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CobraStallone ago

That time Putt first banned a buncha people for vote manipulation a guy said "hey I didn't do shit" and they restored his full account or whatever. So if you are not guilty just appeal and hang in there, I imagine there's a way to sort it out.

Derpfroot ago

Serious. Bunch of drama queens freaking the "we're being tracked! Putt's literally a Rothschild!" If everyone is being tracked, then no one is being tracked. We fall in with all the other noise out there. We aren't special here.

WhiteRonin ago

All comments and posts are associate with an ID. So are anon posts/comments. This does not indicate tracking just a program necessity. Well, anon could go full retard anon but then you won’t have notifications for responses. It’s a trade off.

However, this email does indicate a feature is being built to target brigading. Putts mistake is testing this out on a product server and not on his Dev server. A local machine probably worked fine.

Hysterical ago

Except that there was no problem other than the warnings given out being about shit up to two months ago. You're purposely spamming this thread with disinformation to play damage control.

You're a lying kike.

WhiteRonin ago

Damage control for Putt? Oh fuck lord no!

For me? I give a fuck. Really I don’t. I can use time that used here on better things. Also, less content for Putt hurts his margins. We are creating value for him in exchange for using this site.

Critical thinking helps! Try it!

Hysterical ago

You could give a fuck enough to make a dozen or so posts lying and twisting what Putt said...

Bullshit artist, and you're not a very good one.

WhiteRonin ago

Nice way of twisting shit around.

Putt commented on his own. It’s up to people to do their own interpretation of his words and other peoples take on those words.

I don’t need to bull shit.

Hysterical ago

You don't need to, and yet you made what at least a dozen posts in here trying to convince people that Putt made a mistake like he did a couple months ago.

WhiteRonin ago

A dozen posts?

Prove it.

I made just this one post.

Hysterical ago

And shit like this is why you glow in the dark. You know what I meant.

You don't need to, and yet you made what at least a dozen posts in here

I have accused you several times of spamming this thread with damage control.

Then I say posts instead of comment, even while providing enough context with the "in here" addition to make it pretty obvious what I mean, on top of being consistent with my other accusations.

So good job playing semantics and ignoring my actual points. You know when someone responds correcting your grammar that they don't have a fucking leg to stand on intellectually.

Putt did not apologize to you. He doubled down and said you fucking deserved the warning.

Hopefully he'll just ban you sacks of shit next time.

WhiteRonin ago

So what’s you original alt dude. Come clean.

You be talking about me dissing Putt and saying I deserve it but you are an alt.

Damage control: define it

Your points? Lol, liberal accusations are talking points. Quote me and then I’ll discuss them with you.

Hysterical ago

This is genuinely my main account, right now anyway. I cycle through accounts roughly every three months. I spend a lot of time on 8ch and have never been all that sentimental about namefagging.

My original account was @InHysterics

WhiteRonin ago

So, what am I dissing Putt about?

I said that he made a programming mistake: he said he didn’t.

Others said it was IP based, he said to cycle a VPN (which changes IPs) but then says he doesn’t record IPs. Original voat code uses IPs. The code was on github.

I asked for a definition of Vote manipulation and I get no answer.

Others have claimed they didn’t use alts. You have one.

I claimed the vote manipulation threshold is too low: 1 alt upvoting 1 main. I take it you have never helped your new accounts have ya?

I don’t call others to brigade and ignore calls to me. I have my own fights and not enough time to have new ones. I have even cut my time on voat. I comment way less than I used to. I even only posts new content sporadically.

I didn’t bring up that anon content is tied to your account and that there could be an admin interface. Running a few sql quarries can do the same. So, if I were Putt or the other(s) who have access to the db could easily find out who is posting in admin. It’s really simple!

I said that Putt should have sent out another notification run (mass notification) or sticky a post saying, “oops! I fucked up.”. He said he didn’t fuck up. So, the threshold or somebody is viewing anon posts.

Inorganic voting. Well gee, I’ve cut back on up cotes and down votes. Down voting in anon is retard like upvoting - points don’t carry over. I guess there is a bit of checking for posting in anon so there is probably a record of votes going on. I guess by his claim that a spat with down votes happening means it’s organic. That’s some pretty good AI running if he didn’t fuck up. But what’s Ai? It’s an algorithm that checks against votes, posts, and comments and their locations. Maybe even checking content for pings. Maybe the AI is checking for too many pings to a user. I could be ping a friend on cool content or I could be ping an asshole I don’t like. So, if it’s an asshole I don’t like why would it know if it wasn’t a friend? Ah! Maybe there is a list of users that get special treatment! Did I bring this up? Nope, not until now.

Didn’t I triggered by the Pm? Nope, but I did want to know what is up. Did I like Putts vague and conflicting answers? Nope, I do not.

Why am I still here? Not sure really.

Did I miss any topics that you consider damage control?

Originally, I started on the side that Putt fucked up in code. After reading all these comments I no longer hold that position because Putt clearly said he didn’t fuck up.

I have been thinking about code functionality a lot since then though and figured a few things out. We might have code doing things differently but the end result will be close. It’s no rocket science.

Anyways, please feel free to correct me.

Hysterical ago

I take it you have never helped your new accounts have ya?

I honestly haven't. I thought about it at one point but figured it would get flagged unless I put a bit of effort in and I just wasn't that dedicated I guess?

I can agree about the threshold and it sort of sounds like Putt does as well from his posts today.

Regarding Putt saying it's not ips, he could easily just be trying to throw people off so the system can't be gained. I don't think he owes us a I'm depth explanation on how it works but I recognize that that is my personal opinion and not something that should be set in stone.

Originally, I started on the side that Putt fucked up in code. After reading all these comments I no longer hold that position because Putt clearly said he didn’t fuck up.

After hearing you say this and some other things you said in this post, maybe I was wrong about you. I can't say for certain, and that's the crux of it.

The age of disinformation.

WhiteRonin ago

Reread the whole thread. I did start saying something is up. Somebody said that when Putt comes on Euro time the stickies would disappear. They did. That same person is saying other stuff too. Voat has admins and we don’t know who they all are.

Like you said, and I agree, Putt doesn’t need to give out algorithm or admin specifics. But imagine if an admin had an ax to grind ... that is the gist me and others are wondering.

Putt is running cookies and sessions so that you can’t blantantly run alts and game yourself on the same browser. He is checking IPs. I have 1 alt. It always a lurker. I gave it a few up votes to get it going. I also upped a few posts that were being sent Major negative. I just talked to somebody who has done the same for years - he never got a warning or a ban. He has way more than 1 alt. But he isn’t anybody that is on the shit list.

Do I cause problems? Sure, always on this account. My other account I keep as a lurker and a safety in case I decide to burn this one. I have exposed lots of info about me over the years. However, dark web scanning is a thing and I might need to burn this for what ever reason. lol be admitted to being alts that aren’t mine. It’s fun to screw with people.

So, being somebody who understands how to code, how to run db queries and understands user interaction I am aware of voting habits and actions I’ve done here. My up voting my content is just 1-1 threshold. I haven’t even down voted people I don’t like in ages. It was petty but ... meh, shit happens.

I really don’t even want a clear explanation anymore about vote manipulation. I realize that his code is either not working as expected or something human is happening.

Still, read the thread. I basically remember what I wrote and how my comments changed over the period while I was reading, looking at Putt’s answers and what others were saying. My opinion moved negatively. But originally, I was on the side of code fuck up.

Nobody is certain about what is happening on the software and humanware backend. Except for those who have access to backend.

Hysterical ago

Im tired, but it's possible that I was reading your comments out of order essentially and getting a different impression because of that. I'm still not sure either way but I'm not going to keep pushing when really I have my own concerns about the site as well.

You Soapbox cunts do fuck around a lot though.

WhiteRonin ago

I kept most of my shit to the boys at the time. I ain’t going back since I’ve been banned this last time.

Putt comments a lot in the box.

Hysterical ago

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if i was to think about how to invade and subvert a website it would be damn near exactly what Soapbox is. Humor is one of the most powerful tools for manipulation. The role of the jester is not to be underestimated.

They use a dragnet to bring people in. I'm not saying the whole community is literally jidf. Id say it's maybe even just one person but likely a small group organized off site using several accounts each and then they spam out moderation invites and other forms of soft recruiting. They have a cover, it's just shit posting guysss. Quite the guise. It brings people in and gives them a veil of legitimacy and frankly and army of supporters that will defend them.

Can you honestly come up with a better way to influence and manipulate a website?

WhiteRonin ago

I tend to agree with you.

What would say if SBBH is a protected entity by the highest among highest in regards to this site. Because they comment there. Nobody seems to notice that he does quite often.

What you say if the lord almighty has an alt? Such a vile thing to have. And what would say that alt is the owner of SBBH?

Can this be proven? Only, if they admit it. However, over a few years, things slip out and those pesky SBBH’ers catch on yet keep it to themselves. Why not! It’s nice to be a special class and have relative immunity.

Yes, I’ve been there on and off. No, I didn’t play their parlor games. I had my own thing to do.

Even though, I agree with you, this simple (several users have the same thoughts) problem above exists.

Now, you have a problem with the creator. He is getting angel funds. I have an extreme suspicion that this a new round of funds that are tied to metrics. I defended the first 2 rounds. However, something has changed, new expectations exist and thus when a feud breaks out between a minor member yet famous with a member who manages 15-20k users ... guess gets who rolled! A deep fake nude of Ivanka in a bathtub sets off a war beyond expectations. People getting thrown under the bus for the possibly the biggest and most active sub on voat. Nobody is clean - grey areas abound. One builder is actively participated in a dox. If they did one, why not more?

Which builders have access to the admin panel? I’ve got some good guesses going on. Maybe I’m wrong but something isn’t setting right with me.

I used to be a huge protector of voat, vanguard marine who dumped on reddit migrants. Today ... I am wondering how much coolaid I drank.

virge ago

Digging your grave deeper I see.

WhiteRonin ago

Another threat?

virge ago

You want to see Voat destroyed. No further comment is necessary. It's inevitable that your name will be added to the ban list and you'll be back on some new shit alt with your jew tactics. Nothing complicated, it's what you're paid for.

WhiteRonin ago

How much do you get paid? I’ll switch! Because I ain’t getting shit to call you out!

virge ago

Notice how you always ignore the accusation and change the subject to a personal insult.

Just like a Jew. Reality is your weakness because it is the light to your subversion darkness.

WhiteRonin ago

Ok, prove me wrong!

I double triple dare you!

You provide zero sauce bitch!

Don’t back out because I want to archive all this so you can’t delete your liberal threats and attacks!

WhiteRonin ago

More liberal Jew tactics.

You suck at this!

virge ago

Not even denying you want to see Voat destroyed. You think you should be in charge because you are a power-tripping Reddit-tier egomaniac parasite.

WhiteRonin ago

Deny what?

More liberal accusations and threats?

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