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kestrel9 ago

@zyklon_b says @kevdude begged 'us' to troll rPV

[–] zyklon_b 2 points (+5|-3) 16 days ago

lmao. cry cry cry bitch.

@trigglypuff look how this cuck begs us to brigade rPV but then cried for halp halp halp halp safe space

[–] kevdude -2 points (+1|-3) 16 days ago

begs us to brigade rPV

Trolling and brigading are two different things. Besides that sub already has Reddit moderation. You need to provoke subs that don't, right?

[–] zyklon_b -1 points (+2|-3) 16 days ago

i am only provokin GA cause of trump support for Israel. zero other motive. you should have stayed out cause was only gonna last a couple days...NOW it ends when the new @she suicides

from OP -

BuilderAnon says kevdude "saved" Voat"JPEG, that he was a hardcore troll/shitposter, and that @she was targeted because she was an easy mark -

[–] kevdude 3 points (+3|-0) 16 days ago

you should have stayed out cause was only gonna last a couple days

We do not negotiate with terrorists. no negotiating, just cue the team with a silly power rangers video

@kevdude will ask @zyklon_b and friends to troll a sub he doesn't like, because reasons

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 5 days ago

Zyklon was harassing the fuck out of @srayzie. So I said "Why don't you go troll rPV instead?" trying to encourage him not to keep hitting @srayzie.

Probably not the best approach, but rPV is a group of users who regularly attack Putt so I figured better them than srayzie. I never said I was perfect. I was just running out of ideas to get them to stop and she kept not blocking them.

Kevdude and SBBH just lulz

[–] zyklon_b 2 points (+2|-0) 1 month ago

1990 > rPV

So that was just more lulz on the way for rPV courtesy of PV asking SBBH to troll rPV. And that's just one way PV works /s but wait.. what about " you should have stayed out cause was only gonna last a couple days...NOW it ends when the new @she suicides"?

oh right, no negotiating with the people you playfully send to troll other subs. @crensch @peaceseeker @puttitout

Now zyklon_b has lulz with pics of murdered little girls so he can continue to taunt @srayzie about killing her kids, even after she stepped down from v/GreatAwakening She isn't doing the work of building up a great subverse for the benefit of her nearly 14,000 subscribers (see the sidebar of contributions she made), but Voat, under the protection of PV, still ensures that zyklon_b continues to get his lulz. Ain't free speech grand?! That's what we're fighting for!! /s