flyingcuttlefish ago

Haunting Final Interview of murdered Journalist Jen Moore; surfaces

new4now ago

what I didnt like was the talk of a seizure

when someone dies, Police are called in, these Police deal with the dead

they look for reasons of death and call in Coroner

Coroner confirms death, has Police bag the body, and its then sent to morgue for a autopsy

no trip to the hospital unless thats where morgue is

considering where this happened, I dont think a trip to the hospital was made

How do you tell a dead person had a seizure?

I wonder what a hair drug test would show with George

sry, didnt watch vid, I really cant watch him

and still, only Webb and True Pundit have this story

others have sourced from these two

wish someone could find other sources, I tried

the small newspaper talked of OD's, but nothing on a dead person found in hotel

fogdryer ago

no, no woman gives a guy her key...……………… way !

ohgod ago

To answer your question, I don't think she trusted GW at all. Perhaps she had the keys changed? In fact, if you listen to her last videos on bitchute, she avoids saying GW's name. This is how she would always treat people she was thinking might kill her. In the interviews with fj (

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 copied from a comment on fj's youtube) she and he discuss how GW and others were merely skimming a few bad people off the top of the soup instead of going for the soup itself. She said didn't want to be doing pretend exposure, and she realized that was what GW was. I'd guess (just a guess) she realized her "friend" was really her handler; working for the same people she was trying to expose. Logically, I think she had to go. Not because of any harm to clinton. No. Harm to GW. It wasn't a falling out. It was worse. Now GW pretends they were friends, even though he helped conceal her interviews, like Michael Moore (no relation). There are a many, many signs this was a professional situation. In a month nobody will remember her at all.

MolochHunter ago

George Webb said "Alefantis is a good guy"

i trust nothing that comes out of his mouth. Not a single fucking thing

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

he did not say that... did he? I thought he said he went to CPP and met him and he "seemed like a good CIA guy" not a good guy, a "good CIA guy" and he said it sarcastically, in my opinion.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

And Obama, and we don't need arrest. So on and so forth. And he is old Mossad. And there are no ex spooks.

Shizy ago

Been here a half hour and you're pinging people? Hmmmmm! Who are you an alt of since you seem to know who to ping?

BetterAngelsONature ago


Shizy ago


BetterAngelsONature ago

Guess you never did see Star Wars. LOL

Shizy ago

Well I'm not a nerd or obese, so no

BetterAngelsONature ago

K ;)

Blacksmith21 ago

If the symbols were fake, the FBI would have published documents stating so on Bring 'em back when you find them. MEmber of 7 minutes.

AaronRouseFBI ago


Shizy ago

I'm still waiting to be arrested 🤣🤣

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

anti Hampstead case troll? I dunno if I wanna take the time to read those links

Shizy ago

Looks like that demon Sarah showed up.

Tsuishika ago

Who the hell believes that honestly? All the suicides in the recent years have very interesting connection that mainstream media wants to intentionally handwave away. I can't quite put my finger on it, hmmm.

Shizy ago

Well who the hell believes it just because George Webb said it?!

seekingpeace ago

Wise words there. He's part of a LARP dis-information pyramid scheme.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I saw a message posted to twitter supposedly from the Sarah troll? Or someone else. Not sure it it was authentic. It claims to be between Jenny and that Sarah person who was stalking @srayzie. It claims to be Jenny saying that the FBI wants Jenny dead and they will cut off her medical care for her medical condition and she'll be dead from seizures within 3 days. If that is what really happened then it would be a passive murder.

ASolo ago

Great points.I think you've nailed it pretty well about how all of this "feels". A LARGE number of people seem to be suffering from triangulated silent weapons that seem to be in our air, water and food, none of them effecting us singularly but as triangulated whole, combined with a triggering 3, 4 or 5G and WiFi. Combine THAT with the millions of people on SSRI's, DRI's and Benzo's, Statins and all that other shit this is a VERY likely scenario involving the possibility of plain old regular death and fould play with a simple Israeli heart attack gun I'm afraid we'll never know. many people are riht not to frop their speculation and George Webb is right in the middle of it. He does seem sincere and concerned about her death and he has been timely and forthright about his inquiries to the coroner's office. I personally do not think Webb is ALL THAT connected to Intel sources like mossad because he is suave but he is not THAT suave, BUT HE MOST LIKELY COULD HAVE ATTRACTED THE ATTENTION OF PEOPLE THAT ARE IN HIS PERIPHERY NOW THAT ARE. Does he care, yes and no. I believe he has a direction with the Awans , which is correct, that is ALL he is going for, because IT IS HUGE and is being covered up and ignored, (even by Q, Trump and his teams (which may be part of the "big" october surprise who the fuck knows with these weak ass motherfuckers) and he doesn't care if it kills him. You know, I get a chuckle out of him pretending to be mossad at one point and I noticed he tries to float on that aura which makes him a slight kind of a piece of shit, but definitely not a real mossad spy, so whatever if yall want to believe that one anymore.

There probably is some amount of foul play but I don't think that it is from any visible party in this saga. It very well might be related to what she was looking into last which was I believe one of the last Q drops shortly before her passing which Webb touches upon in a few of his videos. I think it had to do with that Anderson Cooper and the Gannett News photo which implies a spook, trafficking and clandestine network IN the GANNETT news org through the National Reconnaissance Office .

fogdryer ago

as I said , a coroner can and will write anything. you die from cancer, cause of death is respiratory failure.

anyway, the persons age is extremely important in an autopsy, as also the condition of the body ie. well fed, healthy skin , hair, color, homeless looking, teeth etc etc.

no one dies at her age of natural causes...…...wake up people.

srayzie ago

Is it one that I posted?

Can you get a link?

SamsonOption ago

Hiya John.

srayzie ago

Hi Sarah. Your screenshots are disgusting. Leave me alone and take GothamGirl with you. Stop stalking me.

@Vindicator @think-
Less than 30 min old account replying to my Archived links of Sarah’s archived tweets.

Vindicator ago

You are living in their tiny brains rent free, srayz. Downvoting on sight.

srayzie ago

You’re right.

SamsonOption ago

You need to learn quantum physics buddy.

SamsonOption ago

Thinks AI has brain


SamsonOption ago

Love you John.

Camera_Eye ago

Ok ... that’s fine but seems like she was street savvy to include having a network of ‘internet’ friends (others close to her I’m sure) wouldn’t you if you had med problems that need escalation seek out immediate help? From cursory reading didn’t sound like she had substance abuse issues that might have raised flags?? Surely with rods in your back you might be loading up on opiates. ( What’s the Clinton body count 80+?)

Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks for a lot of good info. FWIW, you cannot die from opioid withdrawals. The only 2 drugs which can do that would be alcohol and benzodiazepenes - Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, etc.

Given her life on the run, and whom she was up against, it's very likely she had a VERY high tolerance to benzos taken for 24/7/365 anxiety - if she tried to kick suddenly, had her meds cut off for whatever reason, she could have had a seizure.

samuel999 ago

Didn't know about that .. I mean those drugs and their components which can provoke death :( I do order some stress and anxiety relieving meds at , but they are 100% safe if not abusing them.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I've seen research on all sorts of psych drugs causing seizures, not just the benzos, but it is possible she took those. I used to work for a law firm that handled drug cases after I studied these on my own for 10 years. It's way worse than people think. Drug side effects, and drug withdrawal effects. Tons of people I came into contact with had seizures both ways. A lot of psych drugs were originally derived from either the opiates, other heroin types of drugs, or strangely from the metabolites of synthetic dyes. You can stop breathing during a seizure. Seizures are all over the drug labels as both a side effect and as a withdrawal effect for a ton of different meds.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm sure there are tons and tons of drugs that will kill you one way or another if you stop taking them suddenly. Not to mention their side effects. People are on these meds to counteract the effects of electronic propaganda. I should have clarified - Benzos, among commonly abused drugs, legal and illegal

Tsuishika ago

The whole DNC is in on it and I bet Bernie Sanders knows something but I bet he got blackmailed to silence.

Camera_Eye ago

So Webb taped a call (used a psydonym?) into PG outreach/public inquiry and was told natural causes? Med examiner in Bal can take up to 30 Days. Besides from going into a deep dive on that... JM was what 30s/40s in reg contact and networked with friends, doing research on her dime I guess ect.... went to ICE div... then dead. My instinct says no.. what do anons think?

fogdryer ago

med examiner does not give out info to nonrelatives.....

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I was driving while listening to it so I don't know where he posted it or if it has been posted yet, but he said he would give people the name and number of the medical examiner's office for people to call and get copies of the autopsy report or coroner's report.

Camera_Eye ago

He posted on Twatter.

rickman ago

Very odd

derram ago :

Day 62.1 Did Shields Shield Cohen's Russian GRU in Trump Tower? - YouTube

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