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PeaceSeeker ago

What he actually said was that he checked the downvotes out of curiosity and found that they were people already in the shit list presumably for things like manipulation.

How the manipulation issue was handled is another issue but stop acting like a moron and interpreting things to fit your "Voat is gay now" agenda.

Some of this recent development is concerning and I'm not sure Putt sees that yet. But you and many others are conflating things way beyond what they actually are, transcending truth to spread misinformation and pathetic, ill-supported interpretations, and are thereby ironically acting like the very "destroyers" Putt called out in his post.

RM-Goetbbels ago

ill-supported interpretations

I think you're the one that not interpreting things the way they are.

Putt puts Voat into Invite-Only mode so no new accounts can be made.

He then posts The Builder, mocks those he doesn't like and "warns them"

Sets the bans in motion, goes into the comments telling everyone he banned was mean to him and deserved it.

Then takes off and waits it out.

The banned users aren't a problem, they can't do anything about it. His loyal subjects will jump to his aid because they know they might be next if they don't. Or maybe they just enjoy it, you know, being a pet. Like they can do things others can't, LIKE DOWNVOTE BRIGADE.

PeaceSeeker ago

Putt puts Voat into Invite-Only mode so no new accounts can be made.

This has been done off and on throughout the years; it's nothing new. It is a defence against manipulation and spam.

He then posts The Builder, mocks those he doesn't like and "warns them"

This is a poor characterization of the situation. There are elements of the Builder-Destroyer issue that I disagree with, but the fundamental essence of that post was to argue that people who have contributed great things to this community over the course of years should not be subjected to witch hunts over singular actions or mistakes. Whatever "warnings" were issued were based solely on behaviour that is already against Voat's rules.

Sets the bans in motion, goes into the comments telling everyone he banned was mean to him and deserved it.

Again a mischaracterization. I disagree with the bannings, though; all of them, in fact, because the "Law" so to speak has been posted too high for anyone to read.

Then takes off and waits it out.

Reflecting on a situation after outcry and controversy is a bad thing?

The banned users aren't a problem, they can't do anything about it. His loyal subjects will jump to his aid because they know they might be next if they don't. Or maybe they just enjoy it, you know, being a pet. Like they can do things others can't, LIKE DOWNVOTE BRIGADE.

I've been speaking out against Putt's bannings ever since they went through. That makes me a loyal subject, a pet? When all is said and done there will be an issue to the vote manipulation crisis and all sides guilty will be made aware, and the punished when refusing to cease with manipulation. But to get to that point will take trials and time, and this is a part of that process.

RM-Goetbbels ago

This has been done off and on throughout the years

  • The timing couldn't have been worse..........or better, depending on what you hope to achieve. Am I wrong?

This is a poor characterization of the situation......... that post was to argue that people who have contributed great things to this community

I don't think it's a poor characterization at all. It's exactly what he did. And kevdude. Kevdude that runs rampant with downvote brigades, trolling, shitting up the place, didn't get banned, HE GOT BADGED as "A Builder".

Sets the bans in motion, goes into the comments telling everyone he banned was mean to him and deserved it.

I also won't pretend like the biggest complainers aren't the most egregious offenders. Let's not put on an innocent mask like we're perfect. This is Voat, and we all know what we've done. Truth. No one is innocent.

That's exactly what he did. Posting time: 1.5 days ago on 5/25/2019 2:24:11 AM, two hours after the bans came down.

Reflecting on a situation after outcry and controversy is a bad thing? Hiding.

I've been speaking out against Putt's bannings ever since they went through. That makes me a loyal subject, a pet?

You aren't necessarily "a pet" and it wasn't directed at you. I'm talking about the lapdogs. The drone army that never questions in hope that their obedience is rewarded.

When all is said and done there will be an issue to the vote manipulation crisis and all sides guilty will be made aware,

This isn't about that, this is about the reddit tier shit that's being pulled by the admin. IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME.