Hysterical ago

There's been bickering factions for a long time though. The only difference right now is that one of those factions is being systematically banned from the website, and those remaining and stirring up bullshit and disinformation.

At least from my perspective. I could be wrong.

Hysterical ago

And I really can't stress enough that I don't think it's all of them by any means. They're smart about how they draw people in as a veil of legitmacy.

Hysterical ago

I don't even want to agree with myself but I've spent a stupid amount of time observing and engaging in this drama and no other explanation does it for me. I've really tried removing my bias and genuinely communicating with many of these people, and there's just always something that feels off.

At the end of the day I'm posting from new accounts half the time so I'm usually pretty easy for them to dismiss.

Hysterical ago

I've been highly skeptical of them my entire time here.


That's my personal opinion on Soapbox.

Hysterical ago

Huh I missed this comment of yours.

I can't even think of what thread this was in, but there was that hullabaloo about the qrv screenshot and in one of the screen shots Putt is telling the owner of the sub ( I think? ) that Putt is a good friend to have.

I'm really torn right now because I'm skeptical of both Putt and Soapbox but Putt is banned Soapbox accounts left right and center.

Hand_of_Node ago

What "doesn't make sense"?

The "vote manipulation" I'm accused of committing. What even is it, and when did I supposedly do it? I haven't been very active here the past few weeks, but I come back to nebulous accusations and threats with no apparent basis.

The way it looks from here is that Putt is trying to kill the site.

Goys-R-Us ago

Devil's advocate:

Many of which will be banned shortly for previous vote manipulation

While I imagine it was tempting for Putt to ban people who merely down voted his post, he claims people were being banned for previous vote manipulation. Only Putt knows if that's true (and probably some goats that know in their hearts they didn't manipulate anything if there are any).

People are human and Putt, seeing who down voted him, may have retaliated against them as some claim he did. I'll never know and if I get banned for whatever reason so be it. So where does that leave things? Fuck if I know.

Goys-R-Us ago

And....he's doubling down. You go Theo.

andrew_jackson ago

Middle path is guilty of an even worse offense, namely, that he directly links to youtube.


Well then. So you have denied engaging in cuckolding, even though you ( https://voat.co/v/music/3240563 ) directly link to youtube?


@zyklon_b , should this man be believed?

zyklon_b ago

give him a pass cause i got his back

andrew_jackson ago

In the past, everyone who has picked on Sir @zyklon_b has been found to engage in cuckolding. If you are right, this would make you the first not to be so caught. Do you still profess your innocence?

zyklon_b ago

@kevdude will resort to personal attacks to distract or send a dumb ass meme. we exposed it all. fuck him

andrew_jackson ago

Indeed. He's not invited to /v/BEATLESTROLLARMY

zyklon_b ago

@kevdude is our enemy and we must focus our warriors and @freshmeat team to go in for the kill

@heygeorge gets a pass and is not to be touched unless he attacks one of ours.

Chiefpacman ago

You make a lot of good points. For some reason I didn't get your tag from yesterday, never messaged me.

I have been somewhat inactive lately so I hadn't noticed any of that. It seems like a character lapse on Putt's part. Pretty distasteful.

Good looking out. Putts alright in my book but he will need constant vigilance, especially right now with the advertising and the secret donor.

argosciv ago

I'm just asking questions.

Reminded me of this South Park episode:


Commenting in jest.

budhahead ago

Shitposter here. I really do love this place, you guys have helped me grow a lot as a person and it feels like my 2nd home....BUT, if Voat ever does collapse on us because of this chaos can we please re-skin this domain for “The Vocal Academy Of Tokyo”? Countless aspiring Japanese pop stars have been waiting for an opportunity like this for so long....you guys have no idea. Anyways, I do love this place and I hope it doesn’t turn into reddit tier gay shit

Hysterical ago

The wording in the qrv screenshot about Putt was quite strange too, where Putt says he is a good friend to have.

zyklon_b ago

you rekt em

zyklon_b ago

@kevdude aint got arguements just personal attacks aka the jew cries out in pain as he strikes u

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Voat submission by @zyklon_b.

Posted automatically (#42643) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

zyklon_b ago

cry cry to admins for help. pussy cucked coward.

coming from the incel that cannoy even get laid...

@theodorekent @middle_path notice how when confronted with facts how the cuck resorts to personal attacks....lmao

andrew_jackson ago

@kevdude is a cuckold!

zyklon_b ago

@peaceseeker @puttitout look who is tellin goats to actually kill they self. a real builder

Fuckyounigger ago

never thought i would see the day this man rise up but its happening. i dont know what to think of this situation bruh but its fucking wierd is all. complete personality change in putt. the builders and destroyers thing is simply going to divide us as its function has already run its course.

lexsird ago

Jesus, you're still whinging? You're just coming off like an asshole with a bunch of little asshole chiming in for the chorus.

Did you miss the stickies? You do seem like an entitled snowflake cunt at this point. WTF happened to you? If it's grating on my nerves I can't imagine being Putt.

The whole lot of you in this fucking thread are a bunch of ungrateful whining cunts from what I've read. GTFO if you don't like it. Stop wasting space with your bitching. There's shit infinitely more important than a bunch of bleeding vaginas crying about assholes getting booted and then waxing pearl clutching pedantic over internet terminology.

This entire thread and every cunt in it needs to go fuck off outside and get some damn air.

srayzie ago

I don’t think you’re going to get a Builder badge anytime soon 🤔

xenoPsychologist ago

because only women hold status like that in high regard. coincidentally, its also why they attach themselves to otherwise successful movements while providing nothing of value other that "look at me, i have a vagina!" and, perhaps, the fame they garnered by having a vagina and being part of a political or social movement to the cause. infinite weak male white knights do not indicate righteousness or real virtue.

but thats none of my business.

Morbo ago

Maltherian1 ago

Who in the fuck cares about digital badges. They aren’t really earned. You don’t accomplish a set goal and actually deserve them. They are given out on an arbitrary basis and are worth less than nothing

The_Prophets_Profit ago

Oh no!


Ok Rabbi, tell us of the six gorillions

TwooPsy ago

@Puttitout I downvoat you when you're carefagging or posting cult shit. You gonna fucking ban me too?

Also WHY WON'T YOU ACCEPT DONATIONS ANYMORE? Your previous answers on this were fucking half-baked at best. You need money to run voat, and yet you refuse crypto. This is asinine and self-destructive. Take my fucking crypto you nimrod.

But you won't give this a real response. At most I'll get some 'witty' retort and you won't fully address my concerns. Just like every other time I've demanded to give you crypto. Just like every other time someone asks this.

heygeorge ago


When did this begin? Voat’s wallet is listed around here somewhere.

TwooPsy ago

It's an old wallet address that he refuses to update, verify, or post anywhere for people to find.

zyklon_b ago

send it to me muh new army needs vpns for whats coming...

@andrew_jackson halp halp halp...;)

andrew_jackson ago

@heygeorge you should buy zyklon a VPN, it's a good idea.

zyklon_b ago


builders promoting suicide


Bye bye!


So why don't you leave?

moirai11 ago

Looks like this is the fall of Voat. I AM THE DESTROYER: THE BIGGEST DESTROYER OF VOAT. FEAR.

MrBateman ago

Empress is good but when voat was about to murder every election rigger after the 2018 election she took part in flooding v/all with cat pics in v/aww to fuck with people. v/all was trashed with 4-5 cat pics per day for like 5 weeks straight then they lied about being a retaliation against gore being posted. Typical cabal hegelian dialect, create the problem so they can create "the solution".

toobaditworks ago

"OMG an admin is banning vote manipulators now I can't vote manipulate!!!1 He's bad for not letting me be an asshole on this website! This is such POWER TriP Omg!"

70times7 ago

You sound like a scorned woman.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago


BigFatDaddy ago

Sorry man, I'm just not seeing it. Most of the names on that list deserved it. When Putt starts shadowbanning or stealth editing other users posts, I'll be more inclined to agree, but as it is I think he was just cleaning house and got a little overzealous. As for the badges, I don't see anything wrong with pointing out people who actively try to improve the site with OC or by growing subs. Now if he starts giving them out to faggots who think its constructive to spam scat or porn in other people's subs, that's again a different story.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

I dunno. I have mixed feeling about this whole thing. I tend to think Putt's intentions are in the right place, even if I sometimes think hes being kinda evasive and weird about it. Whatever, Im stoned, and its his site. His call. I'm mostly a sidelines lurker on any site, anymore. Its all so tiresome and all

C_Corax ago

Let's do a head count then. I downvoated it because I don't like the black and white outlook of "builders" and "destroyers". It's implying that that if you aren't one then you must be the other without nuance.

It could of course just be a slip up of Putt's trying to say something and missing his own point, it happens to the best of us, but I'd like to see some elaboration on what is going on.

kneo24 ago

In the last thread you made I saw a bunch of talk about, "why isn't so and so a builder? reeeeee!"

If one would have looked further through Putt's post history, you would find the reason.


Questioning authority is good, but let's not circle jerk each other over holding some counter thought just because we hold some counter thought.

CantDentTheBrent ago

You're a stupid faggot.

@Puttitout may not even be real, but you still have free speech here.

Thats why I can call you a stupid fucking niggerfaggot and nothing will happen.

What would happen on Eddit if I called you a kike loving traitor?


CowWithBeef ago

One of the reasons voat has stood so long is that the users spot the slightest crack in the foundation and bring attention to it. Visible cracks in Putt would be the biggest risk to the integrity of the foundation I can remember.

Mittermeyer ago

but you still have free speech here.

Sure those that don't get banned have free speech. Great logic. Pretty sure my warning was for poking fun at the Qfags, while all of their big names are considered "builders." What people are complaining about isn't what things are right this second, but rather the very clear direction Voat is about to head.

toobaditworks ago

You're mad because you got caught manipulating votes. Cry some more faggot.

Mittermeyer ago

Okay prove it. I only have the one account, all I did was bully some nerds. That doesn't even involve voting. How is that vote manipulation?

toobaditworks ago

Then why is it you care so much that vote manipulators are getting banned?

Mittermeyer ago

Because despite me not having another account I got a warning.

godamn ago

Why vote?

virge ago

Probably the right answer here.

AChinkInTheArmour ago

Builder badge

Can't wait for the official "Approved by the Administration" stickers to come out!

Niggardly_Jew ago

We can all have our own little blue checkmark, just like twitter.

Goys-R-Us ago

I want a yellow star.

Mittermeyer ago

So I looked up the downvotes on this submission out of curiosity. Most all are destroyers. Many of which will be banned 

Plebbit tier levels of gay.

toobaditworks ago

Both of you are lying and leaving out information in your posts like a fake news article/video on CNN. Putt looked at the downvotes out of curiosity to see if they were somehow connected to anything going on at Voat and they were - they were the vote manipulators.

And the full quote is:

Many of which will be banned shortly for previous vote manipulation.

You're an idiot and full of shit. And you're the Plebbit tier levels of gay with your BULLSHIT LIES.

virge ago

It appears they are phrasing a very specific narrative while conveniently leaving out the type of behavior that leads to these bans and the effects this behavior has on the community.

The admin does not approve of this behavior. By posting you accept a social contract where you have complete Free Speech within U.S. law (same shit you could say in front of a Judge or Police with no consequence), and all you have to do is not be a bully and use your voting powers to prevent new users from participating in content or deciding you dislike someone, clicking on their profile, and loading up their other content that you would not have otherwise seen had you not gone on a pointed assault on that person specifically and proceeding to downvoat it just because it's a user you dislike.

You guys are hilarious. Voat is literally the only place left with actual Free Speech online (not even Dissenter gives the same powers). All you have to do is not be a bully and abuse users voting privileges in a way that runs them off the platform, and then you get angry when the admin makes it pretty clear that he's going to monitor and ban users for doing it.

You people who find this so troublesome are probably the same type of entitled degenerates who would go to a friends house and piss all over his toilet then leave it for him to clean up because you leave it for your mom to clean up your mess at home. Clean the fucking toilet when you take a piss in Putt's house or don't visit at all.

Hysterical ago

Cleaning up the trash is great, honestly. It's pretty strange that he's looking through who is downvoating him and even commenting about it though.

virge ago

The act is not strange, it's only a surprise that Putt can see how people vote to someone that has a poor understanding of how the admin for anything they use can see everything they do, period.. Your bank teller's screen has more information on you than you can imagine. Everytime a cop scans your license he sees a snapshot of your entire history, with increasing accuracy every year. Your doctor can review all their medical and partnered records, merely out of curiosity if he so desires - because these are the expected roles to be played by the maintainers of things in positions involving privacy.

It's an unspoken privacy agreement and in four years I've never seen Putt violate it - so I have no reason to question that he would. Do you? If so, can you explain it?

Hysterical ago

Oh no I 100% am not surprised that he can. That's something I definitely understand he is able to do.

That he actually cares who is down voating him just seems a bit odd.

virge ago

That he actually cares who is down voating him just seems a bit odd.

I'd personally just find it amusing. Can't see anything real negative here, other than maybe a bit of self-criticism.

Hysterical ago

I've actually called for all Voats being publicly visible over the years, so I guess I understand it to some degree.

It would solve a lot of problems if we could see the names of who up and downvoats stuff.

virge ago

Ding, ding, ding - we have a winner!

Hysterical ago

I'm still torn on it though. If it was a system wide option then cool id enjoy that, I can sort of understand the curiosity -- but I'm trying to put myself in Putts shoes and I just don't see why he would actually announce that he did it. It does strike me as odd still, and honestly I realize people change over the years, I came here a naive centrist that would call out the racists and simply wanted to be here for the lack of censorship and actually resented that I had to rub elbows with all the racists -- and now Im one of them. I get banned for racism on pretty much every platform I join nowadays. My point is that I feel Putt has changed in odd ways, like how he phrases things, his formatting, and other little oddities. Zero evidence. I am simply stating my observations.

The formatting specifically in his stickies today actually sort of reminded me of Sanegoat, who I actually personally don't view as the devil incarnate like most other Voaters. But anyway, i definitely don't think Sanegoat has control of Putts account or anything insane like that, but yeah.

I understand why people are skeptical.

Thank you for including my post on your WhatYouMissed submission questioning why Voat wasnt discussing the Dissenter browser. I have been online for 25~ years and Dissenter the app seemed practically revolutionary to me, blows my mind that people aren't talking about it more here, even if just bashing Torba for appearing to potentially be Jewish.

virge ago

I think your feedback would be welcome here: https://voat.co/v/ideasforvoat/3243355

Hysterical ago

Cheers, I'll definitely post there. Exhausted right now though.

Morbo ago

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win"

Which stage are we at right now?

Goys-R-Us ago

I'm laughing. This drama is really a comedy.

Mittermeyer ago

Where is all this shit coming from. All I did was call it gay and you are putting entire paragraphs into my mouth.

virge ago

Where is all this shit coming from. All I did was call it gay and you are putting entire paragraphs into my mouth.

The comedy of the Internet. Absolutely zero part of my response was about you.

Mittermeyer ago

It appears they You guys You people

Right here, plural not singular. It implies more than one person, and the other was Theo. In retrospect I should have just responded to "toobaditworks" directly as he straight up says I am lying and omitting info when all I did was say it is gay.

toobaditworks ago

You did this:

So I looked up the downvotes on this submission out of curiosity. Most all are destroyers. Many of which will be banned

You left off the information of why they are being banned. You insinuated they were being banned because they down voted Putts post. And now you're doubling down and saying you didn't do nuffin.

Mittermeyer ago

That wasn't me. All I did was respond to that and say that is gay. Cite the post where I said that.

toobaditworks ago

virge ago

I've seen enough of your posts today to have a screenshot of the one where you admit to just fucking with QRV folks, which is the exact behavior we're discussing as being one of the reasons people have been banned and why it's such an extremely complex problem.

The only pass I see here is that it's QRV and QRV is garbage anyway so I don't care what you decide to do in it as long as you don't do the same behavior in Voat proper then I respect Free Speech and think you should do and say what you like.

Mittermeyer ago

Wait people should be banned for fucking with QRV? I thought people were being banned for vote manipulation. Did you just let slip some info no one else had Or are you just blatantly incorrect and hoping people get banned for hurting your feelings. Besides if you want a screenshot then check my bio, I'm wearing it as a badge of pride because it upsets you thinned skinned faggots.

alalzia ago

Yes this is some fucking bullshit .

At the other hand a couple of users in his "good list" nicely handled some very tough shit ( loli posters in an anonymous sub ) .

The admin also posted that those who complain have dirty hands , i do not (you can look at my history and the posts with no votes) and all i am doing this weekend is complaining . As long as we are not provided with valid logs I think all the bans should be removed ( aside from the pedo that is ) . CCP farming is a fucking stupid reason and a total waste of time for those who do it , a couple of years ago upvotes from deleted accounts were removed and we all lost thousands of internet points yet nobody bitched about it .

toobaditworks ago

It's more than CCP farming. It's a group of users working together to downvote other peoples content and upvote their own content in order to silence users they don't like.

Goys-R-Us ago

We need the list. Because I have my suspicions on people who are bullet proof on voat for whatever reason. People that by Putt's current criteria should have been banned a long time ago.

Simonsaysgoat ago

This is definitely some fuckery. This iz how the jews operate. Convince you that some idea brought up is for the greater good and help everyone. Then you buy in, you think your helping point out your enemy. In reality you have just helped your enemy better identify you and,your,kind.

shadow332 ago

This shit gay.

Are you some kind of nigger?