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Gothamgirl ago

It's been deleted dumbfuck.

EmeraldRoses ago

Not from here.

Gothamgirl ago

It clearly says deleted learn to read.

EmeraldRoses ago

From pizzagate. It was against the rules. Vindicator said it in the comments. Learn to read. Now it’s posted here where it won’t be removed. Archived too. :)

Gothamgirl ago

Original post was deleted, and what makes it ok for you to post and archive pics of dead kids? SICK

Do you realize half of Voat is op's at Beatlestroll army, why single me out?


EmeraldRoses ago

Because you were a pizzagate researcher. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Gothamgirl ago

Why would I be ashamed I didn't post it? When will you call out Great Awakening mods? Shizy practically begged for pedo to rape and worse to my kids? Did you miss it faggot or are you just selective with your bullshit posts?


Your husband posted it cunt.

Gothamgirl ago

So no one cares when its someone elses kid only Srayzies, is that what your trying to say right now?


BOTH Shizy and Srayzie’s kids were attacked. You married the pedophile that put child porn on your phone. You are obviously ok with him posting disgusting things about children and pictures of dead kids.

Go to hell pig

Gothamgirl ago

He is not a pedo you have now flown way past retarded.

He made jokes there was no attacks.

Again I made an error about what I thought srayzie and others did, and I apologized to everyone involved, and they accepted.

HollaKost ago

He says he wants to eat kids.

That's a sick pedo reference to orally raping a child! How can you live with a pedophile? Your son should be removed from you and that pedo should be in jail!

zyklon_b ago

hahha. u fucked your own father