cyclops1771 ago

I don't give a shit what he thinks or appreciates.

cyclops1771 ago

I just fucking did, idiot. I called his actions SRS tier shit. Just like yours.

Crying out in pain as you strike me, or what?

No offense, dude, but when you find yourself in a hole, STOP DIGGING.

CerealBrain ago

Zyklon is a jew in sheep's clothing, playing jew tactics. Also a homo loli porn poster.

I will TAKE his babe Gotham.

RM-Goetbbels ago

He may be a homo but he's our homo and didn't come here to start a faggot upvote farm like you did.

Yeah, I 'member.

CerealBrain ago

I will tell Putt about this. Also, a dude is known by the company he keeps.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Im gonna tell puttz!

What the fuck do you think you're going to tell him? "RM-Goetbbels was mean ta meh putt, make heem stahp!"

You did some shitty shit when you came here, posted an upvote farm and tried to cheat the system. Now you complain about it when you're called out? You want to play all innocent like you didn't? lol, get fucked.

Go tell put you met Goathole. Tell him.

CerealBrain ago

You've got me confused with someone else I never post in here and I don't farm upvotes I'm not an experienced Voat person.

I will tell Putt that you are defending Zyklon.

How do you know maybe I'm friends with Putt?

RM-Goetbbels ago

You just changed your account, that's all. I know. I watched you do it.

I will tell Putt that you are defending Zyklon.

Better to defend a homo than the scum like you.

How do you know maybe I'm friends with Putt?

I don't give flying fuck. GO TELL PUTT. TELL HIM.

CerealBrain ago

I will think about it (you sound arrogant).

MrDarkWater ago

Who gives a shit?

zyklon_b ago


TheBuddha ago

I am outraged! The guy who built a music community didn't even get named! The one that REALLY built something of value!

Oh, wait... Wait... Hold on...

Nope. I don't actually care. I thought I might for a minute!

RM-Goetbbels ago


I hate that you're being left out of everything.

zyklon_b ago

good morning buddy.

i havr missed u this past week. I guess u see what done say i won

TheBuddha ago

I'm here today. I'll be gone tomorrow morning. I'll be headed out again on Wednesday morning and won't be back until the next week. I'll be online sometimes, but not much.

zyklon_b ago

destroyers united lmao

putt went full reddit it seems

TheBuddha ago

I'm reserving judgement.

zyklon_b ago

I aint the judging type i just do what i do if they dont like being exposed to trufe and as cucks then they need special badges and special privileges cause they cannot make it on own merit.....

TheBuddha ago

Badges? Where we're going, we don't need no stinking badges!

zyklon_b ago

Hahaha. no shit.

is funny how a lowly uneducated junky brought em to they knees crying for halp halp halp. whats new is i have an army now

StupidGirliSwear ago

Sticky, sticky, sticky. LOL!!!

zyklon_b ago

Keep reposting this everywhere

StupidGirliSwear ago

TheBuddha ago

Well, use them constructively, I suppose.

zyklon_b ago

Nope i aint using anyone komrade. It aint my style im more the lone wulf e thug type.

i built a new sub /V/BEATLESTROLLARMY we at the base demand special badges and privileges or we will cry some more......;)

TheBuddha ago

Good luck!

zyklon_b ago

Thanks buddy. i am really over it now but seems that dumb cunt will not let it go. the most shockin thing out of all the whole art project was when @heygeorge outted himself as a white knight. very telling is all i am sayin. but im just a dumb uneducated addict so wut dew i beez knowing..... cant stop wont stop 1990

TheBuddha ago

I have quite intentionally not kept track of who did what to whom and for how many cookies.

zyklon_b ago

hahha this pinnacle of muh voat troll jobs.

TheBuddha ago

You should get a badge!

zyklon_b ago


cyclops1771 ago

Hey @kevdude, this is the SRS type shit I was talking about.

Are you still OK with this reddit-tiered shit, or is @Zyklon_b just "linking to a discussion that he thought people would be interested in reading"?

zyklon_b ago

I just want the truth and free speech

cyclops1771 ago

I called out KevDude earlier today for posting in v/whatever a link to a comment of some asshole. It's SRS style shit, trying to get a brigade together.

I personally don't like that kind of shit. I was just trying to see if he still thought it was Ok when HE was the recipient of SRS style shit.

RM-Goetbbels ago

It's SRS style shit, trying to get a brigade together.

I personally love that kind of shit can't do it unless you've got a Builder Badge.

cyclops1771 ago

Well, I dropped $100 into voat, do I get anything for that? Or do I have to call people fags or a few months to be a "builder" first?

RM-Goetbbels ago

just call them fags anyway, don't worry about being a "builder", that's for kikes.

Let's Make Voat Great Again! Gas Jews. Race War Now.

CerealBrain ago

I would tell Putt for sure if you did that kind of shit.

RM-Goetbbels ago


zyklon_b ago

thanks and keep pointing out the hypocrisy. if kevdude and srayzie have it their way voat will be reddit

cyclops1771 ago

SRS killed reddit.

Sometimes protectvoat pulls the same tactics. I get it, I do. I'd rather see compilations or archives of shit, and not links to avoid that brigade factor. It's sometimes too easy to just have to click twice and DV or add shit comments without actually finding the comment or thread organically.

zyklon_b ago

PV is srs basically they are cucked

Diggernicks ago

Some people should kill themselves.

They'd be doing the world a favor.

Sosacms ago

"have you thought about killing yourself?"

My God... My doctor has been telling me to kill myself every time I see him...

Jokes aside. Assuming it was fully telling them to kill themselves. I'm not seeing any counter argument....