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srayzie ago

If that’s vote brigading, then I won’t be here long

I agree. You should go. You’re still on your period I see.

Mittermeyer ago

I don't know what your plan is, but your responses are making their theories sound plausible. Especially considering the downvoats for directly quoting, then sourcing the quotes from Puttitout.

Vindicator ago

I don't get why all these old goats with CCP in the tens of thousands care about a couple of downvotes on a comment. I get downvoted every day, just for being a mod. I once got over 600 downvotes overnight for no good reason whatsoever. I stand on my Comment History and I don't worry about it.

Do you and others who worry about this stuff trust the general goat population so little that you don't think they can see whether a comment was valuable or not, regardless of the votes?

Mittermeyer ago

It's the rest of the context far more than the votes. Way to focus entirely on one minor detail rather than the spirit or point of the comment. When I woke up today half the replies in my inbox were deleted comments, not removed by the user that made them.

Vindicator ago

When I woke up today half the replies in my inbox were deleted comments, not removed by the user that made them.

Not sure what you're saying, here.

When a user self-deletes a comment, there is no note of it left behind in the thread like there is with deleted submissions. The only time there is a record is when a mod deletes a comment. Try it yourself. Make a comment replying to one of your own existing comments. Then delete it. You'll get a notification but there will not be a note in the thread.

Mittermeyer ago

That's what I meant. I had 6 replies in my inbox this morning and 3 were deleted by Put on a global sub, or someone replied to me 3 separate times and had their account banned. Not sure if accounts being banned delete messages. Either there was a second wave of bannings, or there is targeted banning or censorship going on.

Rotteuxx ago

You're not the only one seeing fuckery afoot by @puttitout.

He made this comment :

I don't consider it manipulation, it is manipulation. You don't ever show up on this report unless you are targeting another inorganically.

Warnings are used when one or more metrics don't absolutely confirm manipulation, i.e. maybe there was a long convo people had and they hated each other for days of back and forth arguing.

Then he added an edit to his main message saying this :

Warnings are friendly reminders that you should stop. They are sent for a reason, because you are manipulating votes, but not in a big enough way to ban you.

So basically he's saying that downvoating during an long argument is inorganic vote manipulation that gets flagged. Instead of investigating it, he designed the system to send out a warning which could be a false positive fulky knowing what kind of reaction members of the community would have to that.

Fuckery is afoot for sure.

Especially taking into consideration the timeline of events this week and how he suckep up to his sacred cow Srayzie right after she created a bunch of drama and attacked some of Putts longest supporters on here.

He literally shat on old goats by honoring a shit disturbing nut case cancer mod and calling her a builder when all she's been doing the past few days is being a community destroyer.

Fuckery is afoot with Putt, I'm skipping a lot but I've seen enough this week to even make me doubt him.

He's losing the support of those that were always there for him and the community in exchange for Qtards at his side.

As of now I'm done building, the admins future actions will decide the rest.