SearchVoatBot ago

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1mpatientPatient ago

Remember his one and only supporter?

shadow332 ago

What is the point? I'm sure is parents are proud.

shadow332 ago

Does this guy have a job?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Full time drunk

Dial_Vindicator ago

I feel ashamed to say it. But my client @dial_indicator would suck @puttitout's cock to get vindicated. Putt please let dial suck your cock /s

a100167 ago

Dial is such a huge faggot this made my entire day.

Goathole ago


sguevar ago

Dial getting banned was too good to be true... he came back...

argosciv ago

Like* Amalek, he never left. Too many sleeper alts.

* /cough

829834uiasdf ago

pssst kevdude lies @puttitout

Dial_Vindicator ago

Not cool dude, thought we had arrangement. You suck putt's cock to get vindicated. Remember?

17066643? ago

On the one hand we have damning evidence and on tbe other we have you saying of course not🤔

17065156? ago

829834uiasdf -2 points (+0|-2) 1 hour ago the magical -3 are still around im shockockedshochocked.... pruprotect of suppr.... pruprotect of suppressant and hold lol @puttitout this who you listening to.... reinstate dial @putitioiut


sguevar ago

rekt XD

Inaminit ago

I would be surprised if he doesn't have many more alts. He's like an infestation.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

He's like the plague of 1000 niggers

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Well my joy was short-lived.