Gothamgirl ago

The head mod of Pizzagate in engages in conversations about dead children. What do you have to say about this?

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Hey bitch, didn't you know, all is satire!

Gothamgirl ago

I think this important for people to see too:

InSaneGoatPosse ago

It sayall is satire. She comedian liek zyklon_fag.

If et ok fur him to sai dat shit, it ok fur erryone elss.

drstrangegov ago

bunch of fucking catfights. jeezum you people suck.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectGoats comment by @kestrel9.

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Redcobra ago

This is clearly an alt’s hit piece,correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t an anon acct. post pick first w/some terrible joke implying @zyklon_b wouldn’t be able to rape said girl in image? Then roughly 1/2 hr.later ZB reposted that he eats this shit for breakfast?? In other words implying that he eats wanna be troll posts for breakfast?? Whatever clearly ZB is over target.panic boom boom boom bitches

drstrangegov ago

I saw no such post. what the fuck is going on with you guys? you sell all your accounts to people who have baby BBQ's or something? its like youre entirely different (worse) people.

Redcobra ago

The anon post existed and in my opinion was likely srayzie. Now this is just my opinion but I think beatle is using his “art” to show the hypocrisy of so called builders.that said if this is “above your pay grade” then you shouldn’t weigh in k. I’m not sold that you’re an enemy yet but the blissfully Unaware bit is getting old k.

drstrangegov ago

you just hold it right there, mister. I am not blissfully unaware. my lack of knowledge keeps me up at night. unfortunately all I know is that whats happening is significant, and I see a lot of manipulation and social engineering. k? i'm half convinced that voat is some sort of lucefarian brain pool or something. there is no fucking "above my pay grade" if you are state actors you are beholden to ME, as a citizen. and I want to know what the fuck you secret squirrels are up to? more cultural Marxism? more subtle cultural disruption? precedent setting? slippery sloping? I don't think you guys have good intentions towards the American people. and if that's the case, youre better off turning off your computer now and going out and mowing your lawn or something. the American people are getting SICK of this bullshit.

Redcobra ago

Why is @dial_indicator silenced ? Why are others who don’t toe the line run off? Why was @stonetoss run off? Who is really building who is really destroying? That should keep you busy.

drstrangegov ago

hasn't dial indicator always been a shithead?

Redcobra ago

Hasn’t @gishknots ruffled a few feathers?? Should we run him off? i miss @cyclops1771 who left after he felt he’d be banned for crossing @kevdude .so we have a problem,I agree something in the wind has changed and what I consider an unlikely alliance in troll army seems to be voats new immune system.what people are describing as “power mods” are losing their grip.

GishKnots ago

I hereby challenge you to run me off.

Redcobra ago

Challenge accepted,try this

drstrangegov ago

This smells of fuckery.

zyklon_b ago

just wait till we go on the attck

CapinBoredface ago

Attack me, please. I'll even turn off my VPN for you.

Redcobra ago

@ Zyklon_Builder

Redcobra ago

No I’m just looking at what’s presented with a cautious skepticism.that said, you !

zyklon_b ago

Thanks komrade

SearchVoatBot ago

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EmeraldRoses ago

@theoldones please see this post

theoldones ago

i see it. the ongoing harassment efforts from zyklon and his crew need a solution

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Da final solution!

ksjdfkas878345 ago

you can find actual boarder line actual child pornagraphy on here if you look hard enough

1.8 years

Submission Contribution Points: 467

Comment Contribution Points: 31

this all you done, barly 2 pages of comments all from over a year ago. Suddleny a ower of a verse created by @crensch...... who coincidentally writes in the same manner.

Hmmmm, you shit alt


Gothamgirl ago


HollaKost ago

Wow figures!

GothamGirl is a larp

EmeraldRoses ago

@Puttitout @Cynabuns @Peaceseeker @Kevdude @Vindicator

@Zyklon_b threatened @Srayzie’s kids after posting a picture of a murdered child


@Darkknight111 @Carmencita @Blacksmith21 @Bopper @Think-

Look at what this pizzagate researcher GothamGirl is ok with.

CerealBrain ago

Why do other Voaters put up with this piece of filth..

Gothamgirl ago

It's been deleted dumbfuck.

Gothamgirl ago

Keep making frivolous allegations Srayzie and you might get sued someday.

Intheknow2 ago

Oh the irony!

EmeraldRoses ago

Not from here.

Gothamgirl ago

It clearly says deleted learn to read.

Gothamgirl ago

Seems I get them a lot since Srayzie/Shizy quit, guess I need to quit responding, like zyklon says.

HollaKost ago

Do what he says, he's the type to smack a hoe for not listening

zyklon_b ago

or kill a child in Cali

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Voat comment by @kestrel9.

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HollaKost ago

Naw man, you all talk n no action. Plus, you a big pussy! Dudes like you prefur to do crimez in da privacy of theys home so dey don't get caught n sent to da clink again.

EmeraldRoses ago

From pizzagate. It was against the rules. Vindicator said it in the comments. Learn to read. Now it’s posted here where it won’t be removed. Archived too. :)

Gothamgirl ago

Original post was deleted, and what makes it ok for you to post and archive pics of dead kids? SICK

Do you realize half of Voat is op's at Beatlestroll army, why single me out?


HollaKost ago

Good thing yo bitch made you delete that post @zyklon_b! Stupid fuck!

HollaKost ago

what makes it ok for you to post and archive and hold onto pics of dead kids? SICK

You didn't have a problem with it the last day it was up! Now sudd rly since you've been outed as a fake pizzagate researcher you have the audacity to claim it's SICK?

Stupid fucking guntpiggy cunt!

Intheknow2 ago

Told ya, what goes around comes around! Pretty sick picture wasn't it?

Gothamgirl ago

I never saw it still.

Intheknow2 ago


Gothamgirl ago

Your blaming me something I have not even seen , you're really wacky.

Intheknow2 ago

Your a mod of that sub right? Either you're not doing the job, or your willfully negligent. Which is it?

Gothamgirl ago

Well I could say the same to you about Pizzagate mods. They allowed a picture of a dead girl/ Pizzagate researcher, Jenny Moore, and it was posted by:

Srayzie The Crazy

Where was your voice then?

InSaneGoatPosse ago

They allowed a picture of a dead girl/ Pizzagate researcher, Jenny Moore, to be posted

Really? A picture of Jenny Moore dead? You wouldn't happen to have a linky would ya? I suspect you're full o' shit on this one.

Gothamgirl ago

Right there her picture is in video and she is already deceased.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

That's not a picture OF her DEAD now is it? The picture your sweetie posted was of a kid who was (or at least was meant to appear) dead.

Big difference!

Intheknow2 ago

Really?...but, but what about "her" she did it tooooooo! Your excuse is just that, an excuse. Own it! Two wrongs don't make it right. And if your so busy maybe you shouldn't be in the mod position. For crying out loud it's a child hanging from a rope.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't need to make any excuse, it's not my wrong no matter how you try to manipulate and twist it. You can't blame me for someone else's post.

This is a free speech website I suggest you block things you don't like. Like every other normal user does.

Intheknow2 ago

You're a pathetic child! What if that was your child? You just don't get it and that's the pathetic part. Don't respond back.

Gothamgirl ago

It was my child where was you then?

HollaKost ago

Open yo eyes bitch! Damn, is this how you go thru life?

Gothamgirl ago

My life is beyond wonderful, thank you.

HollaKost ago

My life is beyond wonderful, thank you

You married a drug addict who has talked mass shit about you. He's called you a disgusting pig and says your pussy stinks so bad he had to get high to fuck you!

Yeah, were all envious of your life bitch!

Gothamgirl ago

You wish I married a drug addict 🤣😂 I married a comedian.


You can’t handle the TRUFE!

Gothamgirl ago

You aren't providing any truth ..

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Oh damn hoe, yo haus on fyra!

Gothamgirl ago

No it isn't. Do you always suffer from delusions?

InSaneGoatPosse ago

I saws da pictcha! Got sum watta!

zyklon_b ago


Intheknow2 ago

I see lizard people...

EmeraldRoses ago

Because you were a pizzagate researcher. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Gothamgirl ago

Why would I be ashamed I didn't post it? When will you call out Great Awakening mods? Shizy practically begged for pedo to rape and worse to my kids? Did you miss it faggot or are you just selective with your bullshit posts?

HollaKost ago

Your "husband" makes comments about killing and eating kids daily! He also makes comments calling for people to be raped in the ass, and to eat adrenochrome from children in cali.

Here's one recent comment from him

How ficking stupid can you be to accept this nonsense and STILL have the nerve to try and deflect and act offended when someone finally says the same shit back to him?

You're about as dumb as they fucking come guntpiggy!

Gothamgirl ago

Not stupid at all. He has made those types of comments/jokes for years. He has quiet the comedic side sometimes dark and is known on every site he visits for it.

So let's get this straight, it was all fine and dandy when skrayzie/shizy/ and @crensch and same said person my husband zyklon, did the same exact shit last year to me though?

Go eat a bag of dicks she is not a victim and you are obsessed

HollaKost ago

So let's get this straight, it was all fine and dandy when skrayzie/shitzy/ and @crensch and same said person my husband zyklon, did the same exact shit last year to me though?

All is satire so why are you so obsessed with getting payback for it against Srayzie for just some silly fun jokes?

Can't have it both ways fatass.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes I can and did, whore.

HollaKost ago

Oh, now it makes sense! That's how you can claim to be a Pizzagate researcher while being married to a pedophile.

Gothamgirl ago

Are you prepared for your exit yet?


HollaKost ago

Meh, haven't really thought about it.

Gothamgirl ago

Better start packing your departure is imminent 🛫

HollaKost ago

Tell @zyklon_b only niggers ping people to subs where they benned

HollaKost ago

Well maybe I come and stay wit chew


Your husband posted it cunt.

Gothamgirl ago

So no one cares when its someone elses kid only Srayzies, is that what your trying to say right now?


BOTH Shizy and Srayzie’s kids were attacked. You married the pedophile that put child porn on your phone. You are obviously ok with him posting disgusting things about children and pictures of dead kids.

Go to hell pig

Gothamgirl ago

He is not a pedo you have now flown way past retarded.

He made jokes there was no attacks.

Again I made an error about what I thought srayzie and others did, and I apologized to everyone involved, and they accepted.

HollaKost ago

He says he wants to eat kids.

That's a sick pedo reference to orally raping a child! How can you live with a pedophile? Your son should be removed from you and that pedo should be in jail!

zyklon_b ago

hahha. u fucked your own father