely has bugs, it false detected me. Period. I am a long time user and do nothing but use the forum as intended.

FridayJones ago


kjlashas893890 ago

the goon squad

TestForScience ago

There's no way he's going to openly discuss the algorithm, dude.
He'd be handing out the playbook for the spammers/manipulators.

european ago

This is perhaps one of the factors that led reddit to first fuzz and then remove upvote and downvote counts . Removing the downvote statistics were kind of a final straw for many seeing it as blatant censorship. perhaps as site's grow they invariably have to make tough decisions based on a number of factors and keeping certain things obscured comes with that territory.

Yogus ago

Fuck off with the security through obscurity ideology. You can have an open policy for these things and still keep them effective.

Locked_Account ago

You have internalized a sound bite. Obscurity is a vital component of security.

Durm ago

Ok so that's my answer. Re:

I'd like to see it.

CitizenFour ago

Fuck you nigger

Durm ago

Does that mean with respect to your script as a whole that I did do something, but maybe two months ago?

WhiteRonin ago

It means you have an alt and got busted for at least 1 up voat to yourself and 1 down voat to some asshole.

@puttitout am I wrong?

Fateswebb ago

Definitely you're wrong. It detected me and I have only one account. Period.

WhiteRonin ago

Not according to Putt:

No, I didn't make a mistake that hasn't already been fixed. If you got a warning you got one for a reason. There was no mistakes on warnings.


I was saying that he should have been careful with new features in code. His reply is not about code problems.

PuttItOut ago

Yes you are. You'd have to try at least.

PuttItOut ago

Yes. The last time we did manipulation bans was end of March, so this run covered that point forward.

NiggerVirus ago

Are we not supposed to have more than one account? I do but everyone knows and I don't hide it. I suffer from multiple personality disorder and each of my personalities needs their own account for this to work. I sure as hell don't manipulate anything though.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

You know they know if you ever up voted one of your alts posts, right? Unless you roll your VPN every time you switch accounts.

WhiteRonin ago

Well, that screws with spouses sharing an IP. I thought you’d be tracking device IDs which wouldn’t account for edge cases of spouses sharing a physical machine ... hmmm

Fateswebb ago

I got detected and I have no person I know in real live that even knows what voat is. I have a single account. Certainly it's rare a spouse also uses voat but I agree it should be considered as long as they're not clearly colluding.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I'm starting to think this might have more to do with downvoting multiple posts of the same author. As in systematic downvoting. Just a thought.

WhiteRonin ago

Oops, half you and half him.

It could be but it looks like an alt farming prevention check. The threshold is stupidity low though.

Durm ago

For reference, I have no alts and no VPN, and always form the same locations, for the entire time I've been here.

I'm just saying this if it helps demystify, at least partly, what's going on for anyone else.

Fateswebb ago

Me, apparently if you argue with the same idiot for too long on the same comment thread you can be FALSELY DETECTED as a vote manipulator. Complete hogwash. Someone isn't thinking things through properly.

NiggerVirus ago

Of course I'm not stupid

Durm ago

So I did something you considered manipulation.

PuttItOut ago

I don't consider it manipulation, it is manipulation. You don't ever show up on this report unless you are targeting another inorganically.

Warnings are used when one or more metrics don't absolutely confirm manipulation, i.e. maybe there was a long convo people had and they hated each other for days of back and forth arguing.

WhiteRonin ago

The like I have said your algorithm is off even though said it isn’t. Too many here are saying things are not adding up. Lots of alt holding denying so this explanation doesn’t work.

Low threshold of 1: you gotta be minding me right?

Hardly any voting against other users doesn’t match what you just said.

And you claim your code is clean. God, I wish everyone I work with can make this very same claim and I don’t see you holding jobs that included Apple and Intel. Sorry, but programmers make mistakes. Shit happens. Everyone knows this.

Dortex ago

For the record: What's your first language?

WhiteRonin ago


Dortex ago

Fine. Don't tell me. :(

WhiteRonin ago

English but I’m not that good at it ;-)

WhiteRonin ago

I speak goat my friend!

Fateswebb ago

This is not true. I have absolutely never "manipulated" votes short of clicking the little up arrow and as such adding a single vote. You have false detects bud, it's not cool to say we "vote manipulated" when we did no such thing EVER. Check your scripts it's false flagging people. Not cool.

Goys-R-Us ago

Warnings are used when one or more metrics don't absolutely confirm manipulation, i.e. maybe there was a long convo people had and they hated each other for days of back and forth arguing.

How is that even close to manipulation? Is there something else there or are you just against people vehemently arguing and shitposting back and forth? Honestly the more I read the more confusing it gets.

Fateswebb ago

Hahaha so this was why I was flagged? FOR USING VOAT? give me a f**in break man.. so what if you have a long ass argument with some shill on a comment thread? WHAT THE HECK IS THIS PLACE EVEN FOR IF NOT ARGUING WITH BONEHEADS? 🙄 voat is quickly losing it's value.

WhiteRonin ago

Not exactly. I haven’t been down voting many people even my favorite assholes as much as I used to.

NeedleStack ago

Warnings are used when one or more metrics don't absolutely confirm manipulation, i.e. maybe there was a long convo people had and they hated each other for days of back and forth arguing.

Then you have a terribly-made metric on your hands because arguments like that happen on voat often and those users don't warrant getting caught up in the dragnet.

Goys-R-Us ago

Thanks NeedleStack. I caught that hypocrisy as well. Who gives a shit if people argue on voat? My guess is the new investor that wants a publicly presentable website, i.e. PC.

kjlashas893890 ago

notice he says inorganically.... So lets say I ask 5 friends...hell lets say just 3 to downvoat a user comments section. Totally organic right? @puttitout

Oh wait that happened to me.

you think I liked waking up early and spend 30 minutes offsetting the nightly brigades

I've watch accounts flat just leave the site from it.... does that not constitute abuse?

Do YOU putt have ANY FUCKING idea how many accounts I have lost due to downvoat brigades???????????

fuck off you liar, selective enforcement

needle, hi its nice to hear from you


Fateswebb ago

I have never asked or even talked to another user about up or downvoting together false detect... Right here. How many shills we're false detected or banned? Or is it only legit users being tagged?

WhiteRonin ago


So, I’m gonna get pegged again because I just upvoated @andrew_jackson when I normally down vote that ass. This would be inorganic interaction. Lol!

I will not up vote @tallest_skil

Fateswebb ago

TS is even a legit account though.. not that I agree with him, but he is legit.

Tallest_Skil ago

Why would anyone care what a rice cooker does?

WhiteRonin ago

Fine, I pinged you and you get this one for free today.

PuttItOut ago

Needles you never resist punching do you?

It's pretty complicated, and with any statistical outcome there is always a margin of error. You know this right?

NeedleStack ago

I gave a valid criticism to the metric and you in turn make a personal insult and then further patronize me. Nice.

Yeah, there is a margin of error and because of that, there should be no action taken toward people's accounts but a flag on your end to further investigate.

Users are going to get their longtime accounts banned because of this bad algorithm and that is serious.

Stop running the algorithm until it's sorted out. I know that downvoat or upvoat brigades are a problem but don't see the overall benefit of this project.

Why not scrap the project altogether and focus all these energies on combatting spam? The reporting method in v/ReportSpammers seems to work well enough.

Fateswebb ago

This, and that's what I'm worried about. I don't mind getting flagged if they're willing to use it as a opportunity to fix the script that's flagging legit users rather than just go... Nope the script is perfect and you must have been doing something..

Dortex ago

In one post, it's perfect and Putt already fixed any mistakes he made himself. Here he tells us there's a margin of error. Meanwhile u/theoldones begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it. Also u/TruthDefender is his alt. He likes to use it to sniff his own farts. Does he get banned? No.

theoldones ago

@Cynabuns spam here

Fateswebb ago

All I know is I don't have an alt, and I don't colluded with others to vote a certain way so I'm innocent of "vote manipulation" if all you do is vote for your own sole self on your own sole account how could that be vote manipulation? That's just "vote" as in you voted...


Dortex ago

You can't vote for yourself at all. The closest you come to that is the automatic +1 you get when you make a post. Comments, on the other hand, you can't vote up at all.

Fateswebb ago

Yeah I've accidently hit that button and it undoes itself immediately .

BushChuck ago

I didn't get flagged.

Gottmituns ago

What constitutes "inorganic" activity? Now, upvoting bots and brigading is one thing, but what if everything someone says pisses you off? For example, savethechildren, just about everything he said he was aggressively wrong, eventually I'd just immediately downvote his posts when I noticed one of many alts made it. There was once or twice where the post wasnt shit, and I didnt downvote it, but it happened rarely. Is that inorganic? Or does it require an organized effort to downvote someone?

Durm ago

I don't consider it manipulation, it is manipulation.

Warnings are used when one or more metrics don't absolutely confirm manipulation,

Reconcile these two statements.

Fateswebb ago

Dude it's simply not true. The script is flagging innocent users. END OF STORY. I am one. I am the only person that logs on from my location, and have only one account. I don't ever collude in voting in any way with other users, and absolutely never have. So all I do is use the forum as intended, yet I have been flagged but this script that putitout believes is perfect and it's not possible to have false detects. Well I can tell you it absolutely does have false detects. Very uncool that the admind seems to think it's perfect and could not possibly falsly accuse.

PuttItOut ago

10 metrics, 8 fully positive flags, 2 questionable. Just an example.

Durm ago


Jeww ago

You’re pretty much talking directly to ZOG at this point man. It’s obvious a crack down is coming. He won’t tell us who funds vote or which government agency contacted him and what the results of that communication was.

If laws were broken, don’t you think he’d want us to specifically know what the incidence was so we would not do it again? He never provided examples because the goal is to chill speech.

Durm ago

He doesn't want tot tell us what the metrics are concretely because he doesn't want people to game the system. However quite a few "normal" people are going to get super pissed when they come on voat tomorrow and not understand what's going on.

Goys-R-Us ago

IDK man, I see a lot of people professing innocence that I believe.

WhiteRonin ago

That is the concern of mine at the moment. A programming mistake is forgivable when a notice is displayed. I would have spammed everyone saying “oops, my bad” and made a joke out of it.

The metrics, I wouldn’t say for the exact reason you mentioned. Gotta keep that shit secret.

However, this reporting system can be triggered I bet by spouses sharing a machine. Or possibly the same IP. I could be wrong but I doubt I’m that far off.

Fateswebb ago

Dude I don't even have a spouse, just me on one account, I know nobody irl that uses voat at all. Just one lone gunman, and one account. Period the end. I also never use on public WiFi I use on two of my own phones usually, sometimes on my PC. I have been falsely flagged by this script. Sad since I use this site daily for hours a day, and now am very discouraged by being falsely accused by what I despise and have even tried to fight against. Falsely accused like trump dude.